Crimlaw Review 222

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It is the registration of the vessel in accordance with the laws of the Philippines, not the citizenship
which makes it a Philippine ship. The vessel being registered in Panama, the laws of Panama govern
while it is on the high seas.

2. When there is conspiracy, the act of one is the act of all.
3. The existence of conspiracy can be inferred from the manner the offenders acted in commonly
Dino and Raffy with rocks, thereby demonstrating a unity of criminal design to inflict harm on their

4. Doctrine of express conspiracy

5. Doctrine of implied conspiracy- holds that 2 or more persons participating in the commission of a
crime is collectively responsible and liable as co- conspirators when they act in concert, demonstrating
unity of criminal intent and a common purpose and objective.

The existence of conspiracy shall be inferred or deduced from their criminal participation in pursuing the
crime and thus the act of one shall be deemed the act of all.

6. Liability for an impossible crime is to be imposed only if the act committed would not constitute any
other crime under the RPC.

7. The rule is that when a person, by a felonious act, generates in the mind of another a sense of
imminent danger, prompting the latter to escape from or avoid such danger and in the process, sustains
injuries or dies, the person committing the felonious act is responsible for such injuries or death.

8. Impossible crime- an act which would be an offense against person or property, were if not for the
inherent impossibility of its accomplishment or on account of the employment of inadequate or
ineffectual means.

9. Felipe is liable for the death of Cesar but he shall be given the benefit of the mitigating circumstance
that he did not intend to commit so grave a wrong as that committed.

10. Art. 4 of the RPC, provides in part that criminal liability shall be incurred by any person committing a
felony although the wrongful act done be different from that which he intended.

In other words, the rule is that when a person, by a felonious act , generates in the mind of another a
sense of imminent danger, prompting the latter to escape from or avoid such danger and in the process,
sustains injuries or dies, the person committing the felonious act is responsible for such injuries or

11. A person committing a felonious act incurs criminal liability although the wrongful consequence
is different from what he intended.

B may be given the mitigating circumstance of having acted without intention to commit so grave a
wrong as that committed.(Art 13 par 3)
12. Rustom is criminally liable for the death of the child because his felonious act was the proximate
cause o such death. Rustoms felonious act is the cause of the evil cause.

Any person performing a felonious act is criminally liable for the direct, natural, and logical consequence
thereof although different from whathe intended.

13. The act being felonious and the proximate cause of the victims death, the offender is liable therefore
although it may not be intended or different from what he intended.

14. under art. 4, any person committing a felony shall incur criminal liability although the wrongful act
be different from that which he intended.

In this case, the death of the passengers was the direct, natural and logical consequence of Luis'
felonious act which created an immediate sense of danger in the minds of said passengers who tried to
avoid or escape from it by jumping out of the train.

15. Criminal liability shall be incurred by any person performing an act which would be an offense
against persons or property, were it not for the inherent impossibility of its accomplishment or on
account of the employment of inadequate or ineffectual means.

In the problem given, the impossibility of accomplishing the crime of murder was due to the
employment of ineffectual means which OZ thought was poison.

16. Elsa's absence in the house is a physical impossibility which renders the crime intended inherently
incapable of accomplishment.

17. There is no impossible crime of kidnapping because kidnapping is a crime against personal security

18. Crimes mala in se are felonious acts committed by dolo or culpa as defined in the RPC. Lack of
criminal intent is a valid defense, except when the crime results from criminal negligence.

Crimes mala prohibita are those considered wrong only because they are prohibited by statute.

19. As a rule, attempted violation of a special law is not punished. Actual injury is required.


20. Art. 332 applies only to theft, swindling or malicious mischief.

21.A minor below 15 yrs old is absolutely exempt from criminal liability although not from civil liability.

22. B already ran away, hence, there was no aggression to defend against and no defense to speak of.

A may, however, invoke the benefit of the mitigating circumstance of having acted in immediate
vindication of a grave offense.

23. There being no indication that A was induced by revenge, resentment or any other evil motive in
shooting C, his act is justified under par 3, Art. 11
24. The defense of having acted in the fulfillment of a duty requires as a condition, inter alia, that the
injury or offense committed be the unavoidable or necessary consequence of the due performance of
the duty. It is not enough that the accused acted in fulfillment of a duty.

25. There is no defense to speak of where the unlawful aggression no longer exists.

26. The unlawful aggression must be continuing when the aggressor was injured or disabled by the
person making the defense.

Osangs act of stabbing Julio after the sexual intercourse was finished, is not a defense of honor but an
immediate vindication of a grave offense committed against her, which is only mitigating.

27. His act of shooting a burglar when there is no unlawful aggression on his person is not justified.

Defense of property does not justify the act of firing a gun at a burglar unless the life and limb of the
accused is already imminent and immediate danger.


28. For plea of guilty to be mitigating, the requisites are:

a. the accused spontaneously pleaded guilty to the crime charged.
b. such plea was made before the court competent to try the case and render judgment.
c. such plea was made prior to the presentation of evidence for the prosecution.

29. the act o the accused in hiding after the commission of the crime, but voluntarily went with the
policeman who had gone to his hiding place to investigate, was held a mitigating circumstance.

30. To be mitigating the surrender must be:

a. spontaneous
b. made before the government incurred expenses, time and effort in tracking the offender
c. made to a person in authority or the latters agents.


31. The crime would be Robbery with homicide because the killings were by reason to prevent
identification and on occasion of Robbery. The multiple rapes committed and the fact the several
persons were killed , would be considered as aggravating circumstances. The rapes are synonymous with
ignominy and the killing synonymous with cruelty.( People vs. Solis)

The aggravating circumstance which may be considered in the premises are:

a. Band because all the four offenders are armed
b. nocturnity because evidently the oofenders took advantage of nighttime
c. dwelling
d. uninhabited place becasue the house where the crimes were committed was at a desolate place and
obviously the offenders took advantage of this circumstance in commiting the crime.

32. Qualifying aggravating circumstances must be alleged in the information and proven during trial.
A qualifying circumstance must be alleged in the Information and proven beyond reasonable doubt
during the trial to be appreciated as such.

33. Nighttime cannot be appreciated as an aggravating circumstance because there is no indication that
the offenders deliberately sought the cover of darkness to facilitate the commission of the crime or that
they took advantage of nighttime.

Band should be considered as the crime was committed by more than three armed malefactors; in a
recent SC decision, stones or rocks are considered deadly weapons.

34. Juan is a recidivist because he had been previously convicted by final judgment for theft and again
found guilty for robberry with homicide, which are both crimes against property embrace under the
same title of the RPC. The implication is the he is specializing in crimes against property, hence
aggravating in the conviction for Robbery with Homicide.

35. EVIDENT PREMEDITATION cannot be considered against the accused because he resolved to kill the
victim later in the night and there was no sufficient lapse of time between determination and execution,
to allow his conscience to overcome the resolution of his will.


UNLAWFUL ENTRY may be appreciated as an aggravating circumstance, inasmuch as the accused

entered the room of the victim through the window.which is the proper place for entrance into the


36. The intoxication of A may be considered mitigating since since it was incidental to the commission of
the crime.

It may not be considered aggravating as there is no clear indication from the facts of the case that it was
habitual or intentional on the part of A. Aggravating are not to be presumed; they should be proved
beyond reasonable doubt.

Persons criminally liable for felonies.

37. Mere possession of any article of value which has been the subject of theft or robbery shall be prima
facie evidence of fencing.

38. a fence is punished as a principal under PD 1612 and the penalty is higher, whereas an accessory to
robbery or theft under the RPC is punished two degrees lower than the principal.

39. To bring about criminal liability of a co-principal, the inducement made by the inducer must be the
sole consideration which caused the person induced to commit the crime and without which the
Crime would not have been committed.

40. Compound crimes result when the offender committed only a single felonious act from which 2 or
more crimes resulted.

This is provided for in modified form in the 1st part of art. 48 limiting the resulting crimes to only grave
or and or less grave felonies. Hence, light felonies are excluded even though resulting from the same
single act.

Complex crimes result when the offender has to commit an offense as a necessary means for
committing another offense. Only one information shall be filed and if proven, the penalty for the more
serious crime shall be imposed.

41. It is not the act of pressing the trigger which should be considered as producing the several felonies,
but the number of bullets which actually produced them.


42. For Special law- the minimum must not be less than the minimum provided therein and the
maximum shall not be more than the maximum provided therein.

The judge has the discretion to impose the penalty within the said minimum and maximum.

43. For RPC= the maximum term of the indeterminate sentence shall be the penalty properly imposable
under the same code after considering the attending mitigating and or aggravating circumstances
according to art. 64 of said code. The minimum term of the sentence shall be fixed within the range of
the penalty next lower in degree to that prescribed for the crime.

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