Critical Risk Response Planning

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A shared database
of templates for
NEU PJM faculty, Project
students and Execution
Project Name Alumni. Division Project Impact Phase Phase

New job offers

with better
salaries and
Risk Creator Pierre Shaban PM Risk Trigger development.
Risk Type Operational Risk Owner Review Date 5/2/20
Risk # #1 Risk Owner Max Cost 19,080
Open Date 5/2/20 Min Cost 12,721
Risk Description Most Likely Cost 15,900.50
Old Score New Score
Associates might not be satisfied with their responsibilities and Cost Impact
salary, so they might start looking. For better and more advance job Schedule Impact 6 4
opportunities. This might have a negative impact on the project Quality Impact
because it might slow down the completion of the project. Scope Impact
Probability 7 5
Preventative Measures (Risk) Date Completed

1) Assign a bit more challenging responsibilities to them so to become more engaged and develop their skills 5/1/20
for the future
2) Give more perks such as employee discount (discounts in tuitions for their children, themselves or close 5/1/20
family member (brother, sister))

Contingency Measures (Issue) Date Completed

1) Have a list of people who can jump in and take over the position
2) Divide the responsibilities of the leaving person to the rest of the team.
Closure Description
If important associates do not accept job offers from other project, the creation of the website will be completed on time and under

A shared
database of
templates for
faculty, students Project Execution
Project Name and Alumni. Division Project Impact Phase Phase

Constant changes
were made on the
scope, leading to
Risk Creator Pierre Shaban PM Risk Trigger and confusion
Risk Type Scope Risk Owner Review Date 5/5/20
Risk # #3 Risk Owner Max Cost 31,800
Open Date 5/2/20 Min Cost 25,441
Risk Description Most Likely Cost 28,620.50
The scope was not identified correctly and plenty of Old Score New Score
important elements were left outside of scope. As the project Cost Impact
moved forward, this information came to surface and needed Schedule Impact 9 6
to be implemented into scope. The more new thing are added Quality Impact
to scope (through change request) the more pron the project is Scope Impact
to develop scope creep. Probability 9 5
Preventative Measures (Risk) Date Completed

1) Have very good communication with sponsor about the requirements he/she wants over the project 5/1/20
2) Engage the project team and let them know about all needed information concerning the project 5/1/20

Contingency Measures (Issue) Date Completed

1) Work closely with the sponsor and the client and find a possible solution about the situation 5/6/20
1) Work closely with the sponsor and the client and find a possible solution about the situation 5/6/20
2) If a lot of money is not spent, then fix scope and restart activities. In not, then it's time to close the
project. 5/6/20
Closure Description
If scope is defined properly, all the needed work will take place and important requirements will not be missed. This will bring
the entire project cvloser to sucess
A shared
database of The
templates for compatibility
NEU PJM with different
faculty, Project devices
RISK 3 students and Project Impact Execution
and operating
Project Name Kedar
Alumni.Sharad Division Phase Phase is not
Risk Creator Khardikar PM Kedar Sharad Risk Trigger defined.
Risk Type Operational Risk Owner Khardikar Review Date 5/2/20
Risk # #8 Risk Owner Max Cost 31,800
Open Date 5/2/20 Min Cost 25,441
Risk Description Most Likely Cost 28,620.50
Old Score
Cost Impact
Collecting the website site requirements is an issue due to Schedule Impact 9
different design requirements for various mobile devices and
Quality Impact
operating systems.
Scope Impact
Probability 5
Preventative Measures (Risk)

1. The project manager needs to identify key internal and external stakeholders.
2. Conducting brainstorming, one on one interviews and group interview sessions with the sponsor
and key stakeholders to identify therequirements.

Contingency Measures (Issue)

1. Conducting market survey to better understand customer requirements.

2. Hiring a NEU PJM Alumni which wil help in connecting to other alumni.

Closure Description

If the website requirements are identified properly, the website will be created with all the necessary features.
New Score

Date Completed


Date Completed



necessary features.
A shared
database of
templates for
NEU PJM The quality of
faculty, Project
RISK 4 students and Project Impact Execution
used for the
Project Name Alumni. Division Phase Phase of
Risk Creator Kedar Sharad Kh PM Kedar Sharad Risk Trigger website.
Risk Type Operational Risk Owner Khardikar Review Date 5/2/20
Risk # #11 Risk Owner Max Cost 31,800
Open Date 5/2/20 Min Cost 25,441
Risk Description Most Likely Cost 28,620.50
Old Score
Cost Impact
Releasing the final version of website is an issue due to bugs in Schedule Impact 9
the website development phase. Quality Impact
Scope Impact
Probability 3
Preventative Measures (Risk)

1. Hiring a team of skilled programmers .

2. The programming needs to be completed in sprints and a sprint review must be completed before
starting new sprint.

Contingency Measures (Issue)

1. Identifying the bugs in the website that are causing issues in the website with the help of
programming team.
2. Communicating with the stakeholders about the delayed website release and its effect on project
constraints of cost and time.
Closure Description
If the programming of website id done properly, the website will be released for customer use on the specified projec
completion date.
New Score

Date Completed


Date Completed



use on the specified project

A shared provided to
database of faculty or
templates for alumina of the
NEU PJM program could
faculty, Project
lead to bad
RISK 5 students and Project Impact Execution
reputation of
Project Name Alumni. Division Phase Phase
Risk Creator Purva Rane PM Risk Trigger community.
Risk Type Technical Risk Owner Review Date 5/2/20
Risk # #5 Risk Owner Max Cost 19,080
Open Date 5/2/20 Min Cost 12,721
Risk Description Most Likely Cost 15,900.50
Old Score
Cost Impact
Due to lack of error testing, faulty templates may be uploaded Schedule Impact 6
on the website which could lead to students and other users
Quality Impact
following improper methodologies in their workplace.
Scope Impact
Probability 7
Preventative Measures (Risk)

1. Conducting a proper quality check before uploading the templates on official website.
2. Hiring technical experts to tackle the issue of error testing.

Contingency Measures (Issue)

1. Communicating with stakeholders and the sponsor and informing them about the impact on
schedule regarding uploading the templates.
2. Informing the users about the upload of incorrect templates.

Closure Description

Clearing multiple rounds of quality check will ensure availability of appropriate content on the website.
New Score

Date Completed


Date Completed



the website.
A shared
database of
templates for Alumini would
NEU PJM want to
faculty, Project
RISK 6 students and Project Impact Execution
with the
Project Name Alumni. Division Phase Phase
Risk Creator Purva Rane PM Risk Trigger website.
Risk Type Technical Risk Owner Review Date 5/2/20
Risk # #7 Risk Owner Max Cost 25,440
Open Date 5/2/20 Min Cost 19,081
Risk Description Most Likely Cost 22,260.00
Old Score
Cost Impact
Due to longer durations of approving the template, partial Schedule Impact 8
content may be available on the website which could lead to
Quality Impact
incomplete templates available to the users.
Scope Impact
Probability 5
Preventative Measures (Risk)

1. Come up with alternative solutions with the help of technical team.

2. Setting a deadline for uploading the templates by communicating with the staff and sponsor.

Contingency Measures (Issue)

1. Informing the users about the delay in uploading the templates on the official website.

2. Hiring a better team of programmers.

Closure Description

If the templates are uplaoded on time with appropriate content, website reputation will be maintained amongst the use
New Score

Date Completed


Date Completed



maintained amongst the users.

A shared
database of
templates for
faculty, Project
RISK 7 students and Project Impact Execution
Loopholes left
Project Name Alumni. Division Phase Phase the
Risk Creator Utkarsha PandePM Risk Trigger designing
Risk Type Technical Risk Owner Review Date 5/2/20
Risk # #15 Risk Owner Max Cost 31,800
Open Date 5/2/20 Min Cost 25,441
Risk Description Most Likely Cost 28,620.50
Old Score
This risk will have high impact because it is hindering the Cost Impact
security of website but the probabaility will be less as the Schedule Impact 9
coding will be verified by the programmer or they can rectify it Quality Impact
later Scope Impact
Probability 3
Preventative Measures (Risk)

1. Hirirng programming subject matter expert and agile practitioner.

2. Conducting regular brainstroming session with the team of programmers and following the
deadline strictly so that testing phase have enough time to rectify the error.

Contingency Measures (Issue)

1. Testing and revising the code with expert programmers several times.

2. Analyzing all the security constraints by brainstorming with the team.

Closure Description
If the system architecture and user interface is designed well there will be no security issues that will hinder the reput
of the project
New Score

Date Completed


Date Completed



s that will hinder the reputation

A shared
database of
templates for Extracting,
NEU PJM Transforming
faculty, Project
and Loading
RISK 8 students and Project Impact Execution
the database
Project Name Alumni. Division Phase Phaseto time is
Risk Creator Utkarsha PandePM Risk Trigger necessary
Risk Type Technical Risk Owner Review Date 5/2/20
Risk # #17 Risk Owner Max Cost 19,080
Open Date 5/2/20 Min Cost 12,721
Risk Description Most Likely Cost 15,900.50
Old Score
Cost Impact
Once the website is developed regular updation is necessary in Schedule Impact 6
order to provide good service to the customers. The impact of Quality Impact
this risk is somewhat high as the formats and requirements Scope Impact
keeps on chanaging so ETL becomes necessary. Probability 5
Preventative Measures (Risk)

1. In order to avaoid any casuality, a sub-team can be build who will carry out the whole ETL
2. For the proper updation of the website by ETL method, regular market research is necessary.

Contingency Measures (Issue)

1. ETL team and alumni should make the different sets of data ready (which will include various
template design) before the deployment of website.
2. Brainstorming with project sponsor and key stakeholder involved in the project.

Closure Description

ETL process will allow students to make the best use of website and regular updation will led to easy user interface.
New Score

Date Completed


Date Completed



led to easy user interface.

A shared personnel
database of directly steal
templates for other people's
NEU PJM project
faculty, Project
RISK 9 students and Project Impact Execution
Project Name Alumni. Division Phase Phase
Risk Creator Kedar Sharad Kh PM Kedar Sharad Risk Trigger authorization.
Risk Type Operational Risk Owner Khardikar Review Date 5/2/20
Risk # #13 Risk Owner Max Cost 31,800
Open Date 5/2/20 Min Cost 25,441
Risk Description Most Likely Cost 28,620.50
Old Score
Cost Impact
The content of project management template shared library has Schedule Impact 6
not been more comprehensively reviewed due to the lack of
Quality Impact
sufficient legal counsel leading to copyright risk.
Scope Impact
Probability 7
Preventative Measures (Risk)

1. Listi out all the templates that are going to be uploaded to the website.
2. Obtain permission to use templates which are authorized by other parties.

Contingency Measures (Issue)

1. Review the template specifically subject to the claim of copyright.

2. Hiring a lawyer to fight against the claim of copyright.

Closure Description

If the template library is reiewd properly, the organization won't face any copyright risk.
New Score

Date Completed


Date Completed



A shared database
of templates for
NEU PJM Project
faculty, students Project Impact Execution
Project Name and Alumni. Division Phase Phase
Customers put
forward new
Risk Creator Utkarsha Pandey PM Risk Trigger requirements.
Risk Type Schedule Risk Owner Review Date 5/2/20
Risk # #14 Risk Owner Max Cost 19,080
Open Date 5/2/20 Min Cost 12,721
Risk Description Most Likely Cost 15,900.50
Old Score
Cost Impact
Schedule Impact 6
Quality Impact
The actual time required for the project may exceed the original Scope Impact
planning time. Probability 9
Preventative Measures (Risk)

1. Signing the agreement during the initial stage of the project in order to avaoid any scope creep.
2. Responding to changes quickly as it will led project to remain on track.

Contingency Measures (Issue)

1. Proper market research and conducting regular brainstorming session with the team.

2. Practicing Agile Manifesto as the project is software development project.

Closure Description
Customer collaboration helps in handling the project effectively as they can suggest the various features which can av
project getting behind schedule and budget overrun.
New Score

Date Completed


Date Completed



ous features which can avoid

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