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Electrical & Mechanical Engineering,



 Name :Muhammad Hassan Saeed
 Department :Mechanical Engineering
 Degree :41
 Syndicate :A
 Submitted to : Ma'am Sitwat Mahd

- To Verify Thevenin Theorem by finding its Thevenin’s Equivalent Circuit.

Any linear circuit is equivalent to a single voltage source (Thevenin's Voltage) in
series with single equivalent resistance (Thevenin’s Equivalent Resistances).
Applying Thevenin’s Theorem:
› Step 1: Remove the load and find voltage across the open-circuit terminals, Vth. All
the circuit analysis techniques presented can be used to compute this voltage.
› Step 2: Determine the Thevenin equivalent resistance of the network at the open
terminals with the load removed. Three different types of circuits may be encountered
in determining the resistance, Rth.
- If the circuit contains only independent sources, they are made zero by replacing the
voltage sources with short circuits and the current sources with open circuits. Rth is
then found by computing the resistance of purely resistive network at the open
- If the circuit contains only dependent sources, an independent voltage or current
source is applied at the open terminals and the corresponding current or voltage at
these terminals is measured. The Voltage/Current ratio at the terminals is the
Thevenin equivalent resistance. Since there is no energy source the open circuit
voltage is zero in this case.
- If the circuit contains both the independent and dependent sources, the open circuit
terminals are shorted and the short-circuit current between these terminals is
determined. The ratio of the open circuit voltage to short circuit current is the
resistance Rth.
› Step 3: If the load is now connected to the Thevenin equivalent circuit, consisting of
Vth in series with Rth, the desired solution can be obtained.

1. DMM
2. Power Supply
3. Resistances (120Ω, 1k Ω, 390Ω)

› Calculate measured values of resistances.
› Reduce the circuit by calculating the Thevenin equivalent resistance across the
terminals A & B.
› Calculate the Thevenin equivalent voltage across terminals “A” and “B” for 5V,
10V, 15V.
› Pertaining to circuit in figure III, calculate values of IL for different values of RL.
› Now construct circuit in figure I, measure the value of Vth by removing RL.
› Construct circuit in figure II to have measured value of Rth.
› Construct circuit in figure III to determine measured values of IL for different values
of RL.




Circuit Images :

For IL=
For Rth=

For Vth=

R1=2.2k   10 %,R2=4.7k   10 %,R3=3.3k   10 %

Calculating Rth for all 3 cases of voltages ,and considuerin R1 and R2 to be in

parallel ,and R3 to bein series with them .
RR 2200  4700
Rth  1 2  R3   3300  4798.55
R1  R2 2200  4700
For Case 1 ,V=5V
Applying KVL on loop containing ,the source ,R1and R2 :
I1   0.724mA
 5V  I1 R1  I1 R2  0   I1 ( R1  R2 )  5V  (2200  4700)
Now technically ,if we notice fig 2 ,Vth should be the voltage through R2,which is
Vth  I1 R2  (0.724mA  4700)  3.4028V

Now ,applying KVL on fig 3 ,we will see the current flowing through both RL and
Rth is same so it will be our Il=
Part a)RL=22k 

 3.4028V  I L Rth  I L RL  0   I L ( Rth  RL )  3.4028V 

IL   0.587 mA
(1000  4798.55)
Part b)RL=1k 
 3.4028V  I L Rth  I L RL  0   I L ( Rth  RL )  3.4028V 
IL   0.127 mA
(22000  4798.55)

For Case 2 ,V=10V

Applying KVL on loop containing ,the source ,R1and R2 :
I1   1.449mA
 10V  I1 R1  I1 R2  0   I1 ( R1  R2 )  10V  (2200  4700)
Now technically ,if we notice fig 2 ,Vth should be the voltage through R2,which is
Vth  I1 R2  (1.449mA  4700)  6.8103V

Now ,applying KVL on fig 3 ,we will see the current flowing through both RL and
Rth is same so it will be our Il=
Part a)RL=1k 

 6.8103V  I L Rth  I L RL  0   I L ( Rth  RL )  6.8103V 

IL   1.174mA
(1000  4798.55)
Part b)RL=22k 
 6.8103V  I L Rth  I L RL  0   I L ( Rth  RL )  6.8103V 
IL   0.254mA
(22000  4798.55)

For Case 3 ,V=15V

Applying KVL on loop containing ,the source ,R1and R2 :
I1   2.174mA
 15V  I1 R1  I1 R2  0   I1 ( R1  R2 )  15V  (2200  4700)
Now technically ,if we notice fig 2 ,Vth should be the voltage through R2,which is
Vth  I1 R2  (2.174mA  4700)  10.2178V

Now ,applying KVL on fig 3 ,we will see the current flowing through both RL and
Rth is same so it will be our Il=
Part a)RL=1k 

 10.2178V  I L Rth  I L RL  0   I L ( Rth  RL )  10.2178V 

IL   1.762mA
(1000  4798.55)
Part b)RL=22k 
 10.2178V  I L Rth  I L RL  0   I L ( Rth  RL )  10.2178V 
IL   0.381mA
(22000  4798.55)
R1 R2 R3
2.2k 4.7k 3.3k

Vs Vth Rth RL IL
5V 3.4028V 4.79855k  1kΩ 0.587mA
3.4028V 4.79855k  22kΩ 0.127mA
10V 6.8103V 4.79855k  1kΩ 1.174mA
6.8103V 4.79855k  22kΩ 0.254mA
15V 10.2178V 4.79855k  1kΩ 1.762mA
10.2178V 4.79855k  22kΩ 0.381mA
Table. Calculated Values

Vs Vth Rth RL IL
5V 3.622V 4.842k  1kΩ 0.620mA
15.75V 4.842k  22kΩ 0.587mA
10V 7.2448V 4.842k  1kΩ 1.24mA
46.7V 4.842k  22kΩ 1.174mA
15V 10.871V 4.842k  1kΩ 1.861mA
47.268 4.842k  22kΩ 1.761mA
Table. Measured Values

Challenge: Replacing 1kΩ resistances by 2.2kΩ and keeping all other things same,
redo the above analysis.

Note: Use separate sheets for analysis of above problem.


(c). Discuss the limitations of Thevenin’s Theorem.

Answer:1. Thevenin Theorem is not applicable to the circuits that contain nonlinear
elements like transistors and diodes etc.
2. It is not applicable to the circuits having unilateral elements like diode etc.
3. Thevenin's Theorem cannot be used for the circuits that contain magnetic coupling
between load and any other circuit element.
4. It is Not possible to apply the thevenins theorem to the circuits containing load in
series or parallel with controlled or dependent sources

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