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Assignment No.

Submitted To :
Ma’am Riffat Jabeen
Submitted By :
M. Asad Ali
Roll No :
28 (Mor)
Assignment Topic:

Dear Sir / Madam My name is Asad Ali , l am a Business student at Ghazi University Dara Ghazi Khan. My
Research interest is related to the firm performance in an any firm . This study is Aimed at how an banking industry
can improve their employee performance . It will take 20-35 minutes to complete the questionnaire. There are four
section ( A, B, C , And D) to be filled out. I highly appreciate your participation in this research. Thank you
Yours sincerely Asad Ali

Demographics Questions

1. Age: what is your age?

a) 18-20
b) 21-24
c) 25-28
d) 29- or older

2. Gender: What is your gender?

a) Male
b) Female
c) Other
3. Martial Status: What is your marital status?
a) Single
b) Married
c) Widow
d) Divorced
4. If married tell total number children? ________________________________ Please specify

5.What is your salary?___________________________________________ Please specify

6. What is your monthly income?____________________________please specify

Firm Performance

Question Strongly Tend to Hard to Tend to Strongly

Agree Agree decide Disagree disagree

1 2 3 4 5
1 Overall I am satisfied working in this

2 People in senior management respect

my personal rights.

3 I am often expected to this things that

are not reasonable

4 I have confidence in the judgment of

senior management and staff

5 There is a friendly feeling b/w

management and staff

6 Management usually keeps us informed

about things we want to know.

7 This is a good place for people trying to

get ahead in their career

8 This is a good place for training and

personal development

9 Management is not very interested in

the feeling of staff

10 I know exactly what is expected of me

and my Job.
Job Stress

Question Strongly Tend to Hard to Tend to Strongly

Agree Agree decide Disagree disagree

1 2 3 4 5
1 Start of a new job or
new training

2 Poor job description or

uncertainty about exact job
3 Change in work hours or
work conditions

4 Lack of preparation when

organizational changes occur

5 Inadequate or weak recognition

for good job performance

6 Achieving professional goals

or a new internship

7 Failure in understanding or
accomplishing a task

8 Lack of necessary skills

and abilities to perform
adequately at work
9 Constant interruptions (e.g., telephone,

10 Difficulties with career decisions

11 Too heavy a work load

12 Unreasonable time pressures

13 Many emergencies at work

14 Uncooperative colleagues
Training and Development

Question Strongly Tend to Hard to Tend to Strongly

Agree Agree decide Disagree disagree

1 2 3 4 5
1 Supervisor's efforts to identify your
strengths and weaknesses

2 The quality of orientation and training

received for your current position in the
3 The mentoring you are currently
receiving from senior peers

4 Management's support for my efforts to

improve my weaknesses

5 Current performance appraisal process

6 Employee evaluations

7 Employee Perks and Rewards

8 The process for identifying candidates

to fill open positions

9 Positive recognition by your immediate


10 Feedback from customers

Job Satisfaction

Question All of the Most of the Some of the Little of the None of the
time time time time time
1 2 3 4 5

How often was your performance

1 higher?
than most workers on your job?.

2 How often was your performance

than most workers on your job
3 How often did you do no work at
when you were supposed to be
4 How often did you find yourself not?
working as carefully as you should?
5 How often was the quality of your
lower than it should have been?
6 How often did you not concentrate?
enough on your work?
7 How often did health problems limit
kind or amount of work you could do?
Private Sector

Question Strongly Tend to Hard to Tend to Strongly

Agree Agree decide Disagree disagree

1 2 3 4 5
1 Are you concerned over the stability of
government rules, regulations and
policies that affect your business?

2 Do you fear retrospective changes of

rules or regulations?

3 To what extent do you believe that

affected businesses are informed or
consulted during the process of
developing regulations or policies?

4 When the government announces major

policies, how confident are you that they
will be fully implemented?

5 “Changes of government are usually

accompanied by large changes in rules
and regulations that have an impact on
my business.” To what extent do you
agree with this statement?

6 Do you feel that your business is

during periods of political uncertainty?
7 How concerned are you for the stability
the political environment in PNG?

8 Has your business ever decided not to

proceed with a major investment
of problems relating to compliance with
government regulations?

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