Salt Hydrolysis: Chemistry Report

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Salt Hydrolysis
pH Determination based on several Indicators

by: BernadettaInfanteri Banowati

XI Science 1 / 04


Gratitude that I convey to the presence of God, Most Gracious, because thanks to the
mercy of this report I could complete as expected.

During the finishing writing this report, ranging from preparation to finish, I get a lot
of support from other parties. So on this occasion for their assistance and moral
encouragement and material I wish to express my respect and deep gratitude to:

1. Mrs. Tuti .S S,Pd as a chemistry teacher. Who have provided guidance.

2. All members of my chemistry group who have helped me in the process of

labolatorium work.

3. And all parts involved in this practice.

In preparing this report, I realize there are many disadvantages. Therefore I

apologize for all the shortcomings I hope this report will be particularly beneficial for the
writer himself and for others in general. Amin.

Cirebon, February 23, 2011

Bernadetta Infanteri Banowati

1. Purpose
To determine the pH trajectory of a hydrolysed salt.

2. Basic theory
What is Hydrolysis?
Hydrolysis is the decomposition of salt in water to produce acid or base and comes
from a weak acid or a weak base. There are two kinds of hydrolysis, they are:
a. Partial hydrolysis
It happened if the salt comes from the weak acid and strong base or vice
versa and the partial hydrolysis of only one ion hydrolysis reactions
experienced, others not).
b. Total hydrolysis
It happened if the salts derived from weak acid and weak base.
What is Indicator?
Indicator is a substance that can distinguish the acid solution, the base solution, or
neutral solution. Alearts and Santika (1984) attached some of the indicators and
changes in route of certain pH. The purpose of indicators is to know about how pH of
a solution. It is also used to determine the end point concentration at some quantitative
analysis of organic compounds and inorganic compounds.
What is a Range pH?
A range pH is a range of a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution,
numerically equal to 7 for neutral solutions, increasing with increasing alkalinity and
decreasing with increasing acidity. The pH scale commonly in use ranges from 0 to
Why do we have to use the alcohol to dilute the indicator?
1. Because alcohol is a solvent non-polar compounds.
2. Beside that, related to the ph route, alcohol when dissolved in water, the color
indicator can be changed, except that the phenolphthalein color change routes
more than 7.

3. Tools and materials

Pipette Beaker glass

Methylene red Methylene Blue BTB

Alizarine Yellow Methylene orange


4. Work procedures
1. Prepare tools and materials which is going to be used
2. Fill 6 holes of plat with CH3COONa
3. Drop one hole with one indicator that available
4. Look at the change of color
5. Write down the result
6. Determine trajectory pH by the color which is same as the range pH indicator
7. Repeat the procedure number 2-6 with the others salt solution

5. Observation
Compound Indicator
Methyle Methyle Methyle Bromothymol Phenolphthalein Alizarine
red blue orange Blue yellow
NH4Cl Yellow Dark Orange Dark green None Yellow
(NH4)2SO4 Red Dark Orange Orange None Yellow
CuSO4 Pink Light Red Orange None Yellow
CH3COONa Yellow Light Orange Dark green Pink Yellow
6. Discussion
Based on surveillance data that show color changes in salt solution that has been
given indicator, so:

Compound Indicator
Methyl Methyl Methyl Bromothymol Phenolphthalei Alizari
e red e blue e blue n n
orange yellow
NH4Cl >6 <10.6 3.2 – 6 – 7.6 <8.3 <10.1
(NH4)2SO4 <4.8 <10.6 3.2 – <6 <8.3 <10.1
CuSO4 <4.8 <10.6 <3.2 <6 <8.3 <10.1
CH3COON >6 <10.6 >4.4 >7.6 >10.0 10.1-12
7. Conclution
Salt solution pH trajectory
NH4Cl 7.0 – 8.3
(NH4)2SO4 3.2 - 4.4
CuSO4 < 3.2
CH3COONa 10.1 - 10.6


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