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The Tempest William Shakespeare

Act 1 Scene 2
Prospero: a quick character study

You should try to match each quotation with an appropriate description of
Prospero’s personality. The first one has been done for you. There may be
more than one answer to each quotation.
The bottom 2 boxes are left blank for you to add another quotation
accompanied by a word or phrase to show your understanding of Prospero.

What he says and does What it reveals about him

1) But are they, Ariel, safe? Strong and domineering

2) ‘Hast thou, spirit,

Performed to point the tempest that I Concerned
bade thee?’ (1)

3) ‘And after two days I will discharge Angry/bad tempered


4) ‘Dost thou forget

From what a torment I did free Kind and loyal

5) ‘My brave Spirit! ... Loving

Why, that’s my Spirit!’

6) ‘If thou more murmur’st, I will rend an

oak, Aggressive
And peg thee in his knotty entrails,’

7) ‘What, ho! Slave! Caliban! Violent

Thou earth, thou: speak!’

8) ‘Awake, dear heart, awake! Encouraging

Thou hast slept well.’

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