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John Paolo Ocampo

BSN 3-4


Direction: These are questions to determine the ethical scenario whenever disaster strikes a
typical local Filipino family. This is a work relevant to the academic exploration of real life
situation. Kindly answer the following questions in as briefly as possible. Thank you very much.

1. Do the following description of your family affects your moral development:

1.1. number of siblings;
No because we are all equal
1.2. monthly family income;
Yes because we need to budget our money and control about the things
1.3. sources of income;
No my daddy is government employee he’s working hard for it
1.4. ethnicity;
It more likely shapes to be better man like culture of being filipino and values
1.5. religious affiliation;
Yes this is very important and it play a huge moral value to shapes and the growth of the person
it makes us become better when who we are it help us to cope to everything make us stronger
and above to anyone
1.6. languages spoken within the family;
No really affect the developmental although our language is filipino and English and other
language can be learned and I speak same language as they are
1.7. educational attainment of father and mother;
It doesn’t affect not because college graduate or undergraduate it doesn’t effect of any moral
of being a good father and mother
1.8. present occupation of members of the family?
No . I appreciate my father and mothers hard working to feed us and make better future for us
2. Describe the ethical preparation, plans or activities of the family to disasters prior to, during
and after the
2.1. outbreak;
Stocking food for the pandemic and preparing for financial and following the rules that the
government health protocol that implemented and for my dad who is front liner disinfect
become entering house and we don’t allow anyone to enter house either we cant enter
2.2. epidemic;
Usually normal life no social distance no facemask no worries
2.3. pandemic?
3. Describe the role of ethical principles to follow
3.1. safety guidelines must wear protective equipment like face mask and face shield
with 1meter social distance to everyone always wash hand and sanitize , prevent attending
large or small group event social event do not go outside if not necessary
3.2. government policy; and follow the health care protocols and the curfew and follow
guidelines for buying items and paying
3.3. changing patterns of behavior? Not the same as before no more handshake and
social distance must implement always even colleague.

4. Discuss the use of ethics in times of crisis?

During this pandemic crisis, we are wrestling with a major issue that influences us understudies
specifically. While this infection came out, we as a whole needed to adjust such that will permit
us to be liberated from this lethal illness, however with the assistance of morals, we could do
what we accept isn't right or right and help us to be aware of the activities we do throughout
everyday life. Each individual's ordinary lives have been influenced by the pandemic in all
angles, as to if social or then again monetary. Everybody has their own obligation as network
individuals, and it is basic that the guidelines and laws are went with. It's unavoidable, yet we
could helpfully be forestalled by clinging to the principles that we know are correct, and not
doing things that we realize that could demolish ourselves as well as other people

5. Discuss your personal experiences during community quarantines?

It is very traumatic because sometime im having cough and hard to breath thinking it was covid
I was so depress that time I don’t know but somehow after days im fine I was scare because
some died and I don’t want people to know I have covid so I secret it so everyone but yet im
the only one got that symptoms to our family that is most unforgettable this 2020 of my life
6. What are your coping strategies to battle the anxiety of home quarantine?
May ways is playing and talking with my girlfriend talking about the pandemic
7. How did you comply with your academic obligations?
I often struggle because of the availability of the materials in return demo that needed to be
done in NAL, but hopefully teachers considerate it and I manage to make or do
8. What are the difficulties you have encountered during the quarantine?
Honestly The most is adjustment to academic the online learning it is very frustrating to have
only class with slow internet connection, and not every lesson is fully understand
9. How do you see yourself, family, friends and community after the quarantine?
Wearing mask and having fan talking about nonsense about covid so our mental health
will refresh
10. What are your ethical recommendations to succeed in the fight against disaster risks like
COVID-19 and the like?
Always follow that expect say rules are rules it is our for own sake protect yourself so you can
protect others. And if you already have symptoms don’t hesitate to tell don’t lie to our doctors
it can make things worse

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