Tugas2 152018031 Aditya Wahyu T

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Aditya Wahyu T (15-2018-031)

Kelas: IF - A


1. Thin Client :
- Web browser is a universal client, particularly when an applet is downloaded. For the with a
Web browser, the practice is a thin client application, even if it must be equipped with
plugins or virtual machine (for Java applets). As part of “web” application, the thin client is
the Web browser.

- Browser, for example, provides client access to server-hosted applications, data, and
processing. A diskless workstation is an example of a thin client node.
2. Fat Client :
- Client PC that is equipped with lots of RAM, a large hard disk, a fast processor, and perhaps
a speedy DVD drive.

- Computer that handles the majority of a complex drawing’s editing with

sophisticated, locally stored software.
- ATM network. In this figure, the ATM is not directly related to the customer
database, but is connected to the teleprocessing monitor. Monitor teleprocessing (TP)
is a middleware that manages communication with remote clients and lists client
transactions for processing by the database.
3. Zero Client :
- Some examples zero client product :

 Dell Wyse 5030 Zer Client

 MintWave MiNT – ACC ZERO
 PD05 PCoIP zero client from EVGA
 10ZiG’s 4448 series zero client
 LG Box Type Zer Client CBV – 42 BP
4. 2- Tier : Contact Management System created using MS- Access.
5. 3- Tier :
- Watch Youtube videos. When we open the Youtube page or in the application. If, we
will see various kinds of videos displayed on YouTube as well as existing content,
and we can also view and access the videos we watch through the Presentation Layer
or Interface displayed on Youtube. When we click on the video we want, the
Application Layer will process the information we provide and call the data that
matches the information on the DB Layer, in this condition it is a video which then
the video will be displayed on the Presentation Layer.
- Internet Banking system. The bank's customer database provides data management
services, the web server provides application services such as cash transfer facilities,
paying bills
6. N- Tier : Surfing on your favorite website. The presentation tier is the Web application
that you see. It is shown on a Web browser you access from your computer, and it has
the CSS, JavaScript, and HTML codes that allow you to make sense of the Web
application. If you need to log in, the presentation tier will show you boxes for
username, password, and the submit button. After filling out and then submitting the
form, all that will be passed on to the logic tier. The logic tier will have the JSP, Java
Servlets, Ruby, PHP and other programs. The logic tier would be run on a Web server.
And in this example, the data tier would be some sort of database, such as a MySQL,
NoSQL, or PostgreSQL database.

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