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Emmanuel Rey S.


Venn Diagram

Explain the given Venn Diagram

The Venn diagram shows three parts which are Science, Technology, and Society. In the middle of the
three parts, there is an intersection that represents a common between the three which I will explain in
the later part. First let us start with Science is a system of knowledge that is concerned with the physical
world which entails unbiased observations. Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the
practical aims of human life. While society is the people around us or the community. With the 3 areas
combined it would result in STS which actually means Science, Technology, and Society but there is
meaning to that. The three combined tell us how Science and technology are related to society and the
same is related to science and technology it only means that the buildings, the infrastructure, and things
we have right now are due to science and technology same with science and technology it is studied and
improved by the society and same with technology it cannot stand on its own without science and
without the involvement of the society.

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