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Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2017) 7302–7312


Non-Destructive Testing, Evaluation Of Stainless Steel

Dr. K. Ashok Reddy*
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MLR Institute of Technology , Dundigal, Quthbullapur(M), R R Dist, Hyderabad-43,
Telangana State

The field of nondestructive testing (NDT) is a very broad, interdiscip linary field, that plays a critical role in assuring the
structural components and systems, performs their function in a reliable and cost effective fashion. Welded sample of
SS304L is tested by various NDT techniques such as Magnetic particle Inspection. Liquid Penetrate test and Ultrasonic
flaw detection in the present investigation studies. Testing procedure and methodology for detection of flaw is clearly
discussed in the present studies. In Ultrasonic testing we detected two discontinuities. In the liquid penetrant test, no
surface defects were found. In Magnetic Particle Inspection, linear surface defects were found.

© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the Committee Members of International Conference on Advancements
in Aeromechanical Materials for Manufacturing (ICAAMM-2016).

1. Introduction:
NDT stands for non-destructive testing. In other words it is a way of testing without destroying. This means
that the component- the casting, weld or forging, can continue to be used and that the non -destructive testing
method has done no harm [1,2,3]. In today's world where new materials are being developed, older materials
and bonding methods are being subjected to higher pressures and loads, NDT ensures that materials can
continue to operate to their highest capacity with the assurance that they will not fail within predetermined
time limits. NDT can be used to ensure the quality right from raw material stage through fabrication and
processing to pre-service and in-service inspection. Apart from ensuring the structural integrity [4,5,6], quality
and reliability of components and plants, today NDT finds extensive applications for condition monitoring,
residual life assessment, energy audit, etc. Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) comprises many terms used to
describe various activities within the field. Some of these terms are nondestructive testing (NDT),
nondestructive inspection (NDI), and nondestructive examination (which have been called NDE,). These

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-

9948928942; E-mail address:

© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the Committee Members of International Conference on Advancements
in Aeromechanical Materials for Manufacturing (ICAAMM-2016).
Dr. K. Ashok Reddy/Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2017) 7302–7312 730
activities include testing, inspection, and examination, which are similar in that they primarily involve looking
at (or through) or measuring something about an object to determine some characteristic of the object or to
determine whether the object contains irregularities, discontinuities, or flaws.

The terms irregularity, discontinuity, and flaw can be used interchangeably to mean something that is
questionable in the part or assembly, but specifications, codes, and local usage can result in different
definitions for these terms. Because these terms all describe what is being sought through testing, inspection,
or examination, the term NDE (non-destructive evaluation) has come to include all the activities of NDT,
NDI, and NDE used to find, locate, size, or determine something about the object or flaws and allow the
investigator to decide whether the object or flaws are acceptable. A flaw that has been evaluated as rejectable
is usually termed a defect.

Now a day’s everyone going for higher reliability and stringent quality checks, the NDT techniques have
gained even more importance. Whether one talked about quality assurance or quality control or reliability, one
has to understand the science and engineering of various NDT techniques to firm a firm base. Also in the view
of the newer materials being developed at a very rapid rate to meet the diverse requirement of modern
engineering industries. Using NDT technique one may select a relatively “defect-free” material and better
understand the behaviour of newly developed material. NDT techniques assumes greater significance in high
reliability sectors such as nuclear, space, aircraft, defence, automobile ,chemical and fertiliser industries. In
fact practically every medium and large-scale engineering industry uses NDT technique in one form to the

Besides being used for defects evaluation and location, NDT techniques are used for assessing the severity or
otherwise of the defects too. Whereas certain defects may be very harmless in view of their small size or
innocuous position (e.g. Micro voids in a low stressed region of composite), others may be quite harmful in
view of their large size, type and position. These harmful defects grow to dangerous proportion in service but
the harmless defects, as their name suggests may be ignored. In addition to harmful and harmless categories,
there is a third category of defects too. They are classified as beneficial defects. These defects are not severe
and they are beneficially located, certain beneficial defects arrest or impede the progress of a propagating
crack and certain other beneficial defects divert the path of crack progress by providing easier path but in a
different direction which is relatively safer hence the NDT engineer should not reject a material/component
merely because of the presence of defects. The NDT engineer should find out whether the defects are harmless
one or a beneficial one or otherwise and thereafter categorically state the rejection criteria.

With the advent of modern advances in the field of electronics, computers and data processing, greater use of
electronic gadgets, computers interfaces and data processors are being made to improve the existing NDT
techniques, this has enabled development of instruments and software which quickly detect the defects and
identifies their nature, shape, size and criticality. Another current trend in the field of Non-destructive
inspection is to continuously monitor high-risk structures subjected to service loads (e.g. Acoustic emission
monitoring of pressure vessels and storage tank). This continuous monitoring results in higher reliability of
structures/components in service and permit prolonged service life of the structure/components, in addition to
this continuous in service monitoring, NDT techniques are also being used for on-line monitoring during
manufacturing too.(e.g. on-line monitoring for welding defects during welding operation using Acoustic
emission testing) As mentioned in the previous section, NDT techniques are used for the evaluation of
material behaviour too. One may study in detail various stages leading to ductile failure of different metals or
different stages leading to failure of fibre reinforced plastic composite etc, using various NDT techniques one
may use NDT techniques for predicting fatigue behaviour of different materials, for evaluation of different
mechanical properties (modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, burst strength etc.) for evaluation of in-service
embrittlement, for evaluation of grain size in various alloys, to quantify composition of alloys, to differentiate
between different metals and alloys (i.e. identification of metals and alloys), for measurement of fibre volume
fraction in fibre reinforced plastics composites etc. Yet another emerging usage of NDT technique is in the
field of engineering “post-mortem” i.e. for analyzing the test data after a simulated failure or after proof
loading, fractured surfaces are also studied for probing the reasons for failure. Material composition at the
fracture site, texture of fractured surfaces, fibre pull-outs, presence of defects (cracks, voids, inclusions etc.)
on the fracture surfaces, all help in proper investigation of the cause of failure.The aerospace industry with
other transportation industries NDT can make the difference between life and death. Aircraft components are
inspected before they are periodically inspected throughout their life. Aircraft parts are designed to be as light
as possible while still performing their intended function. This generally means that components Cary very
high loads relative to these material strength and small. Flaws can cause a component to fail. Since aircrafts
are cycled ((loaded and unloaded) as they fly, land, and pressurised the cabin, many components are prone to
fatigue. Another problem that aircrafts having they are under corrosion constant attack. When the aircraft
doors are opened, the warm air enters into inside of the plane. When the plane takes flight reached to altitude,
the skin of the craft becomes cold due to the temperature of outside air. This cause oxidation by air inside the
cabin it act as an electrolyte of will leads to the corrosion

Types Of Non-Destructive Testing:

Liquid Penetrant Test, Magnetic Particle Test,Ultrasonic Test,Radiographic Test,Eddycurrent Test, Thermal
Infrared Test, Acoustic Emission Test

Material Used Ss304l

Steel Type 304 is a variation of the basic 18-8 grade, Type 302, with a higher chromium and lower carbon
content. Lower carbon minimizes chromium carbide precipitation due to welding and its susceptibility to
intergranular corrosion. In many instances, it can be used in the ”as-welded“ condition, while Type 302
must be annealed in order to retain adequate corrosion resistance.
Type 304L is an extra low-carbon variation of Type 304 with a 0.03% maximum carbon content that
eliminates carbide precipitation due to welding (fig.1). As a result, this alloy can be used in the ”as-
welded“ condition, even in severe corrosive conditions. It often eliminates the necessity of annealing
weldments except for applications specifying stress relief. It has slightly lower mechanical properties than
Type 304 (table.1) & (table.2) . Typical uses include architectural mouldings and trim, kitchen equipment,
welded components of chemical, textile, paper, pharmaceutical and chemical industry processing

Fig. 1 Stainless Steel 304 L Materials

Table: 1 Mechanical Properties

Annealed Cold Rolled

Ultimate Tensile Strength 100,000 PSI 210,000 PSI
Yield Strength (.2% Offset) 40,000 PSI 190,000 PSI

Elongation in 2” * 40% 2%
Modulus of Elasticity (Tension) 28 x 106 PSI 25 x 106 PSI
Poisson’s Ratio 0.29

Table;2 Physical Properties & Compostion

S No Physical Properties: Values S.No Compostion Values

1. Density 1. Chromium 18.2%

2. Melting Point 2. Silicon 0.5%
3. Electrical Resistivity @ R.T 3. Nickel 8.5%
4. Thermal Expansion Coefficient 4. Carbon 0,015%
Thermal Conductivity @ 100° C 5. Manganese 1.6%
5. Magnetic Attraction 6. Iron

6. Annealed None

7. Cold Rolled Slight

8. Magnetic Permeability

2. Penetrate Testing:
The liquid penetrant test is one of the oldest methods of NDT. It is based on the old oil and whiting
method consisted of applying dirty penetrant oil to the test surface. Wiping the oil from the surface after
few minutes, then coating parts with an alcohol chalk suspension solution indicates the presence of
discontinuities by dirty oil seepage from the cracks through the white chalk coating. Later in1941,
developments in this technique take place and Dyestuffs were introduced in the oil (fluorescent dyestuff,
color dyestuff usually red).

Liquid penetrant inspection is a technique, which can be used to detect defects in a wide range of
components, provide that the defects break the surface of the material. The principle of the technique is
that a liquid is drawn by capillary action into the defect and, after subsequent development; any surface
breaking defects may be rendered visible to the human eye. In order to achieve good defect visibility, the
penetrating liquid will either be colored with a bright and persistent dye or else contains a fluorescent
compound. In this format type, the dye is generally red and the developed surface can be viewed in natural
or artificial light, but in the latter case, the component must be vied under ultraviolet light if indications of
the defects are to be seen. Liquid penetrant inspection detects only those discontinuities that are present on
or open to the surface part. Liquid penetrate inspection depends mainly on penetrants effectively wetting
the surface of a solid workpiece or specimen, flowing over that surface to form a continuous and
reasonably uniform coating, and then migrating into cavities that are open to the surface. The cavities of
interest are usually exceedingly small, often invisible to the unaided eye.

Principles of Penetrate Inspection:

Pre-cleaning, applying of penetrant, Applying developer, Removal of excess penetrant, visual inspection
Post –cleaning

2.1 Surface Cleaning:

In general for welds, satisfactory results may be obtained when the surface to be inspected is in as welded
condition. If mechanical methods of cleaning like grinding, machining or sanding are necessary, the surface
area shall be etched to remove smeared metal. Welded components or parts cleaned by Vapor degreasing,
organic solvents, or detergents, and properly protected from contamination, need not be re-cleaned with
penetrant cleaner (remover) prior to application of the penetrant as shown in Fig.2.

Fig 2. Showing After Surface Cleaning

3. Application of Penetrant:
Either Immersion (dipping), flow-on, spray, or brushing technique is used to apply the penetrant to the
pre-cleaned dry specimen. The penetrant is applied evenly over the entire apply penetrant as shown in Fig.3.

Fig 3 Showing After Penetrant Application

3.1 Allow Dwell Time:

Penetrant dwell times are critical and should be adjusted depending on temperature and other conditions and
may require qualification by demonstration for specific applications. Penetrant shall remain on the test
surface for the entire dwell time period. Care shall be taken to prevent drying out of the applied penetrant and
additional penetrant must be applied to re-wet the surface.
3.2 Removal Of Exces Penetrant:
After the elapse of penetrant dwell time, the excess penetrant is removed by water spray. Water at 60°F to
110°F and a pressure not exceeding 30 psi (210 kpa) is applied with droplet type sprayer specifically designed
for penetrant removal. The nozzle of sprayer is held so that water strikes the surface of the specimen at an
angle of approximately 45 degrees. Care is to be taken to avoid over-washing, which causes washout of
penetrant from discontinuities. Other methods of referenced codes or specifications could also be used if
applicable for the test surface conditions.

3.3 Developer (Development):

The development stage is necessary to reveal clearly the presence of any defect. The developer is usually a
fine chalk powder. This may be applied dry, but more commonly is applied by spraying the surface with chalk
dust suspended in a volatile carrier fluid. A thin uniform layer of chalk is deposited on the surface of
component. Penetrant liquid present within defects will be slowly drawn by capillary action into pores of
chalk. There will be some spread of penetrant within the developer is used the color must be in sharp contrast
to The uniform white of the chalk covered surface. The development stage sometimes is omitted when a
fluorescent penetrant is used.

Fig.4 After Developing

3.4 Observation and Inspection:

After optimum developing time has been allowed, the component surface is inspected for indications of
penetrant “BLEED BACK” into the developer. penetrant inspection is carried is carried out in strong
lightning conditions, while fluorescent penetrant inspection is carried out in suitable screen area using
ultra violet light. The later techniques cause the penetrant to emit visible light, and defects are brilliantly
occurred (Fig.5).
Fig 5. Showing Bleed Out From Defect

4. Experimental Work
Testing By Using Liquid Penetrant Process

1. A Weld Plate Is Cleaned With Pmc Cleaner Sprayed To Remove The Dust And dirt.
2. Wiped with a lint free cloth and then PMC Dye Penetrant is sprayed near the weld area and 20 minutes dwell time is
3. It is wiped off and then PMC Developer is sprayed near the weld area and 10 mints dwell time is given.
4 Finally no defects were observed on the weld plate.

4.1 Pre- Cleaning

Prior to Liquid Penetrant Application, the surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at least 25.5 mm shall be
dry and free of any dirt, grease, lint, scale, welding flux, weld spatters, rust, paint, oil or any other extraneous matter that
could obscure surface openings or otherwise interfere with the ex.amination by preventing the penetration.

4.2 Inspections on HAZ Area

1. Initially Pre Cleaning is done on Welds followed by Application of Penetrant on Welds

2. Dwell Time is maintained for 10 minutes
3. Excess Penetrant is removed by lint cloth
4. Sequence developer is applied

4.2 Interpretation on HAZ

1.No Defects are traced out on Welds surface by Liquid Penetrant Test

4.3 Post Cleaning

After the completion and evaluation is completed as residual penetrant if any and the developer shall be
removed from the surface, so that it will not interfere with the subsequent processing or service requirements.
4.4 Inspection on Whole Surface Area Weld

Prior to Liquid Penetrant Application, the surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at least 25.5
mm shall be dry and free of any dirt, grease, lint, scale, welding flux, weld spatters, rust, paint, oil or any other
extraneous matter that could obscure surface openings or otherwise interfere with the examination by
preventing the penetration. As shown in fig

4.5 Inspection on Whole Surface Area Weld

 Initially Pre Cleaning is done on Welds followed by Application of Penetrant on Welds

 Dwell Time is maintained for 20 minutes
 Excess Penetrant is removed by lint cloth
 Sequence developer is applied as shown in fig.4

4.5 Interpretation on whole surface area of weld

A Linear defect is traced out on component i.e. nearby HAZ area by Liquid Penetrant Test.

4.6 Magnetic Particle Inspection:

Magnetic particle examination is used for detecting the presence of discontinuities at surface or near the
surface (sub-surface) of erromagnetic materials such as cracks and other discontinuities like lack of fusion,
incomplete penetration etc. Its sensitivity is greatest for surface and sub-surface (up to 6mm from top)
discontinuities and diminishes rapidly with increasing depth of discontinuities below the surface. Here we are
following two types of methods: Yoke and Prod technique. For both techniques, we are using electricity to
magnetize the material, for that AC type of current is used for surface and DC type of current is used for
subsurface. Generally, Yoke method is used for small length jobs, Prod method is used for industry purpose;
by this we can detect large area. Here for prod method same the position of the prods, but depends on prod
distance section thickness current generation varies.

Both methods should repeat 2-3 times by changing the position of equipment for coverage total area. Dry
magnetic powder/ wet water mixed magnetic particles used as inspection medium. Then the particles will
attract on the surface of piece as discontinuity orientation.

Table-3 Experimental values by using 600probe

PATH Calculated value Theatrical value


½v 20 17.32 20.12 18.21

1V 40 34.64 39.45 34.98

1½ V 60 51.96 59.98 52.33

4.7 Testing By Ultrasonic Process

 Initially calibration is done on the V1 block by using normal probe.

 After calibration using normal probe is scanned on the welds at HAZ area.
 No defects are detected on the HAZ area.
 Similar T/R probe is scanned on the welds at HAZ area and no defect are present.
 Further calibration is done on V2 block by using angle probe (450, 600) shown in table-3 and table.4.
 With 60 degree probe of frequency 4 MHz defect are detected at ½ V, 1V, 1½ V sound path
according to machined displayed values
 With 45 degrees probe of frequency 2 MHz defect are detected at ½ V, 1V, 1½ V sound path
according to machined displayed values.

Table-4 Experimental values by using 450probe

Calculated value Theatrical value


½V 5.65 4 6.0 4.65

1V 19.78 14 20.10 14.0

1½ V 33.94 24 33.95 23.98

Where, BP- Beam path and SD- Surface distance * BP=T/COSθ, SD=T×TAN𝜃

5. Distance Amplitude Correction Curve

A distance amplitude correction curve is constructed from the peak amplitude responses from reflectors of
equal area at different distances in the same material.
A-Scan echoes are displayed at their non-electronically compensated height and the peak amplitude of each
signal is marked on the flaw detector screen or, preferably, on a transparent plastic sheet attached to the
References standards which incorporate side drilled holes (SDH), flat bottom holes (FBH) whereby the
reflectors are located at varying depths as shown in fig-4.4.
It is important to recognize that regardless of the type of reflector used, the size and shape of the reflector
must be constant.

Defect 1: There is defect which is getting detected at 1
2 V sound path there defect size is less than the
reference reflector. as shown in fig-6 SD=25.34 BP=32.38 d=1-62
Fig.6. Defect 1 Fig.7. Defect 2

Defect 2: Fig.7 shown that, There is defect which is getting detected at 1
2 V sound path there defect size is
less than the reference reflector. SD=34.05 BP= 43.40 d=8.94

In Ultrasonic inspection of welds, 2 defects were detected. These two defects are crossing 50% DAC. So
the weld piece is accepted. During Liquid penetrant testing, Linear defects are detected on weld surface
and a linear defect was noticed near HAZ area. No defects were observed on the welds surface and HAZ
areas of weld sample by using Magnetic Particle Testing.Ultrasonic method is fast, dependable and
portable and results are instantly known. However magnetic particle and liquid penetrant methods are
used for sub-surface and surface defects respectively.Non-Destructive methods i.e. ultrasonic testing,
magnetic particle testing and liquid penetrant methods were successfully conducted on welds produced at
various parameter combinations

6. Conclusion

It was concluded that liquid penetrant testing is more sensitive in detection of surface defect and magnetic
inspection is sensitive in sub surface defects. Finally ultrasonic method is more sensitive in detection of
internal defects. So welds are examined by NDT test.


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Paul E. Mix P.E.E.E.

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