Writing Task II - Artnsci

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Narada Wangcharoenroong

Writing Task II: Contributions of artist to society and contributions of scientist

A society is an economic, social or industrial infrastructure, made up of a varied collection of

individuals. It progresses through the efforts and talent of few people that choose to expand their
intelligence boundaries and by so doing expand the boundaries of the society. It is these few that fuel
the society through both scientific discoveries and art creations. It is argued that whether science or
art is truly accounted for prospering the society. More broadly, the question is which one is more
essential to our existence. Both of them are crucial but work in different manner.

It is artist alone in whose hand imagination becomes creations. A well-known artist such as Edvard
Munch (painter), William Shakespeare (writer), Charles Dickens (novelist), Margot
Forteyn(ballerina), Akira Kurosawa(filmmaker), Bob Dylan(song writer), and Yves Saint Laurent
(designer). These are few examples of artist who are just an impressive representers – transforming
fact into the conceptualize way. Art encompasses visual arts, literary arts and the performing arts -
music, theatre, dance and film, among others. It can express the intangibles effectively and adding the
driving force of emotion. Each of the creative arts has its own special role to play in life. Music makes
the most direct approach to the emotions, without the intervention of any barrier of language other
than its own. The visual arts, besides revealing in tangible form, have a special role to fill in relation to
architecture; and fine architecture has its own role - of giving concrete expression to the pride and
the functions of the community, whether class or nation, and of adding much-needed beauty to
everyday life. The visual art also leads a major role in product design – including make a common
object more aesthetically beauty. Opera and ballet, each in its special way, symbolizes and expresses
emotional. Ballet, through its nature, is capable of exerting a strikingly direct and almost
physiological effect on the mind.

Perhaps especially it is able to bring life to the issues of everyday life - but that art can, of course,
operate elsewhere than on the book or on the stage - most notably on the films. Whatever the details,
it remains true that one of the social functions of art is to make men feel their destiny, and to obtain a
full comprehension, emotional as well as intellectual, of their tasks in life and their role in the
community. Rightfully used, it is one of the essential agencies for mobilizing society for action.

While art is considered as a subject to sense and feeling, science is based solely on fact. The scientific
method has firmly established itself as the only reliable means by which we can increase both our
knowledge of and our control over objective natural phenomena. It is now being increasingly applied,
though with modifications made necessary by the different nature of the raw material, to the study of
man and his ways and works, and in the hands of the social sciences is likely to produce an increase
in our knowledge of and control over the phenomena of human and social life, almost as remarkable
as that which in the hands of the natural sciences it has brought about and is still bringing about in
regard to the rest of nature.

Many discoveries and theories made by scientist turn into great deal of innovation. For example,
electricity (Benjamin Franklin), light bald (Thomas Edison), radio (Heinrich Hertz) and mobile phone
(Martin Cooper) may only exist in the lab decades ago but remain as a part of everyday life in today
society. It brings our society to a new level by means of changing a way of life and introducing a new
culture like Internet successfully does. However, it remains true that science is by far the most
important means at our disposal for increasing the volume of our knowledge, the degree of our
understanding, and the extent of our control, of objective phenomena; and further that the
consequence of discovery in natural science may produce changes in human society.

Clear lines are drawn in, often separating the world of art or science from one another, the question
bears special relevance. Both science and art are forms of innovation and creativity; the tools we use
to realize the discovery are just different. In summary, both of them are important attributes to
existence of our society and not the other way around.

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