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On the 25th of January 2020; Me, Janah, Grachel & Nikki went to Kythe Foundation for the

volunteer clean-up that we signed up for. The Kythe Foundation was located at the 1st floor of
the Philippine Orthopedic center. We got there early in the morning and waited for kuya
“Charm” because He have the keys to the playroom. Kuya got there at 8am; The room is in
front of the children’s ward. When the playroom was opened we actually was shocked because
the room is full of spider webs and dusts. It was filled with thousands of paperworks on a huge
boxes. I was kinda disappointed at first because the room is like a stockroom; too far from
being a playroom at all. So kuya instructed us to remove all.. . as in ALL of the things inside the
playroom and put in on the room next to it for us to be able to clean the whole area properly.
We then started removing things 1 by 1. First comes the barricade like woods that prevents us
from getting in, then the gifts, next comes the paper works. I actually thought that we signed up
for a free gym membership, just kidding. Then we proceeded removing the huge wooden
drawers filled with broken electric fan parts, then there was this HUUUUUUUGE aircon at the
ground, well.. . we removed it as well. We had to remove steel lockers, speakers, appliances,
drawers, tables etc. After removing everything the next thing we knew t’was already lunch
time. Yep! Took us quite sometime to clear the area. Kuya gave us Jollibee meal for our lunch
and zesto juices for us to regain our strength. The meal was good but our journey continued,
We started wiping, mopping, put toys on the shelves. But the hardest part is when after we
finished cleaning, kuya asked us to put all of the things we relocated back to it’s original place.
It was like we were on to square 1. But well we have to follow so we end up very exhausted
after putting everything back. The playroom again became a stockroom but a cleaner version. It
was very saddening that the room is still unable to be used by the children after we clean it up.
But hey who knows maybe they will open it sooner or later. The day was very tiring but seeing
those children in front of us smile and look happy because we are cleaning they’re playroom
helps us get the job done. One of my groupmate even approached a girl with an injury and
offered her a chocolate. I realized that hard work really pays off, and it is very fulfilling to help
those who need it the most. We had fun afterwards just to remove the exhaustion from our
body. I realized at that moment that if you do something out of good will or with a purpose, the
job will be much more easier. 😊

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