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SITXINV002 Maintain the Quality of

Perishable Items
Assessment 2 – Written Knowledge
Assessment task description
General Instructions:
To answer the questions in this assessment you need to click on the correct answer box to show a ☒ (if you
are unable to use the checkbox, please highlight the correct box in yellow)

Task 1 - Put the products in the right place

Look at the pictures in the table and click ☒ on the correct environmental conditions for them to be stored
Remember: Products need to be kept in the right area to minimise spoilage, and maximise their shelf-life.

Food items Cooler area of Warmer area of Dry store Freezer

fridge fridge (17-20°C) (-18 to -21°C)
(0°C -2°C) (3-4°C)

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Wrapped fresh meats

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Fruits and vegetables

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Dry products

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Frozen items

Document Name: SITXINV002_Assessment 2 Written Knowledge RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.0 Approved on: 27 Oct 2020 Review Date: 27 Oct 2022 Page 1 of 8
Document Name: SITXINV002_Assessment 2 Written Knowledge RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.0 Approved on: 27 Oct 2020 Review Date: 27 Oct 2022 Page 2 of 8
Q1: Before putting food away in a storage area, specific procedures have to be carried out.
The steps to be followed are written below; please put them in the right order.

Choose an item. Store new items by following FIFO (First in First out Method))

Choose an item. Check the storage environments (temperatures, ventilation, etc.)

Choose an item. Label and date all food Items, and store food in appropriate containers.

Choose an item. Clean and Sanitise the storage areas

Q2: What is the correct process to follow if you notice potential pest infestation in the dry store at
work? Pick one from the following 2 options.

Option 1: ☐ Yes ☐ No Option 2 ☐ Yes ☐ No

 Check all food stored in the area for other  Check the area for an entry point and set a
signs of infestation trap
 Try and locate an entry point  Sweep up the mess you can see and mop the
 Clean and sanitise the area with correct floor
chemicals  Empty the waste directly into the general
 Remove any contaminated waste, double waste bin as quick as possible
bag it and place it into the general waste  Tell the owner/manager so they can go out
bin. and buy some more traps to see if you can
 Record any loss on the food wastage sheet catch it.
 Advise your pest control expert

Q3: Why is it important to make sure that we follow the guidelines of the FSANZ/ANZFS (Food
standards for Australia and New Zealand) at all times?

So that we ensure at all times that the food we produce and serve is fit for Yes☐ No☐
human consumption

So that we do not get fined ; get a bad reputation and potentially lose our Yes☐ No☐

Because it is the Law Yes☐ No☐

Document Name: SITXINV002_Assessment 2 Written Knowledge RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.0 Approved on: 27 Oct 2020 Review Date: 27 Oct 2022 Page 3 of 8
Task 2 – Temperature and Quality Checks

Q1: Temperature check: From the two options provided, pick the correct way to do a temperature

A Packet of Frozen ☐ Opening the packet and leaving the thermometer in there until it stops
peas on a figure you are happy with.
☐ Wrapping the packet around the tip of the thermometer, if the reading is
higher than -15°C then its ok to put them in the freezer

A crate of milk ☐ Open the container in the middle of the crate and dip the tip of the
thermometer into the milk, wipe it with your apron and then take one
from the outside of the create and do the same thing.
☐ Take two containers out of the crate, put them side by side. Place the
thermometer between the two containers, wait for the temperature to
stabilise and record the temperature.

Q2: Quality Indicators: Choose the right option for the quality indicators in the following products:

Apples ☐ No Bruising, good colour, nice and firm,

☐ Take one out of the box and try it, if it tastes good you can put them in

A Fresh Salmon ☐ Clear eyes, scales intact, red gills, smells of the sea
☐ Cloudy eyes, no scales, brown gills, smells of the sea

Q3: Temperature checks: Which thermometer is best to check the temperature of the dry store?

☐ Probe thermometer ☐Surface thermometer ☐ Infrared thermometer

Q4: There are 3 different types of contamination. Indicate if the following statements are True or

Microbiological Contamination occurs when micro-organisms, such as ☐True ☐ False

bacteria, get into food and poison or spoil it. This can cause severe illness if
the contaminated food is consumed.

Chemical Hazard is when Food Grade Sanitiser that is correctly diluted ☐True ☐ False
comes in to contact with food, food surfaces, and our clothes

Physical Hazards can occur when personal hygiene is neglected, or when ☐True ☐ False
food is not handled correctly. For example, when someone’s hair or other
foreign particles fall in the food

Document Name: SITXINV002_Assessment 2 Written Knowledge RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.0 Approved on: 27 Oct 2020 Review Date: 27 Oct 2022 Page 4 of 8
Document Name: SITXINV002_Assessment 2 Written Knowledge RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.0 Approved on: 27 Oct 2020 Review Date: 27 Oct 2022 Page 5 of 8
Task 3 – Recording Receiving and temperature check information

Q1: When completing a temperature check, where should you record it? Click on the right

Delivery note ☐ A piece of paper from your notebook☐ Daily temperature log ☐

Q2: When wrapping and labelling a product, what information do you put on the label? Please
choose all the relevant points from the list below:

☐ A description of the food

☐ Storage and preparation instructions
☐ Ingredients
☐ Best before or use by dates
☐ All of this criteria

Q3: From the list below, state whether you would Use or Refuse the following foods.
 A packet of Peas has split but they are still frozen so I have transferred them to another
container ☐ Use ☐ Refuse
 Frozen Meat was received at -11°C ☐ Use ☐ Refuse
 Milk was put in the milk fridge, but the temperature records show that the temperature has
been up and down between 8°C and 11°C ☐ Use ☐ Refuse
 You notice that the seal on the top of the bottle of orange juice is broken, and the container
is starting to buldge out ☐ Use ☐ Refuse

Document Name: SITXINV002_Assessment 2 Written Knowledge RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.0 Approved on: 27 Oct 2020 Review Date: 27 Oct 2022 Page 6 of 8
Task 4 – Environmental Conditions

Q1 Listed below are 3 storage areas you have at work. Please click on the conditions you think are correct for each of those areas.

Humidity Air circulation Lighting Cleanliness

1. Refrigerator 0-5°C High ☐ Good air circulation ☐ Access to maximum sunlight ☐ Clean and sanitise regularly ☐
Low ☐ No air circulation ☐ No direct sunlight ☐ Clean once a year ☐

2.Freezer 18 to -21°C High ☐ Good air circulation ☐ Access to maximum sunlight ☐ Clean and sanitise regularly ☐
Low ☐ No air circulation ☐ No direct sunlight ☐

3.Dry store 17 -20°C High ☐ Good air circulation ☐ Access to maximum sunlight ☐ Clean once a year ☐
Low ☐ No air circulation ☐ No direct sunlight ☐

Q2: You have received the following food today. Which food will you accept or not accept from the delivery?

Freezer burn on chicken Yes ☐ No☐ Orange Juice Yes ☐ No☐ Breakfast Rolls Yes ☐ No ☐

Q3: We are required by FSANZ to ensure that temperatures

of storage areas need to be recorded how many times a ☐After each service period ☐At least twice a day ☐ Once a day is enough as it gets too busy

Document Name: SITXINV002_Assessment 2 Written Knowledge RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.0 Approved on: 27 Oct 2020 Review Date: 27 Oct 2022 Page 7 of 8


Document Name: SITXINV002_Assessment 2 Written Knowledge RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.0 Approved on: 27 Oct 2020 Review Date: 27 Oct 2022 Page 8 of 8

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