Assignment 1 - Megatrends and New Business Opportunities

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Name member 3: Daniel E .Duran Ramirez

Based on the reading in this section, answer the following question in groups of maximus 3 students, be brief and precise. This
assignment is part of a project to be done during the whole semester, this activity is a foundation to develop the course orientation
which is to give the student techniques, methods and criteria to be considered when formulating and elaborating an investment project
proposal and to provide develop analytical quantitative and qualitative skills to evaluate entrepreneurial initiatives, so focus on a
business idea to develop during the whole semester, make sure there is data available for its industry in Passport database in the
library online.

What is an attractive new business idea as solutions to challenges in some of the following megatrends: changing
generations, reinvention of shopping, Experience More, Healthy Living, Shifting Market Frontiers, Ethical Living, Middle
Class Retreat, Premiumisation, Connected Consumers, changing values and the pandemic crisis for the next decades in
Colombia? (consider: you do not have to account for all of the megatrends, just one or a few is ok; write approximately less than 500
words to answer; in the first paragraph describe the megatrend; second paragraph the business idea, then why do you think it is an
attractive idea; it does not have to be a new non existing invention, it is best to present an innovative business model as a solution to
the markets, something people need to improve their lives)


First of all, Healthy living is a megatrend that is being influenced around the life of Colombians because nowadays it is “fashionable”
to have fitness, either by looking good,by following a body protocol or not being able to consume sugar due to some disease.
However, it is not a secret to anyone that most of the people love eating a candy and therefore normally cheat meals are the most
useful way to eat this candy from which they are inhibited during all the week.

For this reason, a solution for this problem would be ofrecer a healthy candy that is formed by natural ingredients such as honey
which contributes to the health of the people instead of using sugar in the candies.

Primero que nada, hoy en dia esta de ¨moda¨ ser fitness, ya sea por verse bien, por seguir un protocolo de cuerpo o el no poder
consumir azúcares por alguna enfermedad, pero para nadie es un secreto que la mayoría de personas amamos comernos un dulce es
por esto que normalmente los cheat meal son la forma más usada para comerse ese dulce del cual se cohiben durante toda la semana,

por esta razón, una solución para este problema sería ofrecer un dulce saludable que esté a base de ingredientes naturales

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