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(11th Chapter, Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications by Robert L. Daugherty, Franzini and Fennemore)

Hydraulic Jump and its

practical applications

Lecture Delivered by:

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman


Hydraulic Jump or Standing Wave
◼ It is the breakage of surface profile due to violent turbulence resulting from
change of flow from super critical to sub critical.
◼ Hydraulics jump is local non-uniform flow phenomenon resulting from the
change in flow from super critical to sub critical.
◼ In such as case, the water surface breaks as it passes through the critical
depth and according to the theory dy/dx= (So-S)/(1-FN2)= infinity or water
surface profile should be vertical. This off course physically cannot happen
and the result is discontinuity in the surface characterized by a steep
upward slope of the profile accompanied by lot of turbulence and eddies.
which is called as hydraulic jump or standing wave.
y1 & y2 are called
conjugate depths
Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore
Hydraulic Jump or Standing Wave

Hydraulic jump formed on a spillway Rapid flow and hydraulic jump on a

model for the Karna-fuli Dam in dam spillway

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore 3

Uses of Hydraulic Jump
1) Hydraulic jump is used to dissipate or destroy the
destructive energy of water on d/s of hydraulic
structures which otherwise may cause excessive
erosion and damage the hydraulic structure (dam,
barrage, weir, canal fall etc.).
Thus a hydraulic jump is invariably provided on d/s of
hydraulic structures.
2) It may be used for mixing of certain chemicals like in
case of water treatment plants.
3) It may also be used as a crude discharge measuring
device in the channels.

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore 4

Conjugate depths / Sequent depths
◼ These are the depths of flow in a channel before and
after the Hydraulic Jump i.e. y1<yc (supercritical depth) &
y2>yc (Subcritical depth)

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore 5

Equation of Hydraulic Jump
Consider a hydraulic jump taking place in an open channel
with horizontal bed.

V12/2g V22/2g

A1 F1 y1

1 2

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore 6

Equation of Hydraulic Jump (contd.)
Q = flow rate through the channel
Ff = frictional force

y1 = depth of flow on u/s side

v1 = velocity of flow on u/s side
v12/2g = velocity head on u/s side
A1 = area of flow on u/s side
F1 = hydrostatic force on u/s side

Similarly, y2, v2, v22/2g, A2 and F2 are corresponding values

on d/s of jump
Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore 7
Equation of Hydraulic Jump (contd.)
Applying Momentum Equation b/w section 1 & 2 (control volume of fluid)
 (Algebraic sum of all external forces acting on the control volume of fluid
 F =  Q(V 2 − V1 ) = Rate of change of momentum)
F1 − F2 + Fg − F f =  Q (V2 − V1 ) − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (1)
as HJ takes place on a very short length and also Fg = 0 as S = 0
F f is ignored ad

F1 − F 2 = Q (V2 − V1 )

 hc1 A1 −  hc 2 A2 = Q (V2 − V1 )
hc = center of submerged area, cancelling  and substituting V = Q/A
Q2 Q2
A1hc1 − A2 hc 2 = −
+ − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (2)
gA1 gA2
Rearranging eq (2)
Q2 Q2
+ A1hc1 = − + A2 hc 2 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (3)
gA1 gA2
This is the equation of hydraulic jump for all channel x-sections (rectangluar and non rectangular).

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore 8

Equation of Hydraulic Jump (contd.)
Specific Force=Fm = + Ahc − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (4)
momentum force = and pressure force = A1hc1
Therefore Specific Force(Fm ) =  momentum force + pressure force
Now reducing eq (3) and eq (4) for a rectangular channel
Put Q = Bq and A =Bby
q2 B2 y1 q 2 B 2 y
 + By1 = + By2 2
By1 g 2 By2 g 2
q 2 y12 q2 y22
+ = + − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (5)
y1 g 2 y2 g 2
This is the equation of hydraulic jump for a rectangluar channel
For rectangluar channel
q2 y2
Fm = + − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (6)
gy 2
Now Rearranging eq (5)
q2  1 1  1 2
 −  = ( y2 − y1 )

g  y1 y2  2 9
Equation of Hydraulic Jump (contd.)
q 2  y2 − y1  1
  = ( y2 − y1 )( y2 + y1 )
g  y1 y2  2
q2  y + y2 
= y1 y2  1  − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (7)
g  2 
Eq (7) is equation of HJ in terms of conjugate depths and it can be used to compute discharge
if conjugate depths are measured
Substituting q = V1 y1 = V2 y2 in equation 7
V12 y12  y + y2 
 = y1 y2  1 
g  2 
multiplying by 2 / y13
2V12 y2  y2  V
= +   (where FN 1 = 1 , is approach Froude's no.)
gy1 y1  y1  gy1
 y2  y2
  + − 2 FN 1 = 0 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (8)

 y1  y1

y2 −1  1 + 4(1)(2) FN 1

= − − − − − − − − − − − − − −(9)
y1 2(1)
Ignoring the -ve root
y2 1
( )
= −1  1 + 8 FN21 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − (10)
y1 2
Eq (10) is equation of HJ in terms of Froude's no. for rectangular channels 10
Energy and Power loss in Hydraulic Jump

Energy Loss
H L = E = E 21 − E12
2 2
H L = ( y1 + ) − ( y2 + )
1 2

g g

Power Loss

P =  QE

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore 11

Specific Energy and Specific Force

V12/2g V22/2g


E a Fm

Conjugate Depths or Sequent Depths

These are depths in an open channel at which specific force is same for a
constant q.

Critical Depth
It is the depth of flow in an open channel at specific force is minimum.

With the increase in specific force, the hydraulic jump gets stronger. 12
Height and Length of Hydraulic Jump

Height of Hydraulic Jump

Hj = 𝑦2 − 𝑦1

Length of Hydraulic Jump

Lj = 5 𝑦2 (approximately)

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore
Prob. 1:
In a 3 m wide rectangular channel, the flow is 5.65 cumecs. The Hydraulic
jump is formed in the channel with a depth before the jump 30 cm.
Determine the depth after the jump and also calculate the loss of energy.

Given Data
Q = 5.65 m3/s
y1 = 30 cm = 0.3 m
y2 = ?
Delta E = ?

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore
Prob. 2:
A hydraulic jump occurs in a triangular flume (channel) with side slope 1:1.
The flow rate is 0.45 m3/s and the depth before the jump is 30 cm. Find the
depth after the jump and the horsepower lost in the jump?

Given Data
s/s = 1:1
Q = 0.45 m3/s
y1 = 30 cm = 0.3 m
y2 = ?
Delta P = ?

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore
Prob. 3:
In a rectangular channel which is 1.5 m wide the observed conjugate depths
are 20 and 90 cm, respectively. Determine rate of flow and loss of

Given Data
b = 1.5 m
y1 = 20 cm
y2 = 90 cm
Delta P = ?

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore
Location of Hydraulic Jump
◼ Providing a sluice gate
 For mild slope
 For Steep slope

◼ Change of Bed Slope from Steep to Mild

 On change of slope point
 On d/s of change of slope point (on mild bed slope)
 On u/s of change of slope point (on steep bed slope)

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore 17

Location of Hydraulic Jump (contd.)
◼ By providing a sluice gate
 For M-S M1

yo M3
yc y1

L Lj So<Sc
• A hydraulic jump on mild slope can be created by providing and closing a sluice gate such
that ys<yc
• From sluice gate to beginning of hydraulic jump, M3 profile will develop of length “L”. This
distance is calculated by step equation.
• The hydraulic jump can be analyzed first by assuming y2=yo and then y1 can be
calculated by equation of hydraulic jump as
y +y 
= y1 y2  1 2 
g  2 
• The M3 surface profile extends b/w ys and y1. The length of this surface profile (L) can be
computed using STEP Equation. 𝐸1 − 𝐸2
• Length of Hydraulic Jump = Lj = (4 to 6) y2 𝑆 − 𝑆𝑜 18
Location of Hydraulic Jump (contd.)
◼ By providing a sluice gate
 For S-S

yo yc S3


• If a sluice gate is provided on S-S, HJ forms on u/s or the sluice gate.

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore 19

Location of Hydraulic Jump (contd.)
◼ Change of Slope from Steep to Mild
 There are three possibilities of occurrence of hydraulic jump on change
of slope from steep to mild.

yo1 yc
Case I

M3 yo2
y1 Case II

S1 L
y1 y2 yo2 Case III

L 20
Location of Hydraulic Jump (contd.)
Analysis of hydraulic jump
➢ To determine the location of hydraulic jump, we take y2 = yo2 and compute
y1 from equation of hydraulic jump. q 2 y +y 
= y1 y2  1 2

Case I g  2 

If y1 = yo1 then hydraulic jump will form at change of slope section. It is simplest
and rare case.
Case II
If y1 > yo1 then hydraulic jump will form on mild slope i.e. d/s of change of slope
section at a distance “L” with M3 profile before jump. The length of M3 profile is
calculated using step equation in one or two steps as needed.
Case III
If y1 < yo1 , it is practically not possible, assume y1 = yo1 and compute y2 from
equation of HJ. The hydraulic jump will from on u/s of change of slope section.
The distance “L” between y2 and yo2 is calculated using step equation.

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore 21

Prob. 4:
A very wide rectangular channel with bed slope 0.0003 and Manning’s n 0.02
carries a steady flow 0f 50 cusecs / ft. If a sluice gate is so adjusted to
produce a depth of 1.5 feet in the channel, determine whether a hydraulic
jump will be formed downstream and if so, find the distance from the gate to
the jump?

Given Data
So = 0.0003
n = 0.02
q = 50 cfs / ft
ys = 1.5 ft
Formation of HJ =?

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore
Prob. 5:
In a rectangular channel which is 3 m wide the observed discharge is 12
cumecs. Bed slopes of the channel changes from 0.015 to 0.0016. Check (a)
occurrence of the hydraulic jump, (b) length of GVF from change point to
where hydraulic jump will form, and (c) loss of power in HJ. Use Manning’s n

Given Data
Q = 12 cumecs
So1 = 0.015
So2 = 0.0016
(a) Occurrence of Hyd Jump = ?
(b) L = ?
(c) Delta P = ?
n = 0.012

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore
Classification of Hydraulic Jump
◼ A jump is classified on the basis of approaching Froude’s No. i.e. FN1
◼ If FN1 is less than 1, then no Hydraulic Jump.

Class of Hydraulic Approaching Energy

S. No
Jump Froude's Number Dissipation

1 Undular Jump 1 - 1.7 <5

2 Weak Jump 1.7 - 2.5 5 - 15

3 Oscillating Jump 2.5 - 4.5 15 - 45

4 Steady Jump 4.5 - 9 45 - 70

5 Strong Jump >9 70 - 85

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore 24

Classification of Hydraulic Jump (contd.)

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore 25

Thank You

Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman, Department of Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore 26

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