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Philippines: Property Regimes (Meaning and Concepts)

paulthebeloved (52)in #philippines • 3 years ago

Philippine Property Regimes

(Meanings and Concepts)

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Love is a feeling, marriage is a contract, and relationships are work. - Lori Gordon

Marriage is a symbolic union of man and woman where both of them will become one in the eyes of the
Lord. But in the eyes of the state marriage is a contract, a civil right, wherein the state will recognize
them as husband and wife entitled to all the rights and privileges stated in the laws. One cannot deny
that marriage is not only a union of two persons but also the union of properties. A very common
question to those who would marry is on how to manage their properties once they are united before
God and the Law. If you are the one to be married, how will the both of you manage your properties
during the course of a married life?

What does the Law says?

(Article 75 of the Family Code of the Philippines)

“The future spouses may, in the marriage settlements, agree upon the regime of absolute community,
conjugal partnership of gain, complete separation of property, or any other regime. In the absence of a
marriage settlement, or when the regime agreed upon is void, the system of absolute community of
property as established in this Code shall govern.”
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A property regime is the set of rules agreed upon by the parties, before getting married, which would
govern their property relations during the course of their married life. The laws of the Republic of the
Philippines recognizes three kinds of property regimes namely:

Regime of Conjugal Partnership of Gains

Regime of Absolute Community of Property

Regime of Complete Separation of Properties



In the absence of a marriage settlement (pre-nuptial agreement) or when there is such but is void. One
of the three property regimes will apply depending on when the person is married.

Regime of Conjugal Partnership of Gains

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If there is no pre-nuptial agreement during the celebration of marriage and such marriage took place on
or before August 3, 1988 the regime of conjugal partnership of gains applies.

This is the most common property regime in the Philippines. Majority of the middle class married
Filipinos don't have a pre-nuptial agreement and most of them are married before August 3, 1988
especially our parents. Moreover, they don't agree to pre-nuptial agreement because they believe that
love is not about properties, money and etc. They love each other that is why they get married.
Under the regime of conjugal partnership of gains, the husband and wife place in a common fund the
proceeds, products, fruits and income from their separate properties and those acquired by either or
both spouses through their efforts or by chance, and, upon dissolution of the marriage or of the
partnership, the net gains or benefits obtained by either or both spouses shall be divided equally
between them, unless otherwise agreed in the marriage settlements. (Family Code of the Philippines,
Article 106)

For basic understanding, conjugal partnership of gains primarily focuses on the gains of the husband and
wife during the time of their partnership (marriage). All their income, gains, fruits will be the common
properties of the spouses.

All the properties they acquire before getting married will be their own exclusive properties. What the
man owns is his own, what the woman owns is her own. Those properties acquired before marriage will
not form part of their common properties during marriage but the fruits and income of such exclusive
properties will form part of the common properties.

What is yours before marriage is yours, what is mine before marriage is mine. Everything we earned
during marriage is ours.

Regime of Absolute Community of Property

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If there is no pre-nuptial agreement during the celebration of marriage and such marriage took place
after August 3, 1988 the regime of absolute community of property regime applies.

...the community property shall consist of all the property owned by the spouses at the time of the
celebration of the marriage or acquired thereafter. (Family Code of the Philippines, Article 91)
This is the current governing property regime in the absence of a pre-nuptial agreement since 1988 is
already past due. This is the property regime wherein the properties of both spouses will be combined.
Both of them will become owners of the properties that each of them had brought into marriage.

What is yours before marriage is ours, what is mine before marriage is ours. Everything we earned
during marriage is ours.

Regime of Complete Separation of Properties

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Separation of property may refer to present or future property or both. It may be total or partial. In the
latter case, the property not agreed upon as separate shall pertain to the absolute community. (Family
Code of the Philippines, Article 144)

Each spouse shall own, dispose of, possess, administer and enjoy his or her own separate estate,
without need of the consent of the other. To each spouse shall belong all earnings from his or her
profession, business or industry and all fruits, natural, industrial or civil, due or received during the
marriage from his or her separate property. (Family Code of the Philippines, Article 144)

This is a property regime wherein both spouses needs to have an agreement in order to put on effect or
else absolute community of property regime will apply. Separation of properties may be total or partial.

We need to agree which properties must be exclusively separated and not be part of the common
What do you think on how you will govern your property during marriage? Still not satisfied? Then stay
tuned for the next post. There things will be more elaborately explained.

This is somewhat not detailed. For the detailed explanation, I reserve it for the next post which will
discuss property regimes for estate tax purposes. There, the property regimes will be elaborated on
what is exclusive and common and why it is important. Moreover, I will give tips and examples on the
next post. So stay tuned!

You may comment down any question. Feel free cause it is free.

Your Lovely Accountant Steemian


3 years ago in #philippines by paulthebeloved (52)$6.57

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patzedder3rickz (51) 3 years ago

Awesome explanation..keep it up @paulthebeloved. Good luck to ur next post!



paulthebeloved (52) 3 years ago

Thank you! Keep in touch :)


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