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Dynamics Review Problems and Notes Fundamentals of Engineering Exam 1. A sprinter competing in a 100 m race accelerates uniformly for the first 35 m in $.4 see. He then runs at a constant speed for the remainder of the race. He crosses the finish line in a time of (circle one) {a) 9.86 see (@) 10.41 see (b) 10.05 see (2) 10.72 sec (©) 10.23 see | Applicable Theory and Hints Solution ‘Three Basic Kinematic Defining Equations: ds (lv a dy » ae” Cana (3) ads = vd Integrate the defining eqns for a= constant : (1) vay, at Q) sas euettar +2a{s # Remember: These equations are for cases where acceleration is constant only! If the acceleration is Hot constant, you must use the defining equations and integrate This is a straight line motion problem where acceleration is constant. @) 362 oro falss)® Ys = OF 24(8e4) = 12.96 "s Time te farsh remaining 65 me t bEn7 1A US £2 50) sec Total Tires 54+ 5-01 = W4/ sec mis’ m will be: (circle one} \ particle moves along a straight line with an acceleration of = 2s, where s is in meters and a is in che particle has a velocity of +2 mvs as it passes through the origin (s = 0), its velocity at s = 4 Solution; This is a problem where acceleration is not constant. You must use one of the defining equations above and integrate, (a) 1S m’s ee tae ore a, fhe defining eguotiored : ada -Tar (co) 3S mis [ao oe at St4ms: (a) 4.5 avs ye (Ue32 (el @mss 2 gv7)"> g(ve4) are 26 sé [ve Fr 2s" | L [ve fares ] a [re ve] TDiessaeeincDecinaNatael dae TIM.Batla Ratnh E Flor reflon@umr edu. 9/27/00. pave ] 3. A projectile fired at 30° from the horizontal with an initial velocity of 40 m/s will reach a maximum height h above the horizontal of: (circle one) (a) 81.5m (@) 248m (b) 20.4 m (2) 14m vyy= 20% (©) 6.2m = 40sin 30 Idealized Projectile Theory and Equations 40s o> > Vex = 4000s 30 Solution Ab max height, %y 70 - ys weg ~ 29 (44) 20r- 204-1) b or = 4, A> Sigg 7 20-4 me Coordinate Direction: x y ‘Accel ay 8 tion: n= 2 cocteration: “ where, g= 9.81 mis? in SI. units or, g=322 fps’ in US. units Velocity: Ve = Vox = constant (2) vy = yy - et Position: () xm tye 3) y=y0 + rye - ge Additional equation: (8) vy? = voy" = 290 y -Y0) Calculating vp. and voy, given vo vp and Oo, Ao Moe=¥s (5) v= v9 cos 8 (6) vy =vo sin B Toca) dae FAC Dalla Pakek E Glarp padlewii 4, Two automobiles shown below travel along a roadway. The relative acceleration ( ania ) of auto B with respect to Ais: (circle one) ¥x=60 mph (ey [05 14) he? ereting 3 phises (b) (5.7 #4 11.17] fps? te) [2.5 4-4j) fps* (a) (7.2 €- 12.3] fps? (e) (3.34+ 15.8f] fps? x Applicable Theory and Hints Solution This is a retative velocity and relative acceleration problem, where the velocity and accelerations are given for each particle (the automobites). Write these as vectors, and subtract to get the relative term. vg=30 mph is at 1.5 niphisee Step I: Establish a coordinate system and write the vetocities and accelerations as vectors. An HP 48G or comparable calculator makes it easy to write and add these vectors in polar form. Unit conversions: (Magnitudes) vq = 60 mph-(88 fps/60 mph) = 88 fps vp = 30 mph-(88 fps/60 mph) =44 fps aD 3 mph/s-(88 fps/60 mph) = -4.4 fps? Aniangenval = +1.5 mph/s (88 fps/60 mph) = 2.2 fps” Calculate the normal acceleration of B: First ps Write the vectors: ssi] sos 488 fos 20° | 5, [44 pos 2—45°]-B1.ti-31.17 |yps {4.43 fps? =[4.4 fos? 2180°| 3, =f22 sos? 2-459 [+ [17.6 fos? 2-135" | = [10.74 gos? 2-127.9°|=[-10.9-140 j) fos? Step 2: Subtract the A terms from the B terms to get the B/A relative terms [44 pos 245°] - [s87 pos | 96.97 - 31.1} | fps = [64.8 fps 2-151.3°] 3, = [17.74 jos? 2~127.9° | [acd fos? 2180° | 1 [Fp =[5.43,os" 2114.97 |=[-6.57 —140) | fos? TyomamiceReviewNnates) dacs [IM-Ralla. Raloh E. Flon. reflon(@umre. edu. 9/27/00. page 3 5. The gear shown below starts ftom rest. The angular position of line OP is given by 0 = 2t where & is in radians and t in seconds. The maj seconds is; (circle one) fa) 2.54 mvs" (b) 3.18 ms” (6) 3.77 mis? (8) 4.26 mvs (©) 4.39 ms? ignitude of the total acceleration of point P when t = 2 Basic Theory: Fixed Axis Rotation veer Solution Applicable Theory and Hints Gt $22 sec ‘General Angular Motion: Definition of Terms be 2er- 2 2-12 A ‘Angular Displacement: @ (radians) we 667 Ae we -4 P& Angular Velocity: @ = 6 -- GP (radiansisec ) ole I2t-14 os 410s? Angular Acceleration: a= 6 = $2 (radianssect) || A BViminate dt: d= w dw Gy2 kre -2lio)= 2B For Constant « , Integrated Forms of the Equations: @2ugrat 020) + ugh ae 9? ~ wg? ~ 2a (8-8) One we = Cayley? 22% ye wre C9YN2)* 8% (als (a4 aye = [224 32° [al = 3.77 sz 2sec,o= 405, 91 rev, pratt q 10 rads? pe “ Att = 233 seo, P stops Dg one direction - yt Oe 127 ead =-202 rev Att=0, P starts): 0=0,0=0 a=-14 rails? ‘Att = 0, the disk begins rotating clockwise (C) because & =-14 rad/s”. At t = 2 sec, the disk continues rotating clockwise with o = -4 rad/s, but it is slowing because ot is positive. ‘The disk stops momentarily and reverses its direction of rotation at .33 sec. The angular acceteration o: remains positive (>) so the disk will continue its (7) rotation, gaining angular speed. Point P: An analysis, at i= 2 sec, ofthe accele- ration components of point P and its velocity is given at right. wi NG apy = 08 ~ BY 2}= 32 m2 CT 147 5° ap = ar = (10K2) ve ore 42)= 8misQ S75" 12 rad - 180 566 ra 182 2.5" ne ITE Belle Banh Se Olan reflan@umr edi 0/97/00 nage 4 re 4 Z 6. Below is shown a slider-crank mechanism. If member AB has a constant angular velocity of 3 radians/sec clockwise, the velocity of slider C at the instant shown is: (circle one) teyzltins Miya! Hage = 7.85 in 3 (a) 12 in/see Yy / "DN, 8224.0" ib) 9 in’sec (c) 16 in/see (a) 15 in’see (c) zero (it is momentarily at rest) Relative Velocity Solution Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity = = “ny rigid body unergoing general plane ration can be considered, a Y= VM + % ‘given instant, to be rotating about an imaginary “pin"—called de we os A> “instantaneous center of zero velocity (IC)"—somewhere ia the plane sm [Fos Gos) Finding the IC can be helpfel for velocity analysis for a rigid body ee because it transforms a general plane motion problem—for an te” gi 4950 instant—into a “fixed” axis rotation problem. s Wee ‘The IC is located by drawing construction lines perpendicular to known (Assumed) | velocities on a rigid body. The constuction lines interscet at a point of ‘ero velocity.” which acts 2s a center of rotation. +] diss 0+ 485wes go, Te hncation above for BC. paces, = bis > Ve ~ 4.850 sin 24 Ve = 1244 7. The wheel shown below rolls without slipping on stationary ground. If the velocity of the center C of the wheel is 2 m/sec to the right, the magnitude of the velocity of point A on the periphery of the wheel is: (cirele one} For a wheel rolling without slipping: (a) 2 mvs (b) 25 mis (c) 141 m/s (a) 2.83 mis i" z (e) 4s Bind wi Wer WE AMS) sie vey or onan ws U5 2 4 MH 2 sposcoten, I=] ifve=0 Solutios + ty st “{ wee ye [28+ 25] % Ms = co) hal= 287% ry te Bank BE Flan) reflari@umr edu 9/27/00. nave 5 ~~ 8, Below is shown a mechanism consisting of a rotating disk AB, a link BC, anda slider at C. The wheel AB has a constant angular velocity of 6 radians/see. At the instant shown, the link BC is translating (its angular velocity is zero). The angular acceleration of link BC is: (cirele one) B fo += 100mm, (b) 1S rad/s? COW (c) 9 rad/s? CW \ (a) 6 rad/s? CCW w= 64s (e) 13 rads’ CW Solve using the relative acceleration equation. Bee Gt (Bee Hy es 04 pleas) ae tr 20 pwr 2e 215 2") +a ) x By) tee. wr < 5 + 5 2 60 126k pe ~~ 02 aH Blea) 9. The 10 kg ball is supported by a cord and swings in the vertical plane. At the instant shown, the velocity of the ball is 3 m/s and the tension in the cord is: (circle oe) "Free Bad Diagram” 4 (AN Fores) @)49.N 7 L £ “Kinetic Dyageam” (b) 58.9N Tengih of cord = 5m Je Sin ma terrrs} (6) 67.5N vas-i0%m /S* EP {d) 78.5N Re man ye o my 10 {2} 96.5. Velocity, v= 3 m/s This is a particle F= ma problem in n-t coordinates. . mae Equations: EF,=may; DF=ma; a =v ip “in(48l) = de f $f,> may T- S(ro)(aer) = oe Ts (81852 %5N A SF, = may, “ane 2 eae £589 U2 ee te orem noe K 10. The two blocks shown below are connected by an inextensible (cannot stretch) cord and are free to move on frictionless surfaces, The pulley is frictiontess and massless. When the system is released, te tension in the cord is: (circle one) (a) 20 1b (a) 80 %b +a (b) 501 (@) 10 i) 601 [G; A 2g, * chia cr = 3)-Ts Wa = Qrw tool 3) -T = 22a / 3° o> 50a (Kinemasies + 00 3 Gy = Ue = a) N 1 rs feb t] 11. The homogeneous 1000 Newton crate rests on small frictionless rollers of negligible mass. When a 400 N force is applied to the crate as shown, the combined normal reaction force on the front rollers Ie 4 + B at Bis: (circle one) (a) 400N. (d) L100N {b) 500N (e) ON (ie. itis tipping) (c) TOON Rigid B Fema Eqns: Ely = Oe ZF, + May EM, > Iga SB wor 2a; a49 781 = 242 2 +f B62 may; My # Ng ~I000 +0 Nat Mg = (000 *(7 EM, = Tgk 20; Hols) +05) -Ngl 5) 20 Ma - Mg = -400 Problem, 1. where 2620. Assume this, ther inspect 2M 2 G0 Ma + Mg resukts fo Sa iF au cons/stend with K-08, Domamj-eDaviawNateel dar tIM-Ralla. Ralph E. Flon. 9/27/00. page 7 12. A4kg mass B is suspended by a slender cable which wraps around a2 kg drum A. When the system is released to move, the tension in the cable is: (circle one) Iga reosm A + (@735N (a) 3924 4 Nv0sm = C22 (b) 23.5N fe) 47.09 N r 31.39N, © 2 2 ke drum 3B T _ Disk: Inge amr = Gg , ake (ass moment of Tnerta) po 3424 = 4(4-81) 448 2 om + Ea? Bel) 2 425 gm A‘CEmMg2 Tye) T(5)* 250 Kinematics: Ag = Pod Ts Fk Mah: 238 Bt) 3404 T= dae Fis se a2 15-7 Ss Nay Fat Hae Fe sa 2 78SN 13. The 32.2 Tb homogenous cylinder is released from rest on the inclined plane shown below. Its angular acceleration will be: (circle one) Te?h| ( Be ) re slug: ae (a) 13.4 rads? (@) 5.9 rads? ie 322 Ib disk get 2S tb) 12.4 rad’s? (e) 8.3 radis* — () 3.2 rads? Fe * ew 322 This is a plane motion / prbien (Fzma). Important ! You cannot automatically tf Ne ae =0 2 fe set - an wonless the problem N= 29.72 Ib Specifies shpping » + « veg “ Sa22- fp - a Feun 13 an tneguatity. 3 12.39 - F 2a Need Rinematics or another egn. Osa, - z @O Assume Mo slp: 0 Azra l,= Ign, Fl) = 5k athe Fe Fk 2D Assume slip: 08 Fran 12.3892 A+ 5x . Assume ge py Whichever you assume ou praat no sips A=rhe Led 12:29 = |S ok check, Hu assumphirl, The check for D is easier. 2 X2 8.26 sr ) me check: (Eyett toc! dae EIM-eRella Ralnh F Flan. reflon@umr edu 3/2700 pace & a L4. AS kg crate is released from rest on the smooth slope shown below. The crate slides down the slope, gaining speed, untit it strikes the originally unstretched spring (k = 2000 Nim). When the crate comes co a stop, the spring will have compressed: (circle one) Crate released from rest. (@ 3m (d) 6m “am (7m Spring Constant: ©) Sm om k= 2000 Nim Farhicle Werk Energy Egn = ‘Smooth Sk Tit Blew = Te 5 sense nikal work Final Et Eta > Je s 4 KE BES Saye +(10m)(5by)( 4.81) - $leco0) x*= 0 : - Diste Work: Fare stance [xee7m | ngs 2 Spring: - $k (52-5) 15. A2m long, 10 kg slender rod AB is released from rest in the horizontal position. It swings lockwise in the vertical plane, pivoting about a smooth pin at A. When it reaches the vertical Stender Bar: [Ig = conte n, its angular velocity @ is: (circle one) po: faralle! Axis Thm: 0 kg slender bar +m) (1.2 rads (@) 9.8 rads releaed Bom rest. tht ie (b) 7.7 rad/s (©) 3.8 rad/s 2m. fc) 19.6 rad/s Bi WE Eby = Te Wer: + Fore, Distarvee ae + Soong: $ RAGS?) Lio 40g (4.61) (4) 2 + Coupe: MB (8 in redtars) = £Tpinw 3] oar |u* 2 KE Stora ia Fag Baty Kagid Bod ratty, 96.12 £(13.33) Translation Case: T? 3 . we fan Catone 2 SY Te bmy + pTgw’ but ve wer Yo Ts ty + me?) w? 2/7? 3 Tpin w Tipo ecDectohintec] das TIMRalla Balak F Blan reflan(@ume edn 0/97/00 nave 9 16, Two identical cylinders R and $ are released simultaneously from rest on the top of two identical inclined planes having the same length and siope. Cylinder R (for “rough”) rolls without slipping on a slope with some friction, while cylinder $ (For “smooth”) rolls down a perfectly smooth plane. The jsvo cylinders reaci the bottom of their respective planes (or “hills"): (circle one) (a) at the same instant (b) with the same angular velocity (&) with the sume linear velocity of the mass centers (d) with the same kinetic energy (©) with none of the above 17. Immediately after being driven offa tee by a golf club, a 45 gram golf ball leaves the club face with a velocity of 80 m/s. Ifthe time of impact between the club and the ball is 10 milliseconds, determine the average force developed between the club and the ball during impact. (circle one) (a) 45.N (@ 100 N Lrrypulee- oper fara Sr eto (©) 300. N my [Fade > PIG > ‘, ; F k Pt Sg BE = PMG Asstonee _ Favs (00 #02) 2 6045 )(B0 74) at Five 2 SON 18, Blocks A and B have weights and initial velocities as shown and move on a smooth surface. The velocity of block B immediately after impact is observed to be 4 fps to the right. The velocity of cart A immediately after impact is: (circle one) vate? (a) 1 ips (d) 5.6 fps ala? i i" (b) 2 ips (e) 10 fps “AY 4 (c) 4 dps ST Blocks A and B weigh 20 Ib and 30 Ib, Cons, of Lintar WMamentam respectively. The surface is smooth 2 Teg 2) = ivy, + 22 %e2 GOD FO GO Wn fs = 140-60 = BO 2OVAz + 120 Eloi), + Eb, ph ye Hn 2 hes 19. The carts in problem 16 above rebound from the impact with a coefficient of restitution, e, of (citcle one) t+ a: Vee —MAe (a) 0.67 (@ 2 var ~ Vor (b) 0.22 (e) 20 = (- (ce) 0.40 2 = Be ur c q-¢-2) 4 Dacia Matos! dane TIMRalla Ralnh E Elan reflanGeumr edn 9/97/00. nage 10

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