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Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 32 (2018) 64–70

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Urban Forestry & Urban Greening

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Biodiversity in sacred urban spaces of Bengaluru, India T

a b c c,⁎
Madhumitha Jaganmohan , Lionel Sujay Vailshery , Seema Mundoli , Harini Nagendra
UFZ- Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, Department of Computational Landscape Ecology, Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
Department of Animal Ecology I, Bayreuth Center for Ecology and Environmental Science (BayCEER), University of Bayreuth, Universitätsstraße 30, 95444 Bayreuth,
Azim Premji University, PES Campus, Pixel Park, B Block, Electronics City, Hosur Road, (Beside NICE Road), Bengaluru, 560100, India


Keywords: Urban green spaces provide critical social and ecological support for cities, but we know little about their
Cities diversity and composition in cities of the Global South. This is especially true of lesser known urban spaces such
Green spaces as sacred sites, which are of important cultural and biodiversity significance. We examine tree diversity and
India composition in sacred sites in Bengaluru, one of India’s fastest growing cities. We recorded 5504 trees from 93
Religious institutions
species across 62 temples, churches, and Hindu, Christian and Muslim cemeteries in central areas of Bengaluru.
Urban biodiversity
Over half (52%) of the tree species were of native origin, a much higher proportion when compared to other
green spaces in the city such as parks. Tree density in sacred sites was much higher than that in parks and
informal settlements in Bengaluru. Temples and Hindu cemeteries contained the highest proportion of native
species, with large numbers of Ficus benghalensis, a keystone sacred species. Trees in sacred spaces provide an
important buffer against urban environmental stress in Indian cities, and serve as refuges for urban wildlife and
biodiversity. We need greater information on these lesser known, but culturally significant alternate spaces. They
play an important, though ignored role in the environmental sustainability of rapidly growing cities in the Global

1. Introduction gardens and remnant forests patches. They also encompass lesser
known informal spaces such as streets, pavements and land next to
The human impact on the planet today is perhaps most visible in its water bodies (Rupprecht and Byrnea, 2014). In addition, green spaces
cities – especially so in Asia, which has the highest number of urban of religious and cultural significance are especially significant in many
residents. Urbanization threatens biodiversity and environmental sus- countries of the Global South. These include heritage trees in Buddhist
tainability (UN-Habitat, 2016). Urban land area expansion is taking shrines of Bangkok city, Thailand (Thaiutsa et al., 2008), to sacred trees
place even faster than urban population growth (Seto et al., 2011, in Bengaluru, India (Nagendra, 2016; Keswani, 2017), and trees in
2012), resulting in the fragmentation of urban green cover and loss of churchyards and cemeteries of Grahamstown, South Africa (De Lacy
urban biodiversity (Elmqvist et al., 2013). and Shackleton, 2017a).
Urban green cover provides multiple benefits to city residents Sacred urban ecosystems serve a dual purpose: they support biodi-
(Dearborn and Kark, 2009; Shackleton et al., 2015), including the mi- versity, and are of cultural significance to urban residents (Kowarik
tigation of urban heat island effects, reduction of air and noise pollu- et al., 2016). Sacred sites in Indian and other Global South cities can
tion, and protection against flooding (The Nature Conservancy, 2016). serve as an important node and motivation for conservation (Nagendra
Food trees in urban public spaces can provide economic and food se- et al., 2013; De Lacy and Shackleton, 2017a,b). Several species of Ficus
curity benefits (Lafontaine-Messier et al., 2016). Foraging in urban – especially Ficus religiosa and Ficus benghalensis – are considered sacred
forests supplies medicine and supports livelihoods (Clark and Nicholas, in Hinduism and Buddhism. Ficus religiosa is associated with Gautama
2013; Poe et al., 2013; McLain et al., 2012, 2014; Shackleton et al., Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, believed to have attained enlight-
2015). Urban biodiversity provides important recreational and aes- enment under the shade of a Ficus benghalensis (Nene 2000). Ficus re-
thetic benefits, and is especially important for physical and mental ligiosa is found in Hindu temple compounds across India, and is also
health (van den Berg et al., 2015). ubiquitous on roadsides where it is worshipped along with Azadirachta
Urban green spaces include the more obvious parks, domestic indica (Krishna and Amirthalingam, 2014; Keswani, 2017). The wood of

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Nagendra).
Received 6 December 2017; Received in revised form 19 March 2018; Accepted 28 March 2018
Available online 03 April 2018
1618-8667/ © 2018 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
M. Jaganmohan et al. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 32 (2018) 64–70

Fig. 1. Map of study area.

Ficus religiosa is primarily used in sacrificial fires and religious rituals administrators, and citizens, gaining the reputation of the “Garden
(Nene, 2001). Planting of these Ficus species is also considered a divine City” of India (Nagendra, 2016). Now one of the fastest growing Indian
act in ancient Hindu texts (Nalini, 1996; Krishna and Amirthalingam, cities, owing to the information technology boom, Bengaluru has wit-
2014). nessed enormous changes to its environment including a progressive
Sacred sites have been protected across the world by communities, loss of green cover (Sudhira et al., 2007). Remnant patches of greenery
and globally recognized as important sites for biodiversity conserva- exist in the core of the city in large heritage parks, educational and
tion. Nature and culture are closely linked in these sacred spaces government institutions, and sacred spaces (Nagendra et al., 2012). Our
(UNESCO, 2005; Verschuuren et al., 2010). Despite the ecological and research forms part of a larger study on the biodiversity of different
cultural significance of sacred sites in cities, there has been a substantial kinds of green spaces in the city that include parks (Nagendra and
deficit in our understanding of the urban ecology of these spaces. Most Gopal, 2011), streets (Nagendra and Gopal, 2010; Vailshery et al.,
literature on the biodiversity of sacred spaces focuses on rural areas, 2013), domestic gardens and apartment complexes (Jaganmohan et al.,
tending to ignore cities. Thus, recent research has called for increased 2012, 2013), and informal settlements (Gopal and Nagendra, 2014;
attention to this important, yet neglected category of urban green Gopal et al., 2015). Here, we extend this research to include sites of
spaces (Jackson and Ormsby, 2017). Cities in the Global South will be religious and cultural importance in Bengaluru that have been hitherto
the main sites for spatial and demographic growth in the future, and ignored, but constitute a very important part of urban biodiversity in
India is no exception to this trend (UN-Habitat, 2016). Sacred spaces act Indian cities.
as refuges for biodiversity, and have a potential yet relatively un- Many of the temples, churches and cemeteries in Bengaluru in this
explored role to play in protecting urban biodiversity in the Indian study have existed since historical times, constituting an important part
context (Nagendra et al., 2013). of the cultural landscape of the city. The Someshwara temple in Ulsoor
We aim to address the knowledge gap on the biodiversity and is believed to date to the Chola dynasty period, and was reconstructed
ecology of this neglected category of urban green space, through an by Kempe Gowda I, the founder of Bengaluru, in the 16th century. Some
examination of tree biodiversity in sacred green spaces in the south other temples, including Kadu Malleshwara, Dodda Ganapathy, Bull
Indian city of Bengaluru, one of India’s fastest growing megacities. We temple, and Kote Venkatramana temple also date back hundreds of
seek to document tree biodiversity, density, diversity and distribution years, providing glimpses of the interrelationship between the cultural
across different categories of sacred green spaces, and to compare these landscape and ecology of the city. Thus, the Kadu Malleshwara (Kadu
to other types of land use in Bengaluru. means forest in the local language, Kannada, while Malleshwara is the
name of the temple deity) temple is named for the forested landscape in
2. Study area which it was once situated, while the Bull temple is believed to mark
the origin of the Vrishabhavathi River (Annaswamy, 2003). Similarly,
Bengaluru has a history of urban settlement dating back to the 16th churches such as Trinity, Saint Mark’s and All Saints Church founded
century. The growth of the city has been shaped by its ecology and the under the Colonial rule in the 1800s (Rice, 1897), have become im-
interactions between humans and nature (Nagendra, 2016). From a portant cultural landmarks of the city, and contain large areas of rela-
largely open landscape, devoid of trees, Bengaluru was systematically tively undisturbed urban green space within their boundaries that have
greened over centuries by a succession of Indian and colonial rulers, been little studied.

M. Jaganmohan et al. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 32 (2018) 64–70

3. Methods benghalensis is a source of fuelwood while Mangifera indica provides

fruits (Kavitha et al., 2012). These species also provide shelter and food
We used a 1976 Survey of India topographic map of Bengaluru, to a wide variety of bird and insect life. Mammals such as squirrels and
which is the most recent topographic map available for the city, to mark monkeys are found in the trees (personal observations), and the ca-
the boundaries of our study area. Considering the General Post Office as nopies are potential habitats for the slender loris (Loris tardigradus), a
the city center, we drew a circle of 6 km radius around the center nocturnal primate found in the city (http://www.
(Fig. 1). The 6 km radius was done to circumscribe the limits of the old There was an almost even mix of de-
(circa 1990s or older) urban agglomeration of Bengaluru, within which ciduous and evergreen trees among the ten dominant species. Species
most of the older urban sacred spaces are located. Within this, we used such as Tamarindus indicus, Syzygium cumini, Ficus religiosa and Arto-
an Eicher city map in combination with Google Earth imagery and field carpus heterophyllus together comprised 5% of the total population.
visits, to locate all religious institutions – temples, churches, mosques These species are popular native trees with multiple uses. We also re-
and cemeteries. This was followed by field visits, identifying sites that corded 27 Santalum album (sandalwood) trees, a native tree of high
were larger than 700 m2 in area, and had areas of garden or open space commercial value classified as vulnerable by the IUCN Red List (Asian
greater than 30 m2 (cut-off criteria used to identify and remove re- Regional Workshop, 1998).
ligious institutions that were completely built up, with limited space for
tree cover). We identified a total of 101 sites, out of which we were able 4.2. Differences across categories of religious spaces
to obtain permissions to survey 62 sites: 19 temples and 28 churches
out of a total of 78 locations, and six Hindu, six Christian and three Average tree density was 86.7 trees/ha. The highest tree density was
Muslim cemeteries out of a total of 23 sites. Temples included Hindu found in Muslim cemeteries (161 trees/ha) followed by churches (91.7
mutts/ashrams (hermitages or monasteries) and spiritual organisations, trees/ha) (Fig. 2 and Table 2).
while churches encompassed Christian theological centres and semin- Hindu cemeteries had the highest proportion of native trees
aries. We were unable to access permissions to sample six mosques (74.8%), and temples contained the highest percentage of native spe-
within the study area. The date of establishment for older sites and cies (52.6%) (Table 2). Of the ten most dominant species, temples and
records of age of tree planting were not available. Muslim cemeteries contained six native species, Hindu cemeteries five,
We conducted field sampling of trees in temples and churches from churches four native species and Christian cemeteries only two. Pon-
January to September 2011, and in cemeteries from October 2011 to gamia pinnata was the only common dominant species found across all
January 2012. Each site was visited once to check if they satisfied our five categories of sacred spaces, while Mangifera indica, Samanea saman
size criteria for selection, as this could not be reliably discerned from and Grevillea robusta were relatively widespread, each being en-
the map. If the site fit the criteria, then we sought permission from the countered in four categories of sacred spaces. Ficus religiosa was
managing authorities, following which field research was conducted. dominant in temples and Hindu cemeteries, but absent or not dominant
For smaller sites (temples and churches), we were generally able to in churches, Christian cemeteries and Muslim cemeteries. Araucaria
cover each site within a single day of field work. For larger sites (e.g. cookii, the conifer popularly known as the Christmas tree (Krishen,
most cemeteries) we required multiple field visits. Within each selected 2006) was only dominant in churches. Punica granatum finds mention in
site, all trees were identified to the species level, and their diameter at the Koran (Musselman, 2003; Khafagi et al., 2006), but in Bengaluru,
breast height (DBH) and height recorded. We categorized species as only six trees of this species were recorded, from Hindu and Christian
native and introduced. Cocos nucifera, naturalized over centuries of institutions.
planting, was additionally categorized as native. Polyalthia longifolia was the most dominant tree in the temples and
A non-parametric Mann Whitney U test (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981) was churches followed by Cocos nucifera. In cemeteries, the most dominant
used to assess whether density, distribution and diversity differed sig- species was Pongamia pinnata, followed by Ficus benghalensis. Dominant
nificantly in attributes of density, distribution and diversity. All statis- native species in temples and churches included Cocos nucifera,
tical analysis was performed in R 3.1.2 (R Core Team, 2014). Species Mangifera indica, Millingtonia hortensis, Ficus religiosa, Pongamia pinnata
diversity was analysed using the Hurlbert’s PIE index, a measure of and Ficus benghalensis. In cemeteries, dominant native species included
species evenness that represents the probability that two randomly Cocos nucifera, Mangifera indica, Ficus religiosa, Pongamia pinnata, Ficus
sampled individuals from the community are from two different species benghalensis, Tamarindus indicus and Michelia champaca (Table 3).
(Hurlbert, 1971). The index is interpreted as a probability: the larger Table 4 presents the results of a Mann Whitney U test (a non-
the probability, the greater the evenness of distribution of individuals parametric test) to assess the statistical significance of differences in the
across species. distribution of native trees and species among temples, churches and
cemeteries. Temples had a significantly greater proportion of native
4. Results trees and species compared to churches.

4.1. Aggregate distribution of trees 4.3. Differences in growth across species

The total area of the institutions varied from a minimum of 0.07 ha The largest size class consisted of trees with a DBH greater than
to a maximum of 9.72 ha. 5504 trees were recorded from the 62 sites in 75 cm. In this category, the dominant species were Ficus benghalensis (a
this study. There was a relatively even distribution of native and in- native sacred species found mostly in Hindu cemeteries) and Samanea
troduced trees. Of 93 species recorded, 48 species or 52% were native saman (an introduced species distributed widely). A Ficus benghalensis in
species. The five most dominant tree species comprised 46% of the total All Saints Church had the widest trunk at 488.9 cm. Yet most trees were
population of the trees (Table 1). The most dominant tree, constituting small trunked, with a DBH between 15 and 30 cm (Fig. 3). The domi-
a little more than 17% of the total population, was Pongamia pinnata. nant species in this size category were Pongamia pinnata, Cocos nucifera
This native species has a wide canopy that provides shade, and is a and Polyalthia longifolia. In the smallest size class of trees with DBH less
source of fuelwood, timber, oil (from seeds) and medicine. The next than 15 cm, the most dominant species were Polyalthia longifolia and
most dominant tree was a narrow-canopied ornamental introduced Pongamia pinnata (Fig. 4).
species, Polyalthia longifolia. Other large dominant shade-providing Five of the tallest trees, with a height greater than 30 m, included
trees included Ficus benghalensis, Samanea saman, Mangifera indica and two Araucaria cookii trees, and one each of Millingtonia hortensis, Acacia
Peltophorum pterocarpum. Ficus benghalensis and Mangifera indica are nilotica and Polyalthia longifoila. Two highly valuable 26 m tall Santalum
multi-use species, providing timber and medicine. In addition, Ficus album (sandalwood) trees were located in one of the older Christian

M. Jaganmohan et al. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 32 (2018) 64–70

Table 1
Attributes of ten dominant species from study sites.
Scientific name Common name Origin Number Proportion of trees (%) Phenology

Pongamia pinnata Pongam Native 942 17.1 Deciduous

Polyalthia longifolia Indian mast Introduced 686 12.5 Evergreen
Cocos nucifera Coconut Native 387 7.0 Evergreen
Ficus benghalensis Banyan Native 286 5.2 Deciduous
Samanea saman Raintree Introduced 262 4.8 Deciduous
Grevillea robusta Silver oak Introduced 232 4.2 Evergreen
Mangifera indica Indian mango Native 217 3.9 Evergreen
Peltophorum pterocarpum Copper pod Introduced 197 3.6 Deciduous
Spathodea campanulata African tulip Introduced 142 2.6 Deciduous
Millingtonia hortensis Indian cork Native 120 2.2 Deciduous

out of every five trees in Bengaluru’s parks are introduced (Nagendra

and Gopal, 2011). Average tree density in urban sacred spaces (65
trees/ha) is far higher than found in other spaces such as informal
settlements (11 trees/ha) (Gopal and Nagendra, 2014; Gopal et al.,
2015) and parks (36–53 trees/ha) (Nagendra and Gopal, 2011).
The size class distribution of trees provides an indication of the
changing composition of trees planted over different periods of time
(Fig. 4). Polyalthia longifolia, a relatively small canopied, fast growing
tree was dominant in smaller DBH size classes below 15 cm, while large
canopied Ficus benghalensis and Samanea saman were found in larger
size classes. This indicates, in a pattern similar to urban parks
(Nagendra and Gopal, 2011) and streets (Nagendra and Gopal, 2010) in
Bengaluru, that wide canopied trees are no longer being planted. The
changing preference for narrow-canopied tree species has implications
Fig. 2. Average tree density per hectare across urban sacred spaces. for the environment as wide canopied trees provide more shade, can
support more bird and insect life, and are more effective in mitigating
air pollution (McPherson and Rowntree, 1989; The Nature
churches. The ancient Someshwara temple had a Ficus religiosa that
Conservancy, 2016).
stood at 25 m. Overall, we encountered 217 trees taller than 20 m, from
Ecology in cities exists at different scales – from individual trees in
Ficus species such as Ficus benghalensis, Ficus religiosa, Ficus benjamina
informal settlements to religious institutions that extend across several
and Ficus glomerata, as well as other species including Mangifera indica,
acres – each serving a variety of purposes for different groups of city
Santalum album, Tamarindus indica and Syzygium cumini. The majority of
dwellers. Residents of informal settlements and middle class homes
trees were however in the height class between 9 and 12 m (Fig. 5).
prioritize food and medicinal plants and trees such as Moringa oleifera
and Cocos nucifera (Gopal and Nagendra, 2014; Gopal et al., 2015;
5. Discussion Jaganmohan et al., 2012; Nagendra, 2016). At the same time, parks are
mainly accessed for recreation and have wide canopied shade providing
The 5504 trees we documented form important patches of urban and flowering trees (Nagendra and Gopal, 2011). Ficus trees are key-
greenery in the expanding metropolis providing many benefits. stone species but do not form part of the ten most dominant trees in
Temples, churches and cemeteries have a larger percentage of native either parks (Nagendra and Gopal, 2011) or on streets (Nagendra and
species (52%) when compared to Bengaluru’s parks (33%) (Nagendra Gopal, 2010) of Bengaluru. On the other hand the temples, churches
and Gopal, 2011). While both native and introduced trees provide and cemeteries documented in this study had 286 Ficus benghalensis
ecological benefits such as temperature control and biodiversity sup- trees, the fourth most dominant species encountered. Even single in-
port (Gray and van Heezik, 2015; Sjöman et al., 2016), the higher dividuals of keystone species in human-dominated landscapes are
percentage of native species in sacred spaces appears indicative of the known to be beneficial for protection of biodiversity (Caughlin et al.,
cultural and sacred significance accorded to specific native species. This 2012). The large numbers of Ficus trees in sacred sites demonstrate a
stands in stark opposition to parks in Bengaluru, where considerations strong potential for urban conservation in this fast changing city.
of aesthetics dominate, with a preference for introduced species: four Protection of urban greenery is a constant challenge for an

Table 2
Summary of attributes of trees based on a sub-sample survey of tree population in temples, churches and cemeteries of Bengaluru.
Parameter Temples Churches Hindu cemeteries Christian cemeteries Muslim cemeteries

Number of locations studied 19 28 6 \6 3

Area (ha) − total, mean and standard deviation 10.7, 0.6 ± 0.5 22.8, 0.8 ± 0.8 21.6, 3.4 ± 3.2 18.7, 3.1 ± 2.7 10.4, 3.5 ± 5.4
Tree density (per ha) − mean and standard deviation 88.4 ± 76.0 91.7 ± 67.5 48.3 ± 21.4 58.8 ± 29.9 161 ± 101.3
Range of tree density (per ha) − minimum and maximum 2.1–312.9 10.9–284.6 17.1–78.6 33–122.2 28.1–273.6
Average DBH (cm) − mean and standard deviation 33.6 ± 26.8 30.9 ± 24.1 41 ± 30 43.6 ± 31.7 50.3 ± 31.8
Range of DBH (cm) − minimum and maximum 6.1–203.8 4.8–488.9 6.4–189.8 5.1–213.4 6.4–185.7
Average height (m) − mean and standard deviation 10.8 ± 4.4 9.5 ± 4.3 7.6 ± 3.9 9.4 ± 4.5 8.9 ± 3.9
Range of height (m) − minimum and maximum 3–25 2–30 2–25 3–25 3–25
Species Hurlbert index − mean and standard deviation 0.8 ± 0.2 0.8 ± 0.2 0.6 ± 0.2 0.7 ± 0.2 0.9 ± 0.1
% native trees 50.7 39.4 74.8 40.1 54.8
% native species 52.6 48.1 47.5 46.9 51.5

M. Jaganmohan et al. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 32 (2018) 64–70

Table 3
Ten most dominant species for urban sacred spaces.
Dominance rank Temples Churches Hindu cemeteries Christian cemeteries Muslim cemeteries

1 Cocos nucifera (13.3%) Polyalthia longifolia (21.2%) Pongamia pinnata (48.5%) Pongamia pinnata (26.2%) Peltophorum pterocarpum
2 Polyalthia longifolia (12.1%) Cocos nucifera (11.6%) Ficus benghalensis (15.4%) Polyalthia longifolia (13.8%) Pongamia pinnata (17.3%)
3 Grevillea robusta (7.8%) Mangifera indica (6.5%) Samanea saman (8.9%) Samanea saman (8.3%) Ficus benghalensis (16.6%)
4 Mangifera indica (5.7%) Grevillea robusta (4.8%) Markhamia lutea (6.3%) Spathodea campanulata (5.5%) Samanea saman (5.1%)
5 Millingtonia hortensis (4.6%) Jacaranda mimosifolia Tamarindus indica (4.0%) Grevillea robusta (4.8%) Tamarindus indica (4.0%)
6 Ficus religiosa (3.1%) Araucaria cookii (3.3%) Spathodea campanulata Delonix regia (3.6%) Mangifera indica (3.0%)
7 Pongamia pinnata (3.0%) Millingtonia hortensis (3.0%) Cassia spectabilis (1.7%) Muntingia calabura (3.6%) Pithecellobium dulce (3.0%)
8 Ficus benghalensis (2.5%) Delonix regia (2.2%) Ficus religiosa (1.7%) Peltophorum pterocarpum Michelia champaca (2.8%)
9 Spathodea campanulata Pongamia pinnata (2.2%) Mangifera indica (1.1%) Lagerstroemia speciosa (2.2%) Cocos nucifera (2.6%)
10 Cassia spectabilis (2.3%) Samanea saman (2.2%) Delonix regia (1.0%) Swietenia macrophylla (2.0%) Grevillea robusta (2.6%)

expanding city such as Bengaluru. Bengaluru is India’s second fastest

growing city (Sudhira et al., 2007) with a population of around 8.5
million as per the Census of India 2011 (DCO, 2011). The city grew
from 69 km2 in 1949–741 km2 in 2007: a more than ten-fold spatial
expansion (Sudhira et al., 2007) that has had a major impact on green
cover (Nagendra et al., 2012). Development of the city, be it widening
of roads or construction of the metro, has been preceded by massive
cutting of avenue trees, resulting in an irreversible loss of ecological
benefits provided by these large canopied trees. For instance, a total of
2500 trees were felled in the first phase of metro construction (ESG
2016). Bengaluru has only one tree for every seven people, a highly
inadequate number for an expanding city with high rates of carbon
emissions (Bharath et al., 2017). It is unlikely that large wooded areas
will be established at the cost of other needs of urbanization
Fig. 3. Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) across urban sacred spaces.
(Fernández-juricic and Jokimäki, 2001). Thus, protection of the existing
habitats of temples, churches and cemeteries documented in this study
is imperative, as they can serve as buffers against loss of tree cover in
other urban spaces.
Trees in temples, churches and cemeteries have a better chance of
protection as compared to many other urban green spaces, as they have
lesser exposure to anthropogenic activities, and can act as a refuge for
different kinds of biodiversity (Barrett and Barrett, 2001; Löki et al.,
2016). Additionally, temples, churches and cemeteries are likely to
have stronger custodians (including local communities). Cemeteries
have been known to contain some of the oldest trees (Barrett and Fig. 4. Percentage of trees from the five most dominant species in different
Barrett, 2001), and such old and large trees provide a better habitat for Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) size categories across urban sacred spaces
biodiversity (Ferenc et al., 2013). When compared to other urban combined.
greenery in public spaces, protecting these trees can also be easier
thereby contributing to environmental benefits. The usual restrictions long-term urban green space management (Roy et al., 2012; Rupprecht
of choice of species, tree size and canopy cover that apply to street trees et al., 2015). This may be challenging, however, as many of the tem-
and trees in urban parks owing to concerns of safety, costs and main- ples, churches and cemeteries are owned by temple trusts. Citizens,
tenance, and width of roads (Nagendra and Gopal, 2010) also do not owners and the government need to find ways to come together for
apply to trees in temples, churches and cemeteries. their protection (Ishi et al., 2010; Jim, 2012). Where there is greater
Urban planners and managers must look for spaces that can enhance awareness about the various ecological and cultural values of urban
urban greenery, working with different kinds of users and owners for greenery including in sacred spaces, there is a greater likelihood of

Table 4
Results of a non-parametric, two-tailed Mann Whitney U test assessing the statistical significance of differences in site size, tree density, diversity and percentage of
native trees and species across temples, churches and cemeteries, based on a sub-sample survey in Bengaluru.
Tree attributes Temples vs. Churches Hindu cemeteries vs. Christian cemeteries Hindu cemeteries vs. Muslim Christian cemeteries vs Muslim
cemeteries cemeteries

Difference in% native trees Temples > Churches*** Hindu cemeteries > Christian cemeteries* No significant difference No significant difference
Difference in% native Temples > Churches*** No significant difference No significant difference No significant difference

* Significant at p < 0.1.

*** Significant at p < 0.01.

M. Jaganmohan et al. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 32 (2018) 64–70

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