Armoured Demon Overload 2x Battalion/Outrider 2500 PTS: Lord of Contagion 1

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Armoured Demon Overload 2x Battalion/Outrider 2500 Pts

(14 CPs -2 Plague banner/Corruption)

Cost Total
Unit Unit # Upgrades
Type PL
+ 090
Lord of Contagion 1 Base Cost (90 each)
+ 020
Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Heretic
Plague Reaper (R melee, T melee, S +2, AP -3, D 3, reroll failed wounds
Astartes, Death Guard rolls of 1)
7 Daemonic Ritual (summon or move if wasn't summoned/arrived this
Keywords: character, infantry, terminator, Lord
of Contagion turn, 3d6= / - than power level summoned Nurgle demons, treated as
reinforcements: counts as moved, must be -12" of lord and +9" from enemy,
Death Guard (if Battle Forged in DG detachments): doubles=mortal wound, triples equals d3 mortal wounds)

Inexorable advance: All infantry/Helbrute

units don't suffer penalty for moving+firing Death to the False Emperor (if attack imp. unit & roll 6 on d6 to hit =
heavy weapons, or Advancing and firing
Assault weapons. Can also fire 2x with rapid
+1 attack with same weapon)
fire at 18" instead of 1/2 weapons range.
Plague Host: All troops units take objective
Nurgle's Gift (All DG units within 7" have plague aura; beginning of
even if enemy is closer; reg. rules apply if my turn any enemy unit within 1" of affected DG units suffers mort. w. 4+)
enemy has similar rule
Teleport Strike (at end of any of my move phases can deepstrike
anywhere outside of 9" of enemy units)
Cataphractii Armour (4+ invul. but 1/2 d6 for advance)
Krak Grenades (R 6", T grenade 1, S 6, AP -1, D d3)
M Ws Bs S T
4" 2+ 2+ 4 5
Blight Grenades (R 6", T gren. d6, S 3, AP 0, D 1, reroll wound d6=1)
W A Ld Sv
6 4 9 2+
Squad Total 110
+ 340
Daemon Prince 2 *Base Cost (170 each)
+ 010
Faction keywords: *Chaos, *Daemon, *Nurgle,
Malefic Talons *x1/x2 (R melee, T melee, S user, AP -2, D 2, +1/2x+3
Heretic Astartes, Death Guard attack)
9 *Corruption - Artefact: Stratagem Rewards of Chaos -1 CP (R + 010
Keywords: *character, daemon,*monster, *fly,
*daemon prince melee, T melee, S +2, AP -3, D d3, reroll failed wound rolls)
Death to the False Emperor (+1 attack/roll 6 to hit in attack imperial)
Death Guard (if Battle Forged in DG detachments):
Inexorable advance: All infantry/Helbrute *Disgustingly Resilient (ignore wound on 5+)
units don't suffer penalty for moving+firing
heavy weapons, or Advancing and firing *Daemonic Ritual (summon or move if not summoned/arrived this turn,

Assault weapons. Can also fire 2x with rapid 3d6≥ power level of summoned Nurgle demons, treat as reinforcements: =
fire at 18" instead of 1/2 weapons range.
Plague Host: All troops units take objective moved, 12"≥Char and ≤9" from enemy, doubles=mw, triples = d3 mw)
even if enemy is closer; reg. rules apply if
enemy has similar rule
*Psyker (1 psychic power per psych phase + deny 1 enemy power; smite:
wc5, r 18", d3 MWs or d6 if psych test +10; & + 1 cont./*Nurgle power)
Nurgle Daemon (if Battle Forged in ND detachments): *Prince of Chaos (Death Guard & *Nurgle Daemon units within 6"
 Locus of Virulence: all characters gain LoV;
all Nurgle daemon units within 6" of model
reroll hit rolls of 1)
with LoV get +1 damage on 6+ wound roll Relic (Suppurating Plate: 2+ save; if saves, 4+ inflicts MW on enemy unit)
 Daemonic Legion: All troops units take
objective even if enemy is closer; reg. rules
apply if enemy has similar rule

Warlord Trait: Reroll failed Wound Rolls for

any DG unit within 7" using plague weapons

M Ws Bs S T
12" 2+ 2+ 7 6
Daemonic (5+ invulnerable save)
W A Ld Sv Invl
8 4 10 2/3+ 5+
Squad Total 360
+ 95
Spoilpox Scrivener 1 Base Cost (95 each)
Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Demon
Disgusting Sneezes (R 6", T pistol d3, S 3, AP 0, D 1, reroll failed
wounds rolls of 1)
Keywords: character, infantry, plaguebearer, 4 Distended Maw (R melee, T melee, S User, AP -1, D 1, reroll failed
herald of Nurgle, spoilpox scrivener
wounds rolls of 1)
Nurgle Daemon (if Battle Forged in ND detachments): Plaguesword (R melee, T melee, S user, AP 0, D 1, reroll fail wounds)

 Locus of Virulence: all characters gain LoV;

all Nurgle daemon units within 6" of model Stern Taskmaster (+2" move all Plaguebearer infantry within 6")
with LoV get +1 damage on 6+ wound roll
 Daemonic Legion: All troops units take
Keep Counting! Meet Your Quota (Plaguebearers within 6" - +1 to
objective even if enemy is closer; reg. rules hit; to hit 7+ = +1 attack/bonus do not generate extra attacks)
apply if enemy has similar rule
Daemonic (5+ invulnerable save)
Daemonic Ritual (summon or move if not summoned/arrived this turn,
3d6≥ power level of summoned Nurgle demons, treat as reinforcements: =
moved, 12"≥Char and ≤9" from enemy, doubles=mw, triples = d3 mw)
M Ws Bs S T
5" 2+ 2+ 5 5
Disgustingly Resilient (ignore wound on 5+)
W A Ld Sv Invl
4 3 8 6+ 5+
Squad Total 95
+ 074
Chaos Lord 1 Base Cost (74 each)
Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Heretic
Chainsword (R melee, T melee, S user, AP 0, D 1, +1 attack)
+ 002
Astartes, Death Guard
5 Combi-bolter (R 24", T rapid fire 2, S 4, AP 0, D 1)
Keywords: character, infantry, chaos lord Daemonic Ritual (summon or move if wasn't summoned/arrived this
turn, 3d6= / - than power level summoned Nurgle demons, treated as
Death Guard (if Battle Forged in DG detachments): reinforcements: counts as moved, must be -12" of lord and +9" from enemy,
Inexorable advance: All infantry/Helbrute
units don't suffer penalty for moving+firing doubles=mortal wound, triples equals d3 mortal wounds)
heavy weapons, or Advancing and firing
Assault weapons. Can also fire 2x with rapid
Death to the False Emperor (if attack imp. unit & roll 6 on d6 to hit =
fire at 18" instead of 1/2 weapons range. +1 attack with same weapon)
Plague Host: All troops units take objective
even if enemy is closer; reg. rules apply if
Lord of Chaos (reroll hit rolls of 1 for DG legion units within 6")
enemy has similar rule Sigil of Corruption (4+ invulnerable save)
Krak Grenades (R 6", T grenade 1, S 6, AP -1, D d3)
M Ws Bs S T
6" 2+ 2+ 4 4
Blight Grenades (R 6", T gren. d6, S 3, AP 0, D 1, reroll wound d6=1)
W A Ld Sv
5 4 9 3+
Squad Total 76
+ 108
Nurglings 3 Base Cost (54 x3 18 each)
Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Demon x2 Diseased claws and teeth (R melee, T melee, S user, AP 0, D 1, reroll
 Troops

failed wound rolls of 1)

Keywords: swarm, nurglings
3 Daemonic Ritual (can be summoned instead of deployed, see HQ 749
Nurgle Daemon (if Battle Forged in ND detachments): above)
See HQ above
Disgustingly Resilient/Squishable (ignore wound on 5+ if d1<)
Mischief Makers (can setup in deployment zone or anywhere on
battlefield more than 9" from enemy units or deployment zone)
M Ws Bs S T
5" 4+ 4+ 2 2
Daemonic (5+ invulnerable save)
W A Ld Sv Invl
4 4 7 6+ 5+
Squad Total 108
+ 210
Plague Bearers 30 Base Cost (70 x9+1 plagueridden 7 each)
Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Demon Plaguesword (R melee, T melee, S user, AP 0, D 1, reroll fail to wound)
Keywords: infantry, plague bearers
12 Daemonic Ritual (can be summoned instead of deployed, see HQ
 Troops

Nurgle Daemon (if Battle Forged in ND detachments): + 010
See HQ above
Instrument of Chaos (+1 to advance and charge rolls)
+ 015
Daemonic Icon - Plague Banner: stratagem 1 CP (rolls of 1 for
morale = +d6 models; once per battle, all plagueswords are 2D)
Disgustingly Resilient (ignore wound on 5+)
Cloud of Flies (if 20+ at phase outset = -1 to hit for attacks against them)
M Ws Bs S T
5" 4+ 4+ 4 4
Daemonic (5+ invulnerable save)
W A Ld Sv Invl
1 1/2 7 6+ 5+
Squad Total 235
+ 126
Poxwalkers 10 Base Cost (60x10 6 each)
x1 Improvised Weapon (R melee, T melee, S user, AP 0, D 1)
Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Heretic
Astartes, Death Guard 11 Disgustingly Resilient (ignore wound on 5+)
 Troops

Keywords: infantry, poxwalkers x1 1110

Curse of the Walking Pox (each enemy unit slain in fight phase = +1
Death Guard (if Battle Forged in DG detachments): poxwalker, cannot increase + original size unless prepaid at outset of game)
See HQ above Mindless (never take morale tests)
M Ws Bs S T
4" 5+ 6+ 3 3
Diseased horde (add 1 to all to hit rolls in fight phase if 10+ models)
W A Ld Sv
1 2 4 7+
Squad Total 126
 Troops

+ 080
Plague Marines 5 Base Cost (80 x4+Champ 16 each)
+ 020
Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Heretic
x1 Blight launchers x2 (R 24", T assault 2, S 6, AP -2, D d3, reroll fail
Astartes, Death Guard wnd rolls)
Keywords: infantry, plague marines
7 Bolters x3 (R 24", T rapid fire 1, S 4, AP 0, D 1)
+ 001
Plague sword (R melee, T melee, S user, AP 0, D 1, reroll fail wnd roll)
Death Guard (if Battle Forged in DG detachments): 1211
See HQ above Plague Knives (R melee, T melee, S user, AP 0, D 1, reroll failed wound
rolls of 1, 2x=attack characteristic=2)
Blight Grenades (R 6", T grenade d6, S 3, AP 0, D 1, reroll wnd rolls=1)
Krak Grenades (R 6", T grenade 1, S 6, AP -1, D d3)
Disgustingly Resilient (ignore wound on 5+)
Death to the False Emperor (+1 attack/roll 6 to hit in attack imperial)
M Ws Bs S T
5" 3+ 3+ 4 5
Vectors of Death & Disease (2 cc weapons except flail= 2 attacks)
W A Ld Sv
1 1/2 7/8 3+
Squad Total 101
 Fast Attack  Fast Attack
+ 198
Foetid Bloat-Drone 2 Base Cost (99 each)
+ 068
Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Heretic
Plaguespitter dual x2 (R 9", T Assault d6, S user, AP -1, D 1, auto hits,
Astartes, Death Guard reroll failed wound rolls of 1)
8 Plague Probe x2 (R melee, T melee, S +2, AP -2, D 2, reroll fail wnd1) + 050
Keywords: vehicle, daemon, daemon engine,
fly, foetid bloat-drone Disgustingly Resilient (ignore wound on 5+)
Putrid Explosion (if = 0 wounds, d6 4+, units within 7" takes 1 mort.w.)
Damage (W 6-10+ = M10"/S 6/A 3; W 3-5 = M8"/S 5/A 2; W 1-2 =
M6"/S 4/A 1)
M Ws Bs S T
10" 4+ 4+ 6 7
Daemonic (5+ invulnerable save)
W A Ld Sv
10 3 8 3+
Squad Total 316
+ 120
Plague Drones 3 Base Cost (40 each)
Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Demon Death's heads - Rider (R 12", T Assault 2, S 4, AP 0, D 1, reroll failed
wound rolls of 1)
Keywords: cavalry, fly, plague drones, plague
bearer Plaguesword - Rider (R melee, T melee, S user, AP 0, D 1, reroll fail to
Nurgle Daemon (if Battle Forged in ND detachments): wound)
See HQ above Prehensile Proboscis - Rider (R melee, T melee, S 4, AP 0, D 2, +4
attacks with mount after rider attacks, reroll fail to wound)
Daemonic Ritual (can be summoned instead of deployed, see HQ
Disgustingly Resilient (ignore wound on 5+)
M Ws Bs S T
10" 4+ 4+ 4 5
Daemonic (5+ invulnerable save)
W A Ld Sv Invl
4 1/2 7 6+ 5+
Squad Total 120
+ 025
Chaos Spawn 1 Base Cost (25 each)
 Fast Attack

Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Heretic
Hideous Mutations (R melee, T melee, S user, AP -2, D 2)
Astartes, Death Guard
2 Mutated Beyond Reason (when CS attacks, d3: Hid. mut have AP-4
Keywords: beast, chaos spawn
until next fight phase, +2 attacks until next fight phase, reroll failed
wound rolls until next fight phase)
M Ws Bs S T
7" 4+ - 5 5
Fearsome (enemy within 1" get -1 leadership)
W A Ld Sv
4 D6 9 5+
Squad Total 25
+ 068
Beasts of Nurgle 1 Base Cost (34 each)
x2 Putrid Appendages (R melee, T melee, S user, AP 0, D 2, reroll fail to
 Elite

Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Demon

Keywords: beast, beasts of Nurgle
Daemonic Ritual (can be summoned instead of deployed, see HQ ↑)
Nurgle Daemon (if Battle Forged in ND detachments):
See HQ above Disgustingly Resilient (ignore wound on 5+)
2 Attention Seeker (can perform Heroic Interventions as if a Character)
Deadly Slime Trail (each enemy unit falling back 4+ on d6 = 1 mw)
M Ws Bs S T
6" 4+ -- 4 5
Daemonic (5+ invulnerable save)
W A Ld Sv Invl
5 d6 7 6+ 5+
Squad Total 68
+ 100
Plagueburst Crawler 1 Base Cost (110 each)
Plagueburst Mortar (R 12"-48", T Heavy d6, S 8, AP -2, D d3,
T Heavy Support

Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Heretic
failed wound rolls of 1, targets don't need to be visible)
Astartes, Death Guard
8 Plaguespitter x2 (R 9", T Assault d6, S user, AP -1, D 1, auto hits, reroll + 034 1880
Keywords: vehicle, daemon, daemon engine,
plagueburst crawler failed wound rolls of 1)
+ 006
Heavy Slugger (R 36", T Heavy 4, S 5, AP -1, D 1)
Disgustingly Resilient (ignore wound on 5+)
Explodes (if = 0 wounds, on d6 5+, each unit within 6" takes d3 mort. w.)
Damage (W 6-12+ = M9"/Bs 4+/S 7; W 3-5 = M6"/Bs 5+/S 6; W 1-2 =
M4"/Bs 5+/S 5)
M Ws Bs S T
9"* 6+ 4+* 7 8
Daemonic (5+ invulnerable save)
W A Ld Sv Invl
12 3* 8 3+ 5+
Squad Total 140
+ 095
Hellforged Predator 1 Base Cost (95 each)
Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Heretic
Infernal Hunger (R melee, T melee, S user, AP -3, D 1)
+ 030
Astartes, Death Guard
12 C-beam Cannon (R 72", T Heavy 1, S 6, AP -3, D d3, can't fire if
T Heavy Support
Keywords: vehicle, hellforged, hellforged
moved, each 24" between tank and target = +2S & +d3D, + 2d6 additonal
predator S6/AP0/D1 hits on target unit if slays model)
+ 050
Lascannon x2 (R 48", T Heavy, S 9, AP -3, D d6)
+ 006
Havoc Launcher (R 48", T heavy D6, S 5, AP 0, D 1)
Machina Malifica (At end each Fight phase, roll # of D6 = to # models
it slew during this phase; 5+ = +1 lost wound; no +wounds any other way)
Containment Breach (0 wound= d6, 6= explodes= d3 mortal wounds
units within 6", d6 mortal wounds for psykers)
Hate Fuelled Rampage (+d3 attacks if success charged in same turn)
Damage (W 7-11+ = M 12", WS 5+, BS 3+; W 3-6 = M 6", WS 4+, BS
4+; W 1-2 = M 3", WS 3+, BS 5+)
M Ws Bs S T
12" 5+ 3+ 6 7
Smoke Launchers (once per game, cannot shoot, -1 to hit at range)
W A Ld Sv
11 4 8 3+
Squad Total 181
+ 175
Hellforged Leviathan 1 Base Cost (175 each)
+ 080
Dreadnought Butcher Cannon Array x2 (R 36", T Heavy 8, S 8, AP -1, D 2, target
T Heavy Support

suffers -2 LD rest of turn if target unit suffers wounds, not cumulative)

Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Heretic 16 Hellflamers x2 (R 8", T Heavy d6, S 5, AP -1, D 2, auto hits) + 034
Astartes, Death Guard
Machina Malifica (At end each Fight phase, roll # of D6 = to # models
Keywords: vehicle, dreadnought, hellforged,
helbrute, hellforged leviathan dreadnought it slew during this phase; 5+ = +1 lost wound; no +wounds any other way)
Hellfire Reactor (5+ invul against shooting/4+ invul against melee)
Death Guard (if Battle Forged in DG detachments):
Inexorable advance: All infantry/Helbrute Containment Breach (0 wound= d6, 6= explodes= d3 mortal wounds
units don't suffer penalty for moving+firing units within 6", d6 mortal wounds for psykers)
heavy weapons, or Advancing and firing
Assault weapons. Can also fire 2x with rapid Damage (W 8-14+ = M8"/ Ws 2+/Bs 2+; W 4-7 M5"/ Ws 3+/Bs 3+; W
fire at 18" instead of 1/2 weapons range. 1-3 = M3"/ Ws 4+/Bs 4+)
M Ws Bs S T
8" 2+ 2+ 8 8
Dark Fury (2 melee weapons = +1 attack)
W A Ld Sv Inv
14 4 8 2+ 5/4+
Squad Total 289
+ 120
Defiler 1 Base Cost (140 each)
Battle Cannon (R 72", T Heavy d6, S 8, AP -2, D d3)
T Heavy Support

Faction keywords: Chaos, Nurgle, Heretic + 008

Astartes, Death Guard
11 Combi-flamer (boltgun: R 24", T rapid fire 1, S 4, AP 0, D 1; flamer: R
8", T Assault d6, S 4, AP 0, D 1, auto hits; use 1 or both, both = -1 to hit)
Keywords: vehicle, daemon, daemon engine, + 010 2500
defiler Reaper Autocannon (R 36", T Heavy 4, S 7, AP -1, D 1)
+ 012
Defiler Scourge (R melee, T melee, S +4, AP -2, D 3)
Defiler Claws (R melee, T melee, S x2, AP -3, D 6)
Daemonic (5+ invulnerable save)
Infernal Regeneration (regenerates wound at beginning of my turn)
Smoke Launchers (once per game, cannot shoot, -1 opponents to hit)
Damage (W 8-14+ = M8"/Bs 4+/A 4; W 4-7 = M6"/Bs 5+/A 3; W 1-3 =
M4"/Bs 5+/A 2)
M Ws Bs S T
8"* 4+ 4+* 8 7
Explodes (0 wound= d6, 6= explodes= d3 mortal wounds units within 6")
W A Ld Sv
14 4* 7 3+
Squad Total 150

2000 = - Leviathan & Plague Drones, +1 poxwalker

1500 = - Daemons & Predator
Spells & Auras
Unit #P/ Spells DW Auras
T R Effect
Daemon Prince x1 Smite: wc5, r 18", d3 mortal wounds or d6 if psych x1 6" Prince of Chaos Nurgle Daemon
test +10 units reroll hit rolls of 1
(Daemons) Shrivelling Pox: wc6, r 18", on visible enemy unit,
-1 toughness until start of my next psych phase
Daemon Prince x1 Smite: wc5, r 18", d3 mortal wounds or d6 if psych x1 6" Prince of Chaos DG & Nurgle
test +10 Daemon units reroll hit rolls of 1
(DG) Putrescent Vitality: wc6, r18", on visible friendly 7" Arch Contaminator Reroll failed
DG unit, + 1 strength and toughness until start of Wound Rolls for any DG unit within
my next psych phase range using plague weapons

Spoilpox N/A N/A N/A 6" Locus of Virulence Nurgle

Daemons wound rolls of 6+ = +1
Scrivener damage
6" Stern Taskmaster (+2" move all
Plaguebearer infantry within 6")
6" Keep Counting! Meet Your
Plaguebearers within 6" - +1 to hit; to
hit 7+ = +1 attack/bonus do not
generate extra attacks
Lord of N/A N/A N/A 7" Nurgle's Gift
Contagion beginning of my turn any enemy unit
within 1" of affected DG units suffers
mort. w. 4+
Chaos Lord N/A N/A N/A 6" Lord of Chaos
reroll hit rolls of 1 for DG legion

Plaguebearers -
Warp Surge (Stratagem- 2CP) - +1 invulnerable
Miasma of Pestilence (Spell) + Cloud of Flies (PB trait) - -2 to hit
Daemon Prince reroll 1's to hit
Plagueswords reroll to wound
Spoilpox - 6+ to wound = +1 Damage; +1 to hit, 7+ = +1 attack;
Plaguebanner (Stratagem 1CP) +1 Damage;
Virulent Blessing (Psychic Power) - +1 to wound, 7+ = x2 Damage

(4 Damage with Plague Banner and Virulent Blessing)

30x attacks against MEQ

hitting on 3+, rerolling 1's, +6 attacks (average 27 hits)
27 hits wounding on 2+, rerolling to wound = 18 wounds at 2D & 4 at 4D

Nurgle Daemon Prince -

Daemon Prince reroll 1's to hit; 6+ to wound = +1 Damage
Corruption +2 strength, reroll failed wounds
Virulent Blessing (Psychic Power) - +1 to wound, 7+ = x2 Damage
4x attacks against 8 toughness vehicle
hitting on 2+, rerolling 1's, (average 4 hits)
4 hits wounding on 2+ = 4 wounds at d3 & 1 wound x2 d3

Bloat Drones/PBC -
Daemon Prince reroll to wound
Spoilpox - 6+ to wound = +1 Damage
Virulent Blessing (Psychic Power) - +1 to wound, 7+ = x2 Damage
2-12x attacks against MEQ
auto hit (average 6-7 hits)
6-7 hits wounding on 2+ rerolling misses = 5-6 wounds at 2D & 1 wound at 4D

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