Information For Prospective Students: The History

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The History 
Love is the Law is an independent school within the Thelema tradition.
The word “thelema” is from the Greek, meaning “will.” This tradition began
in the early 1900s, in a way that brought forth teachings from ancient

The Thelema tradition has always incorporated both the Magickal

(practical) and Mystical (spiritual) paths. Honoring Free Will based in Love
is a core tenet of the tradition. Supporting Free Will by retraining the Ego
is how we support that tenet.

The Curriculum 
Our curriculum is organized into degrees that mirror the Kabbalah Tree of
Life, with each degree focused primarily on one life theme to be mastered
by overcoming ego resistance to it.

The Tree of Life is regarded as the path that every person follows but
most people meander through unconsciously, struggling with the
challenges that arise along the way. Initiates into our training, on the other
hand, are made conscious of this journey, so they are prepared and
supported for challenges when they arise.

At the end of each degree, the student determines whether it is their will
to continue; if so, they are initiated into the next degree through a ritual
which connects them with the energies of that sephiroth on the Tree of

Degree Duration Theme

Minerval Degree exactly 6 months A sampler of the

(“Welcome Guest”) training

First Degree exactly 9 months Time management

Second Degree approx. 2-3 years Money Management

Third Degree approx. 2-3 years Living Your Earthly

Fourth Degree approx. 3 years Living Your Divinity

Fifth Degree approx. 3 years Leadership

Sixth through Tenth exactly 6 months Devotion to Your

Degrees Higher Self

Structured Learning vs. Experiential 

Our training is primarily experiential, meaning you learn from what comes
up in your life circumstances during every degree. This is not a classroom
training where you need to study and take tests on a regular basis. You
prove what you’ve learned by living it.

On the other hand, there is enough structured material to make sure you
know what you need to know for your experiences. This comes mostly in
the form of handouts and required reading (books that a spiritual seeker
would enjoy anyway).

It is natural for our students to also take outside training or healing

programs. Your connection to the Tree of Life makes it clearer which
programs are right for you and when. Some of those programs might
even be offered by your fellow students. We often support each other’s

The Link-Chain System 

From the moment you are initiated into the Minerval Degree, you are
assigned a “Link” who walks you through the curriculum step-by-step,
during weekly 1:1 meetings. The purpose of this volunteer role is to be a
guide, not a teacher. They connect you with the right material, and
sometimes share from their experiences, but they are not here to tell you
what your experience must be. We say that you teach yourself, or Life
teaches you, through the experiences that naturally come up during each

Your Link assignment will change from degree to degree. You are also
likely to become a Link yourself, which enhances your training as much
as it does your student’s.
Temple Practice 
In each degree you learn rituals and practices that deepen your
connection to the elements and focus your mind. It is part of the mystical
side of the training which cleanses your mind through direct connection
with Spirit.

Temple becomes part of your life routine - a place to anchor to your

spiritual self when the chaos of life tries to pull you away.

Students experience community on practical and ethereal levels. Weekly
Master Lecture, quarterly feasts, and Karma Yoga projects are all ways
that we stay connected. We use online platforms to make sure that every
student experiences connection no matter where they live.

Meanwhile, when you join the school, you join its collective
consciousness. Through this energetic connection, we all lift each other;
as one student grows, so do the others. This collective energy speeds
your journey, even when you’re not thinking about it, in a way that a solo
spiritual path cannot.

Summary of Time Commitment 

● Initiation ceremony & feast (4 hours plus travel, beginning of each
● 1:1 link meetings (30-60 minutes, weekly)
● Master Lecture (15-30 minutes online, every Sunday 8 PM ET / 5 PM
● Personal temple practice (starts as 15 minutes and increases through
degrees, 3-7 days per week)
● Weekly degree meeting (starts as 15 minutes and increases through
● Quarterly ritual & feast (60 minutes, every equinox and solstice)
● Assigned reading (varies)
● Karma Yoga service projects (duration and frequency vary)

You might also be invited to participate in initiations of other students and

other group learning or social events.
Monetary Commitment 
The fees for the 6-month Minerval Degree are $549 initiation fee plus $49
per month, or $700 paid in full up front. Alternative payment arrangements
may be possible and can be discussed during the interviews.

The fees for each subsequent degree are discussed as you reach the end
of your current degree. They increase with each level.

Are you ready to begin your journey? 

Enrollment starts with two interviews, one week apart, where any
remaining questions will be answered for you. If you decide to join, then
payment will be collected and your initiation scheduled.

Schedule your first interview by going to this link:

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