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Nama : Maulana Rafian Asraf

NIM : 20059146
Prodi : Manajemen
Nu Urut: 34
Kesimpulan :
Video 1
1. Affirmative sentences ( Structure)
Personal pronoun + (was/were) + complement
Example: You were sick last week
2. Negative sentences ( Structure )
Personal pronoun + (wasn’t/weren’t) + complement
Example: You weren’t class yesterday
3. Yes or no questions ( Structure )
(was/were) + personal pronoun + complement ?
Example: Were we classmates last month?
4. WH-H questions ( Structure )
(5 W 1 H) + (was/were) + personal pronoun + complement ?
Example: Where were they Last night?
Video 2
1. An actions past
We use simple past to express the idea that an actions started and finished at specific time in
the past. We don’t have to mention the specific time every time, but we have specific time in
Example: James played basketball yesterday.
2. Series of completed action in the past
If you want to talk about a series of completed actions in the past, You can use simple past.
Example: I took a shower and I went to school
3. With most verbs the past tense is formed by adding –ed
4. Some verbs are irregular in the simple past, here are the most commons ones
Be > was/were, go > went, give > gave, make > made, think > thought, have > had
1. Positive form
: I/he/she/he/it/you/they/we + V-ed
2. Negative form
: I/he/she/he/it/you/they/we + did not( didn’t ) + V1
3. Interrogative form
: 5 W 1 H + did + I/he/she/he/it/you/they/we + V1 ?
Video 3
Simple past tense is used for specific activities in the past.
A. Formula
1. Affirmative
: Subject + past verb + complement
2. Negative
: Subject + auxillary + simple verb
B. Verbs
1. Regular
Example :
- Wash + ed = washed
- Dance + d = danced
- Study + ied = studied
2. Irreguler
Example :
Be > was/were, go > went, give > gave, make > made, think > thought, have > had

Dari ketiga video tersebut kita dapat melihat persamaannya ialah, sama sama membahas
tentang Simple Past Tense yaitu Rumus atau formula dari Simple Past Tense tersebut.

Pada video pertama memaparkan atau menerangkan rumus atau formula dari Simple Past
Tense saja,sedangkan pada video kedua lebih menjelaskan tentang Simple Past Tense secara
lebih mendalam dan jelas, dan pada video ketiga memaparkan aturan penggunaan verb pada
simple past tense.

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