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Leadership Experiences and Goals


 Resource Provider & Learner Facilitator

o I conducted a workshop for my colleagues on digital tools and resources for
hybrid learning

 Instructional Specialist & Learner Facilitator

o I conducted a workshop sharing blended learning approaches such as flipped
classroom and station rotation through the framework of backwards design

 Curriculum Specialist
o I worked with the curriculum coordinator to redesign middle school ELA
curriculum. We also went to workshops on NWEA MAP testing, where we
identified gaps in vertical alignment and areas in the curriculum needing special
attention to best meet the learning needs of our students.
 Mentor
o I am currently serving as a mentor for a novice teacher.

 School Leader
o I serve on a professional development committee tasked with creating a
systematic professional development program focused on teaching and learning.
o I serve on a leadership task force finding creative solutions to our school’s

 Data Coach
o I studied standardized testing data and presented patterns and gaps in vertical
alignment to inform colleagues and leadership what areas of curriculum and
instruction we need to change and/or improve.
o I have led conversations with several colleagues on how to use data to inform
instruction, create purposeful groupings, set learning goals, and address gaps /
 Catalyst for Change / Learner
o I am running a pilot ELA class this year, in which I have re-designed ELA around
achievement-based learning and standards-based grading that focuses on PBL,
inquiry, goal setting, and student autonomy. This was in response to a need I saw
in my school to gain support for a shift away from a more teacher-centered
approach to a student-centered approach.

1. I will develop my leadership in facilitating improvements in instruction and student
a. Goal: I will engage in reflective dialogue with colleagues about how to
effectively collect, analyze and use classroom and school-based data to improve
curriculum, instruction, and assessment.  
b. Short term objective: I will start to collect and analyze data from beyond my 7th
grade ELA class to also look for patterns and gaps in learning from 6th-8th that
need to be addressed.
c. Long term objective: I will lead a workshop on how to analyze and use student
data to inform instruction, set goals, create purposeful groupings, and increase
student metacognition.
d. Rationale: CSTP 5 encourages reflective and thorough data analysis to establish
learning goals, to plan, monitor progress, and to modify instruction.
e. NBPTS: Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and their learning
f. TLMD: Domain 4: Facilitating improvement in instruction and student learning
2. I will develop my leadership in fostering a collaborative culture.
a. Goal: I will collaborate with Brazilian department (Portuguese, History &
Geography) in bilingual PBL lessons.
b. Short term objective: I will implement a PBL lesson sequence with
collaboration from the Portuguese teacher.
c. Long term objective: Create bilingual PLC group at my school where Brazilian
and American teachers work together and collaborate on cross-curricular teaching
d. Rationale: This aligns with CSTP standard 1, 2, 5.5, and 6.3. Yasin Aslan
explains the benefits of cross-curricular studies as improving reading
comprehension, activating background knowledge, and promoting teamwork and
problem-solving, among many others. These are all important goals of the larger
English and History professional organizations.
e. NBPTS: Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring
student learning; Proposition 5: Teachers are Members of Professional
f. TLMD: Domain 1: Fostering a collaborative culture to support educator
development and student learning.
g. Teacher Inquiry: I will guide students in actively making connections between
their learning experiences in both Portuguese and English in order to improve
literacy skills. 
3. I will develop my leadership in improving outreach and collaboration with families
and the community.
a. Goal: I will create a parent-teacher committee to collaborate together, advocate
for students’ needs, and become activists in the community.
b. Short term objective: Involve parents and larger school community in my PBL
c. Long term objective: Improve communications and relationships among
teachers, parents, and larger school community in order to advocate equitably for
students’ needs and provide a safe space for all voices to be heard. 
d. Rationale: Making efforts to create an inclusive learning environment and
include the larger community is supported by CSTP standards 2.1, 6.3, 6.4, and
6.5. Research has shown that positive parent-teacher relationships improve
student social skills, results in fewer behavioral problems, and greater adaptability
to situations. In addition, it addresses gaps and ensures all students’ needs are
heard. The three C’s - communication, consistency, and collaboration - are key to
student success.
e. NBPTS: Proposition 5: Teachers are Members of Professional Communities  
f. TLMD: Domain 6: Improving outreach and collaboration with families and the
community; Domain 7: Advocates for Student Learning and the Profession
4. I will develop my leadership in advocating for student learning and the profession.
a. Goal: I will pursue an EdD or an additional Master’s degree in Curriculum and
Instruction to learn how to most effectively design curriculum to equitably meet
the needs of students and prepare them with 21st century skills.
b. Short term objective: I will research about and choose a pathway (either EdD or
Masters) that lines us with my strengths and interests. I will also advocate for
financial support. Then, I will start taking webinars / workshops as well as learn
from academic sources on my chosen focus. 
c. Long term objective: I will increase my effectiveness as a teacher-leader and be
able to create and implement a well-designed student-based curriculum that
incorporates effective academic, social-emotional, and social justice standards.  
d. Rationale: Engaging in professional development and learning how to better plan
and design instruction for all students is supported by CSTP standards 3 and 4.
e. NBPTS: Proposition 4: Teachers think systematically about their practice and
learn from experience. 
f. TLMD: Domain 7: Advocates for Student Learning and the Profession

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