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Prepare the follow materials Using essay answer the following questions:
1. How did you feel these changes that you observed about yourself at the onset
of adolescent?
2. How did you cope up with such changes?
It has been overwhelming, it feels all new, it feels comfortable. It was overwhelming
because many new experiences have happened, many emotions are being felt such as
stress, frustration, relationship issues and more. It feels new because It all feels new,
because there have been many physical and emotional changes that have changed.
Back then, when I was still young, I didn't care about my looks, I just always wanted to
play sports, but now I always care how I look, whether it's good enough or not. And for
the emotions when I was in junior high I’m starting to have a crush on someone that I
thought became love but then I realize while I’m thinking it now that maybe it was just
an attraction or more deeper than the crush but won’t past in love or maybe a puppy
love I don’t really know what are my real feeling back then because maybe because I
was too young back then, and now as growing up while I’m thinking of those old
memories I will just shake my head because I can't quite think out how and why I did it.
That’s why I love being a young and free child because I can be carefree as long as I
want, but now any single mistake seems to have major repercussions or assumptions
on other people. But it aslso feels comfortable because I can already do the things that I
can’t when I am not still capable to do when I was young.

As change is already a part of life, I manage this by accepting what is changing, so I just
go with the flow. But of course there still a time that I can’t manage it like my emotions
because my mood can change when I’m not in the mood so I tend to say or do bad
things but then after I calmed down I will realize the bad things that I do and feel sorry,
and I think the one that I will have a hard time to cope up with while in the process of
adolescent is my behaviour cause I’m having a hard time to change it. So I just go with
the flow, but of course I will be more careful so I won’t bear any consequences.
The Paper Collage

This activity aims to help you appreciate your traits abilities and talents as a
teenager it will provide the opportunity to look deeper into your role as a
teenager and analyze the importance of this stage in your life

● Bond paper
● Art paper
● Glue / Paste
● Old magazine
● Pair of scissors
2. Using the materials create a collage that will illustrate you meaning
and purpose in life as a teenager
3. Cut a letters, words or phrases from the used magazines to add
captions and labels to your collage
4. When you are done you have to share your thoughts about the
following questions
● How did you feel the activity?
- I feel amaze at the activity cause I get to know more about
the purpose of my life as a teenager
● What is the most important in your life right now?
- My Family, Friends and Education

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