Optimisation Problems

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Copyright @ IFAC Control Applications of Optimization,

SI. Petersburg, Russia, 2000



Victor M. Korchanov', Evgeny I. Veremey"

• "Avrora" Corporation (Science & Production), St.-Petersburg, Russia,

e-mail: aurora@peterlink.ru
--Faculty ofApplied Mathematics and Control Processes,
St. Petersburg State University, J98904, St. Petersburg, Russia,
e-mail: veremei@vrm.apmath.spbu.ru

Abstract: This paper is devoted to the problem of analytical design of control lows for
marine autopilots. The complexity of this problem is determined by presence of an ex-
tensive population of the dynamic requirements and restrictions, which essentially ham-
pers use of classical methods of synthesis. The approach is offered which allows to re-
ceive the equations of the autopilot with the help of sequential solution of three optimi-
zation problems. Copyrighte 2000 IFAC

Keywords: marine systems, systems design, linear equations, ship control, functional,
optimization, controller.

1. INTRODUCTION linear synthesis gain the special urgency. The authors

in a paper (Veremey and Korchanov, 1988) firstly
Modem marine autopilots should provide auto- noted it and proposed new methods of multiple ob-
matic heading control and ship position keeping, pre- jective synthesis. Some of them use the basic posi-
cise mooring, low speed movement and other special tions of mean square optimization explained in a pa-
operations under all sea conditions. In this connection per (Veremey, 1985).
there is a necessity to develop the analytical and
computational methods of autopilots design. One of In given work the special approach, based on the de-
the most suitable approaches to this multiple objec- coupling of initial problem into three sequential op-
tive problem is to use the opportunities of the modem timization problems, is offered. It allows to realize
optimization theory. analytical synthesis of control laws for autopilots
taking into account all the population of the dynami-
It is possible to apply the various approaches of op- cal requirements and restrictions.
timization in the sense of norms H 2 and H 00' in
particular - methods of mean square synthesis (Pet-
rov, 1973; Lukomskij and Korchanov, 1996). Nev- 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT
ertheless, mentioned situation is one of the most sig-
nificant examples when the classical statements of the Let the linear equations of the ships motion in hori-
synthesis problem are not sufficient for adequate re- zontal plane are presented as follows
flection of real practice of sheep's motion.
i = Ax + ba +CV/(t),
In this connection the non-classical problems of the 6=u,

where x E E 3 - state space vector, tS - scalar angular The second optimization problem consists of minimi-
deflection of the rudder surface, u - scalar control zation the functional J 2(h) = max x3(t,h) for the
signal, '1/ =(F M)' - external disturbance action closed-loop system (1), (3) under conditions
(F - force, M - moment), A,b,C - constant matri- = =
'I/(t) 'l/o 1(t) and F(p) ~ = const . The value ~
ces. The state vector consists of the basic rigid body should ensure the astatism on component x3 . Thus
dynamics variables x = (13 Wy <p) T: 13 - angle of admissible set for vector h is posed by the given
drift, Wy - yaw rate, <p - angle of yaw. The vari- regions for eigenvalues similarly (4).
ables to be measured are <p = x3 and tS .
And finally, the third problem is to fmd the optimal
transfer function <1>(s) of the filter to minimize H 2
The basic problem of the autopilot design consists in
or H 00 norm of the weighted transfer matrix
a construction of the stabilizing control law of an
aspect Wya) (s) or transfer matrix W!I'''(s) of the closed-

u = W(p)(<p ; tS)' , (2) loop system. The first matrix should be considered
under high speed of ship and the second - under low
speed. In this case external disturbance 'I/(t) is posed
satisfying the population of all requirements and re-
strictions for the closed-loop system (1), (2). by the sea wave. It is possible to enter some addi-
tional requirements for this optimization problem.
It is necessary to notice that the posed problem is
very difficult for the solving on formal level. In this
connection it is possible to offer various methods of 3. PRELIMINARIES
its decoupling and also to specify the analytical and
numerical approaches to a solution of appropriate Let consider some simple auxiliary statements, which
particular problems. are directly used below for solving the optimization
problems mentioned above.
Consider one of the possible variants of the basic
problem decomposition, reducing it to a series of Theorem 1. For any vector yE End stability degree
optimization problems.
ofpolynomial ~. (s,y), which is built in accordance
Let controller (2) is represented in the form with the formulas given below, is greater or equal
then given value a > 0, and otherwise, if stability
degree of some polynomial ~(s) is greater or equal
then a > 0 , there exist real vector Y E End such. that
identity ~(s)=~·(s,y) isfulfilledwhere
where asymptotic observer with state vector z is
used. The structure (3) includes three unknown units: d
row vector k = (k z ; k o ) of the base controller, col- ~ .(s,y) = n(s 2 +aj(Y,a)s+aj
I 0 ),
(y,a) (6)
umn vector h of the observer and transfer function i=1
<1>(s) of the additional filter. It is possible to show
that for searching of the units mentioned above, it is if nd is even;
necessary sequentially to solve the following three
optimization problems. ~. (s,y) =~. (s,y)(s + ad+l(y,a»),
The first of them is the following: -.
~ (s,y) = nd ( 2

I 0)
s + ai (y,a)s + a, (y,a) ,

J1(k) ~ inf , (4)

if nd is odd, d = [nd 12],
where J 1 (k) is the overshoot for the plant (1) with
'I/(t) =0 and control signal a iI ( y,a ) =Yil2 + 2a,aio( y,a ) = y;22 + Yila
2 +a 2,
i = I,d,

a d +1(y,a) = yJo + a,
x; = const . The set no is posed by the restriction of
settling time and by the requirement to place the ei-
genvalues of the closed-loop system matrix in the Proof. The proof of both direct and reverse state-
given regions of the left half-plane. ments under even nd follows from elementary prop-

erties of square trinomials in fonnulas (6) - (9). J(k) of r variables:
Really, for any pair of real numbers Y;I 'Y;2 the roots
J o = min J(k) . (12)
if ith trinomial ~~(s) in (6) are presented by the ex- ken.
Here Ok is an admissible set, which is determined by
the requirement of the polynomial ~(s,k) stability
with given stability degree a.
It follows from this fonnula, that the stability degree
of trinomial is defmed by equality Set any vector yE Er and with accordance of the
formulas (6) - (9) obtain polynomial ~. (s,y) with
ds[~'(s)]= -maxRepi =
1 j =IJ J given value of a . It allows to defme the special vec-
2 4 tor function k = k' (y) and to formulate the follow-
fu+ a if Y;I _y2 ~O·
_ 2 ' 4 ,2 , ing statement:

- 2 4 4
{ _y2 if llL_y 2 >0
2 4'2 ' 4 12 , Theorem 2. Optimization problem (12) with compli-
cated admissible set Ok is eqUivalent to the uncon-
ditional extremum problem
i.e. ds[~~(s)]~ a and direct statement is proved.

J~ = min J(k' (y)) (13)

To prove inverse statement, consider certain square reE'
trinomial ~ k (s) = S + /31 s + /30 ' For its roots were
in the sense that J 0 = J~ .
placed in the half plane Res ~ -a it is necessary and
sufficient that inequalities Proof. The proof of this theorem directly follows
from the posed one-to-one correspondence between
/31 ~ 2a, /30 - a/31 + a 2 ~ 0, (10) vectors k and the roots of characteristic polynomial
~(s, k) . As a corollary, on the base of theorem lone
should be fulfilled . It is easy to get this condition has one-to-one correspondence between vectors
from the requirement of polynomial k E Ok and vectors Y E Er . By other words, if vec-
Ak(P)=~k(S)ls=p_a stability. In accordance with tor ko is a solution of the problem (12) and vector
inverse statement let the inequalities (10) be fulfilled. Yo is a solution of the problem (13), then
It is possible to fmd Y;I and Yil to fulfill the identity
ko = k' (y0) , whence follows equality J 0 = J~ .
~~(s) == ~k(S) . From this identity obtain

+ a= I, Yil2+YHa+a
2 2 a

whence follows First of a\1 give attention to a problem (4). Consider

contro\1ed plant (1) closed by the contro\1er

According to (10), radicands in (11) are non-negative

under conditions V/(t) == 0 , x(O) = 0, 0(0) = O. De-
i.e. YH and Yil are real.
note correspondent motion of the closed-loop system
as xx(t), ox(t). The fo\1owing statement is true:
The proof for odd nd is the similar and the theorem
is fully proved.
Theorem 3. Let the transfer matrix <I>(s) of a filter
Set any functional J = J(k) on the motions of the and matrix A - (0 ; 0 ; h) of the observer are stable.
Then the motion of controlled plant (1). closed by the
closed-loop system, where k E Er is the vector of
controller (under mentioned conditions)
turned parameters. Let there is one-to-one correspon-
dence between vectors k and the roots of character-
istic polynomial ~(s,k) (deg~ = r) of the closed-
z= Az + bo + h(x3 - z3)' z(O) =0,

loop system. Consider the following optimization u = kzz - k Z3X; + koo + <I>(P)(x3 - z3),
problem taking into account that with other equal
conditions this functional transfonns to the function is the same as the motion x x(t), oAt) .

The proof of this theorem directly follows from the plant (1) with external disturbance ",(t) = "'01(/),
well-known properties of the asymptotic observers. closed by the controller

The theorem 3 allows to solve a problem (4) irre-

spective of a choice of h and <1>(p) . Let admissible
z= Az + bb' + b(x3 - z3), (18)
set no here is those that the roots of a characteristic
u = pZ + kz3x3'
polynomial for system (I), (5) are located in area ne Note that in accordance with (1), if closed-loop sys-
shown on a fig. 1. tem (I), (18) is stable, this system is non-static in
relation to yaw angle x3' To ensure stability and the
same motion as x .. (I) , b'..(t) for closed system with
the command signal x;, consider the first equation of
the system (1) (",(I) == 0). It is possible to show that

R this one can be written as i = Ai, where A is non-

singular matrix, i = (XI x2 15)'. Hence follows
i = A-li and controller (4) or (14) accepts an aspect

Fig. 1. Admissible area ne on the complex plane.

u= .ui + k z3 (x3 - x;), where

It is possible to offer the following method of an ap-

proximate solution of a problem (4). Consider the
functional J II = J II (k) = mlJI (k) + m2T(k) , where Just a row vector p, indicated in (19), is used in
T(k) is the settling time, ml,2 ~ 0 - weight multipli- equation of the controller (18).
ers (ml + m2 = 1), and pose optimization problem
The next step consists of transformation (17) to an
equivalent optimization problem of the form
It is obvious, that at defmed values ml and m2 the
solution of a problem (15) will be an approximate similarly the problem (17). The optimal vector h in
solution of a problem (4). In turn, the problem (15) (20) can be found, using the mentioned numerical
can be transformed with the help of theorem 2 to a methods.
much simpler problem of unconditional extremum of
the form And fmally, consider the problem of the optimal filter
(16) design. Thus it is necessary to distinguish two possi-
ble situations: motion of the sheep with low and with
Note that the formulas (6) - (9) were indicated under a high speed.
condition /l = 90· . To use them for any /l it is nec- In the first case the effectiveness of rudders is insuffi-
essary to replace expression (8) on the following: cient in a comparison with sea disturbance. It makes
impossible essential raise of an accuracy of the stabi-
aJ(r,a)=ri1 +2a+pcos/l, p=2Iri21, lization. In this case purpose of a filtration is the sup-
a? (r,a) = r;2 + rAa + a 2 + apcos /l, pression of rudders deviations caused by sea distur-
bance. Transfer function <1>o(s) of the filter should
To solve a problem (16), it is possible to apply any
numerical methods. In particular it is quite suitable to satisfy the following condition
use NCD blockset from MATLAB package.

Secondly, consider optimization problem

where nC%> is the set of stable strictly proper rational
J 2 (b) = max x3(t,b) ~ min (17) functions, S.,.(s) is determined by sea disturbance.
le[O,"") hen.
to fmd unknown vector h of the observer. Here ad- In the second case the effectiveness of rudders is suf-
missible set n h C E3 is defmed similarly no by a ficient for the essential raise of an accuracy of the
condition of the arrangement of eigenvalues of the stabilization. Transfer function <1>o(s) of the optimal
matrix A -(0 i 0 i h) in area ne (fig. 1). Func- filter should minimize tracking error of the closed-
tional J 2 (b) is given on the motion of controlled loop system with the transfer matrix WyaJ (s,<1».

5. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE The next problem which should be considered, is the
construction of asymptotic observer of an aspect
Let a linear model of the ship motion is represented
by the following equations ZI = a l1 z 1 + a l2z 2 + 1>..0 + hI (x3 - z3),
XI = allxl + a\2x2 +1>..0 + cIF(t), Z2 =a21 z 1 +a22 z 2 +b20+h2(x3 -Z3), (23)
X2 = a21 x I + a22 x 2 + ~O + c2M(t), Z3 = Z2 +h3(x3 -z3)·
It is the second optimization problem, which has been
O=U mentioned above. For a solution of this problem fIrSt
with given numerical values of the coefficients of all present stabilizing control as follows :
(speed is 4 knots): a l1 = -0.0193, a\2 = 0.560, . . .
U = Plzl + P2z2 + P3z3 + v.t3, (24)
a21 = 0.00268 , an
= -0.1850 , I>.. = -0.00501 ,
b2 = -0.00108, Cl = 1.58 . 10- 3 , c2 = 7.80 · 10-6 . where coefficients Pi and v can be calculated under
the formulas (19) for the values of parameters k zi
Firstly consider optimization problem (4) under con-
dition of x; = 10° with admissible set no, which is and ko mentioned above. After evaluations obtain
PI = 3.91 , P2 = 74.3, P3 = 25.5, v = 0.797 .
defmed by area ne (fig. 1) with parameters
a = 0.038 , fJ = 50° . Applying a method of a solu- With the help of appropriate method from section 4,
tion of this problem, proposed in section 4, obtain the execute optimization of transient process for the
following coefficients of the base control law (5): closed-loop system (22), (23), (24) with constant
k zl = 0.124 , kZ2 = 13.96 , kZ3 = 0.797 , disturbance F = -49.5, M =-2482. As a result of
optimization obtain the following parameters of the
ko = -0.0883 . The base laws of control (5) for other
observer (23): hI = 0.226 , h2 = 0.0131,
values of speed in a range 4-24 knots can be similarly
found. Obtained dependencies kzi (V) can be ap- h3 =0.0863. Appropriate transient process is pre-
proximated by the simple piecewise linear functions, sented in fig. 3.
which are easy for realizing onboard.
Bin! dWind

Figure 2 represents the appropriate dynamic proc-

esses of a turn on 10 degrees at the yaw for the opti-
mal closed system in an indicated range of speeds. In
addition to the equations (22) here nonlinearities of
saturation type are taken into account. Saturation
functions are used both in relation to deviations of
rudders (with restriction 30°) and in relation to rud-
ders rate (with restriction 3° / s ).
TIm on 10 deg"ees

·25 ~ -·---+·--·---' --\-+-·---·-+·---" -+-----·"'----i·····---··---------_..--j

~~~ __ ~ __ L-~ __ ~ __ ~~ __ ~ __ L-~

o ro 20 30 40 50 60 ro ~ ~ 100

Fig. 3. Transient process under constant disturbances

for optimized controller (23), (24).

Finally, synthesize optimal transfer function of the

filter in the form

10 20 30 40 50 60 ~

Fig. 2. Transient processes on yaw angle for optimal

closed loop system under different ship's speed in in accordance with (21 for the wave disturbance with
a range 4 - 24 knots. average frequency of COo = 0.455 . Note that this ap-

proach is quite suitable for the situation being consid- PIO<:ontroller lI1der Sea Waling
ered because of the ship's speed is low. As a result
obtain the following values of parameters of a filter:
m2 =-4.01 , m\ =-1.904, n2 =1.28 , n\ =0.545 ,
no = 0.0775 . At last, it is possible to present the
equations of a filter in a nonnal fonn

Y\ =Y2 +a\(x3 -z3),

Y2 =Y3' (25)
Y3=-noY\ -n\Y2 -n2Y3 +a3(x3 -z3),
where a\ = 24.56 , a 3 = -4.01 .

Finally mathematical model of the synthesized con-

troller is represented by the equations (23) and (24),
if the filter is switched off, and by the equations (23),
(25) and the following
Fig. 5. Dynamical process under sea wave for PID-
. . . controller.
u = #\z\ + #2z 2 + #3z3 + \X3 + Y3' (26)

if the filter is switched on.

In fig. 4 dynamical process for the system, closed by
In this paper the problem of analytical design of con-
controller (23), (25), (26), under sea wave is shown.
trol lows for marine autopilots is considered. The
Mark that additional output signal Y3 of the filter is complexity of this problem is detennined by presence
switched on only from 900 s. It allows to illustrate of an extensive population of the dynamic require-
efficiency of the optimized filter. For comparison, ments and restrictions, which essentially hampers use
fig. 5 represents the similar process for the system, of classical methods of synthesis.
closed by PID-controller of the fonn
It is marked that the posed problem is very difficult
for the solving on fonnal level. In this connection one
variant of its decoupling into three particular optimi-
zation problems is proposed. The methods of a solu-
The values of its parameters were chosen as optimal
tion of these optimization problems in mUltiple ob-
for the transient process under command signal
jective statement are indicated. The numerical exam-
x; =10· . ple is considered which illustrates effectiveness of the
OPT<OntroI\er lI1der Sea Waling proposed approach.


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Fig. 4. Dynamical process under sea wave for opti-
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