Canada U18 Strength and Conditioning Program

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Canada u18s Prep Program

Before you begin...

This is a comprehensive general preparation program to get your bodies in shape to compete at age
grade international level. At the bottom of the warm up sheet there is a glossary of exercise links.
Below are answers to some questions you likely have about the program.

Why don't I have a position specific program?

Regardless of your position, in these developping years all players will need to get bigger, faster,
stronger, fitter and more robust. As a result, the majority of the program will be general prep.
Conditioning targets are individualized based on your current fitness levels.

What do I do if I have an injury?

Try to work around your injury to continue progressing. i.e. if the program says to do back squat but
you hurt your back, try split squats, if that hurts, try leg press, if that hurts, try leg extensions, etc...
Injuries are an unfortunate reality of contact sports. The important thing is to keep finding ways to
work around injuries without making them worse.

I read on the internet that...

Keep in mind when doing your own research on the internet that most popular articles and training
methods on the internet are A) not made with developping athletes in mind B) are likely not
progressed properly and C) typically focus on aesthetics over performance. Follow the program and
look to progress slowly over time. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Looking to hit PRs every week
will likely lead to injury and stall your progress on and off the field.

What do the colours mean for week 1-2, week 3-4, etc...
I've colour coded the workouts and speed sessions with the calendar to try and make it easier to
understand when to do which workouts. If you find that confusing, just look for the date and the
week # on the right hand side of the calendar. "The only place
where success
"Talk is cheap -
Points for this program: comes before
effort is free"
1. Supersets: a lot of your exercises are supersetted. This is indicated in the "Exercise #" column. work is in the
This means you complete the exercises back to back with no rest between. i.e. If 1A is push ups dictionary"
and 1B is broad jump. Complete all reps of push ups, then complete all reps of broad jump, then

2. Rest: Rest 1min between warm up sets and 2-3 min between work sets for strength exercises.
Your core/neck circuits can be completed with minimal rest between sets.

3. Exercise Intensity: always keep 1 rep in the tank for all exercises. There will be a time to perform
max effort lifts, however in the build up for u18s you should be focusing on technique and slowly
adding weight to working sets. Your goal should be to not miss any reps from now until San Diego.

4. Safety: always be as safe as you can for your weight training. Have a spotter, have a coach or
trainer supervise your lifts when possible. Ask for feedback on technique.

5. Consistency: it's important that your training remains relatively steady and builds towards your
competition. A lot of you will have other activities that may supplement some of the sessions in
this program, try and work the schedule around your sport schedule as best you can. i.e. if you
already do on feet conditioning on Tuesdays with your team, you don't need to double up and do
ours as well.
Weekly Schedule - u18s Canada Week #
04-Nov 05-Nov 06-Nov 07-Nov 08-Nov 09-Nov 10-Nov
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 1
Weights Full Body 1 Full Body 2 Upper Body 1 Full Body 3
Speed/Conditioning On Feet 1 Speed 1 On Feet 2
11-Nov 12-Nov 13-Nov 14-Nov 15-Nov 16-Nov 17-Nov
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 2
Weights Full Body 1 Full Body 2 Upper Body 1 Full Body 3
Speed/Conditioning On Feet 1 Speed 1 On Feet 2
18-Nov 19-Nov 20-Nov 21-Nov 22-Nov 23-Nov 24-Nov
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 3
Weights Full Body 1 Full Body 2 Upper Body 1 Full Body 3
Speed/Conditioning Speed 2 On Feet 1 Speed 1 On Feet 2
25-Nov 26-Nov 27-Nov 28-Nov 29-Nov 30-Nov 01-Dec
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 4
Weights Full Body 1 Full Body 2 Upper Body 1 Full Body 3
Speed/Conditioning Speed 2 On Feet 1 Speed 1 On Feet 2
02-Dec 03-Dec 04-Dec 05-Dec 06-Dec 07-Dec 08-Dec
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 5
Weights Full Body 1 Full Body 2 Upper Body 1 Full Body 3
Speed/Conditioning Speed 2 On Feet 1 Speed 1 On Feet 2
09-Dec 10-Dec 11-Dec 12-Dec 13-Dec 14-Dec 15-Dec
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 6
Weights Full Body 1 Full Body 2 Upper Body 1 Full Body 3
Speed/Conditioning Speed 2 On Feet 1 Off Feet 1 Speed 1 On Feet 2 On Feet 3
16-Dec 17-Dec 18-Dec 19-Dec 20-Dec 21-Dec 22-Dec
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 7
Weights Full Body 1 Full Body 2 Upper Body 1 Full Body 3
Speed/Conditioning Speed 2 On Feet 1 Off Feet 1 Speed 1 On Feet 2 On Feet 3
23-Dec 24-Dec 25-Dec 26-Dec 27-Dec 28-Dec 29-Dec
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 8
Deload Deload Deload Compete Compete Compete Compete
U18s Warm Up Guide + Exercise Links
Pick one from every section (General, Foam Roll, Hip Flexor, Hamstring, etc…) and complete prior to every session. As you become
more flexible or if you are looking for variety in your warm up, progress from easy options -> challenging. Remember - if you don't
have time to warm up, you don't have time to workout.
Easy Medium Challenging
Name Sets/Reps Name Sets/Reps Name Sets/Reps
General Warm Up Bike 1 x 3min Elliptical 1 x 3min Row 1 x 3min
Foam Rolling 3-4min - Full body
Hip Flexor (HF) HF Stretch 1 x 30sec e/s Couch Stretch 1 x 30sec e/s R Lunge W/ Overhead Reach 1 x 6 e/s
Hamstring Leg Up and Across 1 x 8e/s Squat to Extension 2 x 10 Supine Hammy Extensions 2 x 10 e/s
Groin Childs Pose 1 x 30sec SL Frogger Stretch 1 x 12 e/s Cossack Squat 2 x 6 e/s
Glutes Pigeon 1 x 20sec e/s 90/90 Stretch 1 x 12 e/s Elevated Pigeon 1 x 20sec e/s
Spinal Flex/Ext Cat/Camel 1 x 15 Foam Roller Ext 1 x 15 FB Flexion to Extension 1 x 10
Spinal Rotation Thread the Needle 1 x 10e/s Side Lying Windmill 2 x 6e/s Chest Opener on Ground 2 x 6e/s
Shoulder Push Push Up 2 x 10 DB Shoulder Press 2 x 10 Feet Elevated Push Up 2 x 10
Shoulder Pull Wall Slide 2 x 10 Face Pull 2 x 12 Chin Up 2 x 5-6
LB Activation Bodyweight Squat 1 x 20 Glute Bridge 1 x 20 Marching Glute Bridge 1 x 30sec
Exercise Links (click on exercise name to view video)
90/90 Chin up Grip Lat Pull Down Glute Bridge Side Lying Windmill
A-Skip Clap Push Up Hammy Swoop x 10m Side Plank
Alternating DB Floor Press Cossack Squat HR Push Up Side Shuffle
Ankling Couch Stretch Incline DB Bench Press Single Arm DB Row
Back Squat Counter movement Jump Incline DB Row SL Frogger Stretch
Barbell RDL DB Bench Press Lat Pull Down Squat to Extension
Barbell Shoulder Press DB Floor Press Lateral Lunge Supine Hammy Extension
BB Full Depth Jump Squat DB Shoulder Press Leg Swing Swiss Ball Deadbug
BB Jump Squat DB Split Squat Leg Up and Across Swiss Ball Neck Nod
Bench Press Drop Push Up Marching Glute Bridge Swiss Ball Rollout
Box Jump Elevated pigeon Neck Bridge on Bench Thread the Needle
Box Squat Face Pull Pallof Press Trap Bar Deadlift
Caraoke FB Flexion to extension Pigeon Trap Bar Jump
Cat/Camel Feet Elevated Push Up Pogo Jumps Wall Slide
Chest Opener on Ground Foam Roller Ext R Lunge w/ OH Reach Weighted Push Up
Childs Pose Front Plank Seated Row
Speed Sessions
There are two important notes for speed training:
1) Warm Up properly: it is crucial that you complete a thorough warm up before each speed session. Soft tissue injuries are likely
to pop up if you walk into a speed session tight or cold. Remember the saying "If you don't have time to warm up, you don't have
time to work out.
2) You must run FAST: It's quite simple but, to get faster you must run fast. Which means 100% effort on max reps. Because it is
a max intensity effort, warm ups and build up sets are CRUCIAL
3) Rest is needed: if you don't have adequate rest between sets/reps then you won't be able to perform at 100%, and thus won't
be getting faster. In between reps for all sessions, use walk back recovery. For example, if the workout is 3 x 10m then run 10m,
walk back slowly, get set and complete rep #2. Rest the prescribed amount between sets.
Speed Warm Up (~10min)
2-3min Jog to get body warm
Reverse Lunge and Overhead Reach x 8 e/s
Lateral Lunge 1 x 8e/s
Frogger Stretch 2 x 8e/s
Supine Hamstring Stretch 2 x 8e/s
Leg Up and Across 1 x 10e/s
Side Shuffle x 20m e/s
Caraoke x 20m e/s
Leg Swing x 10m
Hammy Swoop x 10m
A-Skip 2 x 10m (Walk Back Recovery)
Pogo Jumps 2 x 10m (Walk Back Recovery)
1 x Run 10m @ 75%
1 x Run 10m @ 85%
1 x Run 10m @ 95%
Speed 1 Speed 2
5 x 10m @ 100%
Week 1
Rest 3min
5 x 10m @ 100%
Week 2
Rest 3min
5 x 10m @ 100%
Week 3
Rest 3min
5 x 10m @ 100%
3 x 10m @ 100%
Rest 3min
Rest 2min Week 3-4
2 x 30m @ 100%
3 x 20m @ 100% 230m
Week 4 Rest 3min
Rest 3min
220m 3 x 40m @ 100%
3 x 30m @ 100%
Rest 3min
1 x 40m @ 100%
3 x 10m @ 100%
Rest 2min 5 x 10m @ 100%
3 x 20m @ 100% Rest 3min
Week 5-6 Week 5-6
Rest 3min 2 x 30m @ 100%
220m 230m
3 x 30m @ 100% Rest 3min
Rest 3min 3 x 40m @ 100%
1 x 40m @ 100%
3 x 10m @ 100%
Rest 2min 5 x 10m @ 100%
3 x 20m @ 100% Rest 3min
Week 7 Week 7
Rest 3min 3 x 30m @ 100%
260m 260m
3 x 30m @ 100% Rest 3min
Rest 3min 3 x 40m @ 100%
2 x 40m @ 100%
Conditioning Sessions

Aerobic fitness is one of the simplest physical qualities to improve. It just requires consistently applied hard work. Follow the program and try to hit
your targets as best as you can heading into tour. For those of you who are trapped indoors and do not have access to a field to run on, there are
treadmill options below. If you are injured (for example you sprain your ankle but you can still bike) complete the workout on a bike and keep the
same work:rest ratios as the running workout. Similar to speed sessions, you MUST warm up properly first. The last thing you need leading into
camp is an injury due to lack of preparation.
Conditioning Warm Up (~8min)
2-3min Jog to get body warm
Reverse Lunge and Overhead Reach x 8 e/s
Lateral Lunge 1 x 8e/s
Frogger Stretch 2 x 8e/s
Supine Hamstring Stretch 2 x 8e/s
Leg Up and Across 1 x 10e/s
Side Shuffle x 20m e/s
Caraoke x 20m e/s
Leg Swing x 10m
Hammy Swoop x 10m
On Feet 1 (1920-2432m Total) On Feet 2 (3200m Total) On Feet 3 (2700m Total)
Week 1

Your Group is determined by your

Your Group is determined by your
bronco score. If you are finding your
Your Group is determined by your bronco score. If you are finding
grouping too easy, go up to the next
bronco score. If you are finding your grouping too easy, go up to
most challenging shuttle. Complete
your grouping too easy, go up to the the next most challenging shuttle.
the 300m shuttle in your target
next most challenging shuttle. Complete the 200m shuttle in your
target time.
Group A: 4:30 or less - 40m and
Group A: 4:30 or less - 59sec
back Group A: 4:30 or less - 41sec
Group B: 4:31-4:45 - 61sec
Group B: 4:31-4:45 - 38m and back Group B: 4:31-4:45 - 43sec
Group C: 4:46-5:00 - 64sec
Group C: 4:46-5:00 - 36m and back Group C: 4:46-5:00 - 45sec
Group D: 5:01-5:15 - 68sec
Group D: 5:01-5:15 - 34m and back Week 1-7 Group D: 5:01-5:15 - 48sec
Week 1-7 Group E: 5:16-5:30 - 71sec
Group E: 5:16-5:30 - 33m and back Group E: 5:16-5:30 - 50sec
Group F: 5:31-5:45 - 75sec
Group F: 5:31-5:45 - 31m and back Group F: 5:31-5:45 - 52sec
Group G: 5:46-6:00 - 79sec
Group G: 5:46-6:00 - 30m and back Group G: 5:46-6:00 - 30m and back
3 Rounds:
4 Rounds: 4 Rounds:
Complete 300m Shuttle (turn every
Complete your shuttle distance in Complete 200m Shuttle (turn
15sec, with 15sec recovery x 8 reps every 40m) + rest equal time
+ rest equal time
(4min of work) x4
+ +
Low Grade Skill Work x 2.5min Low Grade Skill Work x 2.5min
Low Grade Skill Work x 2.5min

Week 6-7

Complete one of the full body warm ups then:

Off Feet 1
Bike 3min Hard + 2min Easy x 6 - 90-100RPMs, adjust the resistance as needed
Treadmill Option 1 Treadmill Option 2 Treadmill Option 3
Complete full warm up
Complete full warm up
+ Complete full warm up
4 Rounds: +
4 Rounds:
Run 15sec Hard on Incline 3 Rounds:
Run 45sec Hard on Incline
Rest 15sec Run the amount of time in your group on a flat
Walk 45sec
x 10 treadmill - complete the on feet 3 workout but
+ running for time, not distance. Make sure you
Walk 2.5min Recovery push yourself!
Walk 2.5min Recovery
Full Body 1
*Complete a full body warm up prior to training*
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
1A Box Jump 1 x 5 low height 5 5 5 5
1B HR Push Up 1 x 10 push up 5 5 5 5
2A Box Squat 2x8 8 8 6 6 Use a bench as a box
Week 1-2 2B Hip Flexor Stretch NA 30sec 30sec 30sec 30sec Squeeze back glute
3A Bench Press 2x8 8 8 6 6
3B Single Arm DB Row 2 x 8 e/s 8 8 6 6 8 or 6 each side (e/s)
4A Swiss Ball Neck Nod NA 15 15 15 15
4B Front Plank NA 45sec 45sec 45sec 45sec
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
1A Box Jump 1 x 5 low height 5 5 5 5
1B Clap Push Up 1 x 10 push up 5 5 5 5
2A Box Squat 2x8 8 6 6 5 5 Use a bench as a box
Week 3-4 2B Hip Flexor Stretch NA 30sec 30sec 30sec 30sec Squeeze back glute
3A Bench Press 2x8 8 6 6 5 5
3B Single Arm DB Row 2 x 8 e/s 8 6 6 5 5 8,6, or 5 each side (e/s)
4A Swiss Ball Neck Nod NA 15 15 15 15
4B Front Plank NA 60sec 60sec 60sec 60sec
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
1A BB Jump Squat 1 x 3 bar only 3 3 3 3 no more than 60kg on bar
1B Drop Push Up 1 x 10 push up 5 5 5 5
Full depth - hips below knees, if
2A Back Squat 2x8 8 6 6 6 your heel is coming off the grond,
Week 5-6 place a plate below your heel
2B Frogger Groin Stretch NA 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s Keep it dynamic
3A Bench Press 2x8 8 6 5 5 4
3B Single Arm DB Row 2 x 8 e/s 8 6 5 5 4 8,6, or 5 each side (e/s)
4A Neck Bridge on Bench NA 20sec 20sec 20sec 20sec
4B Front Plank NA 75sec 75sec 75sec 75sec
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
1A BB Jump Squat 1 x 3 bar only 3 3 3 3 no more than 60kg on bar
1B Drop Push Up 1 x 10 push up 5 5 5 5
Full depth - hips below knees, if
2A Front Squat 2x6 6 5 5 5 your heel is coming off the grond,
Week 7 place a plate below your heel
2B Frogger Groin Stretch NA 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s Keep it dynamic
3A DB Bench Press 2x8 8 6 5 5 4
3B Single Arm DB Row 2 x 8 e/s 8 6 5 5 4 8,6, or 5 each side (e/s)
4A Neck Bridge on Bench NA 20sec 20sec 20sec 20sec
4B Front Plank NA 75sec 75sec 75sec 75sec
Full Body 2
*Complete a full body warm up prior to training*
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
1A Counter movement Jump 1 x 5 low height 5 5 5 Land and reset every rep
1B Ankling NA 10 10 10
2A DB Split Squat 1 x 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s Hips under your ribs
Week 1-2 2B Hip Flexor Stretch NA 30sec 30sec 30sec 30sec Squeeze back glute
3A Incline DB Bench Press 2x8 8 8 6 6
3B Incline DB Row 2x8 8 8 6 6
4A Pallof Press NA 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 1sec pause with arms straight
4B Side Plank NA 30sec 30sec 30sec 30sec 30sec each side
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
1A Counter movement Jump 1 x 5 low height 5 5 5 5 Land and reset every rep
1B Ankling NA 10 10 10 10
2A Barbell Split Squat 1 x 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s Hips under your ribs
Week 3-4 2B Hip Flexor Stretch NA 30sec 30sec 30sec 30sec Squeeze back glute
3A Incline Barbell Bench 2x8 8 8 6 6 5
3B Incline DB Row 2x8 8 8 6 6 5
4A Pallof Press NA 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 1sec pause with arms straight
4B Side Plank NA 30sec 30sec 30sec 30sec 30sec each side
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
1A Counter movement Jump 1 x 5 low height 5 5 5 5 Land and reset every rep
1B Ankling NA 10 10 10 10
2A Barbell Split Squat 1 x 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s 5e/s 5e/s 4e/s Hips under your ribs
Week 5-6 2B Hip Flexor Stretch NA 30sec 30sec 30sec 30sec 30sec Squeeze back glute
3A Incline Barbell Bench 2x8 8 8 6 6 5
3B Incline DB Row 2x8 8 8 6 6 5
4A Pallof Press NA 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 1sec pause with arms straight
4B Side Plank NA 35sec 35sec 35sec 35sec 35sec each side
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
1A Counter movement Jump 1 x 5 low height 5 5 5 5 Land and reset every rep
1B Ankling NA 10 10 10 10
2A Barbell Split Squat 1 x 6e/s 6e/s 5e/s 5e/s 4e/s 4e/s Hips under your ribs
Week 7 2B Hip Flexor Stretch NA 30sec 30sec 30sec 30sec 30sec Squeeze back glute
3A Incline Barbell Bench 2x8 8 6 6 5 4
3B Incline DB Row 2x8 8 6 6 5 4
4A Pallof Press NA 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 1sec pause with arms straight
4B Side Plank NA 40sec 40sec 40sec 40sec 40sec each side
Upper Body 1
*Complete a full body warm up prior to training*
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
1A DB Shoulder Press 2x8 6 6 6 6 Keep abs engaged, squeeze glutes
1B Childs Pose NA 45sec 45sec 45sec 45sec
2A Lat Pull Down 2x8 6 6 6 6 Palms facing away from you
Week 1-2 2B Supine Hamstring Stretch NA 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s
3A Seated Row 1 x 10 8 8 8 8
3B DB Floor Press 1 x 10 8 8 8 8
4A Swiss Ball Deadbug NA 8e/s 8e/s 8e/s 8e/s 8 each side
4B Swiss Ball Rollout NA 8 8 8 8
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
1A DB Shoulder Press 2x8 6 6 6 6 Keep abs engaged, squeeze glutes
1B Childs Pose NA 45sec 45sec 45sec 45sec
2A Chin up Grip Lat Pull Down 2x8 6 6 6 6 Palms facing towards you
Week 3-4 2B Supine Hamstring Stretch NA 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s
3A Seated Row 1 x 10 8 8 8 8
3B Alternating DB Floor Press 1 x 10 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s 6 each side
4A Swiss Ball Deadbug NA 8e/s 8e/s 8e/s 8e/s 8 each side
4B Swiss Ball Rollout NA 8 8 8 8
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
1A Barbell Shoulder Press 2x8 6 6 6 6 6 Keep abs engaged, squeeze glutes
1B Childs Pose NA 45sec 45sec 45sec 45sec 45sec
2A Lat Pull Down 2x8 6 6 6 6 6 Palms facing away from you
Week 5-6 2B Supine Hamstring Stretch NA 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s
3A Seated Row 1 x 10 8 8 8 8
3B DB Floor Press 1 x 10 8 8 8 8 6 each side
4A Swiss Ball Deadbug NA 8e/s 8e/s 8e/s 8e/s 8 each side
4B Swiss Ball Rollout NA 10 10 10 10
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
1A Barbell Shoulder Press 2x8 5 5 5 5 5 Keep abs engaged, squeeze glutes
1B Childs Pose NA 45sec 45sec 45sec 45sec 45sec
2A Chin up Grip Lat Pull Down 2x8 5 5 5 5 5 Palms facing towards you
Week 7 2B Supine Hamstring Stretch NA 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s
3A Seated Row 1 x 10 8 8 8 8
3B DB Floor Press 1 x 10 8 8 8 8 6 each side
4A Swiss Ball Deadbug NA 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 10e/s 10 each side
4B Swiss Ball Rollout NA 10 10 10 10
Full Body 3
*Complete a full body warm up prior to training*
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
reset after every rep - only 10kg
1A Trap Bar Jump 1 x 6 Bar only 5 5 5 5
per side. Keep your back FLAT
1B Side Lying Windmill NA 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s
2A Trap Bar Deadlift 1x5 5 5 5 5
Week 1-2
4sec down, keep back flat, slight
3A Barbell RDL 1x8 8 8 8 8 bend in your knees, let bar go
down to just under your knee cap
4A Band Face Pull NA 12 12 12
4B Weighted Push Up NA 12 12 12 Plate on your back or weight vest
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
reset after every rep - only 10kg
1A Trap Bar Jump 1 x 6 Bar only 5 5 5 5
per side. Keep your back FLAT
1B Side Lying Windmill NA 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s
2A Trap Bar Deadlift 1x5 5 5 5 5
Week 3-4
4sec down, keep back flat, slight
3A Barbell RDL 1x8 8 8 8 8 bend in your knees, let bar go
down to just under your knee cap
4A Band Face Pull NA 12 12 12
4B Weighted Push Up NA 12 12 12 Plate on your back or weight vest
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
reset after every rep - only 15kg
1A Trap Bar Jump 1 x 6 Bar only 4 4 4 4
per side. Keep your back FLAT
1B Side Lying Windmill NA 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s
2A Trap Bar Deadlift 1x5 5 5 5 5 5
Week 5-6
4sec down, keep back flat, slight
3A Barbell RDL 1x8 6 6 6 6 bend in your knees, let bar go
down to just under your knee cap
4A Band Face Pull NA 12 12 12 12
4B Weighted Push Up NA 10 10 10 10 Plate on your back or weight vest
Ex # Exercise Warm Up Sets Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Notes/Tips
reset after every rep - only 15kg
1A Trap Bar Jump 1 x 6 Bar only 4 4 4 4
per side. Keep your back FLAT
1B Side Lying Windmill NA 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s 6e/s
2A Trap Bar Deadlift 1x5 5 5 5 5 5
Week 7
4sec down, keep back flat, slight
3A Barbell RDL 1x8 6 6 6 6 bend in your knees, let bar go
down to just under your knee cap
4A Band Face Pull NA 12 12 12 12
4B Weighted Push Up NA 10 10 10 10 Plate on your back or weight vest

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