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Applied Thermal Engineering 175 (2020) 115433

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Experiments for combustion temperature measurements in a sugarcane T

bagasse large-scale boiler furnace
Carlos T. Salinasa,b, , Yang Puc, Chun Louc, Débora B. dos Santosa

Posgraduate Program of Mechanical Engineering, Santa Cecilia University, Rua Cesário Mota 08, Sala F-34, Santos (SP) CEP 11.045-040, Brazil
University of Piura, Av. Ramón Mugica 131, Urb. San Eduardo, Piura, Peru
State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan 430074, China


• In-situ bagasse flame temperature measurement in industrial boiler.

• Short time monitoring of bagasse flame temperature.
• Application of image processing technique in biomass flame.
• Estimation of flame emissivity and extinction coefficient in bagasse combustion.


Keywords: This work presents a numerical and experimental study to measure local combustion temperature from the
Sugarcane bagasse boiler combustion reactive zone in an industrial sugarcane. A bagasse boiler furnace is utilized preliminary step to-
Flame temperature wards obtaining online three-dimensional temperature measurements. Two different methods were used for in
Flame emission spectroscopy situ measurement of local temperatures in a sugarcane bagasse flame: Spectral Analysis and Image Processing in
In-situ measurement combustion
the Visible Spectrum. The maximum instantaneous temperatures found in the focused reactive zone area of the
bagasse flame were 1623 K and 1520 K by the spectrometric and imaging system respectively and the time
average maximum flame temperatures measured were 1443 K and 1496 K. Additionally, a set of flame tem-
perature measurement tests was carried out in a laboratory furnace by the spectrometric method and a time
average flame temperature of 1569 K was noted. The flame temperatures found in this work show reasonable
agreement with results of CFD simulations and results obtained in laboratory tests which were also reported in
the literature. Intensity of emission lines of alkali metal (K) were measured in the flame spectra during the
bagasse combustion. Spectral flame emissivity was estimated for an industrial level operating condition.

1. Introduction origin of the sugarcane. Despite the different methods of combustion

that are used, combustion on sugarcane bagasse boilers is a complex
Sugarcane bagasse is the most important biomass waste in Brazil process that consists of consecutive homogeneous and heterogeneous
and stands for about 7% in the Brazilian energy matrix. In a recent reactions. The main process steps are drying, devolatilization, gasifi-
report [1], there are 405 accounted sugarcane bagasse power plants in cation, char combustion, and gas-phase oxidation [2]. The time used for
Brazil with an installed power of 11,271 MW. About, 203 power plants each process depends on the fuel particles size distribution, fuel prop-
are in the São Paulo State with an installed power of 5779 MW. These erties, temperature and combustion conditions. For any combustible the
power plants burn sugarcane bagasse for supply thermal, mechanical flame radiation properties depend on the distributions of temperatures
and electrical power to the industrial units. They also supply electrical and species within the flame. A detailed prediction of radiation from
energy to the electric power distribution network. flames is not often possible from only using knowledge of the fuel
The bagasse particles have variable composition and geometry due constituents and the flame geometry [3].
to the characteristics of the industrial process and the geographical During the last few years, some experiments in laboratorial scale to

Corresponding author at: Posgraduate Program of Mechanical Engineering, Santa Cecilia University, Rua Cesário Mota 08, Sala F-34, Santos (SP) CEP 11.045-040,
E-mail addresses: (C.T. Salinas), (C. Lou).
Received 6 September 2019; Received in revised form 20 April 2020; Accepted 1 May 2020
Available online 04 May 2020
1359-4311/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.T. Salinas, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 175 (2020) 115433

temperature measurement (during the combustion of a single particle of With this technology, the two-color method is usually used based on the
sugarcane bagasse) were conducted [2,4]. These studies reported assumption that the emissivity at two wavelengths is the same. How-
combustion temperatures in the range from 1600 K to 1900 K. During ever, most of the works are dedicated to the study of fossil fuels as coal
the combustion process, information was given about the time and and hydrocarbons. In recent years this technology was applied in a
stages of the combustion process of a single particle of sugarcane ba- municipal solid waste incinerator [18].
gasse. In a recent work, it was reported that indirect temperature The objective of this study is to apply a spectral analysis and an
measurements of combustion of sugarcane bagasse in a laboratorial image processing technique in the visible spectrum to estimate the
scale in a bubbling fluidized bed combustor [5]. flame temperature related to a combustion reactive zone in an in-
Numerical simulation of sugarcane bagasse particle in suspension dustrial bagasse fired boiler. Both the spectrometer system and the
combustion in a small combustion furnace predicted maximum gas portable flame image detection system are introduced at first and then a
temperatures were about 1400 K for bagasse with 30% of moisture [6]. description of the measurement principle. Initially, experiments are
These temperatures reported are a consequence of the heating rate in conducted to measure flame temperature associated with a laboratorial
the combustion process determined by the neighboring conditions. This scale in an electrical blackbody furnace. Suitable values of radiative
kind of boundary condition is not usually in industrial boilers. Efforts to properties in sugarcane bagasse flame were discussed, tested and as-
simulate a Brazilian industrial sugarcane boiler using computational sumed following experimental numerical tests. The monitoring ex-
fluid dynamic (CFD) code were made in [7,8]. CFD simulations were periments were conducted in a 136 t/h rate evaporative capacity su-
made considering a boiler with similar geometry and operation para- garcane bagasse boiler furnace and short thermal monitoring was
meters such as the boiler studied in this work. The results of the CFD carried out to obtain instantaneous and average flame temperatures in
simulation in [7,8] show temperature profiles inside of the boiler fur- sugarcane bagasse combustion. This work is carried out as a research
nace and the maximum temperature is smaller than the maximum step aiming to apply methods for continuous online thermal monitoring
temperature in laboratory measurements reported in Refs. [2] and [4]. to estimate three-dimensional temperature maps in a furnace of a su-
These CFD simulations showed smooth temperature distribution in the garcane bagasse boiler.
reactive zone due the suppositions adopted to simplify the problem.
Other studies of CFD modeling of sugarcane bagasse combustion in an 2. Materials and experimental Set-up
industrial boiler with similar geometry and operation characteristics is
presented in [9]. Maximum flame temperatures from CFD simulation In many industrial applications, it is necessary to resort to experi-
and a comparison with experimental temperature measurements were mental methods for temperature measurement to estimate with more
reported and they were in in the range of 1500 K. accuracy the radiative transfer in systems involving combustion.
In a recent study, a laboratory swirl burner using dry pulverized However, only a few in situ measuring systems focus on monitoring
biomass from pelletized biomass of a rubber tree presented CFD simu- combustion or flame temperature inside a sugarcane boiler furnace.
lation and experimental results [10]. For an experimental combustion This information can help with studies to improve the boiler project,
test with 20% air excess, result in experimental measurements of flame the safety/efficiency of the power plant operation and mitigation of
temperature in the range of 1300 K to 1450 K using thermocouples pollution.
installed along the axis of a combustion chamber. Reports also show
CFD simulations for the temperature distribution where the maximum 2.1. General bagasse characteristics
temperatures in the reactive zone are in the range of 1650 K.
Many methods for measuring temperature in furnaces have been Bagasse is composed of fiber and water-soluble materials, mainly
developed in the past. Thermocouples and pyrometers are the most sugar and impurities. Routine reports in the power plant includes in-
widely methods used, but they can only provide single-point mea- formation of the proximate analysis of bagasse burned in the boiler
surement and they suffer degradation in severe environments [11]. furnace. For a bagasse sample with 53.5% of moisture in the days of the
Optical methods based on laser diagnostic techniques to measure experiments was reported in dry basis, 12.5% fixed carbon, 69.9%
flame temperature distributions were used in many research studies volatiles and 17.6 ash content. The ultimate analysis in dry and ash free
[12–13]. A review of some optical methods is presented in [14]. Laser basis of bagasse in the power plant is presented in Table 1.
spectrum diagnostics are superior in high precision, but the large di- The bagasse samples for the combustion test in the laboratory were
mensions of the furnace whose size may be more than 10 m has been collected at a power plant in Pirassununga City, Sao Paulo State. The
challenging to apply in industrial furnaces. The spontaneous emission bagasse samples were collected in the same condition as they are used
spectra of flames contains continuous spectra from blackbody radiation to burn at the boiler with 50% of moisture. During the transporting of
of solid particles (e.g., soot, char or ash particles); from the band spectra the samples some variation of moisture occurred. Before the experi-
produced by the radiation of gas molecules (e.g., CO2 or H2O); from mental tests in the laboratory, measurement of the sample moisture was
chemiluminescence of excited radicals (e.g., OH, CH or C2); and from carried to the chemical department laboratory at Santa Cecilia
the line spectra of free atoms (e.g., alkalis or alkaline earth metals) University only after following the procedure stated in [26]. Three
[15]. Spectrometric measurement based in the flame emission spectrum bagasse samples of approximately 1 g are used for measuring the
technique is relatively simple to implement due to the independence of moisture content and the result is shown in table 2.
the laser. There are detailed reports in the literature of their application
for furnace combustion control [16–17] and pollutant emission mon-
2.2. Portable imaging system
itoring [18–19]. The basic idea is to process spectral signals to provide
radiative intensity of flame that can be used for feedback temperature
A scheme of the portable imaging system is shown in Fig. 1. The
measurement and combustion control. The multi-wavelength method
system consists of a color CCD camera, an objective lens with a viewing
has been developed by some researchers for application in temperature
measurement and combustion studies [4,20] and was used with dif-
Table 1
ferent fuels: many types of coal, oil and biomass. It is assumed that the
Ultimate analysis of some samples in routine report in the power plant.
change of emissivity with wavelength satisfies certain regularity.
Flame image processing technologies in the visible spectrum has C% H% 0% N% Sulfur % Chlorine % High heating Value MJ/
widely been used for measurements of flame temperature and radiative
properties in small-scale test furnaces [21–22], in industrial furnaces 48.17 6.55 44.9 3.64 Less to 0.10 0.0449 16.12
[23–24] and the use of portable equipment in industrial furnaces [25].

C.T. Salinas, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 175 (2020) 115433

Table 2
Average moisture of bagasse samples in laboratorial tests.
Test Moist sample (g) Dry sample (g) Moisture (%) Average moisture (%)

1 1.0386 0.7269 30.0115 27.9748

2 0.9914 0.7059 26.9013
3 0.9929 0.7247 27.0117

angle field of 90° in a horizontal direction fixed at the top end of the
CCD camera and a laptop with a frame grabber. The flame radiation
conveyed by the lens entered the color CCD camera and the shutter
speed of the color camera is adjustable from 1/120 to 1/10000 s. The
video signal from the CCD camera is transferred into the laptop through
a video cable. A USB frame-grabber transfers the CCD camera’s ana-
logue signal into a two-dimensional digital color image with 24-bit true
color. Combined with a DELL Latitude D630 laptop, the system pro-
Fig. 2. Photo of Flame Image Detector of the Portable Imaging System.
vides a frame rate of 24 frames / s with a 24-bit true color. Every color
flame image is saved as a 24-bit RGB Windows Bitmap (BMP) file. When
the CCD camera is installed in the boiler furnace to capture flame experimental test ring is mounted in the laboratory to obtain the
images on-line, it should be cooled by air or water. However, while the spectrum of the bagasse flame. This process during a bagasse combus-
portable system works, flame capturing time in every viewing port is tion process to calculate the flame temperature. A small GRION Electric
very short. Furthermore, the objective lens and CCD camera were Furnace that has the characteristics of a blackbody furnace and the
packaged by a steel shell. As a result, there is no cooling air for the spectrometric system described above were used. The furnace has an
measurement in the power plant. A photo of the flame image detector of operation range between 500 K and 1500 K (with temperature mea-
the portable imaging system used in the bagasse power plant is shown surement errors within ± 1 K) and a set point electronic control. The
in Fig. 2. furnace has a viewing port in a front wall to install the sensor of the
spectrometric system. A small chimney is installed in the upper wall of
the furnace as an exit for combustion gases allowing the circulation of
2.3. Spectrometer system fresh air into the furnace supporting the combustion process. The
combustion process is carried out in a batch procedure using small
The spectrometer system consists of a spectrometer, a measuring samples of sugarcane bagasse between 2 g and 5 g.
probe and a portable computer. An AvaSpec-USB2048 Fiber-Optic
Spectrometers with 2048 pixels is used to process the incoming light 2.5. Sugarcane bagasse boiler facilities
data. The measurement wavelength range of the spectrometer was
200 nm to 1100 nm. The spectral resolution of this spectrometer is In Brazil, sugarcane bagasse is burned in two main types of boilers:
0.4–0.6 nm. The measuring probe consists of a collimating lens and a i) grate fired furnaces that are found in the many of the older units and
fiber-optic cable. The COL-UV/vis collimating lens, screws onto the end also in some new industrial units; ii) burning bagasse in suspension
of the fiber optic entrance connector and converts the divergent beam furnaces the preferred option by industrial manufacturers and buyers in
of radiation into a parallel beam. The spectrometer is connected to a the last years. In recent years, some fluidized bed boilers have also been
portable computer through a USB cable and AvaSoft-8 USB2 interface. installed.
For experiments reported in this paper, the exposure (integration) time The experiments were conducted in a boiler at a bagasse power
is about several hundred milliseconds, which means that measurement plant in a boiler at Pirassununga City, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. This
of radiative intensifies at different wavelengths simultaneously by the particular boiler is the type that burns in suspension and it was man-
spectrometer. Fig. 3(a) shows a scheme of the spectrometric system. ufactured in 2010. A simplified scheme that shows the boiler operation
The spectrometric system was used to collect spectral intensities of is presented in Fig. 4. This boiler has a moving grate in the floor of the
sugarcane bagasse flame through the viewing port of the boiler furnace furnace to remove the ash. Primary air for the combustion process is
every second. In Fig. 3(b) a photo is shown of the installation of the supplied through entrances at the floor furnace. Secondary air for the
spectrometric system at the bagasse boiler viewing port. combustion process promotes the particles suspension is supplied by
entrances at the front and back walls. The boiler has a 136 t/h rate
2.4. Laboratorial Set-Up evaporative capacity and a sugarcane bagasse average consumption of
1500 t/day. The content of moisture in the sugarcane bagasse fuel was
Before the experimental tests in the industrial bagasse boiler, an has an average of 49.33% based on the daily operation reports of the

Fig. 1. Schematic Diagram of Portable Imaging System.

C.T. Salinas, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 175 (2020) 115433

Probe Spectrometer

Optical Fiber

Personal Computer

Fig. 3. (a) Schematic Diagram of the Spectrometric System, (b) Photo of Spectrometric System Installation at a Power Plant.

heating value of a sample of wet bagasse with 53.5% mass of moisture

(as it is burning in the boiler) was 7.5 MJ/Kg. The overall dimensions of
the boiler furnace are as follows: 21 m height, 11.05 m length and
7.86 m width. There are six viewing ports in the bottom of the front
wall of the boiler furnace; two of these viewing ports are used as
measurement in the experiments. These viewing ports are to 1.45 m
height from the moving grate.

3. Theoretical basis and measurement method

3.1. Theoretical basis

The radiation intensity emitted by a flame at wavelength λ is de-

pendent on the flame’s emissivity ε (λ) and the temperature T according
to Planck’s Law as below:
2 hc 2
I ( , T) = ( ) 5 (e hc / kT (1)where h is Planck’s Constant, c is the
speed of light and k is the Boltzmann Constant.
The flame image detection system could get approximately mono-
chromatic radiation images of red (R), green (G) and blue (B) [23,25].
The images are determined by the spectroscopic response of the CCD
Fig. 4. Simplified Scheme of the Boiler. camera of the color flame image detector and the central wavelengths
of red and green are λr = 625 nm and λg = 520 nm, respectively. The
power plant. Typical weekly and monthly average reports from su- flame temperature is expected to be upper to 800 K. However, from
garcane bagasse moisture on the date of the experiments were 49.77% wavelength range from 300 to 1000 nm and temperature range from
and 49.38% respectively. The bagasse used is obtained from raw su- 800 to 2000 K, since hc/λkT ≫ 1, Planck’s Law can be replaced by
garcane, non-burnt and mechanically cut. Most of the current tests of Wien’s Radiation Law:
2 hc2 2 hc 2
ultimate analysis in bagasse boiler plants do not measure alkali metals I( , T) = ( ) 5 (ehc/ kT)
= ( )Ib ( , T) I ( , T ) = ( ) 5 (e hc / kT )
= (2)
content. A high heating value in a dry basis was 16.12 MJ/Kg. A high
( ) Ib ( , T )

C.T. Salinas, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 175 (2020) 115433

where Ib (λ,T) is the monochromatic blackbody radiation intensity. Based on the assumption of a constant emissivity at wavelength λ
The sugarcane bagasse-fired boiler furnace is considered be filled by and λ + Δλ, the temperature T is given by
gray emitting, absorbing and scattering medium of suspended particles.
It is also surrounded by gray water-cooled surfaces. The principle of
( )/ln
1 1 I ( , T)
T= C2 + I ( + , T ) ( + )5
judging the gray property of flames is based on spectral analysis and the
two-color method for determining the temperature and emissivity of a After the temperature T is obtained the emissivity ε (λ) can be found
flame which has been described in [27]. The sensitive bands of the R, G from,
and B images are not narrow, but the assumption of gray medium [27] ( ) = I ( , T )/ Ib ( , T ) (6)
and the continuous radiation from particles of the suspension-bagasse-
fired combustion medium leads us to assume that R, G and B data in an By using the spectrometric data, once the wavelength range meeting
image are directly proportional to the monochromatic radiative in- the gray property is determined [27], the nearly constant temperature
tensities. calculated by the two-color method within this wavelength range can
A significant principle of processing a flame image and re- be taken as the temperature to be measured, as well as the averaged
constructing 2D and 3D temperature distribution in large scale furnaces emissivity calculated from Eq. (6).
has been described in [28 –29]. The integral radiative transfer equation Also, for the flame detection system, temperature T can be calcu-
for an emitting, absorbing and isotropic scattering medium [30] is used lated from the ratio of two monochromatic intensity images Ir and Ig by
to calculate the radiative intensity field. The DRESOR method [31] was the two-color method,
the numerical procedure used for brevity. In order to reconstruct the
temperature distribution from radiative images, a temperature imaging
model was used to relate flame temperature image Tm with the tem-
T= C2 ( 1
g )/ln I ( r, T ) r5 r
I ( g, T ) g5 g
perature distribution T in the furnace as seen below [32],
If the central wavelength λr and λg are within the wavelength range
Tm = A 'T (3)where Aʹ is matrix coefficient related with installation
meeting the gray property deduced from the spectral analysis method
geometry, the imaging parameters of the image detectors and the ra-
using spectrometer mentioned above, it is reasonable to set εr / εg ≈ 1,
diative properties of medium [32]. The reconstruction procedure can be
and the flame image temperature can be calculated from eq. (7). The
described as the following: the radiative intensity image I and the ra-
flame emissivity image ε can be calculated from one monochromatic
diative temperature image Tm can be detected by the image detectors as
intensity image data as follows:
they serve as input data. A Tikhonov regularization method has been
used to reconstruct the temperature distribution determined by equa-
= Ir 5
r /(C1 e
C2/ r T ) (8)
tion (3) from the radiative temperature image Tm as below:
Tm = (A 'T A ' + DT D) 1A 'T T (4)where D is a regularization operator
It is noted that both the spectrometric system and the portable flame
and α is a regularization parameter. The detailed description of the
image detection system detect line-of-sight radiation intensity. For 2D
numerical procedure can be found in [28–29]. A decoupled re-
and 3D images, temperature measurements will be needed to install
construction method combining optimization methodology and reg-
multiple image detectors [22,34]. A simple calibration procedure based
ularization methodology was proposed in [33] to simultaneous re-
on a blackbody furnace to correlate the output value and the mono-
construct the temperature distribution and the average absorption and
chromatic radiation intensity was employed to calibrate the two sys-
scattering coefficient of the medium. An iteration algorithm and a least-
tems. A Mikron Model M330 blackbody furnace with a temperature
squares method were used to estimate the absorption and scattering
range from 500 to 2000 K (with temperature errors within ± 1 K) was
coefficients of the medium. It has been proven that the radiative
used to calibrate the two systems. The characteristic calibration profiles
properties can converge to stabilize values after a few iterations [33].
of the spectrometer system at different temperatures are shown in
Due to the complicated processes occurring when sugarcane bagasse
Fig. 5.
particles burn in industrial furnaces, radiative properties such as ab-
Fig. 6 shows the variations of Ir and Ig with the R and G data, when
sorption and scattering coefficients are not always given exactly. They
the shutter speed of the color camera was 1/250 s.
are essential in making a reliable calculation of radiative transfer in
combustion computation. In research with different types of fuels as
coal [34], gas [35] and oil [22], it was shown that the flame emissivity 4. Results and discussion
and the absorption and scattering coefficients have higher values near
the more intense reactive zone and decreased trough the flame. In [34], At the first stage of research towards application of thermal mon-
the distribution of the extinction coefficient with coal combustion in a itoring in an industrial sugarcane boiler, we reported experimental
large-scale boiler was estimated after a numerical procedure with 68 h measurement results of sugarcane bagasse flame temperature and
of computational time consumption. It was found that the extinction emissivity. The spectrometric system and a portable flame imaging
coefficient varies from 0.4 m−1 to 0.85 m−1 along the combustion system with a single flame detector were both used in obtaining the
spatial volume and the maximum values were detected in the com- results.
bustion reactive zone of the furnace [34]. In practical applications, an
iterative algorithm may not be permitted for obtaining real-time results 4.1. Laboratory tests results
due to the consumption of time. For sugarcane bagasse combustion in a
large-scale boiler. No information is available about the estimation of Experimental tests were carried out during the bagasse combustion
the radiative properties. In this work, the measurements are focused in into a blackbody furnace to measure flame temperature. The bagasse
the reactive zone of sugarcane bagasse combustion and after previous samples were collected on the boiler furnace feed line in the power
numerical experiments using captured thermal images, the value of plant. The experimental tests were made using the batch method with
0.8 m−1 for the extinction coefficient for online monitoring test is 5 g of bagasse samples to guarantee enough air for the combustion
adopted. process. Samples of sugarcane bagasse with 29% of moisture were
The spectrometric system can get the monochromatic radiation in- weighed and put in a small plain cup of refractory steel and introduced
tensity within a certain wavelength range over the wavelength range of into the furnace at 873 K. The spectrometric system can collect one
operation with a spectrometer that is 200–1100 nm. The output of the flame spectrum for every one second. After some initial combustion
spectrometric system and flame image system is just a voltage value tests, the following experimental procedure was adopted: bagasse
converted from the radiation signal through photoelectric conversion. combustion into the blackbody furnace with the door open and

C.T. Salinas, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 175 (2020) 115433

Blackbody temperature = 1573 K 400

Counts 350 Polynomial Fit of Data1_IR
Intensity 10
4 3.2x10 300

Intensity( W/m /sr)

4x10 10 250

Ir MW/m /sr
3x10 200

2x10 150
4 8.0x10

0 0.0 50

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Wavelength (nm)
0 50 100 150 200
(a) R
Blackbody intensity-1273K
Blackbody intensity-1373K
Blackbody intensity-1473K
Blackbody intensity-1573K
Blackbody intensity-1673K
Intensity(W/m /sr)

11 Blackbody intensity-1773K Polynomial Fit of Data1_IG

1.0x10 40

Blackbody intensity-1873K
Callbrate intensity-1273K
Callbrate intensity-1373K
Callbrate intensity-1473K
Callbrate intensity-1573K
Ig MW/m /sr 30
10 Callbrate intensity-1673K
Callbrate intensity-1773K

Callbrate intensity-1873K



200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 10

Wavelength (nm)
(b) 0
Fig. 5. Calibration results of spectrometer. (a) Raw counts of spectrometer and 0 50 100 150 200
corresponding blackbody intensities at 1573 K. (b) Comparison of calibrated G
intensities obtained by the spectrometer and corresponding blackbody in-
tensities at different temperatures. (b)
Fig. 6. (a) Variations of Ir and (b) Variations of Ig with the R and G data, re-
acquisition of the flame spectrum data installing the detector lens spectively.
0.02 m distance from bagasse flame. Bagasse samples of 5 g uniformly
dispersed in a plane cup of refractory steel was used in three experi- observed during the combustion process with a minimum value of
mental tests named a, b and c. The flame dimension in the experiments 1420 K and a maximum value of 1670 K. It is worth mentioning that the
had approximately a cross section in the range of 0.05 m height and flames in these experimental tests are diffusion flames of transient and
0.05 m width with 0.04 m deep. Being this deep guarantees the flame non-premixed nature that experience large temporal and spatial gra-
opacity during the tests. Due to the combustion monitoring time, be- dients in local species and temperature. Lowest temperature in test c
tween 10 s and 20 s, the detector did not suffer dangerous heating. For can indicate temporary overall oxygen deficiencies. Also, lowest tem-
temperature calculations, the wavelength interval Δλ in Eq. (5) should peratures in the final period of the tests are related with the final stage
be very small to make the variation of the medium emissivity much of the combustion process due to the consumption of the sample. Mean
smaller. This is the ideal condition for the application of the two-color flame temperature for every test is calculated and given the following
method to obtain reliable temperature profiles. The wavelength interval values: 1601.40 K, 1580.58 K and 1525.57 K for tests a, b and c re-
Δλ in Eq. (5) is chosen to be 30 nm as in [18]. The existence alkali spectively. The mean flame temperature for the test is 1569.58 K with a
metal potassium K (~767 nm) emission lines were identified and then standard deviation of 39.17 K (2.49%). Fig. 9 shows a median chart
extracted from the examined range of wavelength suitable for estima- comparing the three experimental tests and it can be observed that the
tion of the temperature which fundamentally should not change with median values of flame temperature of every test are closed.
the wavelength. More details about the detection of alkali is discussed
in the final part of section 4.2.2.
Calculation of the flame temperature is made for an interval be- 4.2. Industrial bagasse boiler tests results
tween 12 and 15 s of continuous experimental tests. The calculation of
every instantaneous temperature corresponds to the calculation using Experiments were conducted on a sugarcane bagasse-fired boiler
an instantaneous spectrum data at every second and afterwards it is a furnace with steam capacity of 136 t/h and 36 MW power generation
mean temperature from the spectral data. A typical instantaneous flame unit. The boiler was manufactured by a Brazilian company. It is a
spectrum is shown in Fig. 7(a) and 7(b). Results of flame temperature particle suspension combustion and moving grate boiler. A scheme of
profiles during the combustion process of three samples are shown in the boiler is shown in Fig. 4. The stream of biomass into the boiler
Fig. 8. A large variation of the instantaneous temperature values is furnace could be considered as a group of particles with various sizes
and shapes resulting in different heat/mass interaction with the

C.T. Salinas, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 175 (2020) 115433

Fig. 7. (a) Typical instantaneous raw counts of spectrometer, (b) Typical instantaneous Intensity profile.

Fig. 8. Mean bagasse flame temperature for a set of spectral data in experi-
mental tests a, b and c in a black body furnace. Fig. 9. Median Chart of Bagasse flame temperature in experimental tests a, b
and c.

C.T. Salinas, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 175 (2020) 115433

Fig. 10. Viewing port and flame observed through the viewing port.

continuous phase. The measurement tests were carried out in a typical 3.00E+009

day of the boiler operation. The boiler works currently with slight po-
sitive pressure. The whole measurement procedure is relatively simple, 2.50E+009

but it is not a trivial procedure due to the experimental test that is made
in a boiler operating in conditions with in-situ measurements. A fine

Intensity (W/m 3/sr)


coordination is needed with the boiler operation controller to maintain

a slight negative pressure inside the boiler and the operating para- 1.50E+009

meters during the measurement time. Based on the flue gas analysis
carried out using a Testo 330 analyzer from internal reports in the 1.00E+009

power plant, the boiler furnace was operating with 28% air excess and K
with an average of 49.33% bagasse moisture at the time of the ex- 5.00E+008

perimental test. The boiler furnace has six viewing ports in the bottom
of the boiler front wall and they are symmetrically distributed. The 0.00E+000

boiler has six bagasse fuel feeders symmetrically distributed along the
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
boiler front wall and every one of the viewing ports is located below
Wavelength (nm)
every respective fuel feeder in the same vertical line. The project of the
boiler was made in effort to obtain a uniform combustion distribution Fig. 11. Spectrum of Bagasse Flame in the Boiler Furnace.
inside the furnace; in the real operating conditions some differences can
be found. Viewing ports four and five were selected to carry out the
at 767 nm. Continuous emission is mainly due to thermal radiation
measurement experiments. Fig. 10 shows one viewing port in a front
from soot and char particles in the sugarcane bagasse flame. The
wall and a bagasse flame is observed.
spectrum contains thermal information from the flame, so the flame
The portable imaging system focuses on a flame area inside the
temperature and emissivity of sugarcane bagasse flame along the line of
furnace and the spectrometric system concentrating on a smaller flame
sight can be calculated. According to the measurement principles, the
area as the portable imaging system. Then to measure the same local
temperature and emissivity can be derived from continuous spectral
flame area, a geometrical calculation in the measurement area was
radiation intensities based on the Hotel and Broughton’s emissivity
made to properly guide the installation of the sensors. In the first step,
model. Again, for calculation of the instantaneous flame temperature
flame images from viewing ports four and five were captured simulta-
from every spectrum, the wavelength interval Δλ in Eq. (5) should be
neously using the portable image system and the spectrometer system
very small to enable a much smaller variation of the medium emissivity.
respectively. The next step is where temperature and emissivity images
were calculated by spectral analysis. The final step produced pseudo-
instantaneous 2-D temperature distribution in one cross-section and 1700
was reconstructed by the imaging system.

4.2.1. Measurements with the spectrometer system
The spectrometric system is used to collect the spectrum of bagasse
flame in the boiler furnace. The flame spectrum is collected by the fiber-
Temperature (K)

optic measure probe and transferred into the spectrometer. Then,
spectral data such as spectral intensities are sent into a laptop.
Monitoring of a flame reactive zone of bagasse combustion is carried
out for 160 s using the spectrometric system to obtain representative
experimental data. The spectrometric system collects spectral data
every second and it will collect 160 instantaneous spectrums for this
experiment. The measurements were carried out from the viewing port
five, shown in Fig. 4.
In Fig. 11, one instantaneous profile of the calibrated spectral ra-
diant intensity between 300 nm and 1100 nm is captured from the 0 50 100 150 200 250
focused reactive zone in the boiler furnace. It can be seen as a con- Time (s)
tinuous emission existing within the wavelength range of 300 to
1100 nm and can be observed as one emission peak or an emission line Fig. 12. Measured Flame Temperature Varying with Time.

C.T. Salinas, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 175 (2020) 115433



Emissivity (\)




0 50 100 150 200 250 Fig. 15. Average Instantaneous Flame Temperature in the Focused Reactive
Time (s) Combustion Area During Short Time Monitoring Measured by the Flame
Imaging System.
Fig. 13. Measured Flame Emissivity Varying with Time.

indicate that the combustion process in the focused flame area is un-
This is the ideal situation for the application of the two-color method to stable.
obtain temperature and emissivity profiles reliability. Also, the ex-
istence and effects of the K emission lines were identified and then
extracted from the examined range of wavelength that is suitable for 4.2.2. Measurements by the portable imaging system
estimation of the temperature which fundamentally should not change Flame temperature images using the portable flame image system
with the wavelength. The wavelength interval Δλ in Eq. (5) is chosen to were calculated from flame radiative images data of Ir and Ig. A photo of
be 30 nm as in Ref. [27]. Calculation of flame temperature is made for a typical flame image of bagasse burning into the boiler furnace is
an interval of 160 s of continuous experimental tests. shown in Fig. 14 (a). The 2-D temperature distribution in the focused
In Fig. 12, the illustration shows the sugarcane bagasse flame tem- area is calculated employing the methodology introduced in section 3.1
perature variation for the reactive zone. It can be observed as a max- and using a dedicated computational code. Currently, information is
imum and minimum instantaneous mean temperatures of 1653 K and not available about the estimation of the radiative properties for su-
1265 K respectively. The average flame temperature in the focused garcane bagasse combustion in a large-scale boiler. In this work, mea-
reactive zone was 1443 K for the 160 s monitoring. The flames in these surements are focused in the reactive zone combustion [34].
experimental tests can be considered as diffusion flames of transient After previous numerical simulations using captured thermal
and non-premixed nature that experience large temporal and spatial images, the value of 0.8 m−1 for the extinction coefficient for online
gradients in local species and temperature. A large and continuous monitoring test is adopted. The portable imaging system can process
variation of the instantaneous flame temperature observed may in- one radiative image every five seconds. A monitoring test of 160 s is
dicate large variations of the instantaneous distribution de species. A carried out with this imaging system. A typical instantaneous 2-D
low instantaneous flame temperature can indicate temporary local temperature distribution map of the focused flame section is shown in
oxygen deficiencies and species variation. From spectral data and using Fig. 14 (b). It can be observed in the focus section that the temperatures
the Eq. 6, calculations were made for the sugarcane bagasse flame near the floor of the furnace are lower than temperatures farther away
emissivity. Fig. 13 gives the flame emissivity varying with time. It is from the floor. It seems that most parts of the sugarcane bagasse par-
observed that the emissivity of the sugarcane bagasse flame for the local ticles are burned in suspension above of the furnace floor. This is in
measured point is in the range of 0.04 to 0.11. Variation of in- reasonable agreement and with the fact that the primary air is in-
stantaneous flame temperature and flame emissivity can possibly troduced to the furnace via the floor. From the 2-D flame temperature
map the instantaneous mean flame temperature of the focused area is

Fig. 14. Flame Image and Corresponding Temperature Image Obtained by Portable Imaging System.

C.T. Salinas, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 175 (2020) 115433

calculated. The variation of the mean flame temperature with the time a reasonable fact that this difference is primarily due to the boundary
is shown in Fig. 15. It found a maximum instantaneous mean flame conditions in the blackbody furnace with close and hotter walls. Also,
temperature of 1520 K with a mean temperature of 1496.1 K with a the moisture content in the bagasse burning boiler is a key factor in
standard deviation of 10.79 K in 160 s of the monitoring test. Of course, reducing the flame temperature. Temperatures reported in Refs. [2] and
these values of temperatures are not representative for all of the spatial [4] are larger than the temperatures found in this work due to the
domain of the boiler furnace however it gives representative tempera- moisture content of the samples and the use of a hotter furnace. CFD
tures in the reactive zone focus. From flame image temperatures it was simulations in [7–8], in [9] and in [36] were made for a similar kind of
also observed that the combustion process is not uniform. It can be boiler, with comparable geometrical dimensions and operating para-
attributed along with other factors to the great variation of the size of meters. The overall outcome of the temperature calculations of the CFD
the particles of bagasse and the high moisture content that seems to simulations in Refs. [7], [8] and [9] are in reasonable agreement with
promote particle agglutination in the feeding system. The average the results in the experimental test at the bagasse boiler of this work as
temperature measured using the spectrometric system is in reasonable shown in table 3. In [36] the CFD simulation predicted that strong re-
approximation with results by the portable image system. The noted active zones are principally near the grate are consistent with the ex-
discrepancy between the two measurements is 53.61 K (3.58%). perimental observations in this work. However, in [36], higher tem-
Throughout the measurement process, the color CCD camera and peratures in the reactive zones in the range of 2000 K to 2300 K were
spectrometer fiber were fixed on the tripod and the optical path was calculated with a higher prediction and was not in agreement with
calibrated by the laser calibrator before measurement. There was no pattern measurements in [2] and [4]. In [10], a CFD simulation and an
movement during measurement, so the systematic errors caused by the experimental test in a 300 kW pilot furnace using pulverized dry bio-
optical path and camera angle changing can be ignored. The average mass from pelletized biomass of a rubber tree provided vital evidence.
temperature measured by the spectrometer system and the portable The ultimate analysis of the pulverized dry biomass has in approx-
imaging system for 160 s are 1446 K and 1496.61 K respectively. The imation with the ultimate analysis of the sugarcane bagasse in this
noted discrepancy between the two measurements is 53.61 K (3.58%). work. The laboratorial experimental tests in [10] were made by using
Two main reasons contribute to the difference between two methods of dry biomass and intensive promoting of a species mixture. It can be
temperature measurement. One reason is that the measurements with considered as a reference of the higher values for maximum tempera-
the spectrometer system results obtained are the average value in the tures in biomass combustion in furnaces with air at atmospheric pres-
direction of the line of sight, while the portable imaging system cal- sure. The measured maximum flame temperature in the reactive zone in
culate the average temperature for the focus flame area. The two sys- [10] (by using thermocouples along the flame) is in agreement with
tems are located at different viewing ports. The obtained temperature results in this work.
are different between two systems because the average distribution The results show a workable application of a monitoring system
temperature in boiler is not uniform. We compute the error of mea- based in radiative image processing through a visible spectrum for
surement result with respect to the data, using the root-mean-squared continuous temperature field measurements in a sugar cane bagasse
error (RMSE), which defined as shown below: boiler furnace. More time devoted to flame temperature monitoring will
RMSE = m 1 i = 1 (Ti Tave )2 / Tave (9)where m is the total num-
1 m give us a better understanding of boiler operation conditions. Three-
bers of temperature data, Ti is temperature data, and Tave is the mean dimensional temperature information of flame and combustion gases
temperature. The value of RMSE for spectrometer measurement result inside the boiler furnace can be used as feedback data in the controlling
and color CCD camera measurement result are 3.95% and 2.0%. The biomass combustion operation and efficiency of the power plant. Also,
value of RMSE for the two methods are acceptable, considering the extensive monitoring data can be used as a vital component to expand
flame temperature changing caused by temporary local oxygen and the boiler project.
species variation in the boiler furnace. Finally, according to the National Institute of Standards and
Besides that, Table 3 shows the comparison of the results of flame Technology (NIST)’s Atomic Spectra Database, the detected emission
temperature in this work with results in other works. In table 3 is used peak in the spectrum of bagasse flame represents the atomic emission
the follow abbreviations: SP, single particle; BBF, Bach in Black body lines of potassium (K) (766.490 nm, 769.896). Subsequently, from the
furnace; SM, Spectrometric method; and IM, Therma Imaging Method. flame spectrum in Fig. 11, emissions lines are originating from the al-
It was found that flame temperature in the laboratory tests in this work kali metal potassium K (̴ 767 nm). The alkali metal combines with Cl to
is slightly higher than the temperatures measured in the boiler. Once is form KCl, which has a low melting point and can shrink upon contact

Table 3
Bagasse flame temperature comparison.
Reference/Bagasse origin Moisture % Maximum Flame/Char Temperature Average Flame/Char Temperature K Wall Furnace Temperature K Source of result derivation

[2]/ Brazil (SP)1 dry 2000 (Char) 1820 1400 Exp. Laboratory
[4]/ Brazil (SP)1 4.4 1890 (Char) – 1400 Exp. Laboratory
[6]/ Brazil (SP)1 30 1400 – 1123 Simulation Lab
[7]/ Brazil 50 1700–1800 – 558 CFD Boiler
[8]/ Brazil 50 1400–1600 – 558 CFD Boiler
[9]/Colombia 50.32 1474–1615 – 558 CFD Boiler
[9]/Colombia2 50.32 1503 – 558 Exp Boiler
[10]/Thailand3 5.81 1680 – – CFD Boiler Lab
[10]/Thailand3,2 5.81 1450 – – Exp Boiler Lab
[36]/Brazil 50 2000–2300 – 559 CFD Boiler
This work BBF1 29 1670 1569.18 ± 39.17 (2.4%) 873 Exp Laboratory
This work SM1 49.6 1623 1443 ± 45.3 565 Exp Boiler
This work IM1 49.6 1520 1496.61 ± 10.78 565 Exp Boiler

SP: single particle; BBF: Bach, Black body furnace; SM: Spectrometric method; IM: Imaging Method.
Measurement Using Thermocouple.
Pulverized Dry Biomass from Pelletized Biomass of a Rubber Tree.

C.T. Salinas, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 175 (2020) 115433


This work was supported by the Science and Technology

Partnership Program, Ministry of Science and Technology of China
(KY201401003), FAPESP of Brazil (Process 2016/01493-9) and the
National Key Research and Development Program of China
(2018YFB0604100). The first author also thanks CONCYTEC of Perú
(contract 010-2019-FONDECYT-BM-INC.INV) by his financial support.
The authors would also like to thank the Baldin Power Plant and the
Equipalcool Company for their cooperation in this research.

Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://

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