The Blood of Discord - A Scenario For The FIANNA RPG

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The Blood of Discord

An adventure for FIANNA

Two rival clans have been waging a blood feud for the last the case as quickly as possible, so that the culprits could
three generations, and the cost in human life has been be brought to justice and receive the punishment that they
steadily mounting. The Rí Tuatha (local tribal king) has so richly deserved. The truth never came to light,
repeatedly tried to broker peace between the two clans, however, as each clan accused the other of committing
but has so far had little success – every time a truce is the terrible crime.
made hostilities ignite again at the first provocation, either
real or imagined. The Rí Tuatha has therefore appealed to The identity of the murderer has never been
the Ard Rí (High King), who has sent his Fianna (our established. Rumors, suspicions and public accusations
heroes) to resolve the situation. regularly rose to fuel the quarrel between the two clans,
which quickly escalated to armed confrontation as each of
The Blood of Discord is first and foremost a "political"
adventure. The characters will have to display diplomacy the two parties demanded justice and revenge. On more
and wisdom, as each of the two clan leaders are as hateful than one occasion clashes resulted in the death of several
and intractable as the other – both are quick to violence men from both sides. After each outbreak of violence the
and neither is willing to listen to reason. Only a highly Rí Tuatha has tried to calm things down – in vain, as each
skilled diplomat will be able to build the foundations for a new incident serves to increase the hatred between the
lasting future peace (or even a reconciliation, if he's really two clans.
The Land Debt
The Origin of the Conflict Medieval feudalism does not yet exist in the Ireland of
The rivalry between the Sciath Dubh (Black Shield) clan FIANNA. Property rights and the use of land are
and the Trí Fuinseoige (Three Ash) clan dates back three governed by complex laws and customs, beginning with
generations, to the time of the great-grandparents of the the concept of céilsin (land debt), which has been
current leaders. The origin of this tragedy is linked to the outlined below.
custom of land debt (see the sidebar below).
According to this custom, a bóaire (landowner) has the
Three generations ago a Sciath Dubh clansman became right to rent some of his land (along with the livestock
obligated to the chief of the Trí Fuinseoige when he rented and serfs living on it) to another person, who then
land, serfs and a flock of sheep. According to the terms of becomes his céile (obligee), that is to say his tenant and
the contract between the two parties the obligee's brother, his debtor. The latter must then pay the owner for the
a fili (professional poet) of great talent, was required to duration of the lease – generally in a combination of
attend the Trí Fuinseoige chief whenever his presence was provisions, cattle born during the year, military service,
required, to sing the praises of both the chief and his manual labor or a favor of some kind, according to the
exalted ancestors. The head of the Sciath Dubh (who was terms of the negotiated oral contract between the two
also the cousin of both the obligee and the poet) took parties.
offense at this situation, and soon tensions arose between
the chiefs of the two clans. When the lease ends (usually after seven years) the
agreement can optionally be renewed – generally after a
In the spirit of good will the poet tried to calm things new round of negotiations between the two parties.
down by dividing his time between the two clan leaders,
but this solution only intensified the problem. Each of the Note that such an agreement does not make the céile
two chefs constantly sought more praise and poetry to his the landowner's "vassal"; the terms of the contract are
glory than the other, causing a deep rivalry to develop strictly limited to any payments and services rendered
between the two men. that the obligee is committed to provide during the time
As the situation began to intensify the Rí Tuatha started of his lease - it in no way restricts the obligee's freedom
to worry about the discord that was being sown in his of action, so long as he respects the terms of the
kingdom. Then the unforgivable happened: one morning contract.
the poet was found dead, pierced by a javelin on lands
belonging to the Trí Fuinseoige. Adventure Structure
This was more than just a simple murder, it was a This is not a linear adventure. Events will unfold on the
sacrilege. The poet's death undermined not only the honor fly, based around a series of three triads: three interviews
of the responsible clan but also the sacred integrity of the that the heroes will need to conduct, three mysteries that
kingdom itself. Furious, the Rí Tuatha ordered his Brehon they will need to explain and three dangers that they will
(arbitrator and judge of the law) to untangle the facts of need to either face or avoid.

The three interviews form the first act of the scenario; secrets intimately linked to the situation that they are
on the narrative level, they constitute real obstacles that supposed to be unraveling - three secrets that constitute,
the heroes will have to overcome by showing skill and each in its own way, the keys to this adventure.
sagacity. Once the plot has been set into motion the
Storyteller will introduce the three mysteries and the The Three Interviews
three dangers based on the decisions and actions of The adventure begins with an interview with Rudraigh an
characters. Dearg. This interview is made (in accordance with
This triadic approach is upheld with all of the non- custom) in the Rí Tuatha's home.
player characters who are integral to the plot. These NPCs Before meeting with the king a hero may wish to test his
are divided into three groups of three: three chiefs (the Rí Knowledge regarding the quarrel between the clans. If he
Tuatha and the chiefs of the two clans), three young men succeeds he will know that the feud has lasted for three
(the two lovers and the impetuous brother of the young generations and originated from a serious dispute
woman) and three advisers (the king's tribal druid, the between the two families. If he gets two successes he will
bard of the Sciath Dubh clan and the bard of the Trí know that this dispute is linked to the murder of a fili, a
Fuinseoige clan, who is none other than the Black Druid most serious sacrilege. Finally, if he gets three or more
in disguise). The interactions that the heroes have with successes, he will know all of the relevant history of the
these different characters will determine the course of the conflict (see The Origin of the Conflict).
Rudraigh an Dearg is a stocky man in the prime of life,
The Black Druid is the primary threat that the heroes with red hair and a full beard. His druid (an elderly,
will face during the adventure; it is the hidden enemy nearly blind man named Cian an Sean) will also be
who has secretly manipulated events from the start. When present. At first, the king and his druid will both remain
the heroes become aware of the Black Druid's existence silent, unless the heroes invite him to speak first.
they will have to try and counter its influence and
unmask it, before they will be able to face it directly. Rudraigh an Dearg will not hide how much the current
situation worries him. He will thank the Fianna for
At the end of the adventure all of the heroes' choices coming, but he strongly doubts that they have any chance
and actions will lead to one of three possible outcomes: of bringing about even a fragile peace between the
success, partial success or failure. feuding clans, especially now that blood has again been
If a hero takes advantage of the interview to carefully
Three generations have passed since the murder of the observe the reactions of the Rí Tuatha and weigh each of
poet, and the hatred between the two clans has not his words, he can attempt a test of Finesse.
subsided. If a tribesman from either clan is questioned on
With a single success Rudraigh's doubts as to the heroes'
the matter, he will say that it has “always been this way”.
chances of success will become obvious; with two
Over time every family in the kingdom has ended up on
successes the hero will feel that the Rí Tuatha is not happy
one side or another of the feud.
that his sovereign appealed to the Ard Rí instead to trying
A few weeks ago a skirmish occurred between the to solve the problem himself; finally, if the hero gets three
young warriors of each clan, killing three men from each successes he will understand that Rudraigh an Dearg is
camp - rumors have begun to circulate of a real war extremely anxious for his own sovereignty; if the two rival
brewing between the two groups. clans enter into open war, the other clans of his tribe may
Fearing that the coming conflict will take its toll in fire well decide to join them in battle, in the hope of
and blood from his kingdom, Rudraigh an Dearg advancing their own position. This would weaken
(grandson of the Rí Tuatha who reigned at the time of the Rudraigh's hold on his kingdom.
poet's murder) turned to his sovereign (one of the Rí During the interview, the old druid Cian an Sean will
Ruirech, the four great kings of the island) - who, explain in detail all of the information found in The
unwilling to get involved in such business - decided to Origin of the Conflict (see pg. 1), pointing out that he was
appeal to the authority of Ard Rí and his Fianna. The still a very young child when these events occurred and
heroes are the members of the High King's Fianna who that no other direct witnesses remain today.
have been chosen to carry out this delicate mission. Their
He will then evoke the fact that about thirty lives in all
goal: to bring lasting peace back to the two warring clans
have been claimed over the course of the quarrel between
- a task that seems (at first glance) nearly impossible, but
the two clans - a heavy and cruel loss for both the families
if completed successfully will show everyone the power
and for the tuath itself.
and wisdom of the Ard Rí.
If asked if he has any idea as to the identity of the poet's
The heroes should act with caution and discernment -
murderer, the old druid will explain that divinations were
they are meant to be the High King's negotiators, not
performed at the time of the killing in an attempt to
monster slayers. The group will be welcomed to court by
unravel the mystery, but the mists of fate refused to step
Rudraigh an Dearg, and their authority as the Ard Rí's
aside... almost as if this secret was never meant to be
representatives should allow them to discern the three

A test of Finesse will suffice to show that this situation notice a very beautiful young woman who turns pale with
disturbs the old druid much more than he allows to show; every aggressive word coming from the fiery young
if the hero achieves two successes, he will understand that warrior. She will often turn away to conceal her dismay,
the druid himself has, over the years, performed further though no one else seems to notice (all attention being
divinations and suffered the same failures; with three fixed on the Fianna). If they inquire about the identity of
successes, the hero will realize that the druid suspects that the young woman (for example from the bard Tindell an
some mysterious power is countering his magic Brónach), they will learn that she is Fintan's younger sister
(something that he has never confided to his king, for Boan an Bán, who many consider the most beautiful
reasons on which he will remain strangely evasive). young woman of the Sciath Dubh clan. Her discomfort
If the heroes are insistent, the old man, stung, will arises from a legitimate fear of seeing her brother perish
challenge them to elucidate this mystery that has defeated in the next clash with the Trí Fuinseoige. Any hero who
three generations of druids. His attitude can be explained has had a secret love affair (an Exiled Poet, for example,
both by his own pride and by the influence of the spell or a former King's Champion) will also recognize the signs
that the Black Druid has placed over him (without his of a clandestine passion in Boan an Bán. Tindell an
knowledge) to keep him from unmasking its presence (see Brónach has also uncovered the young woman's secret,
below for more details). but will not entrust the knowledge to emissaries of the
Ard Rí; in his opinion the heroes would only make matters
The interview with King Rudraigh will end on the need
worse or cause Boan harm.
to visit the chief of each of the two rival clans.
Tindell an Brónach is the Sciath Dubh's grizzled old
The Interview with Bron an Cróga bard. He is not a fili or even a great bard, but he is the
The Fianna will be received with a great show of only man of the clan who can fulfill his role - his modest
hospitality by the chief of the Sciath Dubh clan and talents are more than up to the task. He earned his
members of his entourage. nickname (an Brónach means “the sad”) because of his
drawn-out face and the plaintive accents of his voice.
Bron an Cróga, a middle-aged but still solidly built Tindell is more gifted at inducing melancholy with his
warrior, will begin by recalling that the bard murdered ballads than he is at setting hearts on fire with his speech.
three generations ago belonged to his clan, which makes For this reason, Bron an Cróga rarely asks him to speak.
him the offended party. He will prove both obstinate and
intractable, no matter the level of eloquence displayed by By relegating Tindell an Brónach to the role of simple
the Fianna. If the heroes try his patience (which is quite harpist, however, the chief of the Sciath Dubh clan
short at the best of times) he will declare that this case is deprives himself of a wise adviser and observer. Few
not the concern of the Ard Rí or his emissaries, and that things escape the notice of Tindell an Brónach; he guessed
he will settle the matter "however it must be settled". the story of the secret love between Boan an Bán and
Guair an Ciotógach, a young warrior of the Trí Fuinseoige
It is clear that after the last skirmish (in which the
clan. The bard has, for the moment, kept this secret, and
brother of the chief of the Trí Fuinseoige was killed) the
will only confide it to the Fianna if he thinks that the
Sciath Dubh clan expects retaliation, and are thus on a
young woman is in danger.
war footing. In the midst of all this tension the heroes may
observe the reactions of three members of the chief's
entourage - Fintan an Fíochmhar (an impetuous and
The Interview with Fergus an Bródúil
aggressive young warrior), his younger sister Boan an Bán The interview with the leader of the Trí Fuinseoige clan
and Tindell an Brónach, the clan's bard. will be even more tense - the chief's own brother was
Fintan an Fíochmhar is the very definition of foolhardy killed in the last skirmish with warriors of the Sciath
- a young warrior who is always ready to do battle, for Dubh clan. Fergus an Bródúil, a man of immense size
whom speeches and talking are just a waste of time. with a good-looking (if severe) face, has no intention of
letting the death of his younger brother Fergal go
Fintan is eager to prove his loyalty and his worth in unpunished. It doesn't matter to him who provoked the
battle; he does not hide his impatience to shed the blood
confrontation or if wrongs were being righted; Fergus an
of "those Trí Fuinseoige bastards". He has only one regret:
Bródúil dreams of only one thing: revenge.
not having dealt the death blow to the brother of Fergus
an Bródúil during the last skirmish (in which he The warriors of the clan have gathered around their
participated). leader, and many are impatiently pawing the ground at
the thought of finally shedding the blood of the enemy.
In his eyes, the Fianna are "foreigners" who are
interfering in a matter of honor – a debt that can only be Fergus an Bródúil holds the Fianna in contempt for getting
settled by force of arms. During the interview he will not involved in matters that don't concern them. If it were up
hesitate to interrupt the heroes, until Bron an Cróga calls to him he would just dismiss the group out of spite, but he
him firmly to order; he will then remain silent for the rest has always respected the laws of honor, including those of
of the scene, brooding and plotting his revenge against the hospitality. His bard, Manech an Tanaí, has also advised
heroes, who he considers responsible for his loss of face. him not to alienate the emissaries of the Ard Rí, so that
when the time comes he may convince them of the justice
If during the bravado of Fintan an Fíochmhar the of his cause.
heroes scrutinize the surrounding reactions, they will

There is no fiery young warrior here – instead there is secrets, which the Fianna will have the possibility to
an assembly of resolute and dark-faced fighters, who will discover during their meetings with the members of the
stand as silent as death and listen to the discussion two clans. The first of these secrets concerns the past, the
between the heroes and their chief. If a hero watches the second highlights game the present and the third could
audience with attention (preferably while another hero crucially influence the future ...
speaks with Fergus an Bródúil), a successful Finesse test FIANNA is not an investigative game, so these hidden
will allow him to notice a young warrior whose look and truths are not intended to be discovered through patient
expression differ from those of his comrades in arms: and careful investigation, but rather to emerge organically
while the latter wear stern and determined looks on their during a fateful event or when a crucial decision must be
faces, the young man looks rather concerned, even made. Some Secrets of the Way of the Bard ( Illumination
worried. If the hero gets at least two successes on his test, and Language of Birds) may, in addition, allow a hero to
he will also notice that this pensive warrior is left-handed. fully (or partially) elucidate some of these mysteries (see
Manech an Tanaí, the clan's bard, is a painfully thin the sidebars on pg. 5).
man in his thirties with a piercing gaze. He speaks little
but Fergus an Bródúil will always heed any advice that he The Murder of the Poet
gives, as he judges him wise and insightful. During the This first mystery concerns the origin of conflict: a fili
interview Manech an Tanaí will only intervene to calm belonging to the Sciath Dubh clan was ignominiously
any outbursts, and will give the impression of doing murdered three generations ago (see The Origin of the
everything possible to keep the talks as courteous as Conflict, pg. 1), and the culprit was never identified. If
possible, unnecessary as the may be. the Fianna manage to elucidate this mystery, it will finally
In reality this is all just a subterfuge and an imposture. become possible to bring peace between the two clans.
As soon as the Fianna leave, Manech an Tanaí will The truth is that the poet was not killed by a member of
skillfully stir up the anger and resentment of Fergus an either clan – he was murdered by the sinister Black Druid,
Bródúil, prompting him to "act as quickly as possible". who was already prowling around in a different guise at
Without (explicitly) prompting the clan chief to attack the the time. In doing so the malicious magician sowed the
heroes themselves, the deceitful bard hopes to create an seeds of a conflict that was ultimately destined to topple
event that would seriously offend the authority of the Ard the little kingdom and bring its people under the complete
Rí, and in the process sink the tuath of Rudraigh an Dearg control of the cruel cult of Crom Cruarch.
into chaos. Manech an Tanaí has a hidden agenda you see:
he is really the Black Druid, who has been plotting the For the last three generations the Black Druid has acted
kingdom's downfall for the last three generations. He took in different semblances, stirring up hatred and discord
the semblance of the real Manech seven years ago, after between the two clans. The creature's dark magic has
killing the bard and devoured his entrails, in accordance extended its lifespan far beyond that of a mere mortal; it
with the dark rituals that give the creature its powers. The has patiently advanced its pawns, expanding its insidious
severed head of the real Manech the Skinny is kept in the influence within each clan and the kingdom itself.
Black Druid's secret lair, along with the heads of the other The creature first took the likeness of a warrior of the
two victims that the creature has replaced over the years. Sciath Dubh clan (under which it killed the poet). It next
wore the semblance of a warrior of the Trí Fuinseoige
Words of Peace clan, which enabled the creature to continue its evil
scheming. It has spent years under the guise of Manech
This Bardic Secret would seem to be the ideal way to
an Tanaí, the appointed bard of the Trí Fuinseoige clan,
initiate talks between the two rival clans, but it will prove
whom the Black Druid murdered and replaced. The
impossible to implement before the end of the adventure,
creature's monstrous knowledge has allowed it to absorb
as its power only works if the different parties agree to
the memories and knowledge of its victims by devouring
meet in the same place – this particular conflict moved
their hearts and keeping their severed heads in a secret
past the “agreeing to meet” stage a long time ago.
place known only to the creature itself.
The two parties will refuse to meet, even if Rudraigh an
In the guise of Manech an Tanaí the Black Druid exerts
Dearg summons them. Even if the Fianna invoke the
its malign influence on Fergus an Bródúil, chief of the Trí
authority of the Ard Rí (which is far from absolute, let us
Fuinseoige clan, heating the chief's fury over the death of
remember) Bron an Cróga and Fergus an Bródúil will
his brother to white hot intensity.
flatly refuse to meet, or even to send emissaries to discuss
a peaceful settlement. The Lovers' Secret
Once the Black Druid has been unmasked such talks
will become possible again, and will be greatly facilitated A young man of the Trí Fuinseoige clan and a young
if a hero with of this Secret agrees to act as referee. woman of the Sciath Dubh clan are madly and secretly in
love with one another: Guair an Ciotógach and Boan an
Three Mysteries Bán. This Romeo and Juliet situation could end very badly
if the families of the two lovers ever discovered the truth.
This delicate situation will be complicated by three
As it turns out the young woman's brother, Fintan an

Fíochmhar, has a suspicious and skittish character; for Was the sacred poet killed by a member of the Sciath
some time now he has suspected that his sister is hatching Dubh clan? Here the answer will be a clear "no". It will
something in secret, and has started to watch her a little be the same if the same question is asked about the Trí
more closely. Fuinseoige clan. Cian an Sean's predecessor asked these
If he ever finds out the truth Fintan will prove quite same questions and got the same answers, but didn't have
capable of killing his sister's young lover... and even his the wisdom to interpret them correctly (his mind was
sister herself, if that's what is required to wash the stain already being influenced by the powers of the Black
from his family's honor. If events are heading toward this Druid). In his eyes, they meant that the truth was elusive,
tragedy the heroes must have a chance to intervene in not that the fili had been killed by a murderer foreign to
order to prevent the worst - but their intervention itself both clans.
may prove to be the catalyst that escalates the overall Is someone in this tuath hiding the truth? Yes - but that
conflict. should be obvious without appealing to Enlightenment!
This part of the story calls for emotion and humanity
from the characters. The Storyteller should use it to Does anyone in this tuath know who killed the fili?
increase tension and revive the action if things seem to be Again a positive response, but without further details.
bogging down. The Storyteller will have to try and Who knows the truth about the murder of the fili? This
personally involve the heroes in the situation – he could question will reveal a brief and disturbing vision: a dark
decide, for example, that the young Guair an Ciotógach unrecognizable silhouette, surrounded by three
entrusts one of the Fianna with his secret, then asks them blackened, severed heads. The heads are too decayed to
to keep an eye on Fintan an Fíochmhar in return for positively identify.
valuable information on Manech an Tanaí. Guair an
Ciotógach will inform the heroes that Manech stirred up The Lovers and the Birds
the anger of Fergus an Bródúil once they were gone,
prompting the Trí Fuinseoige chief to move quickly before Like her late mother and her mother's ancestors, Boan an
the "High King's spies" can jeopardize his plans. Bán knows the Language of Birds (see the Fianna Core
Rules, p. 56). It's thanks to this (and the goodwill of a
kindly raven) that the young woman is able to discreetly
Divinations rendezvous with her lover, Guair an Ciotógach. The
The Bardic Secret of Enlightenment enables a hero to young warrior, however, does not speak the Language of
obtain more or less clear answers to questions about the Birds: when Boan an Bán sends the raven to her beloved,
present or the past. the bird guides him to the chosen spot where the young
This Secret requires a Knowledge test, with three or woman secretly waits. All of these stratagems are
more successes: the player can then ask the Storyteller a imposed by the need to keep their affair a secret, each
question of his choice, who will then have to answer dreading what Fintan an Fíochmhar would do to his
with either yes or no or provide an enigmatic image that sister if he ever discovered the truth...
the hero will have to decipher. If the heroes decide to discreetly watch Boan an Bán, a
Suffice it to say that this Secret is the asset of choice in successful Instinct test (to allow them to sneak discreetly
situations like the one the heroes find themselves in - but behind her) will allow them to see her giving a
as the druid Cian an Sean told them, the truths that whispered message to a docile raven. If one of the heroes
Enlightenment would normally reveal remain stubbornly also knows the Language of Birds, this Secret will allow
veiled, as if another power was being used to mask and him to discover the truth.
obscure things - which is indeed the case (see the The raven is faithful to Boan, and will refuse to reveal
description of the Black Druid and his powers). anything to strangers - he is not the only raven in the
Even if they are cloudy, however, the answers brought region, however! His brother ravens will be more
by Enlightenment may prove to be valuable clues in the helpful, giving warning and guiding the heroes to the
search for truth. next meeting between the young woman and her suitor.
Remember that if Enlightenment fails (less than three Ravens being ravens, they do not know Boan or Guair's
successes are obtained) the hero will no longer be able to names; they only know only that the "beautiful young
call on this gift for the rest of the adventure; they had woman" secretly meets a "young man of another hand”
better formulate those questions carefully... (an expression that any character speaking the Language
of Birds will know to mean "left-handed").
Here are some examples of questions that may be
asked by a hero holding this Secret: The Plans of the Black Druid
Who killed the sacred poet? The only answer what the As the heroes will realize from their interview with him,
soothsayer will get will be a vision of a moonless night, the chief of the Trí Fuinseoige has been blinded with
whose unfathomable darkness seems to hide something hatred since his brother was killed in a skirmish with men
ancient, sinister and terrible. of the Sciath Dubh clan.

Obsessed with revenge, he's being manipulated by his Three Dangers
bard, who is actually the Black Druid! The foul creature
has been manipulating events from the beginning, with This adventure includes three great dangers: two that the
the aim of tipping the kingdom into chaos, in order to heroes will have to try at all costs to avoid or defuse and
restore the ancient and monstrous cult of Crom Cruarch. one that they will have to face during the last part of
adventure, once the Black Druid is unmasked.
The arrival of the Fianna represents both a risk (of
being unmasked) and an opportunity (to make things Escalation of Conflict
even worse than they already were). If the men of the Ard
Rí fail to restore peace between the two clans, the High The most direct and obvious danger is that the conflict
King's authority will be significantly weakened, and with between the two clans will descend into open war, with
it that of the Rí Tuatha who requested the intervention - a the resulting deaths on both sides. Beyond the more
decisive step toward the Black Druid seizing power in the immediate consequences, such an event would also
region. weaken the sovereignty of Rudraigh an Dearg - the other
This is the primary secret of the adventure. "Manech an clans would be encouraged to question his authority, or
Tanaí" will not be unmasked unless the character's actions even to challenge it openly. Such a situation would serve
and decisions force the Black Druid to use its powers the purposes of the Black Druid, whose aim is to sow
directly in order to thwart the heroes. At the Storyteller's chaos in the region so that the kingdom will fall under its
discretion, a hero speaking the Language of Birds will be control and that of its hidden allies (see the sidebar below).
able to discover the creature's deception, with the After their interview with Fergus an Bródúil it will be
indispensable help of an ancient raven. evident to the heroes that the Trí Fuinseoige clan is
planning a punitive expedition against the Sciath Dubh
The Wisdom of the Crow clan, following the death of their chief's brother. The
heroes must do everything within their power to prevent
The Storyteller is free to either use or ignore this optional this from happening. The best way to prevent any
meeting, depending on the abilities of the given group of bloodshed is to stay with one of the two clan leaders and
heroes and the evolution of the current game. If things stop it by persuasion... or (if necessary) by force. It's not
are stalling or the players are stuck in a dead end, the about the heroes "choosing a side", its about keeping the
characters can receive help from a providential ally, in two sides separate. If the players are thinking of dividing
the form of an ancient raven. their characters into two groups, the Storyteller should
This wise bird has lived for three generations in the emphasize that this strategy will only divide their forces.
territory of the Trí Fuinseoige clan, and is the last living The Sciath Dubh are the clan most likely to accept the
witness to the murder of the fili by the Black Druid. He presence of the Fianna as "guardians of the peace”,
has kept an eye on the actions of the latter, waiting for a though the heroes will have to succeed in calming the
human to finally have the wisdom to question him. most impetuous members of the tribe (starting with
If a hero knows the Language of Birds, the character Fintan an Fíochmhar). If Fintan were to discover the truth
will notice the raven when the Fianna first arrive on the about his sister and Guair an Ciotógach, the heroes would
outskirts of the home of Fergus an Bródúil. After the no doubt have to put him out of commission "for his own
interview is finished, if the hero seeks him out, the raven good", to prevent him from escalating the situation.
will come to him and reveal that "the bard of Trí If, however, the heroes prefer to remain with the Trí
Fuinseoige is dead and another" bears his face” - a Fuinseoige clan (because they seem to be on a more
revelation that will of course precipitate events. Even if warlike footing than the Sciath Dubh), they will almost
none of the heroes speak the Language of Birds, the certainly become aware of the way Manech an Tanaí (aka
raven may intervene in a another way - for example by the Black Druid) stirs up the anger and resentment of
guiding the Fianna to the secret lair of the Black Druid, Fergus an Bródúil, using insidious words guaranteed to
the location of which he is the only other being to know. sting the pride of the clan head. By doing so the Black
Members of the Trí Fuinseoige clan have noticed the Druid will be at risk of revealing his part in the game, but
old crow, who has been seen more and more often near unless the heroes have further information they will have
the home of their leader; blinded by their hatred, they little reason to see Manech an Tanaí as anything other
interpreted his presence as a sign sent by the terrible than a bad adviser who prefers to flatter the pride of his
Morrigan, prompting them to take up arms and avenge leader rather than addressing his sanity. The tensions
their honor with blood. A hero who knows the Language arising from such a situation may however be conducive
of Birds (or who passes a Knowledge test) will know that to the later revelation of the truth.
this interpretation is incorrect - while the Morrigan's Most of the men from both clans are Ordinary fighters
birds are often called "ravens" (including by the bards), (Danger level 1).
they are actually crows, very different from the sacred The best warriors are Accomplished fighters (Danger
ravens of Brân the Blessed, who is renowned for his level 2). This includes Bron an Cróga, Fergus an Bródúil,
wisdom. Fintan an Fíochmhar and Guair an Ciotógach. No one in
either clan is a Formidable fighter (Danger 3).

The Lovers' Tragedy A variant of this theme would be making Cian an Sean
the one who ends up unmasking the Black Druid, before
The love story between Boan an Bán and Guair an being assassinated by the latter. Rudraigh an Dearg would
Ciotógach will play either a minor role in the course of then throw caution to the wind and commit his own
the adventure or perhaps even a major role, depending on strength to the conflict, waging war against one clan or
the decisions and actions of the heroes and the the other – or perhaps against both of them at the same
importance that the Storyteller wishes it to have. If the time!
heroes are indifferent to the danger that the two lovers
are in, things will come to a tragic end: Fintan an This last option will work best if the heroes specifically
Fíochmhar, already suspicious, will surprise his sister with asked the old druid about his divinations. By doing so they
Guair an Ciotógach, which could well lead to the death of will have awakened the doubts that were put to sleep by
all three young people. the insidious influence of the Black Druid. These doubts
will turn into suspicions - which will prove fatal for him!
Fintan an Fíochmhar and Guair an Ciotógach may well
kill each other in a bloody duel, and the unfortunate Boan If the Black Druid, in the guise of Manech an Tanaí,
will die of grief - unless she falls victim to the blind fury murders either Fergus an Bródúil or Cian an Sean, there
of her brother first. Whichever the case, things will end in may well be a witness, in the person of Guair an
tears and in blood - unless the heroes intervene at the Ciotógach (if the victim is Fergus an Bródúil) or Tindell
fateful moment, either to take the young lovers under an Brónach (if the victim is Cian an Sean). In this case,
their protection or to stop the whole sordid mess from the heroes must do everything in their power to protect
happening in the first place. this witness, who will be terrified and in great danger.
Whatever its conclusion, the story of Boan and Guair In any case, it will be up to the heroes, through their
will provide the Storyteller with a rare opportunity to decisions and their actions, to bring out the truth. When
explore the feelings and the humanity of the heroes, by the real troublemaker is revealed it should constitute a
playing on their reactions toward the two young people critical turning point in the unfolding of the adventure.
and their secret. If the characters manage to save the lives Once unmasked, the Black Druid will resume its true
of the two young lovers they will have earned their form and use every power at its disposal, which will
eternal gratitude. obviously make it a very dangerous opponent. If
Fintan an Fíochmhar, for his part, will remain angry, necessary, the creature will call on its hidden allies to
stubborn and vengeful - at least until the truth about the come to its rescue: for more details, see the sidebar below.
Black Druid and his actions opens his eyes. He will then If it has no alternative the Black Druid will drop its
make peace with Guair an Ciotógach and treat him like disguise without hesitation in order to sow death, chaos
his own brother - a powerful gesture, symbolizing the and destruction around it – in one way or another, this
possible reconciliation of the two clans - but we're not also serves its dark designs. In this case, it will focus all of
there yet! its malice on the heroes - other mortals are only pawns in
its eyes.
The Fury of the Black Druid
Hidden Allies?
The adventure will enter its final phase at the moment
that the Black Druid is unmasked. There are several ways While the Black Druid acts mostly alone, it does have
to achieve this, and the Storyteller must choose the one allies that it may choose to involve, if the need arises.
that best matches the actions of the heroes as the plot This decision must be made by the Storyteller, depending
unfolds. on the course of adventure. This will only happen after
The heroes may start to suspect that Manech an Tanaí is the Black Druid has been unmasked - and only if it adds
playing both sides (thanks, perhaps, to the information something to the plot.
given by Guair an Ciotógach - see The Lover's Secret on The nature and number of these hidden allies is left to
pp. 4-5), before realizing that he is not at all who he the imagination of the Storyteller. It could be a tribe of
seems to be (thanks to the revelations of the ancient Warriors of the Old Race (see the Core Rules, pg. 69),
raven). If the Storyteller does not want to use the bird as a worshipers of Crom Cruarch (hidden in the surrounding
source of clues, particularly vigilant (or suspicious) hills on the edge of the tuath), a group of three Fir Bolgs
heroes might also follow Manech an Tanaí to a cave in the (see the Core Rules, pg. 86) living in nearby caves, or
forest, which would turn out to be the lair of the Black even a combination of two of these types of opponents.
Druid (see the sidebar below). Depending on how the situation has evolved during the
Another interesting possibility is that Fergus an Bródúil game, the heroes may receive help from warriors of one
could, in a flash of lucidity, realize that his bard is (or both) of the two clans, or even from Rudraigh an
manipulating him, and that he is an impostor. The Black Dearg and his men; in this case, the Storyteller may just
Druid would then murder him in secret and accuse the decide that the tribesmen overcome a portion of the
Sciath Dubh clan of the deed. He may even attempt to group's opponents, leaving each hero engaged in the
incriminate the Fianna themselves, knowing that no one battle an opportunity to shine by facing only the most
thinks to question the word of a bard! dangerous enemies.

The Black Druid Denouement
The Druid Black is over 150 years old, owing to the Depending on the events that occurred during the game,
power of its dark magic. In its true form the creature the actions of the heroes and their overall level of success,
resembles an emaciated old man, with blackened, the adventure can end in one of three ways:
mummified flesh and a long gray beard. Its cadaverous
face lacks a nose, and its empty eye sockets burn with a Failure
cold blue balefire, which reflects its cursed essence. The If the Fianna fail to unmask the Black Druid, no one will
Black Druid draws its powers and its monstrous be able to broker peace between the Sciath Dubh and the
longevity from its dark knowledge and its links to the Trí Fuinseoige. The struggle between the rival clans will
terrible god Crom Cruarch, whose it wants to restore to soon plunge the tuath into a state of perpetual war, and
worship on the island, once the authority of the Ard Rí Rudraigh an Dearg will lose his sovereignty to a rival who
has been undermined. will skillfully capitalize on the chaos. The Black Druid will
Even without weapons, the Black Druid is a formidable be free to continue its secret machinations, and soon
adversary (Danger 3); its long, black horn nails are as enough the monstrous cult of Crom Cruarch will
deadly as the claws of any wild beast. Its magic gives it reappear in the region. Perhaps stopping the cult will be a
the equivalent of Prodigy of Semblance (see pg. 82 of the new mission for the heroes, and an opportunity to make
FIANNA Core Rules), but it can only adopt the up for their first failure?
appearance of a person that it has previously killed and
partially eaten. It also has the frightening power to Partial Success
absorb the memories and knowledge of the people that it In this case, the Fianna will have successfully unmasked
has murdered; in order to do this the creature must the Black Druid and put their foe to flight, but were
devour its victim's flesh and magically preserve their unable to prevent the strife between the two clans from
heads. boiling over and causing more death and destruction. The
It also possesses the power to fog any divination tuath has been weakened a little more, leaving deep
attempts that would be likely to unmask it. Over time, its wounds in the hearts of its inhabitants that only time can
occult influence even allows it to allay the mistrust of heal. The worst will have been avoided, however - and if
diviners, who will eventually stop questioning their the heroes managed to defeat the Black Druid, this victory
inability to unravel the mystery. will count as an achievement.
As long as it possesses the preserved heads of the Complete Success
people whose lives it has usurped, the Black Druid is
immortal. If it is defeated it will disappear in a burst of Ideally, the Fianna will have succeeded not only in
black flame, only to later reappear in its lair, near its unmasking and overcoming the Black Druid, but also in
precious heads. The only way to kill the creature preventing new violence between the two clans, thus
permanently is to find its lair and destroy the three heads leading to their lasting reconciliation. The tuath is intact,
it has stored there. If the heroes force the creature to and the sovereignty of Rudraigh an Dearg has been
disappear, however, the Black Druid will leave the tuath strengthened; the heroes will always be welcome in the
in peace, its efforts to sow chaos having been thwarted. It lands of the tribal king and the two formerly enemy clans.
will hide in its den until all involved think that it is dead, The peace can be sealed by the marriage of Boane an Bán
before emerging again to unleash its avenging anger and Guair an Ciotógach, an event to which the heroes will
against the heroes who dared to challenge it. be invited, occupying a place of honor along with
The secret lair looks like a wild beast's den. It is located Rudraigh and the two clan chiefs, who are now
in a cave, less than a hours walk from the home of reconciled.
Fergus an Bródúil. The cave contains the Black Druid's Olivier Legrand (2020)
most valuable possessions: a crude statuette of the Thanks to Fr.-Xavier Cuende for his wise proofreading.
monstrous god Crom Cruarch (depicted as a half-
human/half-worm) and the three preserved heads of
those who, over the previous generations, have fallen
afoul of the Black Druid. The oldest head is that of a
young warrior of the Sciath Dubh clan (it was under this
guise that the Black Druid once killed the fili), the
second is that of a warrior of the Trí Fuinseoige clan and
the third is that of the real Manech an Tanaí, who died
seven years ago. If these heads are destroyed with fire,
the Black Druid will cease to exist forever.

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