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Cell-line authentication demystified

Vivien Marx

Some researchers run and hide from the task of authenticating cell lines. A few simple steps save time and

Scientists are not easily fooled, but they many journals require authentication
can unwittingly fool themselves. The of cell lines, and grant-funding agencies
identity of a cell line might not be what recommend them, all of which makes
they assume it is. It is “very risky” for an many researchers optimistic that cell-
© 2014 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

investigator to begin a project and spend line misidentification will one day be
several years working with a cell line and vanquished—or at least diminished.
yet be unsure of its identity, says Karina That day is not quite nigh. The pollution
Eterovic, who directs the characterized of labs and scientific literature with
cell-line core at MD Anderson Cancer misidentified cell lines may well be due to

Center’s institute of personalized cancer a continued lack of awareness about the
therapy. extent of the problem, says Douglas Storts,
Skipping cell-line authentication can Researchers should know the true identities of who directs research and development
lead to lost time, money and publications their cell lines. for nucleic acid research technologies at
owing to cross-cont aminat ion and Promega. He is a co-author with Reid of
misidentification. Last year, a team had Reid, a cell biologist at American Type guidelines on cell-line authentication5 and
to retract work published in Nature Culture Collection (ATCC), a nonprofit was interviewed jointly with her.
Methods because the cells they studied biological resource center and repository Among the important resources is
were contaminated with other cells 1 . It that offers cell-line authentication services the Database of Cross-contaminated or
was not the first case2,3, nor is it likely to and is active in the area of standards in the Misidentified Cell Lines6, maintained by
be the last. life sciences. Reid has co-authored reports the International Cell Line Authentication
Eterovic helped colleagues clarify that on best practices in cell-line authentication Committee (ICLAC), a group founded

the widely used KU7 line, derived from and the recommended standards5. in 2012 and run by volunteer scientists
bladder cancer cells, is in fact the HeLa cell The standards have brought about more to e st abl ish b e st pr a c t i c e s for t he
line4. The contamination occurred before change than the numerous warnings authentication and testing of human cell
1984 at the source institution, which has and pleas in past decades, Reid says. The lines. According to ICLAC, approximately
an effect on all KU7-based experimental standards are used in many labs and core 400 cell lines are misidentified6.
results and underscores the impact of facilities around the world. Workshops The oldest cell line, HeLa, which is one
misidentification. abound on best practices in tissue culture; of the most frequent contaminants of other
Cell-line authentication can seem too
time-consuming or daunting. Avoidance
and denial behaviors are widespread, BOX 1 ADVICE FOR THE PASSAGE
say researchers interviewed by Nature
• Cells must be transferred from flask to flask so they keep growing. But too much
Methods. They understand why their
passaging can lead to genetic drift from the parental cell line.
colleagues skip essentials to pursue
• There is no global right or wrong number of passages. The number varies across cell
biological questions without delay, but
and tissue types and culture conditions.
they say it is time to put a few common
• Begin with high-quality, authenticated and characterized cells.
misconceptions to rest.
• Watch the cells carefully. Media and environmental conditions such as temperature
and humidity need to be optimized for cells’ well-being.
Standards • Growth-curve analysis should be routine to keep track of cell-doubling times.
S ome sweet songs of praise for the • Freeze batches of cells at early passages.
scientific community can be heard on the • Use the lowest-passage aliquot to start fresh cultures.
subject of cell-line authentication. There
Sources: ATCC; Promega
has been “a lot of progress,” says Yvonne

nature methods | VOL.11 NO.5 | MAY 2014 | 483

technology feature
certain alleles or loss of heterozygosity and optimize PCR reactions, Eterovic
(Box 1). says. Scientists still need a capillary
As cells adapt to environmental condi- electrophoresis system, which may not
tions they can change so much that they be worth the investment if they are only
are no longer the cells they once were, says working with a few cell lines.
Darrin Disley, chief executive officer of Analyzing these regions is becoming
gene-editing company Horizon, which sells easier thanks to STR profile databases.
cell lines and offers cell-line repository ser- “Now individuals can blast against that
vices for scientists. database and see whether they have

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

A lab might send cells from the same misidentified cell lines or not,” says Reid.
parental cell line to 20 labs. But drift can Cancer cell lines have many mutations
lead to such large differences that it becomes and deletions, so STR analysis requires
hard to compare experimental results from carefully interpreting the DNA profile
these cells. This situation could be especially report, which presents alleles graphically
likely to arise, Disley says, if the cells were as peaks. Expert help might be necessary
taken from a late-passaged clone that had for this analysis, says Gabriela Saldanha,
“just been hanging on for grim life”. Cell a marketing manager at Promega, which
culture medium along with many other offers cell-line authentication kits and
MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Karina Eterovic factors can also have a role. services. She wonders whether some cell
offers in-house repository services for cell lines, biologists avoid STR analysis because they
© 2014 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

including gene-edited ones. Short tandem repeats have less experience with the molecular
The main test for authenticating cell lines biology methods, she says. “Maybe they are
cell lines, was derived without consent is short tandem repeat (STR) profiling, the not comfortable with having to perform a
in 1951 from Henrietta Lacks, who had analysis of microsatellite regions of DNA test themselves.”
cervical cancer. The cells and the way they that have variable numbers of repeats and Scientists at core facilities might help
were acquired have been the subject of are located throughout the genome. The in various ways; for example, they might
controversy over the years. Last year, the approach originated with Alec Jeffreys’s be able to do the protocol more quickly,
HeLa genome was sequenced, rekindling discovery of variable genomic regions in Saldanha says. But they may also leave the
ethics issues because the family had not 1984, and development has continued since interpretation of results up to the scientists,
consented to the sequencing. Meetings then. which could pose a challenge for those
between members of the Lacks family and STR profiling is the test that most unfamiliar with the territory (Box 2).
leadership at the US National Institutes of journals require, says Eterovic, and the One misconception in some labs is that
Health (NIH) led to the establishment of assay is relatively simple. PCR amplicons cell-line authentication calls for an identical
a rule that all publications based on work are generated using primers for regions STR profile match. But STR profiling looks
with HeLa cells acknowledge the Lacks that flank these polymorphic sites. After for an 80% match or higher in profiled
family, who also help to oversee requests to amplification, PCR products are resolved loci, says Donald Finley, Sigma-Aldrich’s
use the genome data. using capillary electrophoresis, and a profile marketing manager for products relating

It is still too early to tell how the for these repetitive regions is created. to Mycoplasma. Sigma-Aldrich also sells
discussions about these famous cells are Investigators can do the analysis on their kits for STR profiling.
influencing cell-line authentication trends. own, using kits from vendors with primers “With 80% you can be reasonably
Having the NIH director address issues and reagents for well-known STRs. Buying confident that you’re working with the cell
relating to cell-line identity is bound to be a kit avoids the need to design primers line that you think you’re working with,”
helpful, says Reid.
The published characterizations of the
HeLa cell line show a large number of BOX 2 TROUBLESHOOTING STR ANALYSIS
mutations and rearrangements and help
explain why HeLa cells are able to displace • With cancer cell lines it can be difficult to distinguish low-level STR peaks from
other cell lines, says Storts. noise. Using the recommended amount of DNA can help minimize noise.
• Using positive and negative controls helps troubleshoot STR profiles.
Passaging • Artifacts may require a repeat of the STR protocol.
Researchers must ‘passage’ their cells—by • ‘Stutter peaks’ are usually lower than true allele peaks, but using too much DNA
changing the growth medium so the cells can lead to extremely high stutter peaks, making them harder to distinguish from
have fresh nutrients and moving cells to true allele peaks.
other flasks to maintain their exponential • Dye blobs can appear as wide peaks, which the software might assign as regular
growth. The longer a cell line is kept in peaks. The blobs are formed when fluorescent dye tags detach from their primers.
culture, the higher the chances it will Sometimes this can happen if kits are not stored as vendors recommend.
• STR profiling software can identify atypically sized allele microvariants. Vendor
acquire genetic changes 7 . With more
kits might not cover all microvariants.
passages, genetic drift is more likely,
Source: ATCC
says Reid, which can lead to dropouts of

484 | VOL.11 NO.5 | MAY 2014 | nature methods

technology feature
says Storts. The reason for this 80–100% potential contamination, “there is always
range is that cell lines can be unstable owing some uncertainty if results gained from an
to a loss of heterozygosity or issues relating experiment are really generated by the cells
to their ploidy. or artificially influenced by Mycoplasma,”
According to guidelines published Toell says. Mycoplasma bacteria are visible
by the American National Standards only under an electron microscope and
Inst itute 5, c el l they lack cell walls, so antibiotics may have
lines that match no effect.
5 5 – 8 0 % of S T R Lonza sells a biochemical test that
loci need further looks for the presence of two enzymes
investigation. For found in the majority of the ~180 species
many scientists, of Mycoplasma. The test does not require

that broad range PCR and is performed on cell culture

might seem to supernatant in around 20 minutes.
Donald Finley
pose a quandary, There are other tests; for example, the
recommends that says Finle y. But most sensitive one, Toell says, is a test in
cell lines are it is important to which cell culture supernatant is plated.
tested regularly for interpret results Mycoplasma colonies will show up if they
contaminants. in that range as were present in the supernatant, but only
inconclusive and after 2–3 weeks. PCR-based tests take
© 2014 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

to perform further authentication steps around 4–5 hours to deliver a result, she
before beginning an experiment with such says.
cells. Non-PCR approaches involve the use of
Eterovic confirms that many types of indicator cells, which gives results within
stresses can result in loss of heterozygosity 16–24 hours, or Hoechst staining, which
or lead to genomic rearrangements, which takes about two hours and requires exper-
alter an STR profile. The stresses include tise to interpret the results. Sigma-Aldrich’s
extensive passaging, contamination with Finley agrees that using the Hoechst stain,
microorganisms, passage through mice and which his company also sells, is “a little
exposure to drugs. tricky.”
MD Anderson has its own STR database Many contaminants can kill cell lines, but
and an algorithm to match STR profiles from Mycoplasma is not one of them. Mycoplas-
unstable cell lines8. Many users can match ma can affect cell performance and render
their cells’ profiles with the help of a public
database. But STR results from unstable cell
lines or potential mixes of cell lines may also
require special algorithms and interpretation

by scientists in a core facility, Eterovic says.

Most researchers are aware of potential
contamination by Mycoplasma bacteria,
but t hey probably underestimate its
frequency and the degree to which it
can inf luence their experiments, says
Andrea Toell, product manager at Lonza
Pharma&Biotech Bioscience Solutions.
An estimated 15–35% of cell cultures are
Coriell Institute for Medical Research

contaminated by Mycoplasma. “The prob-

lem is that you cannot see a contamination
just by looking at your cells,” Toell says.
Mycoplasma contamination can affect
cell metabolism, increase sensitivity
to inducers of apoptosis or inhibit cell
growth. From having helped researchers
troubleshoot transfection experiments, At the Coriell Institute for Medical Research,
To e l l h a s s e e n t h a t My c o p l a s m a cells are kept in ampules with cryopreservative;
contamination decreases transfection scientists practice cell-line authentication on a
efficiency. When scientists do not check for large scale.

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technology feature
Using the ser vices of an in-house
repository can be more practical for
researchers than culturing cell lines on
their own in their lab.
At MD Anderson, Eterovic says her
core facility offers repository services to
expand, profile, store and distribute cell
lines developed by in-house investiga-
tors, including gene-edited cell lines. She
and her team want to reduce the burden
on departments that have interesting cell
lines but cannot keep and grow them. In
some cases, cell lines need a home after

Coriell Institute for Medical Research

the original developer leaves the institu-
Depositing cell lines with her team
helps investigators eliminate the cost of
expanding cell lines for requestors, and
Eterovic says she strongly encourages
them to do so, preferably at early passages.
© 2014 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

The core can then expand the cell lines,

Cell lines are stored in liquid nitrogen, which brings biological activity to a halt. The Coriell Institute
“but most importantly, it guarantees that
for Medical Research ships around 8,000 cell cultures annually.
the cell line is validated when requested
by another investigator,” she says.
metabolism data or gene-expression results And, for example, when they culture cells
“murky,” Finley says. Sigma-Aldrich sells to replenish depleted inventory, they com- Gene editing
kits for PCR-based Mycoplasma detection pare the results for loci in the new expan- As gene-editing techniques become
and for cleaning cells of Mycoplasma. sion to those of the original culture. more widely used, creating cell lines with
O verall, Finley recommends that The te am a ls o us es t hes e prof i le desired genetic changes is becoming eas-
labs set up a regular schedule to test cell matches to confirm that different cell ier. Sharing these gene-edited cell lines
lines for contaminants. Mycoplasma is types attributed to the same donor are with other labs is good research etiquette,
ubiquitous, which is why aseptic technique from that donor and that biomaterials and generally required once the cell line
is advisable. collected from the same person but has been reported in a published research
submitted at different times match one article. Researchers should authenticate
Repositories another. The tests also look for gender cell lines as soon as they receive them
When obtaining cell lines from a reposi- match using PCR-based techniques and a but they often do not, says Disley. As a
tory or vendor, scientists receive a certifi- sex-linked gene. researcher, he has received gene-edited

cate of analysis to show that the cell lines To establish that a cell line is of human cell lines that, upon authentication,
have been authenticated and are free of origin, the scientists perform a long- turned out to be misidentified. The genet-
contamination, says Finley. interspersed nuclear element (LINE) ic change that the sender said had been
A repository can be an in-house facility assay, which is sensitive enough to edited into the cell line was not present.
at a research institute or a separate entity. differentiate human DNA from closely The originating lab may have passaged
It can also be organized as a collection of related chimpanzee DNA, Berlin says. the cells too often, leading to genetic drift.
many repositories under one roof. In the Sigma-Aldrich partners with European “That’s how you end up with a mess across
cases of grouped repositories, each dis- Collection of Cell Cultures (ECACC) the whole sector,” he says.
tinct collection of biological specimens and sells cell lines that the ECACC has Starting a research project with a mis-
or cell lines belongs to a different uni- authenticated. ECACC is a cell and tissue identified human cell line and then lay-
versity group, hospital or company. The repository run by Public Health England, ering on gene-editing techniques exac-
Coriell Institute for Medical Research has which is part of the UK Department of erbates the problem of misidentification,
repositories for government, academic Health. because a lab might launch directly into
and nonprofit organizations and com- “Moving cell lines across borders is studying gene function with these cells.
pany labs. For example, they hold the cell difficult,” Finley says. If a US researcher “You need a characterized cell line from
lines and DNA of the US Human Genetic wants a European cell line, Sigma- the beginning,” says Disley, to analyze fol-
Cell Repository of the National Institute Aldrich’s distribution agreement will low-on experiments that look at deletions,
of General Medical Sciences. help with cross-border travel. For the cell insertions, substitutions, rearrangements
At Coriell, Dorit Berlin oversees cell- lines developed at Sigma-Aldrich, such as or to be able to credibly perform gain-of-
line repositories for several different those edited with zinc-finger nucleases, function experiments.
institutions. She and her team practice the company handles authentication, Horizon was originally established
cell-line authentication on a large scale. he says. to focus on a gene-editing technology

nature methods | VOL.11 NO.5 | MAY 2014 | 487

technology feature
that uses adeno-associated viruses to Research with gene-edited cell lines 4. Jäger, W. et al. J. Urol. 190, 1404–1409
stimulate homologous recombination, resembles a do-it-yourself project in that (2013).
5. American Type Culture Collection Standards
but it has now licensed other tools, such both require adequate preparation, says Development Organization Workgroup.
as zinc-finger nucleases or clustered Disley. One cannot build a chair without the Authentication of human cell lines:
regularly interspaced short palindromic right wood or without knowing whether it standardization of STR profiling (American
National Standards Institute, 2011).
repeats (CRISPR) for gene editing. The will be able to support a certain weight. On 6. Capes-Davis, A. et al. Int. J. Cancer 127, 1–8
company sells cell lines that have been the topic of cell-line authentication, Coriell’s (2010).
modified with these technologies and has Berlin is reminded of something her grand- 7. Masters, J.R. & Stacey, G.N. Nat. Protoc. 2,
2276–2284 (2007).
just begun offering shares on the Alterna- mother used to say: “You can’t make gour- 8. Eltonsy, N. et al. Detection algorithm for the
tive Investment Market, a London Stock met food out of rotten ingredients.” validation of human cell lines. Int. J. Cancer
Exchange market for emerging compa- 1. Clément, V. et al. Nat. Methods 7, 224–228
131, E1024–E1030 (2012).
nies. Scientists who deposit cell lines with (2010); retracted 10, 1035 (2013).
the company can land royalties if these 2. Gartler, S.M. et al. Natl. Cancer Inst. Monogr. 26, Vivien Marx is technology editor for
167–195 (1967).
cells find use in drug discovery through 3. Nelson-Rees, W.A. et al. Science 212, 446–452 Nature and Nature Methods (v.marx@
Horizon-mediated business. (1981).
© 2014 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

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