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Name: Merquita, Nethanel Jhun N.


Tony Tan Caktiong

Core business

- Founder and chairman of Jollibee Food, one of the world's fastest-growing Asian
restaurant chains.
- Operates more than 3,300 eateries in the Philippines and more than 2,500 stores

Successful business

I think because of Family. Tony Tan was from a poor family from China that immigrated here in
the Philippines in hope that there is a future here. Because of his family of helped each other
his family opened up a restaurant, this help his education and study Civil engineering. I can see
that he is what he is now because of his family who he relies on from starting a ice cream

Characteristics that made him Successful

He possesses time management, discipline, and many other valuable traits that help him be
successful in the industry. One also is that he is a risk taker but a positive thinker that have high
hopes and optimism that everything will work out.

Different from other businessman

What makes him different I think is he is not scared to make mistakes, he doesn’t limit himself
to just one dream. He dreams big, take action into it and a risk taker and loot at his company
now. It is one of the leading fast food chain in the Philippines not even the American fast food
behemoth which is McDonald's secure the top spot in the Philippines.

Strength and weakness

His strength maybe because he knows how to take risk, he analyze and recognize his
competitors and customers specially the Filipino citizens on what we like. For us Jollibee is like
home, I think that is the strength of him. He let us see what he visualizes not as an immigrant
from China but as Filipino

I think his weakness is also being a risk taker. By taking the risk, we often tend to place
ourselves in situations where everything goes drastic. When we take a risk, we will for most of
the times face failure, will be let down, will not be accepted, will face stigma, will be criticized
for living a life so non-adaptive till one day we succeed and achieved it.

Our similarities is that I am also a visionary I don’t only have one goal or dream but I dream big.
I don’t want to be stock at something that I repeatedly do but because I strive to become
someone that will give an impact to people.


I don’t call myself as a risk taker. I think for me taking BS Pharmacy is one step for me to take
risk, you know as a graduate from software development under IT it is a very different
environment for me. So this course was a big step for me knowing that my dream is to have a
knowledge from both technologies and health.


Businesses that what I have dreamed pursue

- Drugstore Chain: Priority

- IT Health based corporation
- ESports program
- Botanical

What I really dreamed of is that I want to build an IT company that focuses on improving the
health system of the Philippines. This goal came up to my mind when I watch an anime film
when I was high school, in that episode the protagonist die helping other people even without
anything. But he reincarnate intact with his memory from his past and this leads in to success
and help his country from suffering and oppression.


I think the time and resources will be a wall for me. Now who knows what the future holds and
as a student I will take one step at a time. On the contrary there is nothing such as walls or
hindrance, maybe ourselves is what stopping on doing what we really want. That is why we
must learn from other, like the leading people in different industries. We must take risk,
hardwork and effort, without forgetting that God is always at our side and the people that we
know believes in us.


WIPO, From Ice Cream Parlor to Fast Food Empire: Tony Tan Caktiong’s Story, retrieved from:

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