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Maria Angela Cruz

Activity 2 (Histopathology)

Video Analysis

1. Wearing of gloves.
2. Separates the needle after the samples are taken.
3. Created a negative pressure in the syringe and connect the needle.
4. Pushing the material in the slides.
5. Spread the material using another slide.
6. Was able to rinse the needle in a preservative solution.

1. No label on the slides.
-It is important to always put labels on the slide to avoid misidentification of specimen.
2. Did not use frosted slides
- Using the frosted slide could aid in the labeling, and prevent the smear to occupy the
whole slide

Ahmad, F. (2020). FNAC, Fine needle aspiration Cytology (FNAB, Fine needle aspiration
biopsy). Retrieved from:
McGrath, C., Yu, G. et al. (2008). Retrieved from:

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