Future Materials For The Shrinking Chip'

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Future Materials for ‘The Shrinking Chip’

computation speed of
Abstract microprocessors doubles every 18
Imagine a 90 % reduction in energy months. This has been achieved in the
consumption from millions of television past 30 years or so primarily by
sets; imagine that there’s no need to wait for shrinking the sizes of the silicon
the computer to boot once switched on; based transistors in the
imagine storage of 10 hours of finest quality microprocessors. With reduced sizes,
uncompressed video on an area of the size of electrons can pass through the
a stamp; imagine that PCs are replaced by components faster, and hence
quantum computers which are more secure. contributing to a much enhanced
All of the above may sound like science operating speed. However, the
fiction; but these are some applications scheme of shrinking conventional
where Nanoelectronics can be of great transistors cannot go on forever.
importance and value.
Nanoelectronics is therefore an emerging area
Nanoelectronics, indicates use of which seeks to address the above two issues.
nanotechnology on electronic components
particularly transistors. Although the term 2. Future materials
nanotechnology is generally defined as Some of the possible materials that are being
utilizing technology less than 100nm in size; explored are
it often refers to nanomaterial transistor
devices whose inter-atomic interactions and 2.1 Carbon nanotube
quantum mechanical properties need to be Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are
studied extensively. The objective of the allotropes of carbon. A single-walled carbon
paper is to present information with regard nanotube (SWNT) is a one-atom thick sheet of
to the new materials (nanomaterials) that graphite (called graphene) rolled up into a
may replace the existing ones in near cylinder with diameter of the order of a
future; and also provide insights into nanometer. This results in a nanostructure
present manufacturing processes and where the length-to-diameter ratio exceeds
applications of these materials. 1,000,000. They exhibit extraordinary strength
and unique electrical properties, and are
efficient conductors of heat. Inorganic
1. Introduction nanotubes have also been synthesized.
Conventional electronic devices are built
using inorganic semiconductors, with silicon Nanotubes are members of the
being the most prominent example. However, fullerene structural family, which also includes
there are two major inherent problems that the buckyballs. Whereas buckyballs are spherical
silicon industry faces today in shape, a nanotube is cylindrical, with at least
one end typically capped with a hemisphere of
the buckyball structure. Their name is derived
 Conventional silicon based transistors from their size, since the diameter of a
will be reaching their theoretical nanotube is in the order of a few nanometers
limits in terms of ‘Operation Speed’, (approximately 1/50,000th of the width of a
within one to two decades and human hair), while they can be up to several
millimeters in length. Nanotubes are
 Conventional inorganic categorized as single-walled nanotubes
semiconductor based electronics, (SWNT) and multi-walled nanotubes
though suitable for many applications, (MWNT).
has certain limitations like
accommodating over a billion The nature of the bonding of a
transistors in a very small area; part of nanotube is described by applied quantum
a trend of increasing transistor density chemistry, specifically, orbital hybridization.
conforming to “Moore's Law”. The chemical bonding of nanotubes are
Moore's Law predicts that the composed entirely of sp2 bonds, similar to
those of graphite. This bonding structure,
which is stronger than the sp3 bonds found in
diamond, provides the molecules with their
unique strength. Nanotubes naturally align
themselves into "ropes" held together by Van
der Waals forces. Under high pressure,
nanotubes fuse together by converting some
sp² bonds to sp³ bonds, and thereby imparting
possibility of producing strong unlimited
length of wires.

Fig.2 Single Walled Nano tube

Single-walled nanotubes are an

important spectrum of carbon nanotubes,
because they exhibit special electric properties
that are not shared by the multi-walled carbon
nanotube (MWNT) variants.

Single-walled nanotubes are the most

Fig.1 3D model of three types of single-
likely candidate for miniaturizing electronics
walled carbon nanotubes
beyond the micro electromechanical scale that
is currently the basis of modern electronics.
The basic building block of these systems is
2.1.1 Types of carbon nanotubes and the electric wire, and SWNTs can be excellent
related structures conductors. One useful application of SWNTs
is in the development of the first intra-
molecular field effect transistors (FET). To
create a logic gate you must have both a p-FET
The ordered pair (n, m) can be
and an n-FET. Because SWNTs are p-FETs
thought of as a vector (Ch) in an infinite
when exposed to oxygen and n-FETs when
graphene sheet that describes how to "roll up"
unexposed to oxygen, it is possible to protect
the graphene sheet to make the nanotube. T
half of a SWNT from oxygen exposure, while
denotes the tube axis and a1 and a2 are the unit
exposing the other half to oxygen. These
vectors of graphene in real space.
results of single SWNT, act as a NOT logic
gate with both p and n-type FETs within the
Most single-walled nanotubes
same molecule.
(SWNT) have diameter close to 1 nanometer,
with tube length that can be many thousands of
Single-walled nanotubes are still very
times longer. The way the graphene sheet is
expensive to produce, around $1500 per gram
wrapped is represented by a pair of indices (n,
as of 2000, and the development of more
m) called the chiral vector. The integers n and
affordable synthesis techniques is vital to the
m denote the number of unit vectors along the
future of carbon nanotechnology. If cheaper
two directions in a honeycomb like crystal
means of synthesis cannot be discovered, it
lattice of graphene. If m=0, the nanotubes are
would make it financially impossible to apply
called ‘zigzag’. If n=m, the nanotubes are
this technology to commercial-scale
called ‘armchair’ else named as ‘chiral’.
applications. Several suppliers offer as-
produced arc discharge SWNTs for ~$50–100
per gram as of 2007.
Table 1: Comparison of Mechanical
Young's Tensile Elongation
Material Modulus Strength at Break
(TPa) (GPa) (%)
~1 (from 1
SWNT 13-53E
to 5)
0.94T 126.2T 23.1
Fig.3. A stable nanobud structure
0.94T 94.5T 15.6-17.5

2.1.2 Nanobud Chiral

Carbon nanobuds are a newly MWNT 0.8-0.9E 150
discovered material combining two previously
discovered allotropes of carbon: carbon Stainless
~0.2 ~0.65-1 15-50
nanotubes and fullerenes. In this new material
fullerene-like "buds" are covalently bonded to Kevlar ~0.15 ~3.5 ~2
the outer sidewalls of the underlying carbon
Kevlar 0.25 29.6
nanotube. This hybrid material has useful
properties of both fullerenes and carbon
nanotubes. In particular, they have been found
to be exceptionally good field emitters.
Because of the symmetry and unique
2.1.3 Properties of Nanotubes electronic structure of graphene, the structure
of a nanotube strongly affects its electrical
properties. For a given (n, m) nanotube, if n −
m is a multiple of 3, then the nanotube is
Carbon nanotubes are one of the
metallic, otherwise the nanotube is a
strongest and stiffest materials known, in terms
semiconductor. Thus all armchair (n=m)
of tensile strength and elastic modulus
nanotubes are metallic, and nanotubes (5, 0),
respectively. This strength results from the
(6, 4), (9, 1), etc. are semi conducting. In
covalent sp² bonds formed between the
theory, metallic nanotubes can have an
individual carbon atoms. A multi-walled
electrical current density more than 1,000
carbon nanotube was tested to have a tensile
times greater than metals such as silver and
strength of 63 GPa. Since carbon nanotubes
have a low density for a solid of 1.3-1.4 g/cm³,
its specific strength of up to 48,000 kN·m/kg is
the best of known materials, compared to high- One-Dimensional Transport
carbon steel's 154 kN·m/kg. Due to their nonsocial dimensions,
Under excessive tensile strain, the tubes will electron transport in carbon nanotubes will
undergo plastic deformation, which means the take place through quantum effects and will
deformation is permanent. This deformation only propagate along the axis of the tube.
begins at strains of approximately 5% and can Because of this special transport property,
increase the maximum strain the tube carbon nanotubes are frequently referred to as
undergoes before fracture by releasing strain “one-dimensional”.

CNTs are not nearly as strong under 2.1.4 Potential applications in

compression. Because of their hollow structure electrical circuits
and high aspect ratio, they tend to undergo Carbon nanotubes have many properties
buckling when placed under compressive, that make them ideal components of electrical
torsional or bending stress. circuits.
 Nanotube based transistors have been
made that operate at room
temperature and that are capable of
digital switching using a single

Fig. 5 Single Molecule Transistors

One major obstacle to realization of

nanotubes has been the lack of technology for
mass production. However, in 2001 IBM
researchers demonstrated how nanotube
transistors can be grown in bulk, not very
Fig.4 The joining of two carbon differently from silicon transistors. The
nanotubes with different electrical process they used is called "constructive
properties to form a diode destruction" which includes the automatic
destruction of defective nanotubes on the
This has since then been developed
 Nanotransistors: Transistors are the
further and single-chip wafers with over ten
active component of virtually all
billion correctly aligned nanotube junctions
electronic switching devices. In a
have been created. In addition it has been
transistor an electrical signal can be
demonstrated that incorrectly aligned
amplified by allowing a small current
nanotubes can be removed automatically using
or voltage to control the flow of a
standard lithography equipment.
much larger current. By suitably
The first nanotube made integrated
connecting multiple transistors,
memory circuit was made in 2004. One of the
Boolean gates can be created, and
main challenges has been regulating the
from these Boolean gates,
conductivity of nanotubes. Depending on
microprocessors for computers can be
subtle surface features a nanotube may act as a
plain conductor or as a semiconductor. A fully
automated method has however been
Nano-meter scale electronic devices can
developed to remove non-semiconductor
be roughly divided into two broad classes:
• molecular electronics and
• solid-state quantum effect  Other Viable Applications
devices. The mainstream semiconductor industry
has been mostly concerned with silicon for the
Molecular electronics utilizes past half-a century. However, in recent years,
individual molecules to serve as the active silicon technology has been found to be
components of the device e.g. single increasingly inadequate for some novel
molecule transistors, while solid-state applications that have been proposed for the
quantum effect devices harness quantum near future. For instance, some new integrated
mechanical phenomena for its operation. circuit designs require light-emitting
Some examples of solid-state quantum components for optical signal processing;
effect devices include resonant tunneling however, light emission from silicon is highly
diodes, single-electron transistors, inefficient. On the other hand, other inorganic
spintronic devices, quantum dots efficient light-emitting semiconductors are
(quantum cellular automata), carbon relatively expensive and difficult to process.
nanotube (CNT) electronics and other Inorganic semiconductors are also unsuitable
semiconductor nano-structures. However, for other new applications such as flexible
most research on these devices is still in electronic displays (inorganic semiconductors
infancy, as relatively few research groups being brittle and rigid) and printable
in the world have the capabilities and electronics. Although once thought as
resources to fabricate and study these ultra insulators, organic materials have come to the
small devices. spotlight as they are now better understood,
and the discovery of more and more organic
semiconductors (such as buckyballs, or C60).
A lot of organic materials are relatively etching on two-dimensional electron gases in
flexible, cheap to produce, and easy to process. semiconductor heterostructures can have
Moreover, molecules and polymers can be lateral dimensions exceeding 100 nm. At
designed and synthesized to provide the 10 nm in diameter, nearly 3 million quantum
desired electronic/light emission properties for dots could be lined up end to end and fit within
particular opto-electronic applications. For the width of a human thumb.
instance, the molecule Alq3 has been used Quantum dots can be contrasted to other
extensively for fabricating organic light semiconductor nanostructures:
emitting diodes (OLED). Other examples 1. Quantum wires, which confine the
include printable electronic devices, thin-film motion of electrons or holes in two
transistors, carbon nanotube field-emission spatial dimensions and allow free
displays, and organic based solar cells. Most of propagation in the third.
these applications are based on thin-film 2. Quantum wells, which confine the
techniques, in which the organic material layer motion of electrons or holes in one
is only about 100nm thick. Although some of dimension and allow free propagation
these devices have already seen partial in two dimensions.
commercialization (such as Kodak’s OLED
digital camera). Quantum dots containing electrons can
also be compared to atoms: both have a
discrete energy spectrum and bind a small
number of electrons. In contrast to atoms, the
confinement potential in quantum dots does
not necessarily show spherical symmetry. In
addition, the confined electrons do not move in
free space, but in the semiconductor host
Fig.6 Organic LED crystal. The quantum dot host material, in
particular its band structure, therefore plays an
important role for all quantum dot properties.
2.2 Quantum Dot
Typical energy scales, for example, are of the
A quantum dot is made from a
order of ten electron volts in atoms, but only 1
semiconductor nanostructure that confines the
milli-electron volt in quantum dots. Quantum
motion of conduction band electrons, valence
dots with a nearly spherical symmetry, or flat
band holes, or excitons (bound pairs of
quantum dots with nearly cylindrical
conduction band electrons and valence band
symmetry can show shell filling according to
holes) in all three spatial directions. The
the equivalent of Hund's rules for atoms. Such
confinement can be due to electrostatic
dots are sometimes called "artificial atoms". In
potentials (generated by external electrodes,
contrast to atoms, the energy spectrum of a
doping, strain, impurities), the presence of an
quantum dot can be engineered by controlling
interface between different semiconductor
the geometrical size, shape, and the strength of
materials (e.g. in core-shell nanocrystal
the confinement potential. Also in contrast to
systems), the presence of the semiconductor
atoms it is relatively easy to connect quantum
surface (e.g. semiconductor nanocrystal), or a
dots by tunnel barriers to conducting leads,
combination of these. A quantum dot has a
which allows the application of the techniques
discrete quantized energy spectrum. The
of tunneling spectroscopy for their
corresponding wave functions are spatially
localized within the quantum dot, but extend
Like in atoms, the energy levels of small
over many periods of the crystal lattice. A
quantum dots can be probed by optical
quantum dot contains a small finite number (of
spectroscopy techniques. In quantum dots that
the order of 1–100) of conduction band
confine electrons and holes, the interband
electrons, valence band holes, or excitons, i.e.,
absorption edge is blue shifted due to the
a finite number of elementary electric charges.
confinement compared to the bulk material of
the host semiconductor material. As a
Small quantum dots, such as colloidal
consequence, quantum dots of the same
semiconductor nanocrystals, can be as small as
material, but with different sizes, can emit
2 to 10 nanometers, corresponding to 10 to 50
light of different colors.
atoms in diameter and a total of 100 to 100,000
Quantum dots are particularly significant for
atoms within the quantum dot volume. Self-
optical applications due to their theoretically
assembled quantum dots are typically between
high quantum yield. In electronic applications
10 and 50 nm in size. Quantum dots defined by
they have been proven to operate like a single-
lithographically patterned gate electrodes or by
electron transistor and show the Coulomb
blockade effect. Quantum dots have also been quantum dots that self-assemble into
suggested as implementations of qubits for preferential crystal sizes.
quantum information processing.
One of the optical features of small excitonic 2.2.2 Applications
quantum dots immediately noticeable to the  Being zero dimensional, quantum
unaided eye is coloration. While the material dots have a sharper density of states
which makes up a quantum dot defines its than higher-dimensional structures.
intrinsic energy signature, more significant in As a result, they have superior
terms of coloration is the size. The larger the transport and optical properties, and
dots the red (the more towards the red end of are being researched for use in diode
the spectrum) is the fluorescence. The smaller lasers, amplifiers, and biological
the dot, the bluer (the more towards the blue sensors.
end) it is. The coloration is directly related to  Quantum dot technology is one of the
the energy levels of the quantum dot. most promising candidates for use in
Quantitatively speaking, the bandgap energy solid-state quantum computation. By
that determines the energy (and hence color) of applying small voltages to the leads,
the fluoresced light is inversely proportional to one can control the flow of electrons
the square of the size of the quantum dot. through the quantum dot and thereby
Larger quantum dots have more energy levels make precise measurements of the
which are more closely spaced. This allows the spin and other properties therein.
quantum dot to absorb photons containing less  With several entangled quantum dots,
energy, i.e. those closer to the red end of the or qubits, plus a way of performing
spectrum. The shape of the quantum dot may operations, quantum calculations
well also be a factor in the coloration, but as might be possible.
yet not enough information has become
available. Furthermore it was shown recently
that the lifetime of fluorescence is determined
by the size. Larger dots have more closely
spaced energy levels in which the electron-
hole pair can be trapped. Therefore, electron-
hole pairs in larger dots live longer and thus
these large dots show a larger lifetime.
The ability to tune the size of quantum dots is Fig.7 Logic Gates
advantageous for many applications. For
instance, larger quantum dots have spectra  Another cutting edge application of
shifted towards the red compared to smaller quantum dots is also being researched
dots, and exhibit less pronounced quantum as potential artificial fluorophore for
properties. Conversely the smaller particles intra-operative detection of tumors
allow one to take advantage of quantum using fluorescence spectroscopy.
properties.  In modern biological analysis, various
kinds of organic dyes are used.
2.2.1 Mass production However, with each passing year,
Quantum dots may be synthesized by more flexibility is being required of
means of a ‘colloidal synthesis’. Colloidal these dyes, and the traditional dyes
synthesis is by far the cheapest and has the are often unable to meet the
advantage of being able to occur at bench-top expectations. To this end, quantum
conditions. It is acknowledged to be the least dots have quickly filled in the role,
toxic of all the different forms of synthesis. being found to be superior to
traditional organic dyes on several
Highly ordered arrays of quantum counts, one of the most immediately
dots may also be self assembled by obvious being brightness (owing to
electrochemical techniques. A template the high quantum yield) as well as
is created by causing an ionic reaction at an their stability (much less
electrolyte-metal interface which results in the photodestruction). For single-particle
spontaneous assembly of nanostructures, tracking, the irregular blinking of
including quantum dots, on the metal which is quantum dots is a minor drawback.
then used as a mask for mesa-etching these Currently under research as well is
nanostructures on a chosen substrate. tuning of the toxicity.
Another method is pyrolytic  Quantum dots may have the potential
synthesis, which produces large numbers of to increase the efficiency and reduce
the cost of today's typical silicon Fig.8 QD LED Display
photovoltaic cells. According to
experimental proof from 2006, 3.0 Conclusions
quantum dots of lead selenide can The paper discusses newer materials that can
produce as many as seven excitons be used in the area of nanoelectronics like
from one high energy photon of carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, buckyballs
sunlight (7.8 times the bandgap etc. As there is no technology available
energy). This compares favorably to presently to produce these materials in a
today's photovoltaic cells which can massive scale, they are unable to find many
only manage one exciton per high- applications.
energy photon, with high kinetic
energy carriers losing their energy as Nevertheless, with the speed with which the
heat. This would not result in a 7-fold research is carried out in this area, it is
increase in final output however, but believed that these materials might perhaps be
could boost the maximum theoretical commercialized in the next decade or so.
efficiency from 31% to 42%.
Quantum dot photovoltaics would Also, there is an urgent need of chemical
theoretically be cheaper to engineers to acquire basic knowledge in
manufacture, as they can be made nanoscience to provide a breakthrough.
"using simple chemical reactions".
 There are several inquiries into using References
quantum dots as light-emitting diodes
to make displays and other light
1. Howard Lee, “Mighty Small Dots”,
sources: "QD-LED" displays, and
Journal of Science and Technology
"QD-WLED" (White LED). In June,
Review, August 2000
2006, QD Vision announced technical
success in making a proof-of-concept 2. A. F. van Driel, G. Allan, C. Delerue,
quantum dot display. Quantum dots P. Lodahl,W. L. Vos and D.
are valued for displays, because they Vanmaekelbergh, Frequency-
emit light in very specific gaussian dependent spontaneous emission rate
distributions. This can result in a from CdSe and CdTe nanocrystals:
display that can more accurately Influence of dark states, Physical
render the colors that the human eye Review Letters, 95, 236804 (2005)
can perceive. Quantum dots also 3. Reed MA (1993). "Quantum Dots"
require very little power since they (PDF). Scientific American 268 (1):
are not color filtered. A LCD display, 118
for example, is powered by a single 4. Collins, Philip G.; Phaedon Avouris
fluorescent lamp that is color filtered (December 2000). "Nanotubes for
to produce red, green, and blue pixels. Electronics". Scientific American: 67,
Thus, when a LCD display shows a 68, and 69.
fully white screen, two-thirds of the
light is absorbed by the filters. Acknowledgement
Displays that intrinsically produce We would like to express our sincere thanks to
monochromatic light can be more Head, Chemical Engineering Department,
efficient, since more of the light CBIT, Hyderabad, for the valuable suggestions
produced reaches the eye. and guidance given to us in completion of the
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