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By Aariz Khan

Research Skills Practice
Currency 1. What date was this article written?
This article was written on the 18th of December 2018.

2. Do you think the information in the article is current OR historical? (highlight)

Relevance 3. Which of the topics below is this article most relevant for? (highlight)
(a) How to use the Ministry for the Environment’s website
(b) What are microplastics?
(c) Changes to tackle NZ’s waste problem

4. Write down one fact with evidence you found in this article
“Associate Minister for the Environment Eugenie Sage today confirmed retailers
would no longer be able to sell or give away single-use plastic shopping bags from
July, after Cabinet agreed to the proposed regulations for a mandatory nationwide
phase out of these bags”.

5. Write down one opinion you found in the article.

“manufacturers, retailers and consumers all have a responsibility to reduce waste and
prevent plastic pollution".

Authority 6. Is there an author listed? Yes OR No (highlight one)

7. Who published the article?

The article was published by NZ Herald.

8. What is the name of the person quoted in the article (gives information that is
used in the article?
The name of the person quoted in the article is Eugenie Sage.

9. Are they a good or bad source of information about the topic? Explain why you
think that.
Undoubtedly, Eugenie Sage is a good source of information as he is an expert or
knowledgeable in his field. When material comes from a reputable and authoritative
figure who provides information so detailed, there is no question of accuracy.

Appropriate 10. Do you think this article is easy to understand? Show what you understand by
writing about why plastic bags have been banned in your own words.
Yes, this article is easy to understand, thus making it very clear that plastic is a
fundamental threat to our species. The evidence of plastic pollution is apparent. It is
killing many marine lives. Plastic is basically not biodegradable, so it will not dissolve.
It is passed up the food chain when predators, such as humans, eat sea animals.
Microplastics are small enough to be ingested by sea animals, including those that
end up on our plate. Therefore, plastic is a never-ending cycle of harm.
By Aariz Khan
Purpose 11. Highlight the reason you think the article was written.
To entertain people
To give information to people
To persuade people
Look back at the question marked with a (question 3). For the topic you
highlighted here, is this article a good place to find information on your topic? Why or
why not?
This article is not a good place to find information regarding changes to tackle New
Zealand’s waste problem as it focuses on the ban of single use plastic bags only and
not on other wastes that contribute to New Zealand’s waste problem. Adding on,
plastic only contributes to 20% of waste entering New Zealand’s landfill.

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