Lab.1 Geo Ed.1

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Course Number: CVEN 230

Course Name: Geotechnical Engineering (Lab)

Course Section: B01
Lab Title: Grain Size Analysis ASTM D 422
Lab No.: 1
Group Members:
Student Name.1: Ahmed Salehi
ID Number: 201708771

Student Name.2: Osama Bala

ID Number: 201305194

Student Name.3: Khalifa Al-Sulaiti

ID Number: 201517950

Student Name.4: Saad Alhamad

ID Number: 201517621

Student Name.5: Yasser Megaly

ID Number: 201507453

Student Name.5: Ahmed Ahmed

ID Number: 201905529
Lab Instructor: Eng. Khaled Rabie
Date of Lab performing: 26/1/2021 Due Date: 2/2/2021
Spring 2021
Table of Contents
Part Page


Test Objectives…………………………………….…………………………….1

Test Apparatus ……………………………………………………………….….1

Test Procedures………………….…………………………….……...………….2

Test result & Discussion……………………………………...……..………...…3




List of Figures Page

Figure 1: Balance…………………………………….……………………………..

Figure 2: Set of Sieves…………………….……..…………………………………..

Figure 3: Shaker…………………………….……………………………………….

Figure 4: Brush……………………….……………………………………………..

Figure 5: Weight of the Sieves………….…...……………………………………

Figure 6: Stack the Sieves..…………………………....…….……………………..

Figure 7: Shaking the Soil…………………….……….…………………………….

Figure 8: Weighting the Sieves and Retained Soil/…....…………………………….
Figure 9: …………………….……….…………………………….
Figure 7: Shaking the Soil…………………….……….…………………………
List of Tables Page

Table.1: …………………………………………………………..
Table.2: ……………………………………………………………..
This lab is lab No.1 in our Geotechnical engineering class for Spring 2021 semester. This test
can be called in more than one name, for example, in our lab manual, this test is entitled as the
grain size analysis. While others may call it particle size analysis, or in general engineers may
call this test as sieve analysis.
As we know, any soil may compose of different size particles. And, these particles could be
clay, silt, sand (fine, medium and coarse), Gravel (fine, and coarse), cobbles and Boulders.
This test helped us to determine the percentage of different particles sizes contained in our soil
sample. Also, this test is helping to know the distribution of coarse and large size particles.
In the other side, where the very small particles like the fine-grained soil are not tested in this lab
because we didn’t apply or use the Hydrometer analysis. However, we will do the Hydrometer
analysis next lab, which is lab No.2.
There are different sieve sizes to use for this experiment, and however in this experiment, 8
sieves were used, including the pan, so we can analysis and know the components of our soil

Test Objectives:
This test mainly required a sample of soil to be tested, and other test tools or apparatus which we
will mention in the test apparatus part down below.
Other general requirements were needed to conduct this experiment, like precautionary
procedures such as wearing a face musk as well as sanitizing hands before entering the lab.
Our expectations will be based on the number and the type of sieves we used in this experiment.
Since we used 8 sieves, where the smallest sieve opening is 0.075 mm and the largest sieve is
4.75 mm. Our objectives in this experiment, is to separate soil particles than each other and
know how many size particles category is there, and thus to conclude if our soil is well or poorly
or gap graded (Soil classification).

Test Apparatus:
Apparatus is another name or term to describe instruments and tools used in this experiment.
1) Balance
2) Set of Sieves ranging from No.4 - No.200
3) Sieve Shaker
4) Cleaning Brush

All instruments were normally organized in the lab and nothing special was required for this test.
Except, the balance which we needed to tare it to zero value before using it. Doing so, will
contribute to not have wrong readings, and thus an entirely wrong result.
Also, we need to make sure that all the sieves are clean and assembled in ascending order before
starting the test.

Test Procedures:
Test procedures were performed according to ASTM D 422 (Sieve analysis). Procedures were
conducted as the following:
1) After cleaning each sieve using a brush, record the weight of each sieve and the pan.
2) Recording the weight of our dry soil sample.
3) Checking and making sure that all sieves are clean, then pouring our soilFigure
sample into the
4: Brush
top sieve.
Figure 1: Balance Figure 2: Set of Sieves Figure 3: Shaker
4) Cap the Sieves and place it tightly in the shaker for 10 minutes.
5) Remove each sieve from the shaker and shake it by hand to ensure the passing of finer
particles. Then, carefully weigh and record the weight of each sieve with its retained soil.
Also, record the weights of the pan with its retained fine soil.

Test results & Discussion:

Figure 5: Weight the Figure 6: Stack the Figure 7: Shaking the Figure 8: Weighting
Sieve Sieves Soil The Sieves and
Retained Soil
Table 1: Sieve Analysis Data

Sieve Diameter Mass of Mass of Soil Cum. Ret. Percent

Number (mm) Empty Sieve + Soil Retained Mass (g) Passing
Sieve (g Retained (g)
4 4.75 463.1 463.5 0.4 0.4 99.9%
10 2.00 427.5 478.4 50.9 51.3 89.8%
20 0.85 369.9 426.8 56.9 108.2 78.4%
40 0.425 343.2 415.7 72.5 180.7 63.9%
60 0.25 317.7 388.6 70.9 251.6 49.7%
100 0.15 306.8 394.2 87.4 339.0 32.3%
200 0.075 292.5 326.3 33.8 372.8 25.5%
Pan No Diameter 280.4 408.1 127.7 500.5 0%

The initial weight of soil is 501.1, and final weight is 500.5. The loss of percentage 0.12 satisfies
the condition of the experiment (loss < 2%).
1. Determine the percentage of finer particles than each sieve and plot the grain size distribution
curve. The percentage of finer particles in each sieve is written in Table 1. The grain size
distribution curve needs to be edited!
2. Determine the values of the diameters corresponding to percentages of finer of 10%, 30%,
50% and 60%. D10= 0.029412 mm, D30= 0.124632 mm, D60= 0.376937 mm, D50=
3. Calculate the uniformity coefficient, and the coefficient of gradation. Uniformity coefficient
(Cu)= D60/D10=0.376937/0.029412= 12.8158 mm
Coefficient of curvature
(CC)= (D30)2/D10*D60= (0.124632)2/0.376937*0.029412= 1.40 mm
4. Comment whether the soil is well graded, poorly graded, or gap graded. As Cu is bigger
than 6 mm, and Cc is between 1 mm and 3 mm, two conditions satisfied. So the soil sample is
well graded.
5. Determine the percentage of sand only based on the USCS system. Based on the USCS
system= P2-P1= 99.9%-25.5%=74.4%

Figure 9: Grain size distribution curve

Figure 10: Percentage of sand according to USCS system

(number or results should be written on the test result part, and
more explanation description is needed based on the manual):
Cu= 12.8158 mm
CC= 1.40 mm
D10= 0.029412 mm
D30= 0.124632 mm
D60= 0.376937 mm
Percentage of Sand= 74.4%
Initial soil weight= 501.1 g
Final soil weight= 500.5 g
The grain size analysis of soil helped to determine the distribution of different grain sizes, and
the percentage of sand. The test results clarified the soil classification, which the engineering
properties of soil is based on, for instance compressibility, and shear strength. Poorly graded soil
will have better permeability because of more void spaces. A well graded soil is compacted
easier than poorly graded soil.
The tested soil is well graded with a percentage of sand = 74.4, and results drawn from the grain
size distribution curve are supported by computed coefficients of uniformity (Cu ≥ 6) and
curvature (1 < Cc < 3) for well graded sand.

1- Class Lab Manual from QU Blackboard.
2- Dr. Hisham slides from QU Blackboard.
3- ASTM D 422 – Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soil.
4- Eng. Khaled Rabie’s notes written on the lecture green board.

1- Table #1 : Shows the variety of values for the different set of sieves and the comparison
of masses allowed, diameter and passing percentages in every sieve.
2- Figure #1: Shows the grain size distribution curve presented by passing percentage on the
y-axis and the diameter of the specific sieve on the x-axis.
3- Figure #2: Shows the sand percentage based on the USCS system as a graph represented
by the passing percentage on the y-axis and the different sieve diameter.


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