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Nama : Fatimah Nur Fadillah

Nim : P07220430013


Soal bahasa inggris kelas ners.

Petunjuk pengerjaan: kerjakan 2 pilihan ganda dan 3 soal essay di bawah.

Pilihan Ganda..

1. The goal of nurse educating complication prevention

a. To reduce the severity of the disease
b. To reduce nurse’s busy work
c. To make patient responsible for their own health
d. To please the patients and their family
2. Methods to educate patients in preventing complication:
a. Give patient and his family complete material
b. Teaching patients and families among other activities
c. Give information at a glance because they already know about the material
d. educate patient in easily understood language


3. Describe in short paragraph, what is the meaning of “Stimulate the patient’s interest” in
preventing complication?(minimum 100 words)
4. Describe your opinion. Why nurse should include family members when educate the topic of
preventing complication? (minimum 100 words).
5. Tell me about your idea, what are strategies to educate a patient with high risk of
complication after surgery and this patient is illiterate (butahuruf) (minimum 80 words).

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Seperti contoh berikut: “EmmyPutri W, Kukar”

Selamat Mengerjakan….

1. Describe in short paragraph, what is the meaning of “Stimulate the patient’s interest” in
preventing complication?(minimum 100 words)

It is important during the education process that the patient understands the importance of
the material provided using the right method and easy language, so that there is a question
and answer process during the education given. For example, some patients want more
detailed information about their health conditions. This determines how much the patient or
family understands the material given. The more the patient is interested in the educational
material, the more curious he is, his willingness to know and understand more and apply it.
Therefore, it is important that we as nurses attract the attention and curiosity of patients
and families with interesting language, methods and media. Where the nurse's ability in this
case affects the patient's health condition when he will take care of himself and his family.

2. Describe your opinion. Why nurse should include family members when educate the topic of
preventing complication? (minimum 100 words).

Nurse should include family members when educate the topic of preventing complication to
maintain the patient's health does not do it alone but a very important role of the family.
The existence of family support and sufficient knowledge about how to care for patients,
how to maintain health and understand what danger signs to watch out for related to
patient health greatly affect the patient's health status. With the support and family role, the
patient will feel that he is not struggling alone but has a family to accompany and support
him, so that in this case most patients will be more compliant to undergo his treatment.

3. Tell me about your idea, what are strategies to educate a patient with high risk of
complication after surgery and this patient is illiterate (buta huruf) (minimum 80 words).

In the case of illiterate patients, the educational strategy used is to use image media that can
depict things related to the patient's condition after surgery. Besides that, you can also use
interesting illustrated videos and illustrate things related to it. In addition to using pictures
and videos during the education process, nurses must also explain in easy language and
dominate if necessary, so that it is easier for patients to understand the education given
even though they are illiterate. This shows that whatever the conditions and limitations of
the patient are not obstacles to providing health education, therefore as nurses we are
required to be creative. It is well known that patients have the right to obtain information
about themselves and their health conditions.

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