Bata Watna

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The key aspect here is to set an objective and within setting objective ,I

want you to look at the opposite ends of the parameters of negotitaion

so if you identify the paramenters of any negotiation you will avoid
being pushed around by the other party or getting sold into a bad deal
so I would like to talk with you about 2 aspects of negotiation which are
batna and watna so lets come to batna first….. Batna is the key force
behind any successful negotiator because batna is what you will take if
your current negotiation fails

so lets look out an example to illustrate more about this

Lets say a dealer around the street is willing to pay 10000$ for a year
old car and you know that if you sell your car to a private party and put
in on Criaglist, you need to get more than your BATNA or more tha

Now if the leads from Criaglist is not delivering a better value than your
batna or no one is offering you more than 10000$. Here you will go and
sell your car to your dealer for 10000$

And the flip side of this is your WATNA ,its really useful to think about
your WATNA if the other party is more powerful than you in


What if your BATNA fails and the other party doesn’t want to reach an
agreement .. Now you are in WATNA

For axample you can not sell your car in Criaglist and when you go back
to dealer you realise that dealer lot is full and he told you that he can
take your car only on consignment ..
Now you are not able to sell your car to a private party and leave your
car on consignment hoping to get 10000$ from the dealer

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