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essay outline 

After reading the following articles, evaluate each author’s use of rhetoric and its effectiveness.
Consider the following:
1. Which appeals did the authors use well?
2. In which did they lack?
3. How/why was the use of these appeals effective on their audience? 
It is important to begin your essay by mapping it out. What is the topic? What will be supporting your topic? 
What will each paragraph focus on? Take the next few minutes to map it out.  
Please use the sample below to write your essay. On the left is an example of each part of the essay. To the 
right, you will write each part of your essay.  
essay outline 

Body Paragraph Two- 2nd appeal   Body Paragraph Two- 2nd appeal 
Chunk 1- Author’s use of ____   Chunk 1- Author’s use of Pathos 
A. Topic sentence​:​ Describe the  Many authors use the appeal pathos in their argument to 
function of the appeal  establish emotion which provides credibility and they 
  use this appeal to suggest that the author and audience 
B. Context​:    share attitudes, beliefs, and values. An example of an 
Include any information the  article where pathos is found can be “The Holocaust 
reader needs to know in order  Stole My Youth. Covid-19 Is Stealing My Last Years” by 
to understand your quote.  Toby Levy. She establishes emotion by using the 
Lead into the quote here.   Holocaust as an opportunity to make the audience feel 
  pity for her and this helps with the author’s connection 
C. Evidence:​ ​information,  to the audience, strengthens credibility and argument. A 
examples, & quotes from the  quote that portrays his and evokes emotion is “​I keep 
text. Be sure to have words  very busy, and it helps me a lot. I am trying not to give 
before or after it with a  up. But what is getting me down is that I am losing a 
citation at the end (Last Name  year. And this bothers me terribly. I’m 87 years old, and I 
Paragraph #).   lost almost a full year​ (Levy, Paragraph 3).” In this quote, 
(​Where does s/he use it-  she recalls her experiences in the Holocaust and explains 
show us by quoting or  how quarantine is stealing a year from her already very 
paraphrasing)   short life. She efficiently shows how impacting this 
  pandemic has been on her and how she is faring 
Analysisx2:​ discuss how and  emotionally because of quarantine. This appeal was used 
why this appeal was effectively  effectively by Toby Levy because she provides repetition 
used by the author. Consider  throughout her article by repeating about how Covid-19 
SOAPSTONE & Triangle details  is stealing her last years which provides emphasis, her 
a) The tone created by  tone was also effective because she writes in a formal 
the author   tone for her audience of all ages as that everyone is 
b) Diction (word choice)  experiencing the pandemic. Her word choice is also used 
c) Provides clarity   effectively because this helps in the article being read 
d) Repetition provides  easily and her word choice also makes her argument 
emphasis   flow well. 
e) Logical/Relevance    
f) Credible/Trustworthy   
g) Author evokes   
Chunk 2- Author 2’s use of _____  Chunk 2- Author 2’s use of Pathos 
Kristin Lin’s use of the appeal pathos throughout her 
essay outline 

D. Topic sentence​:​ Describe the  article was very effective. An example of where pathos is 
function of the appeal  shown is in the article “​Because of You Guys, I’m Stuck 
  in My Room.”​ She establishes her use of pathos by 
E. Context​:    sharing multiple stories of different residents which 
Include any information the  evokes a different emotion in each story. A quote that 
reader needs to know in order  portrays this is the title which says “Because of you 
to understand your quote.  guys, I’m stuck in my room. I would like to put you in my 
Lead into the quote here.   room for a week and see how you like it (LIn, Title).” This 
  is effective because it puts us in the shoes of a most 
F. Evidence:​ ​information,  likely old woman who is struggling to stay sane through 
examples, & quotes from the  the pandemic. It makes the audience feel somewhat 
text. Be sure to have words  guilty and more inclined to practice safety outside the 
before or after it with a  house to protect people like her. Another quote that 
citation at the end (Last Name  evokes pathos is “​we received an email from her 
Paragraph #).  residential care facility saying that four staff members 
(​Where does s/he use it-  had tested positive. Mom tested negative. But soon after, 
show us by quoting or  she called telling me her next-door neighbor was sick 
paraphrasing)    with the virus. I started planning how I could remove my 
  mom from the facility (Lin, Paragraph 5).” In this quote, 
Analysisx2:​ discuss how and  Lin uses Pathos to let us connect emotionally with the 
why this appeal was effectively  people who have family during covid-19, and their 
used by the author. Consider  conditions through the stories help us learn to care more 
SOAPSTONE & Triangle details  for the people surrounding us. Kristin Lin evoked 
h) The tone created by  emotion effectively because it helped with her credibility 
the author   in her argument as that she does not have an ethos 
i) Diction (word choice)  which is important for credibility. She uses tone 
j) Provides clarity   effectively because there are different tones in each story 
k) Repetition provides  and not all of them have the same tone which 
emphasis   strengthens her argument. 
l) Logical/Relevance    
m) Credible/Trustworthy   
n) Author evokes   
Chunk 3- Author 3’s use of _____  Chunk 3- Author 3’s use of Pathos 
G. Topic sentence​:​ Describe the  Jal Mehta uses pathos to show the emotion of how 
function of the appeal  students feel during education in Covid-19. An example 
  of pathos shown is the article “Make Schools More 
H. Context​:    Human by Jal Mehta.” He establishes this by showing us 
how education is heading in the wrong direction and 
essay outline 

Include any information the  how Covid-19 showed us how to fix it. This evokes 
reader needs to know in order  pathos because he shows how Covid-19 can be good and 
to understand your quote.  bad at the same time. A quote that shows Jal Mehta’s 
Lead into the quote here.   use of pathos is “​Some students have ​actually liked not 
  being in school​ — the lack of social pressure and anxiety 
I. Evidence:​ ​information,  has made them more able to focus on learning (Mehta, 
examples, & quotes from the  Paragraph 7).” This quote is describing how students 
text. Be sure to have words  felt before online school. He uses the words anxiety and 
before or after it with a  social pressure to describe the emotion how many 
citation at the end (Last Name  students feel and can relate to. ​The author Mehta in this 
Paragraph #). (​Where does  quote explains that students need more support because 
s/he use it- show us by  they need to feel that they are honored for their work, he 
quoting or paraphrasing)    also mentions that students also need support in 
  education for their future to be successful. Mehta uses 
Analysisx2:​ discuss how and  these two explanations in order to connect emotions 
why this appeal was effectively  with the readers for greater persuasion. He uses diction 
used by the author. Consider  effectively because he uses easy words like “lack of 
SOAPSTONE & Triangle details  anxiety and social pressure.” He uses logic and relevance 
o) The tone created by  effectively by providing links to different articles that 
the author   prove his claims and this makes him look trustworthy 
p) Diction (word choice)  and credible to his audience which helps with ethos. 
q) Provides clarity    
r) Repetition provides 
s) Logical/Relevance  
t) Credible/Trustworthy 
u) Author evokes 
Concluding Sentence:   Kristin Lin's piece was most persuasive because she 
I. Make an assertion as to who used this  gathered many stories from many people who were/are 
appeal most effectively and WHY.   struggling because of the pandemic and she also uses 
  different emotions in the different paragraphs which 
improve her argument. Even the use of the quote 
"Because of You Guys, I’m Stuck in My Room" conveys 
an emotional feeling to the reader. 
essay outline 

Body Paragraph Three- Last Appeal   Body Paragraph Three- Last Appeal 
Chunk 1- Author’s use of _____  Chunk 1- Author’s use of Logos 
J. Topic sentence​:​ Describe the  Many authors use logos which provide facts and 
function of the appeal  statistics to strengthen their argument and prove their 
  claims throughout their article. An example of where 
K. Context​:    logos are shown in the article “The Holocaust Stole My 
Include any information the  Youth. Covid-19 Is Stealing My Last Years by Toby Levy.” 
reader needs to know in order  She establishes logos throughout her article by 
to understand your quote.  providing facts of historical events like the Holocaust. A 
Lead into the quote here.   quote that shows this is “​I was born in 1933 in a small 
  town called Chodorow, now Khodoriv, about 30 minutes 
L. Evidence:​ ​information,  by car from Lvov, now Lviv, in what was then Poland and 
examples, & quotes from the  is now Ukraine. We lived in the center of town in my 
text. Be sure to have words  grandfather’s house. The Russians occupied the town 
before or after it with a  from 1939 to 1941, then the Germans from 1941 to 
citation at the end (Last Name  1944 (Levy, Paragraph 5).” ​Levy uses logos in paragraph 
Paragraph #).   5 where she explained what was happening, where she 
(​Where does s/he use it-  lived, her age, the time period she was born into, and the 
show us by quoting or  living conditions she was forced to endure. She also 
paraphrasing)   explains the time that the Russians came from 
  1939-1941 and the time that the German came from 
Analysisx2:​ discuss how and  1941-1944. Levy uses logical and relevant data to back 
why this appeal was effectively  up her argument which is used effectively, this can be 
used by the author. Consider  portrayed from the quote “​the Germans said they were 
SOAPSTONE & Triangle details  going to relocate the remaining Jews to the ghetto in 
v) Tone created by  Lvov (Levy, Paragraph 6).” She also provides clarity by 
author   providing facts and statistics which help support her 
w) Diction (word choice)  argument. She helped the audience evoke emotion for 
x) Provides clarity   her in paragraph 6 where she describes what she 
y) Repetition provides  experienced in the HOlocaust and this evokes sympathy. 
z) Logical/Relevance    
aa) Credible/Trustworthy   
bb) Author evokes   
Chunk 2- Author 2’s use of ____  Chunk 2- Author 2’s use of Logos 
M. Topic sentence​:​ Describe the  Many authors use logos in an effective way to help with 
function of the appeal  their argument’s credibility and help strengthen the 
essay outline 

  author’s connection with the audience. An example of 

N. Context​:    this is the article “​Because of You Guys, I’m Stuck in My 
Include any information the  Room by Kristin Lin.” She establishes logos to help with 
reader needs to know in order  her argument’s credibility because she does not use 
to understand your quote.  ethos effectively. A quote that establishes logos in this 
Lead into the quote here.   article is​ “​Residents of nursing homes and senior living 
  communities were vulnerable to some of the earliest 
O. Evidence:​ ​information,  Covid-19 outbreaks. They will now be among the first 
examples, & quotes from text.  groups to receive vaccines.” ​This quote describes how the 
Be sure to have words before  residents in facilities and communities will be one of the first 
or after it with citation at the  groups to receive a vaccine. This shows logos because of the 
end (Last Name Paragraph #).  logical standpoint and the reason for the elderly to get the 
(​Where does s/he use it-  vaccine first. Kristin Lin uses logical and relevant data to help 
show us by quoting or  the audience know about what is happening right now and 
what is going to happen in which the residents in facilities 
are going to take the vaccine. She uses different tones and 
  evokes different types of emotions in each paragraph about 
Analysisx2:​ discuss how and  each resident but the most used tone and emotion is fear and 
why this appeal was effectively  worry. 
used by the author. Consider   
SOAPSTONE & Triangle details   
cc) Tone created by   
dd) Diction (word choice)   
ee) Provides clarity    
ff) Repetition provides   
gg) Logical/Relevance    
hh) Credible/Trustworthy   
ii) Author evokes   
emotion  Chunk 3- Author 3’s use of logos 
Chunk 3- Author 3’s use of____  Many authors use logos to help the author persuade 
P. Topic sentence​:​ Describe the  their audience and this helps the audience believe your 
function of the appeal  claims. An example of this appeal is “​Make Schools More 
  Human by Jal Mehta.” Mehta establishes logos by 
Q. Context​:    providing proof of his claims by using facts and 
Include any information the  statistics. A quote that shows this appeal is “​There is 
reader needs to know in order  little doubt that going to school is, on average, better for 
to understand your quote.  students. They are frequently tuning out of virtual 
Lead into the quote here.   learning (Mehta, Paragraph 3).” This quote shows Mehta 
essay outline 

  using facts saying that students are better off going to 
R. Evidence:​ ​information,  school and virtual learning isn't helping. Mehta uses 
examples, & quotes from text.  logos in this quote effectively because he uses evidence 
Be sure to have words before  constantly which is by providing articles that support his 
or after it with citation at the  points throughout the article. This quote ​points out that 
end (Last Name Paragraph #).  Covid let us have more opportunities to make up our miss on 
(​Where does s/he use it-  education. This improves the persuasion because he includes 
show us by quoting or  logical reasons that prove his claim. Jal Mehta provides 
paraphrasing)    clarity by providing facts and statistics which are the links to 
  the articles and this also helps him in persuading his 
Analysisx2:​ discuss how and  audience of his topic. He uses an educational and serious 
tone throughout and this helps him with the argument’s 
why this appeal was effectively 
used by the author. Consider   
SOAPSTONE & Triangle details 
jj) Tone created by 
kk) Diction (word choice) 
ll) Provides clarity  
mm) Repetition 
provides emphasis  
nn) Logical/Relevance  
oo) Credible/Trustworthy 
pp) Author evokes 
Concluding Sentence:   Jal Mehta's article is the most persuasive because he 
II. Make an assertion as to who used this  talks about both topics education and Covid-19 and he 
appeal most effectively and WHY.   also is the most persuasive because he uses logos the 
  most and provides links to articles to support his claims 
which Levy and Lin did not use.  
  I think Jal Mehta was the most persuasive because 
she used logos a couple of times and that showed 
Make an assertion as to who was overall most  that what she was saying were facts because she 
had the numbers to back it up. I think Kristin Lin 
effective through their use of rhetorical appeals.  
  was the least persuasive because she only had 
people give their own opinions on their experience 
essay outline 

Universal Statement    of quarantine, while Jal Mehta had logos to back her 
up and Toby Levy was chronicling historical events.  
Example #1  
The use of pathos in any argument helps the author connect more deeply with their audience, allowing the
audience to respond to the author emotionally. In Jal Mehta’s article, “Make Schools More Human: ​The
pandemic showed us how education was broken. It also showed us how to fix it,​” he consistently appeals
to his audience’s emotions through his use of precise diction. When he discusses the impossible
circumstances families find themselves in regards to education, and calls the situation “shameful” (2). By
using this word, shameful, Mehta connects with his audience emotionally, and therefore uses pathos
effectively, because the readers are able to see, on a personal level, the impact this pandemic has had on
real people.  
Example #2  
Rhetors often use logos when they are trying to illustrate the rational and logical sides of an argument. This 
can often be done through the use of statistics or data to draw conclusions or make connections. Toby Levy, 
in the article, “The Holocaust Stole My Youth. Covid-19 Is Stealing My Last Years,” uses facts about her 
childhood during the holocaust and compares it to our current pandemic with COVID-19. She describes her 
horrific living situations in which she hid in a barn for two years, with just a wall separating her from the 
chickens and pigs that resided there. In this four by five foot space, Levy lived with nine other people and 
describes how she “didn’t know if [she] would see another day.” She goes on to say “I didn’t have any 
freedom. I couldn’t speak loudly. I couldn’t laugh. I couldn’t cry. But now I can feel freedom” (Levy 9). By 
emphasizing all the things she “couldn’t” do repeatedly and then proceeding to describe all the things she is 
able to do during this current pandemic allows the reader to reflect on the freedom we still have. This 
emphasis helps to effectively illustrate the reality of our situation.  
Transition words/phrases 
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