The Ideas of Ancient Greeks On The Atom

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In this topic is all about the Ideas of Ancient Greeks on the atom, the idea of
ancient Greeks is that all of matter are made up of a very tiny, indivisible particles or we
called atoms is believed to have originated by two Greek Philosophers They are
Leucippus of Miletus and his scholar student Democritus of Abdera in the 5 th Century
B.C. The word atom comes from etymology or Greek word “Atomos” which means
“indivisible or unable to divided or separated. Also Greek Philosophers is the first
consulter of atom because of their genius mind and the capable of what world made of
and also Greek scientist’s or Philosophers can easily catch up the idea of atom,if this is
existing or not.

Let’s Learn about this

Before I proceed to our topic, we must define what is atom, atomic theory, the
first proponent of it, and their theories. First what is atom, On the theory of Leucippus
of Miletus and his student Democritus of Abdera in the 5th century B.C. they stated that
atom is an idea that all matter is made up of tiny, indivisible particles, also Leucippus of
Miletus and his student Democritus of Abdera stated that Color, taste, and other
intangible qualities were also thought to be composed of atoms. Their early ideas about
atoms are All matter is made of atom All matter is made of atom, next is the Universe is
made up of atom because of continuously moving in a void that causing of repelling
each otherwhen they collide, next is atoms is composed of very solid particles that
there are no space on it, then they also stated that atoms are homogenous in nature
that’s why they have no internal structures, and lastly Atoms come in different shapes
and sizes that’s why atoms can compact in any things in the world. Greek philosopher
credited by Aristotle and by Theophrastus with having originated the theory of atomism.
It has been difficult to distinguish his contribution from that of his most famous
pupil, Democritus. Only fragments of Leucippus’ writings remain, but the works of this
two philosophers believed to have been written by him are The Great World
System and On the Mind. His theory stated that matter is homogeneous but consists of
an infinity of small indivisible particles. These atoms are constantly in motion, and
through their collisions and regroupings form various compounds.

Leucippus and Democritus are widely regarded as the first atomists in the Greek
tradition. A little bit known about Leucippus, while the ideas of his student Democritus
who is said to have taken over or conquered a lot of the idea of his teacher Leucippus
and systematized theory are known from a large number of reports. These great
ancient atomists or discoveries of atoms theorized that the two fundamental and
oppositely characterized constituents of the natural world are indivisible bodies atoms
and void. According to these Atomist that Atoms are by their nature intrinsically
unchangeable; they can only move about in the void and combine into different
clusters, so they say that all of atoms are cannot change. Since the atoms are
separated by void, they cannot fuse or cannot fuse the atom, but must rather bounce
off one another when they collide. Because all macroscopic objects are in fact
combinations of atoms, everything in the macroscopic world is subject to change, as
their constituent atoms shift or move away. Thus, while the atoms themselves persist
through all time, everything in the world of our experience is transitory and subject to
dissolution. Democritus was taken by Aristotle to have considered thought to be a
material process involving the local rearrangement of bodies, just as much as is
perception.The famous quotation of Democritus stated that,” the senses accuse the
mind of overthrowing them, although mind is dependent on the senses. The accusation
is that, by developing an atomist theory that undermines the basis for confidence in
sense perception, thought has in effect undercut its own foundation on knowledge
gained through the senses”. Democritus sometimes seems to doubt or deny the
possibility of knowledge. So Democritu’s and his teacher Leucippus prove that Aristotle
is wrong because he didn’t know the true knowledge of atoms.
While the idea of the atom was supported by some later Greek philosophers, it
was fiercely attacked or questions by others, including Aristotle, who argued against the
existence of such particles. He disregarded the existence of atoms proposed by
Leucippus and Democritus. He believe that Atom is not exist or didn’t exist in this entire
world. Aristotle didn’t support the idea of atom because he originated in his theory that
atoms are cannot, Aristotle’s point of view on the atom rejected the idea of these two
philosophers. Also in the other hand Aristotle’s point of view catch up the attention of
his fellow Philosophers others are supported on his belief while others are not. That’s
why Aristotle is proving that atom is not existing or can’t be seen in all things, in the
end Aristotle’s theory can be either true or a fact.


The Summarization of this topic entitled The Ideas of Ancient Greeks on the
atom and the beliefs of the Philosophers about atom, Leucippus of Miletus and his
scholar student Democritus of Abdera in the 5th Century B.C. are the first proponent of
Atom, they stated that atom is an idea that all matter is made up of tiny, indivisible
particles, that no one can’t see it. They also stated that Color, taste, and other
intangible qualities were also thought to be composed of atoms. Leucippus and his
scholar student have made up of their theory to prove is existing in universe, and too
get the attention of their fellow philosophers/scientists. But other philosopher’s rejected
their idea or theory and in the other hand Aristotle analyze the theory of The
proponents of atom which is Leucippus and Democritus he didn’t not satisfy on their
theory so he rejected it and made up of his theory or view of point on atom and stated
that if atom is cannot be seen then why atom exist in universe. Democritus defend his
theory so that’s why he question the belief of Aristotle about atom.
Let’s try this!

Direction: Encircle and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on
your paper.

1. The composition of Atoms are

a. A noble gas
b. Color, taste, and other intangible qualities
c. Heavy Elements such as Iron
d. A very tiny particles and small electrons
2. In what Era Atoms discovered
a. 3rd century b. 4th Century
c. 5th century d. 6th century

3.________ are called the philosophers of atom

a. Atomists b.Atomasts
b. Atomests c.Consulter

4. These are the theory of Leucippus and Democritus except one

a. atoms come in different shapes and sizes

b. Atoms are homogenous in nature

c. atoms can be divided easily

d. All matter is made of ato

5. ________ of Miletus, he is known for the first atom theory and teacher of

a. Thales

b. Aristotle

c. Heraclitus
d. Leucippus

Let’s Answer this!

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer, Write your answer on your paper

1. He is a student of Leucippus and get the idea of his teacher

a. Democritus C. Copernicus
b. Herodotus d. Thales of Miletus
2. What is the etymology or Greek word of Atom?
a. Atomas C. Atomism
b. Atomos D. Atomist

3. He believed that atom is not real because it not exist in the universe

a. Leucippus c. Aristotle

b. Thales d. Plato

4. It is a tiny particle and a indestructible and indivisible that discover by the two

a. Cement C. Matter

b. Rock d. Atom

5. What is the belief of Aristotle about atom

a. It existing in our universe

b. It does not exist or existing in the universe

c. We can see atom anywhere by discovering it

d. A normal person can see it with his/her tow eyes


Answer Keys

Let’s Try This

1. B
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. D

Let’s Answer This

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. B

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