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NĂM HỌC 2020 - 2021

Môn: Tiếng Anh 6
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
(Đề thi gồm 08 trang, thí sinh làm bài ngay vào đề thi này)
Part 1: You will hear FIVE short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice.
There is ONE question for each conversation. Listen and put a tick () under the right
answer. (0.5 m)
0. What time is it?

1. What was the weather like on Wednesday?

2. How much did Mark’s pullover cost?

3. What did Raquel buy today?

4. How many students are there at the college?

5. What is David going to buy?

Part 2: Listen to Chloe talking to a man about a sailing holiday. Listen and tick () A, B or
C. There is ONE example (0). (0.5m)
0. Chloe wants to go to...............
A. Italy B. Sweden C. Switzerland
1. How many times has Chloe been sailing before ?
A. never B. once C. twice
2. How much can Chloe spend?
A. £300 B. £380 C. £450
3. Chloe will go in...........
A. August B. September C. October
4. Chloe would like to sail on............
A. a lake B. the sea C. a river
5. How does Chloe want to pay?
A. by cheque B. with cash C. by credit card
Part 3: You will hear some information about a cinema. Listen and complete questions 1-5.
You will hear the information twice. (1m)
Name of cinema: North London Arts Cinema
Next week’s film: (1) Midnight Meeting
From Monday to (2) Thursday
Times: 6:45 p.m and (3) 9:15 p.m
Student ticket costs: (4) £2.80
Nearest car park: (5) Hauxton Street.

B. READING: (12.0ms)
Part 1: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each of the following sentences. (1.0m)
1. Shakespeare is known as one of the greatest playwrights in English……….
A. history B. society C. culture D. literature
2. She was ………………about the children when they didn’t come home on time.
A. afraid B. anxious C. sorry D. unhappy
3. I’d like to reward him…………what he had done for me.
A. for B. to C. about D. of
4. Uncle Ho devoted his whole life…………..his country richer and his people happier.
A. to make B. making C. to making D. make
5. Either you, or I, or your brother…………..responsible for the damage.
A. is A. are C. am D. be
6. Barcelona defeated Real Madrid………………………..
A. from 3 goals to 2 B. between 3 and 2 goals
C. by 3 goals to 2 D. about 3 and 2
7. Fifteen minutes ………………enough for a break.
A. is B. are C. have D. has
8. ……….your proposal about the new budget procedure, we’ll discuss it at our next meeting.
A. According to B. Like C. As for D. Unlike
9. I’m ……………you all the way in this matter. I’ll support you to the very end.
A. on your behalf B. in front of C. side by side D. in back of
10. I really want to help you, but I’ve got……………organizing the school play.
A. my head over heels B. up to my ears C. my nose choked D. my hands full

Part 2: Identify the underlined part (A, B, C, or D) that must be wrong and correct it. (0.5m)
Ex: He is going to fish in the river at the moment.
The correct answer is: B -> fishing
1. We should increase the usage of natural gas since it helps reduce carbon dioxide emission.
2. Every child needs special care and attention so that she or he will grow up into a responsible
human being.
3.Other possible contributory factor is the increasing difficulty in admitting acutely ill patients.
4. It is hoped that the develop countries will be less selfish in their economic policies and help
the poorer nations.
5. The criteria has been chosen, attempting to measure the most important attributes of
company performance over the year.
Part 3: Fill in each space with one appropriate word. (1.0m)
It is a fairly common (1)……………… Britain that men these days do more housework than
they did in previous (2)………………… But is this realy so? A recent survey has made some interesting
Apparently, when men do help out, they enjoy cooking and shopping but most are (3)
……………… do the washing. A quarter of men think that women are better (4)………………
looking after the home than men and 19 % admit to making no (5)…………… housework. The
average man says that he does a third of the housework, while the average woman says she does three
quarters of it, so someone isn’t telling the (6)…………! It was impossible to find any men who shared
housework (7)………………..with their partners. Perhaps it is not so (8)………………, therefore, that
there are some (9)………………who want a new law forcing men to do their (10)………….

Part 4: Read the following passage and choose the right answer for each of the questions (1.0m)
The adage that “A woman’s place is in the home” no longer applies to the dauntless ladies in space.
The first woman in space was a Soviet who orbited the earth with a male companion in 1963 and landed
unscathed after a three-day sojourn aboard a spacecraft. Seemingly, it was inevitable that another Soviet
woman would repeat her feat. The second woman in space was Svetlana Savitskaya, a parachutist and test
pilot, who served as researcher aboard Soviet Soyuz T-7, which had a rendezvous with Salyut 7, the space
station in which the longest manned orbital flight was completed.
Ms. Savitskaya’s aptitude for space travel was patent in her past experience in aviation. Holder of
several women’s records in aviation, she had flown sundry types of aircraft and made over 500 parachute
jumps. Her father was a Soviet Air Force marshal, and her husband was a pilot. Without a qualm she
boarded the spacecraft with her commander, Lieutenant Colonel Leonid Popov, and another rookie
astronaut who was the flight engineer.
Soviet authorities announced that they were looking forward to gaining further information about
the “weaker-sex”, so-called in the Soviet newspaper Tass, under the stressful conditions of space travel.
Sex, however, is not considered an impediment but rather a benefit in space, for the Soviets have lauded
women for their precision and accuracy in carrying out experiments.
As planned, The Americans put their first woman in space in mid 1983. Sally Ride was their
choice. Ms.Ride joined the Nasa program with five other wommen and thirty four men to train as
astronauts in the space shuttle program. She faces an epoch when space travel will no longer be a
glamorous adventure but rather a commonplace day’s work.
1. You can infer that women have been included in the space program as a result of ……..
A. public outcry B. their husbands
C. their qualifications D. their ability of working under stress
2. The word “ rookie” is closest in meaning to………….
A. wel-known B. novice C. experienced D. practicing
3. Soviet authorities apparently think that men and women are…………..
A. equal B. different C. weaker D. ineviable
4.The Soviet Salyut 7 was………………
A. joined by Soyuz T-7 B. manned by a woman C. an experiment D. a training craft
5.Ms. Savitskaya was chosen to travel into space because……….
A. her father was in the Soviet Air Force and her husband was a pilot.
B. she was dauntless.
C. her ability to endure stress and her precision in doing experiments.
D. she was experienced in aviation.
6. How did you know whether the statement “ Ms. Savitskaya showed no fear of space travel” is true or
A. It was stated B. It was implied C. No information was given D. It wasn’t mentioned
7. From the use of the term “weaker sex” you can infer that the Soviets…………
A. think that Soviet women are not strong.
B. entertain a bias against women.
C. think that Soviet men are better than women.
D. question the women’s movement.
8. The word “lauded” is closest in meaning to…………
A. recruited B. promoted C. evaluated D. praised
9. An American woman has traveled…………….
A. to the moon B. to Nasa C. in the space shuttle D. with the Soviets
10. Space travel will soon be……………..
A. glamorous B. adventuresome C. an everyday experience D. a lot of work

Part 5: Read through the following text then choose from the list A-I the best phrase to fill each of the
blanks. (1.0m)
A. and it is true that less than 20 inches of rain in a whole year.
B. but it is not a cheap place to visit.
C. and nature has given Aruba many such curiosities.
D. but their lifestyle makes use of the very latest technology.
E. and the fact that the visitor is not pressurized.
F. and you have no problem being understood on this island.
G. and it was this that provided most of the island’s wealth in the past.
H. but it is much more than a beautiful island.
I. until gained semi-dependence in 1986.
Aruba? Where is Aruba, you may ask. It is Caribbean island, seventeen miles off the coast of
Venezuela. It used to be part of the Dutch West Indies (0)…I……… Aruba is an ancient Indian tribal
word meaning buried gold (1)………………….. . But the mines are now closed, as are the chemical
works and the oil refinery and tourism offers the best hope of economic recovery.
Aruba is an island where all that is beautiful is being preserved in the hope of attracting visitors.
And it certainly is beautiful – white beaches, nodding coconut palms, a turquoise sea reefs of coral and
splendid rocks – (2)……………. . It is a genuinely happy island. In a week, we did not hear an argument
or see a display of bad temper and that anywhere, these days, is rare . The number plates on all the cars
say it all - One Happy Island.
“There is no one day in the year without sunshine”, boasts the Aruba Tourist Authority (3)
………………… . But the main reason for the friendliness of Arubans is their mixed racial and social
background and the fact that, for 350 years, they have never really felt under political pressure. Arubans
are easy-going, but not lazy. They believe in providing efficient service, but are not servile. They respect
tradition (4)…………… . And above all, they believe in keeping their island spotlessly clean.
Aruba is trying hard to provide everything a visitor might want – waterspouts, good walks and
drives, a mass of land sports, casinos and more than 100 restaurants, offering French, Dutch, Italian or
Arabian cuisine. But the island’s greatest attraction is the good humor of its people (5)………………….

Part 6: There are 11 mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them. There is an example for
you. (1.0m)
Ex: (0) On -> In
On countries where two or more languages are spoken, language is frequently a political and highly
emotive issue. Although Canada is officially bilingual, the French-speaking province of Quebec
introduced the law in 1976 which, in other measures, banned languages rather than French on commercial
signs and restricted admissions to English-speaking schools. In 1988 the supreme court of Canada rules
that some sections of this law were illegal. No sooner had they done so than thousands of French speakers
took to the streets in protest. Under the regime of General Franco, a Basque language, spoken by about
600,000 people in Spain, was forbidden. So strict was this ban that people use Basque in public could be
Linguistic suppression still goes on, but in the whole, governments today are more tolerable of their
minority languages. Nowhere has this reversal of attitudes been more pronounced than in Wales. Until the
twentieth century, Welsh was all along illegal, and its usage was forbidden in schools and at many places
of work. Only after a long campaign of protests and vandalism by Welsh speakers in the 1960s did the
British government allow Welsh to become an official language.

Part 7: Give the correct form of the words in brackets to fulfill the following sentences. (1.0m)
1. The lovers stood, hand in hand, gazing at the …………….sky. (star)
2. The new ………..has certainly made things a lot easier in the town centre since it has taken away all the
through traffic. (pass)
3. He suffered from constant………… . (sleep)
4. This matter is very……………. Don’t discuss it outside. (confidence)
5. There has been another…………..of cholera in Dehli. (break)
6. He sued the company for unfair…………….(dismiss)
7. The situation is so…………in some cities now that it is difficult to see any solution. (chaos)
8. This article lacks……….; the writer keeps jumping from one subject to another. (continue)
9. There is no……..of that happening. (like)
10. He spends all of his time reading books. He is really a …………………(book)

Part 8:Read the following passage and choose the options that best complete the blanks. (1.0m)
Throughout our lives, right from the moment when as infants we cry to (1)…………. our hunger,
we are engaged in social interaction of one form or another. Each and every time we encounter (2)
…………human beings, some kind of social interaction will take place, (3)…………it’s getting on a bus
and paying the fare for the journey, or socializing with friends. It goes without saying, therefore, that we
need the ability to communicate. Without some methods of (4)………..intentions, we would be a(n) (5)
…………loss when it came to interacting socially.
Communication (6)…………the exchange of information which can be anything from a gesture to
a friend signaling boredom to the presentation of a university thesis which may only ever be read by a (7)
……………of others, or it could be something in between (8)……….. . Our highly (9)
…………..languages set us apart from animals. But for these languages, we could not communicate
sophisticated or abstract ideas. Nor could we talk or write about people or objects not immediately
present. Were we restricted to discussing objects already present, we would be unable to make abstract
(10)…………..about the world.
1. C.inform D.communicate
2. A.fellow B.close C.neighbor D.companion
3. A.either B.even C.if D.whether
4. A.transferring C.spreading D.transmitting
5. A.utter B.complete C.absolute D.whole
6. A.requires B.needs C.means D.involves
7. A.lot C.handful D.few
8. A.the two B.the others C.both D.them
9. A.advanced B.progressed C.developed D.constructed
10. A.guesses B.predictions C.questions D.generalizations

Part 9: Fill in each blank with a suitable word deriving from one of the words in the box. There are
more words than needed. (1.0m)



By the time we reached the town centre it was (1)…………….with people having their shopping
done. Trees (2)…………..with colored lights blinked at every corner and if I hadn’t known about the
centenary (3)……………., I would have thought it was Christmas. Banners had been stretched across the
street (4)…………….” MARSHLAND NEW TOWN – THE FIRST HUNDRED YEARS” as if the
(5)…………..needed to be reminded. (6)…………. else had been talked about in the town for weeks.
Committees had been formed, and every day more and more money was being collected by local
schoolchildren (7)………… flags and buttons. Posters printed with the words “LONG LIVE
MARSHLAND” dangled from every lamp post. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I (8)…………never
have believed it. And but for the Mayor, Mrs. Biggs, the (9)…………would have passed by (10)

Part 10 : Read the following passage. One word has been omitted from each line. Find out where the
word should be and write the whole correct phrase with at least 3 words as an example. (1.0m)
Ex: Line 0 : sport played -> sport is played

Line Passage
0 Professional sport/played for money – lots of money. One team tries
1 to beat the other – as in football, or one person tries to beat another
2 a tennis match or golf tournament. Why they really want to win?
3 Not just show they are better, stronger and fitter, but usually, and
4 this is most important, make a lot of money – sometimes many
5 thousands of pounds. The losers often get little or nothing playing
6 the same game. They work as hard and play long. Is this fair?
7 Wouldn’t it be better to have professional sport winners and
8 losers make the same money? In other words, where winning losing
9 the game itself is more important than the money you make, it is
10 only a competition of fitness and skill about money?

Part 11: Read the following extract from a booklet. Write true (T) or false (F) for each of the sentences
below, according to the information given. If the information is not in the extract, write no information
(N). (0.5m)

Hungry for Change is part of a growing movement of people who want to stop famine
throughout the world.
■ They want to make certain that people in famine areas can protect themselves from the
effects of future droughts.
■ They want to make certain that enough help is quickly available for emergencies in all parts
of the worlds.
Hungry for Change has helped to raised millions of pounds for famine relief. It has attracted a
great deal of newspaper publicity for its relief work. It has also been successful in persuading
the gorvernment in Britain to increase its aid buget by siveral million pounds and to carry out
new research into improved crops.
While Hungry for Change works in Britain for an end to poverty and famine in the world,
Oxfam is helping to overcome the horrors of famine in such countries as Ethiopia and Sudan
with long term development projects.
In North West Darfur, Sudan, Oxfam is helping to increase food production.
-£40 buys a donkey plough.
■ In Nile Province, Sudan, Oxfam is planting trees in order to provide fuel and shelter, and to
protect the soil. It is a remote area, where rainfall is poor and conditions for agriculture and
forestry are difficult.
- It costs £2.50 to plant a tree.
■ In Arba Minch, Ethiopia, Oxfam is supporting a project to supply clean water to villages.
Clean water reduces the risk of disease, especially among children.
-£150 protects a spring; £500 buy a pump for a well.

0._T__Hungry for Change wants to get people to help themselves in preventing famine when there is a
future shortage of water.
1.___ Hungry for Change is concerned chiefly with famine in Britain.
2.___ Although Hungry for Change has collected money to help people, it wants to make sure the money
is used as soon as possible.
3.___ Planting trees will help indirectly to improve food production in Nile Province.
4.___ Donkey ploughs are wanted to increase crops in Sudan.
5.___ Until Oxfam began to help, there was no clean water at all in most villages in Ethiopia.

Part 12: Read a magazine article about friendship. Choose from the list A-H the sentence which best
summarizes each part of the article. There are more sentences than those needed. (0.5m)
A. Relationships with best friends provide more than just fun.
B. Friendships with best friends develop naturally.
C. Relationships with best friends continue for longer than other relationships.
D. Relationships with best friends can become strained.
E. It is easy to overcome problems in relationships between best friends.
F. It’s a shame to go through life without a best friend.
G. Best friends value their relationship with each other.
H. People sometimes neglect their relationship with their best friends.
Paragraph 1:
A relationship with a best friend may not match the highs and lows of a love affair, but in most
cases, it is a far more solid and reliable commitment, which will outlast even the most passionate romance.
Debbie and Sally have been best friends since school. As teenagers they went shopping together on
Saturday mornings and then sat in cafes all afternoon, giggling about the idiotic behaviour of the boys at
school. Now in their early thirties, they talk on the phone two or three times a week and meet once a
fortnight to catch up on each other’s lives. While boyfriends have come and gone, their friendship has
outlasted them all.
Paragraph 2:
“Sally knows me better than anyone else”, says Debbie. “When I get fed up and everything looks
hopeless, she sits and listens when I tell her what’s getting me down. When we ‘ve had a good chat, or
spent hours laughing, I go home feeling on top of the world. Sally feels the same. “A couple of years ago,
Debbie was thinking of going to Australia to work. I was devastated. It made me realise how important
our friendship is. I remember thinking that if she had decided to go, it would have been like losing my
right arm.”
Paragraph 3:
While a night out with your closest friend might be the best guarantee of a good time, there is a
serious side to all of this. Having a best friend to turn to and confide in can have a positive effect on your
emotional health. In fact, your best friend can prevent you from developing serious psychological
problems, such as depression and anxiety, and if you do find yourself depressed, he or she can be the
major force that enables you to get over it.
Paragraph 4:
But best friendships aren’t all sweetness and light. As the old saying goes, “there’s a thin line
between love and hate”, and the person you care about the most can also be the one who can hurt you
most deeply. Jealousy and competition are major sources of difficulty. Two friends who have been close
for years, sharing a similar lifestyle, can find their relationship threatened if one suddenly has a change in
Paragraph 5:
Best friendships evolve with time – you can not go out and pick your best friend. We become
friends with people who share common interests - at school or through hobbies, for example. We become
best friends with someone usually because we spend more time with them than with anyone else, and
because we can confide in them intimately.
Part 13: Read the text below and choose from the list A-G the one that fits each gap. There are more sentences
than those needed. (0.5m)
A. At others the painted surfaces inside temples are lifting and flaking off and the stone is
being eaten away.
B. That is enough to have caused some of the ancient carvings to become seriously
damaged already.
C. These measures would reduce the pollution, but would not stop it completely.
D. The government was therefore able to borrow huge sums of money from banks around
the world, thinking they would have no problem repaying their debts.
E. They dissolve in rain water and this makes acid rain, which damages trees, rivers and
F. The problem, however, is not just a Europen one.
G. However, the Mexican government does not have enough money to do the work, and
needs to spend what money it has on the Mexican people.

Acid rain is now a familiar problem in the industrialized countries in Europe. Gases like sulphur
dioxide and nitrogen oxide are produced by power stations and cars. (0)……E……….. Acid rain is also
capable of dissoving some rocks, and buildings made of soft rock, such as limestone, are particularly
badly affected. The acid rain attacks the rocks, and so carvings and statues are eroded more quickly.
(1)………….. According to a report in the New Scientist, acid rain is being blamed for the rapid
decay of ancient ruins in Mexico. The old limestone-buildings in places like Chichen Itza, Tulum and
Palenque are wearing away very quickly indeed. These sites are the remains of the buildings built by the
Mayas between 250 BC and AD 900, and the spectacular ruins of Mayan civilization are visited by
thousands of tourists every year. But those ruins are in danger of being seriously damaged by pollution. At
many sites the stone has been covered with a layer of black substance like tar. (2)………………Scientists
estimate that about one milimetre of stone is worn away every twelve years. (3)…………….
The acid rain is said to be caused by pollution from oil wells in the gulf of Mexico. Car exhaust
gases are also a problem. Local volcanic eruptions make the problem even worse. Nevertheless, with
enough money and effort, researchers say that many of the problems could be solved and the rate of
erosion reduced. (4)………………
Mexico’s current lack of funds is also partly due to oil. The country has rich oil fields and a few
years ago, when oil was expensive, Mexico was selling large quantities of oil to the USA and earning a lot
of money.(5)……….. However, the price of oil then dropped, and Mexico has been left owing enormous
sums of money and with not enough income from oil sales to pay back the loans. So unless the price of oil
rises, it is unlikely that Mexico will be able to afford to clean up the pollution and save its Mayan ruins
from destruction.

Part 14: Read the passage and choose ONE or TWO WORDS from it to complete the summary below.
Paper is different from other waste produce because it comes from a sustainable resource: trees.
Unlike the minerals and oil used to make plastics and metals, trees are replaceable. Paper is also
biodegradable, so it does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded. While 45 out of
every 100 tonnes of wood fibre used to make paper in Australia comes from waste paper, the rest comes
directly from virgin fibre from forests and plantations. By world standards this is a good performance
since the world-wide average is 33 percent of waste paper. Governments have encouraged waste paper
collection and sorting schemes and at the same time, the paper industry has responded by developing new
recycling technologies that have paved the way for even greater utilization of used fibre. As a result,
industry’s use of recycled fibres is expected to increase at twice the rate of virgin fibre over the coming
Already, waste paper constitutes 70% of paper used for packaging and advances in the technology
required to remove ink from the paper have allowed a higher recycled content in newsprint and writing
paper. To achieve the benefits of recycling, the community must also contribute. We need to accept a
change in the quality of paper products; for example stationery may be less white and of a rougher texture.
There also needs to be support from the community for waste paper collection programs. Not only do we
need to make the paper available to collectors but it also needs to be separated into different types and
sorted from contaminants such as staples, paperclips, string and other miscellaneous items.
* Summary
From the point of view of recycling, (0)…paper………has two advantages over minerals and (1)
…………… In that firstly it comes from a resource which is (2)…………….. and secondly it is less
threatening to our environment when we throw it away because it is (3)……………. Although Australia’s
record in the re-use of waste paper is good, it is still necessary to use a combination of recycled fibre
and (4)…………….. to make new paper. The paper industry has contributed positively and people have
also been (5)…………….. by (6)……………. to collect their waste on a regular basis. One major
difficulty is the removal of ink from used paper but (7)…………….. are being made in this area.
However, we need to learn to accept paper which is generally of a lower  (8)……………..  than before
and to sort our waste paper by removing (9)…………….  before discarding it for (10)………...


Part 1: Rewrite the sentence so that it has the same meaning as the sentence printed before it. (2.0ms)
1. Immediately after his arrival, things went wrong.
-> No sooner………………………………………………
2. The dress was so tempting that I bought it.
-> I couldn’t resist…………………………………..
3. Mai met an old friend of hers by chance yesterday.
-> Mai bumped………………………………………….
4. She is annoyed because her husband often smokes in the home.
-> She objects……………………………………………………….
5. People donated a lot, so the victims of the tsunami are now able to overcome difficulties.
-> But for…………………………………………………..
6. Attendance at the exhibition has been down this year.
-> The exhibition………………………………………
7. It wasn’t clear to us at that time how serious the problem was.
-> Little…………………………………………………………………
8. The best solution was thought of by Sally.
-> Sally came……………………………………..
9. The house seemed to have been unoccupied for several months.
-> It looked…………………………………………………………..
10. He was suspended for two matches for swearing at the referee.
-> Swearing at the referee………………………………………

Part 2: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it, using the words in the brackets. (1.0m)
1. My advice to Mary is to take up volleyball.
-> I………………………………………………………(if)
2. You really should be able to dress yourself by now!
-> It…………………………………………………………..(time)
3.The area is so polluted that it is hard to live there.
-> Such………………………………………………………..(pollution)
4. The news was such a shock to us that we all sat there without saying a word.
-> We all sat………………………………………………………………………(silence)
5. Don’t be upset by what she said.
-> Don’t……………………………….. (heart)

Part 3: Write a letter (1.0m)

You know that the Storm Number 10 which attacked some Central Provinces of Viet Nam on the
fifteenth of September 2017 caused a lot of damage. Write a letter to your pen-friend (containing at least
150 words) to tell about it. You have to begin and end the letter as required.
Dear Mary,

Part 4: Write a composition on the following topic (containing at least 250 words)(2.0 ms)
“The environment plays an important role in our life, so we should hold hands to protect our

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