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Subject: Stage 1 English

Unit: Poetry Letter of recommendation

Task Assessment Type 1: Responding to texts
Understandings and Essential Questions
Write a formal letter to a fictional publisher who is producing an anthology of poetry to be studied in
senior secondary English classes.

Recommend at least two poems to be included in the anthology. The poems can be traditional, modern
or even outside the usual concept of ‘poetry’. You may want to consider a thematic focus or even a
consideration of ideas that would be appropriate, relevant and thought provoking.

Include a discussion of the ideas in the poems and the stylistic features employed by the poet in your
argument for their inclusion.

Word count: maximum 800 words

Activity Assessment Item Weighting Due


Poetry Written piece in the form of a letter – a maximum of 800 words 25%

Your assignment should be uploaded to Daymap. Please make sure your SACE number is written in
the header of your assignment and you use the SACE file naming format:

e.g. 123456A-1ESH10-AT1-name of file

SACE No.- subject code-assessment type-free text

Performance Standards for Stage 1 English

- Knowledge and Understanding Analysis Application

A Detailed knowledge and understanding of Perceptive evaluation of the Fluent and precise writing and
ideas and perspectives explored in a diverse complex relationship between speaking.
range of texts. purpose, audience, and context
Sophisticated use of appropriate
and how they shape meaning.
Extensive knowledge and understanding of language features, stylistic
the variety of language features, stylistic Insightful analysis of how language features, and conventions for a
features, and conventions authors use to features, stylistic features, and range of audiences and purposes.
make meaning. conventions combine to influence
readers in various text types. Detailed and appropriate use of
Comprehensive knowledge and evidence from texts to support
understanding of ways in which texts are Analysis of complex intertextual conclusions, with textual
created for a range of purposes and connections between different references integrated into
audiences. texts. responses.

B Knowledge and understanding of ideas and Effective analysis of the Mostly fluent and precise writing
perspectives explored in a range of texts. relationship between purpose, and speaking.
audience, and context and how
Knowledge and understanding of a range of Use of accurate language features,
they shape meaning.
language features, stylistic features, and stylistic features, and conventions
conventions authors use to make meaning. Analysis of how language features, for a range of audiences and
stylistic features, and conventions purposes.
Knowledge and understanding of ways in influence readers in various text
which texts are created for a range of types. Accurate use of evidence from
purposes and audiences. texts to support conclusions, with
Analysis of intertextual connections textual references incorporated
between different texts. fluently in responses.

C Knowledge and understanding of ideas and Description, with some analysis of Generally fluent and accurate
some perspectives explored in a range of purpose, audience, and context writing and speaking.
texts. and how they shape meaning.
Use of language features, stylistic
Knowledge and understanding of some Description, with some analysis, of features, and conventions
language features, stylistic features, and how language features, stylistic appropriate for familiar audiences
conventions authors use to make meaning. features, and conventions influence and purposes.
readers in some text types.
Knowledge and understanding of ways in Use of evidence from texts to
which texts are created for familiar purposes Description, with some analysis of support conclusions, with some
and audiences. intertextual connections between textual references incorporated in
different texts. responses.

D Reference to simple ideas explored in texts. Identification of the purpose, Some control and fluency of
audience, and context of texts. expression.
Knowledge and understanding of a narrow
range of language features and conventions Reference to some ways in which Use of some language features and
authors use to make meaning. conventions and language features conventions appropriate for
influence readers in some text audience and purpose.
Knowledge and understanding of a restricted types.
range of ways in which texts are created for Limited use of evidence from texts
limited purposes and audiences. Recognition of similarities and or to support conclusions, with limited
differences between texts. textual references to support

E Identification of an idea in a text. Reference to the purpose and Emerging development of control
audience of a text. of expression.
Recognition of a restricted range of language
features used by authors. Recognition of a way in which Emerging use of some language
language features influence features appropriate for audience
Acknowledgment of one or more ways in readers in a text type. and/or purpose.
which texts are created for a purpose or an
audience. Recognition of a connection Restricted use of evidence from a
between texts. text to support conclusions.

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