Educ 1 Final Exam

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Final Exam UIC, College Department

Education 1: Child and Adolescent Development First Semester, AY 2017-2018

Ms. Jirah L. Ayop October 17, 2018

Name: ________________________________________ Score: ___________

General Instructions:

A. Read all the instructions carefully.

B. In your Answer Sheet form, write your name, year and section and date in the given space, family
name first in upper cases.

C. All answers must be placed on your Answer Sheet form.

D. Cheating will merit failure in this examination besides other disciplinary actions.
E. Make your pencraft legible and observe neatness when writing.

I. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer before the number.

1. When Billy's mom made him peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, she always folded the sandwich bread
corner-to-corner. When Billy became old enough to make his own sandwiches, he always folded the
bread corner-to-corner, too. Billy learned his sandwich-making techniques through:

a. Classical conditioning c. Operant conditioning

b. Modeling d. Crisis

2. According to Erikson's Psychosocial Stages of Development, the stage in which a child needs to learn
important academic skills and compare favorably with peers in school to achieve competence is the ____

a. Trust vs. Mistrust c. Initiative vs. Guilt

b. Identity vs. Role Confusion d. Industry vs. Inferiority

3. Mary and Fred have one child and want to adopt a second. Since their first child's infancy had been
extremely difficult on Mary, she was excited at the possibility of adopting an older child, perhaps a well-
behaved, toilet-trained 3 year-old, and skipping the infancy period entirely. Fred, on the other hand, had
serious misgivings not knowing about the quality of care giving and relationships in this child's early life.
In a 3 year-old's case, he felt that inadequate care and improper resolution of what Ericksonian stage
could lead to irreparable damage in later development?

a. Intimacy vs. Isolation c. Trust vs. Mistrust

b. Identity vs. Role confusion d. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

4. Which of the following does NOT illustrate social learning theory?

a. Six year-old Amanda observes her older brother Sam receiving a treat after he does the dishes. The
next day, Amanda jumps up from the table immediately after lunch and insists on washing the
b. Four year-old Johnny frequently gets in trouble at pre-school for hitting his classmates. When the
teacher talks to his mother, she learns that there has been a history of abuse between his mother
and father and Johnny has witnessed his father hitting his mother.
c. Angie brings home a report card with two A's and two B's. Her parents give her three
dollars, one for every A. During the next grading period, Angie spends more time studying
and puts extra effort into her schoolwork.
d. Fourteen-year-old Sophie looks up to her classmate Maria because she is pretty and popular. One
day after school, Sophie sees Maria smoking a cigarette. A few weeks later, someone offers Sophie a
cigarette at a party. Although Sophie knows that smoking is bad for her health and she would get in
trouble if her parents caught her, she decides to give it a try.
5. Which is an example of the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage?
a. An infant showing on teething ring
b. A preschooler insisting on picking out her own clothes, no matter how mismatched they are
c. A middle-schooler completing a challenging math assignment
d. A teenager trying out new fashions and hairstyles
6. Each stage in Erikson’s model of psychosocial development can be characterized by:

a. A period of creative tension c. A different psychological crisis

b. An achievement scale for growth d. A and C

7. Which of the individual’s below is in the identity vs. Confusion stage?

a. c.


8.  If a child struggles to do well in school, what problem might emerge?

a. Struggle with feelings of inferiority
b. Experience a sense of guilt
c. Develop a poor self identity
d. Begin to mistrust the people around him

9. What happens if a person does not successfully resolve a crisis within a stage?
a. They regress
b. They move to the next stage without any complications
c. They move to the next stage with issues left from the previous stage
d. They do not move to the next stage
10. Children who are given unrestricted freedom …
a. develop a healthy sense of autonomy
b. are not able to be appropriately toilet trained
c. develop a sense of guilt
d. develop the impression that they are not good for anything

11. When the likelihood of carrying out a behaviour is increased by simply watching the behaviour and its
consequences being reinforced by someone else.

a. Social learning theory c. Vicarious reinforcement

b. Modelling d. Self- reinforcement

12. In order for observational learning to occur, the observer must pay attention to the occurring behavior,
be able to remember observed behavior, and be motivated to produce the behavior. Which of the
following is missing from the above list?

a. Recognize the behaviour c. Ignore the behaviour

b. Describe the behaviour d. Replicate the behaviour

13. Which of the following is NOT one of the four elements of observational learning?

a. Attention c. Defiance
b. Retention d. Motivation

14. Modeling, rewards/reinforcements, and promoting self-efficacy are all ways to apply social learning
theory in which environment?

a. Classroom c. Home
b. Friend’s house d. Shopping Mall

15. Mary receives a piece of bubble gum for turning in her homework with all correct answers, while
another student turns in his homework expecting a piece of bubble gum but does not have all correct
answers. What type of reinforcement is the teacher providing?

a. Negative reinforcement c. Direct reinforcement

b. Self-reinforcement d. Vicarious reinforcement

16. The statement 'don't do as I do - do as I say' is pretty useless according to Bandura because
a. Children are not very clever
b. Children lack a theory of mind and need more reasons
c. Children are more likely to imitate rather than listen to their role models
d. Children are not obedient
17. The following are main factors affecting child’s personal and social development EXCEPT:

a. Parents c. Media
b. Peer group d. Government
18. Kohlberg developed his theory from _____.

a. Bruner c. Piaget
b. Erikson d. Freud

19. In a social studies class, teacher Pao presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks his students what
they would do. On whose theory teacher Pao’s technique based?

a. Kohlberg c. Piaget
b. Bandura d. Bruner

20. The sense of right and wrong is most highly associated with what?

a. Justice c. Maturity
b. Empathy d. Morality

21. Even if the situation allowed her to cheat, Bianca chose not to because she believes it is not the right
thing to do. In what moral developmental stage is Bianca?

a. Conventional c. Pre-conventional
b. Post-conventional d. Universal

22. Which of the following is a common criticism of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?
a. Kohlberg's theory is oriented toward values more important to women than to men.
b. Kohlberg's theory describes development in non-Western cultures better than development in most
industrialized, Western societies.
c. Kohlberg's progression of stages does not correlate well with increasing age.
d. Kohlberg neglected to consider the relationship between moral reasoning and moral behavior.
23. Pleasing others is also known as

a. Punishment obedience c. Me first

b. Good boy/ good girl d. Personal usefulness

24. Ken drinks alcohol because everyone else is doing it

a. Reward and punishment
b. Me first
c. Good boy/Good girl
d. Law and order
25. Wendy says she doesn't want to skip school because it just isn't the right thing to do. At which of
Kohlberg's levels of moral development does she seem to be in?
a. Pre-conventional
b. Conventional
c. Post-conventional
d. “good girl”
26. Cy says she doesn't want to skip school because it's against the rules. At which of Kohlberg's levels of
moral development would she be?
a. Pre-conventional
b. Conventional
c. Post-conventional
d. Universal ethical principle
27. Marco and Ken are arguing about the death penalty. Marco asserts that "the death penalty is obviously
okay because it is law in some states," but Ken disagrees and argues that "just because it is the law
doesn't mean its right." Ken is reasoning at which of the following levels of moral development?
a. Pre-conventional
b. Post- conventional
c. Non-conventional
d. Conventional
28. Kris is a young girl who is at the grocery store with her mom and dad. Kelly loves potato chips, and she
sees a small bag of chips hanging at her eye level. Kris contemplates stealing the chips and considers
what her mom and dad would think of her actions if she got caught stealing the chips. Kris is at which of
the following stages of moral development?
a. Pre-conventional
b. Conventional
c. Non-conventional
d. Post-conventional
29. Based on Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Reasoning, which statement is true about moral development and
children’s behaviour in the classroom?
a. Children show the highest degree of problems in stage 2 because they subscribe to the
rationale, “You hit me and I will hit you back.”
b. Children show a high degree of behaviour problems in stage 1 because they do no moral thinking.
c. Children show the highest degree of problem behaviours in stage 4 because they feel that rules are
unimportant and they can do as they please.
d. No relationship has been found between moral stages and children’s behaviour in the classroom
because they are independent developmental domains.
30. According to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, a human being’s moral development is a process
of what?
a. gradually internalizing societal values of right and wrong
b. recognizing the things that can benefit other people and what can cause harm to others
c. progressing through a series of standard stages of levels of morality
d. progressing through hierarchical levels in which an individual develops the ability to regulate

II.Essay (10 pts each item)

1. What are the factors that affects Social and Emotional Development of a child?
2. How does the Kohlberg’s stages of moral development progress?
3. Create a scenario where in a child is exhibiting Bandura’s pattern on the Social learning

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