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If you haven’t read my ​last statement​ regarding all this please do. I want to start off by
addressing comments from friends and other individuals about how they believe​ ​I leaked the
document myself, this is profoundly ​FALSE​. The individual that went behind my back and
leaked my private document to the public, made a statement ​himself​, which further corroborates
that it was against my wishes.

Disclaimer: Don’t expect some nuclear document that’ll expose anyone and start more silly
drama. That was never the goal or purpose from the very start. As you will come to read and
understand, my original document was for my own therapy and never intended for the public.

I want to first mention I was being very careful with who I shared the document with. I came to
trust one of the more dedicated members of my community, just as I had in the past with many
of the people I’ve come to be close friends with and even some of them have come to help me
with my day-to-day business. This person I had put so much trust in would maliciously go
behind my back and send individuals parts of the document in hopes for a leak or reaction. With
no success, he once again tried when he did not agree with the arrangement I had come to with
Poki. As I said in my last statement, this was a violent breach of my trust and against my wishes
as I’ve been working hard to grow, heal, and move on from everything. To be very clear, this
document was made as a form of therapy for myself, to address my concerns about the way
Poki portrayed me in her stream. All of this has nothing to do with me trying to bring up old
wounds. I wanted this all to stay private and to be handled privately. I can't begin to tell you how
stunned I was when I suddenly saw the document on Destiny's stream. I want to move on and
move forward just as much as everyone involved.

After the leak, Poki and I had both agreed to do joint statements, hers in the form of a stream
and mine as a document, where we would both own up and acknowledge our differences and
perspectives and then move on. Poki wasn't happy with the way the public received her first
stream, and as a result she spent the last few days conjuring up a document of her own. After
reading it she cherry picks screenshots and attempts to distract the reader from the larger issue
I was trying to portray. I’m going to be discussing everything she brought up here.

I have never once tried to deny any accusations made to me by Yvonne or Lily. As Poki likes to
remind everyone over and over, why this is all happening to begin with, I would like to remind
her that this has absolutely nothing to do with that at all. What this does have to do with is the
misinformation that was thrown at me by her and her alone. As I said in my most recent
statement, I have come to a better understanding of her and why she said some of the things
she did, that being said, I still however strongly disagree with her careless portrayal of me in
front of millions of people.

RE: Working with Yvonne/OTV

She firstly includes text where I complain about Yvonne’s unwillingness to work with me. I ​never
tried to hide this fact, and even directly mentioned it in my original leaked document:

Here are the texts she includes in her statement:

My purpose of bringing up this information was to mention that in no way was I trying to get
Yvonne fired because of the incident between us (the way Poki framed it in her original
statement/stream) and that it 100% had to do with her lack of excitement and willingness to help
with OfflineTV projects when it’s the only reason she’s in the house. And if you read my original
leaked statement you’d know that this wasn’t surprising to me because of how Poki would
privately portray her to me when she used to work for her as well. She continues to show more
texts proving that I did in fact bring up my concerns to people in the house, which again, I ​never
denied​. The incident between me and Yvonne was in December of 2018, and these showcased
texts that take place during October of 2019, long after Yvonne and I talked about it and I had
naively thought we put it all behind us. ​Again, the whole reason I brought this up to begin

with was an attempt to showcase that I had zero interests in FIRING her over what
happened between us, and I brought up my concerns to the house because I was 100%
focused on making OTV more successful.​ And then once she started helping out more, ​those
concerns were no longer relevant to me​.

She then brings up these texts again:

Poki’s justification for all this was that she was worried about OTV being left on the back burner, and
that ‘we had a history of hiring core employees that later became content creators.’ To me, these
claims are all valid, but I showed these in the first place, because I wanted to A. Show that she was
actually the one pushing the idea of her being fired and B. that at one point I defended her because
from my understanding I thought she was doing a good job and also getting streams in too, which I
thought we were cool with-- ​which largely contradicts that I was trying to get her fired because of the
incident between us​. I could’ve easily agreed with her and helped her carry out the ‘lets get Yvonne
fired’ campaign, but I really didn’t think there were any problems at the time. It was extremely
careless for her to say on her stream many months ago that I wanted her fired because of our
incident, when I only ever brought up my concerns and complaints to people, just like any leader in
my position would.

RE Fed

She immediately brings up what she claims to be “proof” or “admission of guilt” about the Steve
situation. After a tremendous amount of therapy and reflection I wanna quickly go over my state of
mind throughout my confusing friendship with Poki that’ll support that although I never challenged
her on things, it was never my intention to admit guilt on any front.

Initially with the Steve situation, I apologized because I felt I breached her privacy. In that moment I
didn’t feel like I was lying because it was common for us to say “lets be friends” and then totally act
another way and then relapse. I thought throughout this incident we were just in another cycle of all
that, so I didn’t feel like I was lying to him. As to the psychology of it all, I didn’t bother to challenge
her when she confronted me about Steve because I’ve always dreaded fighting/arguing with her
because I felt she had a lot of power in whatever we had and I cared for her too much, in that, most
of what she said I would tend to agree with to ​avoid conflict​, even until the bitter end. I now know this
was one of my issues: the “fear of confrontation,” and I should have talked things out more, but at
that time, and in that moment, it was much easier to just say “sure whatever, I’m sorry” then to have
an argument over how we’re leading each other on. I would assume many people can relate to this.
What I’ve learned throughout all this thought is that oftentimes the hardest conversations are usually
the ones worth having.

The fear of confrontation, and in complete agreeance with whatever your accuser says because of
how terrified you are of conflict and how much you want to maintain peace. This kind of mentality
would continue even before she did her initial stream 5 months ago when she would asked me what
I had not liked mentioned. I said “if you can find it in you to leave out telling josh/steve that you and
we were “a thing. It’s something I would just not liked mentioned..” I sent these texts during a time
when my whole world was being flipped, from literally every direction, and I once again felt and
believed what everyone was pinning on me was true. In my head I knew some of the things she
mentioned weren't right, but I knew suddenly trying to convince her that it happened a lot differently
she probably wouldn’t buy.

To elaborate, I felt it was an argument I was in no position to have because A. I wasn’t mentally
equipped to have it and B. I knew she wouldn’t buy my sudden change of opinion. I apologize if this
is hard to follow, but this issue is something I’m much more aware of now and am still trying to learn
from and understand it better.

Even in my conversation with Janet, I felt that I was still heavily influenced by Poki.. I believed
whatever claims she had against me. It was a very stressful time. It was much easier to just accept
whatever claim against me and move on, rather than argue any point at any stage.

[6 days later asking to sleepover]

[Waiting for her to finish her league of legends game so I can sleepover - timestamp shown with macbook]

She tries to “debunk” a singular screenshot by explicitly providing context to it. She tries to frame this
in a way that makes it seem like I purposefully withheld proper context​1​, but a lot of the facts still
remain and she continues to ignore the second sleepover DM from December 12, 2018, which
further reinforces that sleepovers were a regular thing, which was my entire argument. As detailed in
the image, I explain that, to me, she alone is very clearly asking to stay at my hotel room. We were
not exclusive so she uses phrases like “I rlly wanna give u da freedom to do what u want!”-- I thought
she was just testing me here to see if I was seeing/interested in anyone while in Vegas that
weekend. I was quick to respond and then she hits me with the “beg for me to stay w u” which I
interpreted as teasing because she knows how much I would want her to stay with me. So the
impression I got from these texts, as I’m sure many of you do, is that she alone was going to stay in
my room with me. This is what was supposed to happen, but didn’t, instead the other girls decided to
all stay in my room. And 6 days later I waited for her to finish her league of legends game before I
came to sleepover at hers, instead of mine. So these screenshots in conjunction say a lot more.

Just to be clear, the only reason I’m responding to this is because she tries to put into question my
credibility and further pushes the narrative of manipulation. There were a lot of screenshots I hadn’t
got to explain because I had stopped working on the original doc and I didn't want it out. I should
also point out that Poki said in her stream and in her statement, that she told me way back in March
2018, that “she just wanted to be friends”, which is true, but my whole point in the leaked doc was to
show the on again off again cycle. This text happened in December 2018.

RE: Jodi

Before I get into anything I’d like to apologize to Jodi, for painting her to Imane in such a poor light.
Two of my closest friends felt she was using me for views and ignoring one of them during our
Minecraft streams. When I was told this, I was very fired up when I heard my friend had felt isolated,
and that the possibility of her exploiting my attention was real. Without really thinking about the
validity of such claims I shared gossip between me and Poki. I do want to give more context and
explain my thought process while writing this document back in August.

I never said I finished this document, after a while I stopped revising it and adding details/evidence.. I
will now provide that context and show how it changes nothing.

[2 days before the Jodi texts]

And now the texts in question are:

[screenshot from original document]

From the previous text, we know me and Poki were having occasional sleepovers in mid December.

These above texts happened in January.. On stream, Jodi was jokingly trying to set up a date. ​Poki
was watching my stream​, and later texted me “let me know how your date with Jodi goes ”

Now that we have the additional context-- that I feel like she’s still keeping me interested with her
use of words in conjunction with the texts she provided, we get a better picture. When I see her try
and tease or test me like she has in the past it makes me ​feel ​like when she’s bad mouthing the
other girl in front of me, she’s to some extent being possessive. That was my original argument.

When she suggested the idea that we should go on a date I tried to act like I was annoyed that she
would even say that when she knows damn well I only care about her. As we’ve seen on previous
pages, her teasing me when we’re in this non-exclusive unknown state, makes me feel like she is to
some degree testing me. That’s how I interpreted it. With her added perspective, I can see now that
she might’ve been just ‘parroting’ what I was saying. you can choose who to believe, but with the
larger context at hand, I stand by how I felt and see it now which was that she was teasing/testing
me (intended or not) and then ultimately to me, being possessive.

I’d like to reiterate when I wrote this document, it was initially for therapy as a suggestion by friends,
so I was writing how I felt, and I felt in this moment she was being possessive because she has a
history of teasing/testing me about other girls regardless of what I had said about Jodi earlier in the
texts. Ultimately, I don’t think the added context from her changes much because we were still in a
weird spot based on how we were talking to each other, and when she texted that to me I felt that
she was being somewhat possessive by teasing me about dating Jodi and then talking about her the
way she did to me in the texts.

Poki likes to point out the time she told me she just wanted to be friends. This happened a few times.
I would eventually accept this and start to see and meet other girls, hangout with them outside of
OTV. And then inevitably always return to her grasps when she’d show me signs of hope. Looking
back now, we definitely could’ve been more honest and aware of our behavior around each other,
that could’ve prevented a lot of internal conflict between us.


In closing, I want to once and for all end all this. Both of us can keep digging into messy private
DMs, but the whole point was to show it wasn’t as black and white as Poki originally showed. It
should be obvious by now we both have completely different interpretations as to what happened in
our past, and as we both said, the truth is probably somewhere in between. I know nothing said here
or anywhere absolves me of my wrongdoings, but that was never the point; rather, when I wrote this
I felt completely betrayed and wanted to gather my thoughts/information to understand her and my
issues better. Again, I have never disputed any claims made by Yvonne or Lily, I know I crossed
boundaries and disappointed a lot of people, but know that I’m working everyday to become the best
possible version of myself. I ​NEVER​ had any intentions of this being public, and I very much regret
that it was leaked. I want to move on and start a new chapter in my life.

The time I spent at OTV was some of the best parts of my life, and I'm thankful for every moment,
but it's time to leave that all behind. This will be the last statement I make on this matter, think of me
what you want, but judge me on facts, and not careless renditions of my character with things I know
to be false. At the end of the day, it's very clear to me and everyone that has read all this
unnecessary drama, that both Poki and I have made mistakes. I feel we have both learned from our
mistakes and have grown as people. I wish nothing but the best for all involved. But it's time for me
to move forward. I hope you all can too.



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