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ISSUED JUL. 1,'99 ENGINEERING GUIDE FOR PROCESS PLANT DESIGN OF EQUIPMENT AND FACILITY Standard Materials Selection For Pressure Vessels (ASME P.V. Code & ASTM Materials) G Toro ENGINEERING CORPORATION TOKYO. JAPAN Fon acanor9 e300) ENGINEERING GUIDE ro BD sromn ‘Toxo Ewctnaseinc Corr. Standard Materials Selection for Pressure Vessels ASME P.V. Cade & ASTM Materials ISSUED CONTENTS 1. General 1. Purpose 1.2 Seope of Application 2. Procedures for Material Selection 3, Steel Type Classification 4. Basic Concept for Material Selection 4.1. ASME Materials 42 Design Temperature and Steel Types, 43 Basis of Material Selection for Pressure Holding Parts and Accessories 44 — Material Strength Level 4.5 Strength Level of Material, and Plate Thickness 46 Xcray Requirement 4,7 Maxinnum Plate Thickness (Stee! Plate) 48 — Application of Welded Tubes 4.9 Pipe Shell 4,10 Forged Shell or Multilayer Shell 4.11 Stainless Clad Stee! 4,12. Ferric Stainless Stect 4.13 Low Temperature Vessels made by carbon steel 4.14 Notation of lmpact Test of ASTM Materials 5. Client's Requirements 6. Material Selection Table 6.1 Material selection for shell plate 6.2 Material selection for pressure vessel components Attached Table-l List of Steel Types Attached Table-2 Basics of Materials Selection for Accessories Appencix(1) Shell Plate Selection Standards (Table AN Refer To 6.1.1 (1)) Appendix(2-1) Steel Plate Selection Standards (Stee! Type Designated) ‘Table AAS-CM (Refer To Para. 6.1.2(1)) Low Alloy Stes! ASME-ASTM Steel Plate Selection Standards ‘Appendix (2-2). Stee! Plate Selection Standards (Stee! Type Designated) Table AAS-SS (Refer To Para. 6.1.2(3)) Stainless Stecl ASME-ASTM Steel Plate Selection Standards Appendix) - ASME-ASTM Material Selection Table Table AA-CS [Refer To Text, 6.2.1(1)) History Fon ncnote2 o40) GR-TEG 1-1231-5404 PAGE 1 OF IL SYN aauueeen 10 u ENGINEERING GUIDE GR-TEG 1-1231-5404 PAGE 2 OF IL ro D sean Tovo Excineeninc Con. Standard Materials Selection for Pressure Vessels ASME P.V. Code & ASTM Materials 1. GENERAL 11 Purpose ‘This manual stipulates standards for the materials selection for pressure holdi vessels. A material sel arts and accessories of pressure n table for specific job shall be prepared in accordance with this standards as a part of design manual incorporating requirements of client and local regulations. 1.2 Scope of Application 1.2.1 Applicable Equipment ‘This manual is applicable to pressure vessels (towers, vessels, heat exchangers, reactors), for which engineering drawings are prepared. Spherical tanks, storage tanks, non-pressure vessels and multilayer vessels shall be excluded from the application. The equipment for which manufacturers will select materials, like the ‘manufacturer's standard products, shall be in accordance with the selection by the manufacturers. 1.2.2 Applicable Standards ‘The applicable design and material standards shall be the following. Design standard ‘Material standards ‘ASME SEC VII DIVi&2 ‘ASTM 1.2.3 This manual stipulates standards for the materials selection, based on equipment design temperature and pressure. Material selection considering environment shall not be included. 1.24 Vessel Standards Material selection for those accessories whose materials are designated in vessel standards shal conform to the vessel standards, unless otherwise specified in engineering drawings or sketches. 2, PROCEDURES FOR MATERIAL SELECTION Materials shall be selected by the following procedures. First, stel plate material shall be selected. Once steel plate is selected, the materials for other pressure holding parts ‘and accessories shall be selected in combination withthe steel plate (refer to Fig.2). There are the following two cases in the selection of stel plate: (1) Materials are selected based on design pressure (plate thickness) and design temperature, with no requirement from environment, and (2) Materials are selected considering the requirements from environment. 3. STEEL TYPE CLASSIFICATION A list of steel types used in the manual is shown in the Attached Table-1. 4. BASIC CONCEPT FOR MATERIAL SELECTION 4.1 ASME Materials Incase of ASME PV. Code design, materi is requested. -onforming to ASTM shall be used, in principle, unless code stamp Fon nen 016-2198) ENGINEERING GUIDE GR-TEG 1-1231-5404 PAGE 3 OF 11 r0010 D son ‘Toyo Evcivezninc Cour. Standard Materials Selection for Pressure Vessels ASME P.V. Code & ASTM Materials ISSUED 4.2 Design Temperature and Steel Types ‘The steel type selection due to design temperature is shown in Table 4.2, ‘The flow of material selection will be shown below: Strart is there No requirement for tel type? YES Material selection in Material selection by accordance with steel design pressure and type specified temperature Steel plate material Stee! Plate material selection selction Selec of materials for press. holding parts Selection of materilas for accessories END Fig.2 Flow of Material Selection Fora aan 0141724060) 43 44 roivo BD sno ‘ToroEncmsznxcConr. | Standard Materials Selection for Pressure Vessels IssueD | JUL. 1,99 ASME P.V. Code & ASTM Materials ENGINEERING GUIDE GR-TEG 1-1231-5404 PAGE 4 OF 11 Table 4.2 Design Temperature and Steel Type 1100-593- 2.25CR IMO 1000-537. 1.25CR 0.5MO 850-454. Mo, oo. 427. KCS-1 (KCS-2) (CMO) 650-343. KCS-1 cs 4 -10- KCS-1 FKS 20-29 FKS “35 3.5NI 3048S “150. -101- 30488 425-254 oF °c Design Temp. Steel Type Basis of Material Selection for Pressure Holding Parts and Accessories ‘The standard combin Attached Table-2. ‘of shell plate material and other pressure holding parts and accessories are shown in the ‘Material Strength Level The higher tensile strength materials are sometimes used for the steel plate material of pressure vessels to reduce the weight and cost. However, high strength stee! needs special care to avoid cracks due to welding during manufacture or to environment, so that stee! plate having moderate strength level is adopted based on the past experience. The following Table 4.4 shows the allowable strength level of each steel commonly used. romu acsnares (e409) roo BD sean Toyo Excivrenisc Con. ENGINEERING GUIDE Standard Materials Selection for Pressure Vessels ASME P.V. Code & ASTM Materials GR-TEG 1-1231-5404 PAGE 5 OF it ‘Table 4.4 Material Strength Level ‘Steel Type ‘ASTM Materials ‘Sirengih Level Kpsi kg/mm? cs A26IGrC 55 40 Kes ASL6GE70 7 50 KCS1 A516Gr60 6 40 Kes2 ASISGr70 0 50 Kcs2 AS16Gr60 60 40 AS16G470 70 50 A316G60 0 40 A203GrE, a) 50 A203G1D 65 45 A204GrA 65 45 A204G1B, 70 50 A302GrC 80 35 1.25Cr0,5Mo A387Gr1 C11 60 40 1.25Cr0.5Mo A387GrICI2 5 3 2.25CrIMo A387G122C11 60 40 2.25Cr1Mo A387G122C12 75 3 43. Strength Level of Material, and Plate Thickness Criteria of selecting materials with tensile strength of 40kg/mm? and SOkg/mm? is the plate thickness of 16mm. ‘The materials of different strength levels are shown in Table 4.5. Example of using this eriteria is shown on Table 4.5 thickness of 16 mm. ‘Table 4.5 Strength level of materials Steel type “Tensile strength level Wega S0kgimm cs AISIGrC, N/A KCS ‘A516Gr60 ‘AS16GrIO KCS ‘AS1SGr60 ‘A51SGr70 FKS ‘A516Gr60 ‘AS16GrTO/ASSTCL 3.5Ni ‘A203GrD™ ‘A203GrE ‘C-Mo_ ‘A204GrA. A204GrB 1.25C10.5Mo_| A387Gr1 ICI ‘A387Gr11C2 2.25CrIMo | A387Gr22CI ‘A387Gr22C12 ‘THICKNESS Upto 1émm Over 16mm (© s Type 30488 can be used instead of A203GrD. 4.6 X-ray Requirement 461 CS, KCS-A ‘The relationship between X-ray requirement and plate thickness is shown in Table 4.6.1 Plate thickn ‘Over 16mm Equal and Under 16mm Table 4.6.1 xy and plate thickness X-Ray FULL ‘SPOT However, X-ray "No" can be considered for the plate thickness up to 12mm and forthe service of non-toxic and non-flammable. For examples, Fon aano1442(6809) ry such as CW, steam, steam condensate, air and Nz. ENGINEERING GUIDE GR-TEG ro000 BD snemv ‘ToroEncnarsinc Corr. | Standard Materials Selection for Pressure Vessels 1-1231-5404 ASME P.V. Code & ASTM Materials PAGE 6 OF 11 462 KCS-2, FKS, 3.5Ni, C-Mo, Mn-Mo-Ni, Cr-Mo, Stainless, Clad Steel ‘Xcray "FULL" shall be required irrespective of plate thickness. 4.7 Maximum Plate Thickness (Stee! Plate) Besides the requirements from material standards, the following limitation is set. ‘Table 4.7 Maximum plate thickness Sieal npe csi) KCS 200 mm FKS 200 mm Mo 75 mm Cr-Mo (Annealed) 16mm CeMo (N-T) 1.28Cr-0.5 Mo and lower 150 mm 2.25Cr-1.0 Mo and higher 300 mm, Ma-Mo-Ni 150 mam ‘Mn-Mo-Ni (vacuum degassing) 300 mm 3.5Ni 100 mm Austenitic stainless steal 100 mm (*) A283GrC will be manufactured as ‘Rimmed Stee’. Note: No plate thickness limitation is particularly set for forging. 48 Application of Welded Tubes Welded tubes may be used as the standard specification (See E-102 also), See the following Table for selection guide. Table 4.8 Tube selection Steel Type Diva [Div.2, (Manufacture by ASTM cs [A178 [A-178 Welded 14-214 @) INVA’ Welded Kes [A178 [A-178 Welded [A179 INA. ‘Seamless [A214 @) INVA’ ‘Welded [A-210 [A210 ‘Seamless Kes [A179 @) INVA ‘Seamless [A-210 (A-210 ‘Seamless ¥KS [A-334Grh [4334Gr1 Weld(*)/Seamless ‘MaMoNi [A-209GrTI (A-209GrTi ‘Seamless 3.5Ni [A-334Gr3 [4-334Gr3 Weld(*)/Seamless ‘CMO [A-209GeTT [A-209GrTI ‘Seamless CrMo [A-213(**) [A-213(*4) ‘Seamless FSS [A-268-TP410___ |A-268-TP410 Weld()/Seamless ASS. [A-249(*4) [A-249(+*) Welded (*) When there are several choice, marking with (*) material shall be selected as standard. (**) Proper material grade or class shall be selected. Fonaacanaiesr ous) ENGINEERING GUIDE GR-TEG 1-1231-5404 somo D snes ToroEnciwzmunc Corr. | Standard Materials Selection for Pressure Vessels ISSUED | TUL. 1,99 ASME P.V. Code & ASTM Materials PAGE 7 OF 11 49° Pipe Shell Pipe shells may be used for the inside diameter less than 600 mm (24 inch). The pipe to be used will be of either seamless or welded. 4.10 Forged Shell or Multilayer Shell When plate thickness exceeds 150mm or in the case of D/T<20, forged shell or multilayer shell shall be considered. T denotes shell plate thickness and D shell inside diameter. 4.11 Stainless Clad Steel ‘The application of clad stainless and solid stainless are basically as fellows, The solid stainless shell has a risk of crack penetration over plate thickness, ‘The possibility of SCC shall be confirmed with process group. is in SCC environment. ‘Table 4.11 - Division of use of stainless solid and clad steel Solid Clad Steel plate (1)___| Up to lommm (Over Témm Tubesheet (1) Upto 50mm Over 50mm. Flat cover 7 Lining @) (1): Obtaining clad steel is difficult in some countries. Solid steel may be considered if the service allows solid stainless steel adoption, (2): Gasket contact surface shall be overlaid for MIA, SW and SFM gasket. 412 Ferritie Stainless Steel Clad steel shall be used for the pressure holding parts. The use of solid ferritic stainless steel for pressure parts shall be limited to tubes and tubesheet. 4.13 Low Temperature Vessels made by carbon steel Div.1 case: By UG-20(6) of ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1, impact testing per UG-84 is exempted when all of the following conditions are satisfied. - P-No, Grl and Gr2 + Thickness does not exceed 13mmm(1/2 inch) for Curve-A material of UCS-66, + Thickness does not exceed 2Smam(I inch) for Curve-B,C,D material of UCS-66. ~ Design Temperature is no warmer than 343 C(650F) nor colder than ~29C(-20F) Div.2 case: By AM-218.4 of ASME See. VIII Div.2, impact testing is exempted for: - ASME BI6.5 and B16.47 flange, and temperature is no colder than ~29C(-20F) = For A-516 and A-537 material with thickness not over 3mm(0..inch). ‘This means virtually no additional exemption to AM-218.1 is allowed. When pressure vessel is designed by Div.2, impact test requirement of the material shall be checked individually. (1) Steel Plate (Div.1 case) See Fig. UCS-66, which is drawn from Table UCS-66 of ASME Div.1. First, for "and under, the impact test exemption by UG-20 (fis applied. Ifthe thickness exceeds 1" and the design temperatures in the range from -10°C to 50°C, A516Gr70 will be selected as the material to be used in accordance with Enelosure(1) “Shell Plate Selection Standards” of this manual. The A516G170 will be delivered "as rolled" condition according to material standard if ts thickness is 1.5" ‘and under, and ifit exceeds 1.5" the matcrial shell be normalized by ASTM. ‘A516-Gr70 with the thickness of 1” and over shall be specified to be normalized in this manual Moreover, impact test will be required welded structure exceeding 4" in thickness irrespective of design Fou accanotesr 0300) row D snonn ENGINEERING GUIDE GR-TEG TovoExcwernc Con. | Standard Materials Selection for Pressure Vessels 1-1231-5404 ISSUED 44 @) @) @) ASME P.V. Code & ASTM Materials PAGE 8 OF I1 temperature, [UCS66 (a)] Pipe and Tube The plate thickness will seldom exceed I". Forging Standard flanges are exempted from impact test. [UCS-66 (C)]. Other forging shell be checked individually as they belong to Group B. C-Mo, Cr-Mo Steel ‘The possibility of design temperature falling in the range from -10°C to 50°C is practically nil Notation of Impact Test of ASTM Materials Impact requirement of material shall be clearly specified as “material code + UGR4”. +UGS4 —-- Impact test temperature shall be MDMT as specified in engineering drawings. formalize by Code THICKNESS inch) xempted -60 -50 ~40 “30-20-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8 90 100 110 TEMPERATURE) Fig. UCS-66 NOTE: CurveD : A516 ifnormalized AS37CLL2 Curve: A516Gr60 if not normalized Form ncanot4.12 (0009) ISSUED row BD snvan ‘Toyo Everaenne Corr. ENGINEERING GUIDE GR-TEG 1-1231-5404 PAGE 9 OF Standard Materials Selection for Pressure Vessels, ASME P.V. Code & ASTM Materials LL Curve B : AS16Gr70 if not normalized Curve A: A283GrC (CLIENT'S REQUIREMENTS Design manuals shall be prepared for each jobs incorporating client's requirements and local regulation. Client's requirements which are often not in conformity with this manual are shown below as examples: qQ @ @) @ Usage of seamless tubes and welded tubes ‘Non pressure parts welded pressure parts shall be materials same or better than that parts. Coarce grain treated steel for elevated design temperature. For eg. over 350 deg C. ‘Material strength level shall be 40 kg/mm? 6. MATERIAL SELECTION TABLE 6.1 Material selection for shell plate 611 612 Materi I selection from temperature and thickness. ASME-ASTM shell plate selection standards for pressure vessels Tablename — AAN ‘Material selection on material specification (1) Lowalloy steel ASME. ASTM steel plate selection standard Tablename —AAS-CM (2) Stainless steel ASME. ASTM steel plate selection standard * AAS-SS In case of CS, KCS, FKS and 3.5Ni, the selection shall be in accordance with the material selection table, AAN. 6.2 Material selection for pressure vessel components ASME-ASTM material selection table (2) CS TableName — AA-CS @) Kes" AAKSC @) FKS“ AA-FKS @) 33Ni “AAB.SNi (5) 304SS for Low Temp Service “ AA-304SSLT (© CMo — “ ——AA-CMo (1) Mn-MoNi “ — AA-MnMoNi (8) Cr-Mo - AA-Cr-Mo- (9) Corrosion Service-Austentic Stainless Steel * AA-ASS (10) Corrosion Service-Ferritic Stainless Stel © “== AA-FSS Fora a.cana142 (988) ENGINEERING GUIDE GR-TEG Standard Materials Selection for Pressure Vessels 1-1231-3404 ASME PV. Code ASTM Materia Steel Type Key Word | Explanation cs. Carbon Steel ‘KCS Killed Steel KCS-1 Fine Grain Killed Steel ‘KCS-2 Coarse Grain Killed Steel FKS: Fine Grain Killed Steel (For Low Temperature Service) 2. SNL 2.5% Ni Steel 3. SNL 3.5% Ni Stee! ON) 9% Ni Steel NO 0.5% Mo Steel 0. 5CR 0. SMO 0.5% Cr 0. 5%Mo Steel ACR 0. SMO 1% Cr 0. 5%Mo Steel 1. 25CR 0. SMO 1. 25% Cr 0. 58Mo Steel 2. 25CRIMO 2.25% Cr 1%Mo Steel 3cR 3% Cr L¥Mo Steel SCR ‘5aCr 0. 5¥Mo Steel 9CR 9% Cr 1%Mo Steel ant en MNMONI Mn-Mo-Ni Steel eat eee - a al 430 TYPE430 17Cr 304L, TYPE304L 18Cr8Ni (max 0.03C) +304H ‘TYPE304H 18Cr8Ni (0.04-0,10C) 316L, TYPE316L. 16Cr-12Ni-2Mo (max 0.03C) He, ee Ieee iaBio (oe 5) 3210 TYPE321H 18Cr-10Ni-Ti (0.04-0.10C) 347 TYPE347H_ 18Cr-10Ni-Nb (0.04-0.10C) 329 TYPE329 25Cr-SNiL ‘NOTE: From 0.5CR 0.5MO to 9CR steel will be roferred as *Cr-Mo’, For aconot4s 805) ISSUED rowo BD snoan ‘Toyo Enciuzzninc Cone, ENGINEERING GUIDE Standard Materials Selection for Pressure Vessels ASME P.V. Code & ASTM Materials GR-TEG Attached Table-2 Basics of Materials Selection for Accessories PAGE 1231-5404 11 OF 1 ‘Type of Steel | Portions for which | Portions directly | Portions directly] Internal of welded | Internal of Piste the same weldedtotheshell | welded tothe | construction, not | non-welded properties as the | and are subjected | shell, but not | directly welded to | construction, not shell are toload during | subjected to load | the shell directly welded to sequested ‘operation during operation the shell Examples Nozzle Pad Tnternal support | Ladder rung, | Grating, internal | Tie-rod, spacer, Saddle Pad ring, pipe support | Vortex breaker | piping, distributor | sieve tray Stiffening Ring | lug, platform ladder lug, pass partition plate, impingement baffle cs S cs a cs cs KCS1 KCS-1 cs cs cs cs KCS2 KCS2 KCS2 cs cs cs FKS FKS FKS cs és cs 3.5Ni 3.5N 35Ni 3.5Ni TKS cs 3048S for LT | 3048S 30485) 30485) 30488 30455 ‘Mo Mo ‘CMo ‘C-Mo ‘C-Mo ‘C-Mo ‘MnMoNi MaMoNi ‘CMo ‘CoMo ‘Mo ‘Mo Cr-Mo Cr-Mo CMe ‘CreMo CeMo CeMo ASS ASS ‘ASS ‘ASS ASS, ASS, FSS Bybasemetal of | Outside: Clad | FSS > > Clad base metal Inside : FSS ona aconoie2 oma) GR-TEGI-1231-5404 Appencin(t) Page 1 of2 Appendix (1) Shell Plate Selection Standards (Table AN Refer to 6.1.1 (1)). ©8043] < SEN >] FKS 3] © kes-ics «© KCS2 >] —CMO [© Grito > e (200) "2,°6 A533. TpC AS16G170 + cit Plate Charpy Impact Thickness 6" | HOLD (150) A302 Gro re [+s (100) 8 3s? | A387 4 AS16Gr70N Grit | Gr22 AzosGrF | ase7ci2._—_| +uGB4 23°F cz jo +UG84 | (Mod)+UGB4 x | o, +5 7 2 [Reso (A515 “Gi70) (60) | TYPE304 2 [_ A203GrE ASS7CI1 i ASI6GITON(>17) A204GrB i +uGe4 +uG84 j (28) i ASi6Gr70 ASt6Gr70(S1") | (A516Gr60) HF 518" Ll (ie) | “A240 ‘ABTeGro0 T TYPE 304| AS16Gr60 X-Ray Spot oT *o | ass? | age7 12" +UGB4 | AS16660 | (A515. Gr60) | Az04GrA |} Get | Gr22 (12) (AQBIGIS "S| XRay Spot ct jolt (2) as16Gr60 . X-Ray Spot *4 4B “150 65 “20 1432, 650750 800 0 1000 7700 (254) (-101) (48) (29) 10) (0) (343) (399) (427) (454) (537) (593) Design Temperature °F (°C) X-Ray is Full unless otherwise specified GR-TEG1-1281-5404 Appondlx(t) Page 2of 2 For A203GrF, confirm the past experience to mill makers. As for A516G170 exceeding 1" (25mm), nomalizing shall be specified. Refer to UCS-66 and UG20(f) 3. A2B3GIC can be used for design pressure below 10kgiom’G. X-ray "No" can be applicable to the service is non-toxic and non-flammable. For examples, utility CW, ‘steam, steam condensate, air and No. “5. Consider forged shell or multilayer shell when plate thickness exceeds 150mm or in the case of Dii<20. *6, Use A387Gr22Ci2 or A387Cr22CI1 when operating temperature exceeds 875°F (468°C). *7. A515 shall be used if coarce grain steel is required. “8. In this region, there are some area where impact test is not required for AS16Gr70. However, +*UG84 shall be specified on Eng’g Dwg generally. “9. When material is subject to Hydrogen Environment, select material from Nelson Chart of API-RP-941. A302GrA/B or A387Gr11CI1/2 may be used. Consult with specialists. Note: The boundary of vertical lines of those below 0 deg C belongs to the right side while that of those exceeding 0°C to the left, and the same of horizontal lines belongs to the underside. GR-TEGI-1231-5404 Apperdiy(2-1) Page 1 of 1 Appendix (2-1) - Steel plate selection standards (steel type designated) ‘Table AAS-CM (Refer to para. 6.1.2(1)) Low alloy stes] ASME-ASTM steel plate selection standards X-RAY “FULL” 300 12 [°7 mm in | (1) A593 Tpcon (2) A387 3876122012 or22ct2 10g A3026rC +2 % 4 ase7Gr2c12 3876722012 HOLD A3876r12C12 387621612 204618 3876111012 ‘A3876r5CI2 6 58 A204GrA ase7Gr2ci1 A387Gr22CI1 HOLD Plate A387Gr12cl1 A3876r21Cit ‘Thickness Ag87Gr11Cl1 ASB7GISCH OSCR OSMO | 2.25Cr 1MO 1CR_0.5MO 3cr scr Steel Type | CMO 4.250R 0.5MO | SCr “1 The service temperature of AS33TpC CI1 shall be up to 800°F (427°C). *2 The following selection may be considered: A387Gr91C12 5/8" (16mm) J A387Gr91Cl1 9cR ‘4387Gr91 has no marketability. When 9Cr is specified, 2.26Cr 1MO + 347 overlay is good altemative, generally. Consult with technical experts when selecting material of these grade. GR-TEGI-1231-5404 Appendil22} Page 1 of 1 ‘Appendix (2-2) Steel plate selection standards (steel type designated) Table AAS-SS (Refer to para. 6.1.2(3)) Stainless steel ASME-ASTM steel plate selection standards Ferric stainless Austenitic stainless Plate Thickness 13,4 "2,3, 5 CLAD clap 5/8" Ie (16mm) “6 SOLID Ferritic Stainless Austenitic Stainless 405 304 304L. Steel Type 410 316 316L 430 321-347 A240TYPEE4O5 ‘A240TYPE304 A2A0TYPE410 A240TYPESO4L, ‘A240TYPE430 A2A0TYPES16 A240TYPES16L, ‘A240TYPE321 A240TYPES47 “1, Itis prohibited to use ferritic stainless solid steel for the shell material of pressure holding parts. *2. Use id when using for low temperature service -55°F (below). *3, The selection of base metal of clad material shall be done in accordance with ASME-ASTM steel plate selection standards *4, The requirements of clad shall be in accordance with A263. *5, The requirements of clad shall be in accordance with A264. “6. Use clad steel for the environment of stress corrosion cracking, GR-TEG1-1231-5404 Appendb(3) Page 1 of 12 Appendix (3) - ASME-ASTM material selection table Table AA-CS [Refer to text, 6.2.1(1)] Material Code, Part Name cS ‘A2BIGrC ASSGrATYPES A283GrC Reinforcing Pad A283GrC Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Forge) A266Gr4 Girth Flanges & Flat Cover (Piate) AS16G170 A105 Nozzle Neck (Plate) A283GrC Nozzle Neck (Pipe) AS3GrA Nozzle Neck (Forge) N05 Skirt-Upper (min) - Lower A283GrC A283GrC A283G1C A2B3GrC A2B3GrC eg A36 Extemals (welded to shell) *25 A2B3GrC/A36 A193Gr87_ A194Gr2H_ Foundation Bolts A3076r8 Foundation Nuts AS83GrA Internals Supports welded to shell A283GrC A36 Internal Pipings ASSGrA Grating, Baffle, Distributor A283GrC A283GrC ‘Screen Wire Mech Der (30488) (30488) Kcs| A2i4 A2G6Gr4 Floating Head Flanges A266Gr4 Floating Head Covers A2B3GrC Backing Device A266Gr4 A36 ASSGrA Baffles/Support Plates/Sealing Strip A2B3GrC A283GrC Impingement Baffles A283GrC Guide Rail U-tube Cramp Band A283Gro GR-TEGI-1231-5404 Appondin(3) Page 2 of 12 Table AAKCS_ [Refer to text, 6.2.1(2)] Material Code, Part Name KOSi_*3_ | KCS2_*4 Shell (Plate) “26 KCS-1 KCS-2 Shell (Pipe) “1 A1066rB A106GrB Head 2 KCS-1 Kos-2 Reinforcing Pad KCS-1 Kcs-2 Girth Flanges & Flat Cover (Forge) A266Gr4 A266Gr4 Girth Flanges & Flat Cover (Plate) AS16Gr70 AS15Gr70 ANSI Flange A105 A105 Nozzle Neck (Plat KCS-4 Kcs-2 Nozzle Neck (Pipe) A106GrB A106GrB Nozzle Neck (Forge) A105 A105 Skirt-Upper (min 500mm) +28 A283Gro Kcs-2 Skirt-Lower A283GrC A283GrC Base Blocks A283GrC A283GrC Saddle Pad KCS-4 Kes-2 Saddle A283GrC A283Gro Lugs A283GrC A283GrC Legs A36 A36 Extemals (welded to shell) 25 *28 A283GrC/A36. | KCS-2 External Bolts AI83GrB7 A193Gr87 External Nuts A194Gr2H A194Gr2H Foundation Bolts 307618 A307GrB Foundation Nuts AS63GrA AS63GrA Internals Supports welded to shell "28 A2636rC Kcs-2 Ladder Rungs A36 A36 Internal Pipings ASSGrA, AS3GrA Grating, Baffle, Distributor A283GrC A2B3GrC Vortex Breaker A283GrC ‘A283GrC Soreen Wire Mesh Demister (s04ss) (3048s) Internal Bolting (20488) (0488) Lifting Lug *32 Kcs| Kcs| Tubes “31 Aziaiai79 — | A179 Tube Sheets A266Gr4 A2666r4 Floating Head Flanges. A266Gr4 A266Gr4 Floating Head Covers Kcs-1 Kcs-2 Backing Device A266GI4 A2666I4 Tie rods A36 A368 Spacers AS3GrA ASSGIA Baffies/Support Plates/Sealing Strip A283GrC A283GrC Pass Partition KCS-1 KCS-2 Impingement Baffles A283GrC Kes-2 Guide Rail U-tube Cramp Band A283GrC KCS-2 Notes : 1) KCS-1 : Fine grain Killed Carbon Steel AS16Gr.60 A516Gr.70 2) KOS-2 : Coarse grain Killed Carbon Steel A515Gr.60 A515Gr-70 In this standard, A516 is selected instead of A515, considering marketability. Where KCS-1, KCS-2 is specified, the same material as shell plate shall be used. GR-TEGI-1231-5404 Appendd(3) Page 3 of 12 Table AA-FKS _ [Refer to text, 6.2.1(3)] Material Code Part Name FKS ‘Shell (Plate) 26 FKS Shell (Pipe) “1 A3336r1 Head 6 FKS Reinforcing pad FKS Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Forge) A350GrLF2 Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Plate) FKS ANSI Flange A350GrLF2 Nozzle Neck (Plate) FKS Nozzle Neck (Pipe) Ag33Grt Nozzle Neck (Forge) A350GrLF2 Skirt-Upper (inin 500mm) FSK Skirt-Lower A2B3Gr6 Base Blocks A283GrC Saddle Pad FKS Saddle A283GrC Lugs A283GrC Legs A368 Externals (welded to shell) *25 FKS External Bolts, A820GrL7 External Nuts A1gaGr4 Foundation Bolts 307618 Foundation Nuts ‘ASE3GrA Internals Supports welded to shell FKS Ladder Rungs A36 Internal Pipings ‘AS3GrA Grating, Baffle, Distributor A283Gro Vortex Breaker A2B3GrC ‘Screen Wire Mesh Demister (048s) Internal Bolting (3048s) Lifting Lugs *32 kes Tubes *7 AI79/A334Gr1 Tube Sheets ‘AS50GrLF2 Floating Head Flanges ‘A350GrLF2 Floating Head Covers FKS Backing Device AS50GrLF2 Tie rods A36 Spacers ASSIA Vessels/Support Plates/Sealing Strip ‘A2B3GrC Pass Partition FKS Impingement Baffles FKS Guide Rail U-tube Cramo Band FKS Note: 1)FKS : Fine grain Killed Carbon steel for Low temperature service. AS16Gr.60 + UGB4 AS16Gr.70 + UGB4 ASS7CI.1 + UGB4 AS37C1.2 + UGB4 Where FKS is specified, the same material as shell plate shall be used. GR-TEGI-1281-5404 Appendn(3) Page 4 ef 12 Table AA-3.5Ni__ [Refer to text, 6.2.1(4)] Material Code Part Name 3.5NI Shell Prate) "26 SEN Shell (Pipe) tf A333613 Head 9 3.5Ni Reinforcing pad 35Ni Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Forge) A350GrLF3 Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Plate) A203GrE ANSI Flange A350GrLF3 Nozzle Neck (Prate) 3.5Ni Nozzie Neck (Pipe) A3336r3 Nozzle Neck (Forge) AS50GrLF3. ‘Skirt-Upper (rnin 500mm) 3.5Ni Skirt-Lower A2836rC- Base Blocks A283GrC Saddle Pad 3.5Ni Saddle A2B3GrC Lugs A2B3GrC Legs A36 Externals (welded to shell) *25; 3.5Ni External Bolts A320GrL7 External Nuts AlgaGr4 Foundation Bolts A3076rB Foundation Nuts ‘ASB3GrA Internals Supports welded to shelt S.NI Ladder Rungs A3S0GrLF3 Internal Pigings A333Gr1 Grating, Baffle, Distributor AB16Gr60 Vortex Breaker 3.5NI Screen Wire Mesh Demister (g04ss) Internal Bolting (048s) Lifting Lugs "32 Kes Tubes A334Gr3(Seamless) Tube Sheets A350GrLF3 Floating Head Flanges ‘A350GrLF3 Floating Head Covers 3.5Ni Backing Device A350GrLF3 Tie rods A36 Spacers A52GrA Vessels/Support Plates/Sealing Strip A2B3Gro Pass Partition 3.5Ni Impingement Baffles 3.5Ni Guide Rail U-tube Cramo Band 3.5Ni Note : 4) 3.5Ni :3.5% Ni steel for low temperature service ‘A203GrD + UGB4 A203GrE + UG84 A203GrF + UG84 Where 3.5Ni is specified, the same material as shell plate shall be used. GR-TEGI-1231-5404 Appendd(3) Page 5 of 12 Table AA-304SLT___304SS_[Refer to text, 6.2.1(5)] Material Code Part Name 3048S LT Shell (Plate) 26 ‘AZ40TYPESOS Shell (Pipe) “1 A312GrTP304 Head “10 "29 A240TYPE304 / A240TYPE3O4L Reinforcing pad A240TYPE304 Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Forge) A336CIF904 Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Plate) A240TYPE304 ANSI Flange ‘A182GrF304 Nozzle Neck (Plate) A240TYPE304 Nozzle Neck (Pipe) A312GrTP304 Nozzle Neck (Forge) A182GrF304 ‘Skirt-Upper (min 500mm) ‘A240TYPE304 ‘Skirt-Lower A283GrC Base Blooks A283GrC Saddle Pad A240TYPE304 Saddle A283Gr0 Lugs A283GrC Legs 36 Externals (welded to shell) °25 A240TYPE304 External Bolts AS20GrB8CI2/ A193Gr88C12" External Nuts A194Gr8 Foundation Bolts 307613 Foundation Nuts ‘AS63GrA Intermals Supports welded to shell A240TYPES04 Ladder Rungs ‘AATSTYPESO4 Intemal Pipings A312GrTP304 Grating, Baffle, Distributor A2A0TYPESO4 Vortex Breaker ‘A240TYPE3O4 Screen Wire Mesh Demister (g04ss) Intemal Bolting (048s) Lifting Lugs "32 Kes Tubes 30 A2agGrTP304 Tube Sheets A336CIF304 Floating Head Flanges ‘A336CIF304 Floating Head Covers ‘A240TYPESO4 Backing Device ‘A336CIF304 Tie rods ‘AATOTYP304 Spacers A312GrTP304 Vessels/Support Piates/Sealing Strip ‘A240TYPESO4 Pass Partition ‘A240TYPE304 Impingement Baffles ‘A240TYPE304 Guide Rail U-tube Cramo Band A240TYPE3O4 Note: 1) A320GrB8CI2 has no Code allowable stress when design temperature is over 100°F (38°C). ‘A193GrB8CI2 can be used as alternative. This case may happen for heat exchanger, one side is cold and another side is hot. GR-TEGI-1231-5404 Appondix(a) Page 6 of 12 Table AA-CMo__ [Refer to text, 6.2.1(6)] Material Code Part Name ‘Mo Shell (Plate) "26 C-Mo Shell (Pipe) "1 A335GrP1 Head 12 Mo Reinforcing pad Mo Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Forge) ASQ6CIFA Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Plate) A204G18 ANSI Flange A182GF1 Nozzle Neck (Plate) Mo. Nozzle Neck (Pipe) AS356rP1 Nozzle Neck (Forge) AN82GrF1 ‘Skirt-Upper (min 500mm) CMO. Skirt-Lower A283GrC Base Blocks A283GrC Saddle Pad CMO. Saddle A283GrC Lugs A2B3GrC Legs A36 Externals (welded to shell) *25 C-Mo External Bolts A193Gr816 External Nuts A194Gr4 Foundation Bolts A3076r8 Foundation Nuts AS63GrA Internals Supports welded to shell Mo Ladder Rungs (CrMo) Internat Pipings A335GrP 1 Grating, Baffle, Distributor Mo Vortex Breaker Mo Screen Wire Mesh Demister (30488) Internal Bolting (30488) Lifting Lugs "32 Kcs Tubes 2096171 Tube Sheets AS36CIF1 Floating Head Flanges AS36CIF1 Floating Head Covers Mo. Backing Device A336CIF1 Tie rods (Cr-Mo) Spacers A335GrP1 ‘Vessels/Support Plates/Sealing Strip Mo. Pass Partition CMO Impingement Baffles CMO Guide Rail U-tube Cramo Band CMO. Note : C-Mo : Carbon half molybdenum stee! ‘Where C-Mo is specified, the same material as shell plate shall be used. See *9 on Appendix (1). GR-TEGI-1281-5404 Appendi(s) Page 7 of 12 Table AA-MnMoNi [Refer to text, 6.2.1(7)] Material Code Part Name Mn-MONi_ “13 ‘Shell (Plate) “26 Mn-Mo-Ni Head Mn-Mo-Ni Reinforcing pad Mn-Mo-Ni Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Forge) A508Gr.3 Clt ANSI Flange A182GrF1 Nozzle Neck (Plate) Mn-Mo-Ni Nozzle Neck (Pipe) A3356)P1 Nozzle Neck (Forge) AS08Gr.3 Cl1 Skirt-Upper (min 500mm) Mn-Mo- Skirt-Lower A283GrC Base Blocks A283GrC Saddle Pad Mn-Mo-Ni Saddle A283GrC Lugs A283G1C Externals (welded to shell) "25; ‘A204GA External Bolts A1936rB16 External Nuts Aig4Grd Foundation Bolts A3076rB Foundation Nuts AS63GrA Internals Supports welded to shell ‘A204GrA Ladder Rungs (Cr-Mo) lateral Pipings A335GrP1 Grating, Baffle, Distributor A204GrA Vortex Breaker ‘A204GrA, Screen Wire Mesh Demister (3048S) Intemal Botting (20488) Lifting Lugs "32 Kcs Tubes A209GrT1 Tube Sheets A508Gr.3 Cit Floating Head Flanges ‘A508Gr.3 Ct Floating Head Covers Mn-Mo-Ni Backing Device ‘AS08Gr.3 Clt Tie rods (Cr-Mo) Spacers A335GrP1 Vessels/Support Plates/Sealing Strip A204GrA Pass Partition A204GrA Impingement Baffles A204GrA Guide Rail U-tube Cramo Band A204GrA, Note: Mn-Mo-Ni: A302Gr.C and AS33Tp.C Clt ‘Where Nin-Mo-Ni is specified, the same material as shell plate shall be used. GR-TEGI-1291-5404 Appendix(3) Page 8of 12 Table AA-CrMo___|Refer to text, 6.2.1(8)] Material Coe Part Name CrMo “14 Sheil (Plate) “26 387 Shell (Pine) A335 Head “15 A387 Reinforcing pad A387 Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Forge) A336 Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Plate) A387 ANSI Flange Al82 Nozzle Neck (Plate) A387 Nozzle Neck (Pipe) A335 Nozzle Neck (Forge) A182 ‘Skirl-Upper (min 500mm) A387 Skirt-Lower A2B4GrC Base Blocks A283GrC Saddle Pad , A387 Saddle A283GrC Lugs A283GrC Legs A368. Externals (welded to shell) "25 A387 Extemal Bolts “16 A1936187/B16 External Nuts SA194Gr4 Foundation Bolts 307618 Foundation Nuts A563GrA Internals Supports welded to shell A387 Ladder Rungs (Cr-Mo) Internal Pipings A335 Grating, Baffle, Distributor A387 Vortex Breaker A387 Screen Wire Mesh Demister (304s) Internal Botting (30488) Lifting Lugs "32 KcS Tubes A213 Tube Sheets A336 Floating Head Flanges A336 Floating Head Covers A387 Backing Device A336 Tie rods (Cr-Mo) Spacers A335 Vessels/Support Plates/Sealing Strip A387 Pass Partition A387 Impingement Baffles A387 Guide Rail U-tube Cramo Band A387 Note : Cr-Mo : See “14 for detail Where Cr-Mo specified, the same material as shell plate shall be used. GR-TEGT-1281-5404 Append(3) Page 9 of 12 Table AA-ASS [Refer to text, 6.2.1(9)] Material Code Part Name Austenitic Stainless Stee! Shell (Plate) “1826 A240 Shell (Pipe) "1 A3t2 Head 45 A240 Reinforcing pad "21 A240 Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Forge) “20 A336 Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Plate) *20 A240 ANSI Flange A182 Nozzle Neck (Plate) *20 A240 Nozzle Neck (Pipe) "20 Agi2 Nozzle Neck (Forge) *20 A182 Skirt-Upper (min 500mm) *21 A240 Skirt-Lower A283GrC Base Blocks A283GrC Saddle Pad “21 A240 Saddle A283GrC Lugs A283GrC Legs A36 Externals (welded to shell) *25 A240 External Bolts *21 “33 A193GrB8 External Nuts *21 "33 A194Gr8 Foundation Botts 307618 Foundation Nuts ASESGrA Intermals Supports welded to shell A240 Ladder Rungs Aa79 Internal Pipings A3t2 Grating, Baffle, Distributor A240 Vortex Breaker A240 Screen Wire Mesh Demister (048s) Internal Bolting (048s) Lifting Lugs *32 Kes Tubes "30 A249 Tube Sheets A336 Floating Head Flanges A336 Floating Head Covers A240 Backing Device 1336 Tie rods ‘A479 Spacers, A312 \Vessels/Support Plates/Sealing Strip A240 Pass Partition A240 impingement Baffles A240 Guide Rail U-tube Cramo Band A240 Note : A240 means various kinds of austenitic stainless steel, ‘Where A240 is specified, the same material as shell plate shall be used. GR-TEGI-1231-5404 Append) Page 10 of 12 Table AA-FSS _[Referto text, 6.2.1(10)] Material Part Name Fenitio Stainless Steel Shell (Plate) CLAD Head CLAD Reinforcing pad Same as base material of clad Girth Flanges & Flat Covers (Forge) A182 ANSI Flange Overlay Nozzle Neck (Plate) CLAD Nozzle Neck (Pipe) Pipe Sleeve Nozzle Neck (Forge) Pipe Sleeve ‘Skirt-Upper (min 500) “21 Skir-Lower A283Gro Base Blocks A283GrC Saddle Pad ‘Same as base material of clad Saddle A283GrC Lugs A283GrC Legs ARG Externals (welded to shell) *25 "21 External Bolts 1936187 External Nuts A194Gr2H_ Foundation Bolts A30761B Foundation Nuts AS63GrA Intermals Supports welded to shell A240 Ladder Rungs A479 Internal Piping - Grating, Baffle, Distributor A240 Vortex Breaker A240 Screen Wire Mesh Demister (30488) Internal Botting (3048s) Lifting Lugs “32 Kes) Tubes A268 (Seamless) Tube Sheets Aie2 Floating Head Flanges : Floating Head Covers e Backing Device : Tie rods Aa79 Spacers : \Vessels/Support Plates/Sealing Strip A240 Pass Partition A240 Impingement Baffles A240 Guide Rail U-tube Cramo Band A240 Note : Base material of clad plate shall be selected in accordance with Table ANN, GR-TEG1-231-5404 Appendx(3} Page 11 of 2 “1, Applicable to shells of inside diameter not exceeding 400mm, *2, A234GrWPB in case of pipe shell. "3. KCS-1 denotes the following materials of fine grain killed stee!: AS15Gr60 AS15Gr70 “4. _KCS-2 denotes the following materials of coarse grain killed steel: AS15Gr60 AS15Gr70 *5. _ FKS denotes the following materials: ‘AS16Gr70 + UGB4 AS16Gr60 + UGE4 ASS7CI1 + UGB4 A537Ci2 + UGB4 %6. AA20GrWPL-6 in case of pipe shell “7. It shall be properly used as follows by the division of temperature: Up to -20°F(-28°C) Below -20°F(-29°C) Tube material A179 A334Gr1 “8. 3.5Ni denotes the following material: A203GrD + UGB A203GrE + UGE4 A203GrF + UG84 “9. A420GrWPL.3 in case of pipe shell. "10. A403GrWP304 in case of pipe shell. “11. C-Mo denotes the following material: A204GrA, 204618 "42, A234GrWP1 in case of pipe shell “43. Mn-Mo-Ni denotes the following materials: A3026rC AS33GrCCIt “14. The material indication by steel types of Cr-Mo is as follows : Steel Type O.5Cr = 0.5Mo 1Gr_= 0.5Mo 7.25Cr-_0.5Mo Plate A387 Gr2Cit or Ci2 Gri2CH or Cl2 Gri 1CHT or Cl2 Pipe Flange A182 F2 Fi2 Fit Pipe A312 Grr2 GrP12 GiPtt Tube A213. Grt2 Grit2 Grit Cap Head A234 Grpw2 GPw12 GrPw1t Forge A336 cir2 ciFt2 CIrtt Steel Type 2.25Cr - 10 3Cr Scr Cr Plate A387 Gra Gr2i Gro Gre Pipe Flange A182 F22 Fat FS, FO Pipe A312 GrP22 Grr2t GrPS rpg Tube A213 Grt22 Grr21 GTS Grta CaP Head A234. GrWP 22 GiwPet GrwPs Grwea Forge A336 caF22 Cir24 CIES fotze) “15, Use cap head when using pipe shell “16. A193GrB7 when design temperature Lower than 800°F (427°C). “17, The steel type indication of austenitic stainless steel is as follows: Steel Type 304, 30a 316 376L Eval 347 Plate A240 TYPE304 | TYPES04L | TYPES16 | TEPY316L | TYPES21 | TYPES47 Piping Flange A1é2__ | F304 F304. F316 F316L F321 F347 Pipe A312 Grtpso4 | GrTP3so4. | GrTPs16 | GrTPai6L | GrTP321 | GriPsa7 Tube A249 GrTP304 | GrTP304. | GrTP316 | GrTP3i6L | GrTP321_ | GrTP347 Cap Head A403 GrwPsos | GrwP304. | GrPsie | GrwP3i6L | GrwP321 | GrwP347 Forge A336 ciFs04 = | cirsoa. | cirsi6 =| irate. | ciF321 cIF347 Bar A479 Gr304 Groat | G36 Grstel__| Gra2t Gr347 "18. Use clad steel for those exceeding 16mm. GR-TEGI-1231-5404_Append(s) Page 12 of 12 "19. Not applied *20. When shell is made of clad steel Flange ‘Overlay Nozzle Neck (plate) Clad Nozzle Neck (pipe) Sleeve Nozzle Neck (Forge) Sleeve Flat Covers Lining ‘The restriction of sleeve, lining shall be referred to D-101 para.3.5. "24, Same material selected from the material selection table of clad base metal. "22. Not applied *23. The steel type indication of ferritic stainless steel is as follows: Steel Type _ | 405 410, 430, Plate A240 [TYPE405 | TYPE410S_| TYPE430 Forge A182 | F6a (24) Féa (24) F430 Pipe Tube Az | TP405 TP410 Ty430 BarAa79 | Gré05 Grat0s, 61430 "24, The max.C shall be 0.08 when there is welded part. "25, The externals (welded to shell) shall include the following: External Lugs (for P&L, piping) Manhole hinge and davit support "26. Consider forged shell or multilayer shell when plate thickness exceeds 160mm or in the case of D/r<20. +27. Plate material of A516Gr60/70 can be used if economical *28. For the case of design temperature over 360°C, the same material as shell shall be used. "29, To avoid the martensite formation due to cold forming, solution heat treatment after forming shall be applied. if the solution heat treatment is not applied, the material shall be 304LSS. *30. The material specification for seamless tube shall be A213TPxxx. "31. The usage of seamless / welded tubes are in accordance with para.4.8 of this manual. "32, Pad plate for lifting lug shall be same material as shell plate. *33, A193G1B7, A194Gr2H shall be used for austenitic solid flange of design temperature lower than 200°C. rouvo BD szoan ENGINEERING GUIDE GR-TEG1-1231-5404 Toyo Encnveznine Corr. Standard Materials Selection for Pressure Vessels HISTORY ISSUED | _TUL.1,99 ASME P.V. Code & ASTM Materials PAGE 1 OF History Rev_[ DATE Description 0 | Aug.18,'85 (@ Background ‘Material selection standards are the basic specification of vessel engineering and it shall be Newly prepared prepared for each job. In order to enhance the efficiency of engineering, the necessity of by Equipment standardization of selection standards has been recognized and prepared. This material Design Group as selection standard have been incorporated into vessel design system SDB2000 as the basis, TEM 4102 of automatic material selection, (2) Prepared by Mr. Shigeharu Maruyama, Equipment Design Group (V/S) (3) Participants in consultation: Equipment Design Group (V/S) 1 |DEC.1, 92 @)_Dooament No. was changed from TEM-4102 to TEG 1-1231-404 dueto the reorganization System of the standard system, reorganization 2 | Mar.15,"96 ()_ In order to use the guide in abroad, the basic parts related to ASME P.V. Code and ASTM materials are summarized and English translated. Also, by this chance , some parts of the Issued {guide have been modified in conjunction with the revision of ASME P.V. Code. The Incorporated edition related to is 1995 winter ed. comments @) Prepared by Mr. Kiyoshi Nakao, Process Equipment Dept. (W/S) Process Equipment Dept. | (3) Participants in consultation: Process Equipment Dept. (V/S) «Wis) 3 | Mar.23,°99 () Contents is modified in conjunction with the revision of ASME Code. Issued @) Prepared by Mr. Tatsushi Shinogaya, Process Equipment Dept, Incorporated ‘comments (3) Participants in consultation: Process Equipment Dept Process Equipment Dept. ow ‘APR.01,°08 | (i) Background and Reasons for Revision Restructuring As part of Global Toyo pronotion, following establishnent of Global-Toyo for Global-Toyo | Standard as an action of Subcommittee-G, document number has been revised Standard with suffix GR and without suffix E. Equipnent Revised {rom TEGI-1231-404E to GR-TBGI~1291-5404 Engineering | (2) Department and Author Division Prepared by Equipment Engineering Division Kiuchi Tatsubiko For acana14a 6805) ENGINEERING MANUAL CONTROL SHEET ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT TECH, DEPT. ORIGINATOR No. qe AUTHO ‘APVD | CHKD | MADE GR-TES, STANDARD MATERIALS SELECTION FOR PRESSURE. a 11291-4842 |VESSELS(ASME P.V. ODE ASTM HATERIALS) ® @ TECH, DEPT, ORIGINATOR Rev.| DATE DESCRIPTION eee es AUTH. ‘APD 0 | MADE Oj JUL. -1,°99 OR fe om co) [APR ~1,08 Restructuring for Global-Toyo Standard : AS Se Step FORM Ac20.022A (8609)

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