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I. Identify the built settlements and the person who founded it.

French and Dutch Settlements are the built settlements. Those who are living in France
are called French while the people who are living in Netherland are called Dutch. Samuel de
Champlain founded the trading post at Quebec. The Quebec is the first town in French colony,
New France. Henry Hudson claimed the surrounding lands for Dutch. He became the Dutch
colony, New Netherland.

II. Explain the reason of Juan Ponce de Leon and Vázquez de Coronado y Luján in sailing.
In pursuit of a rumored fountain of youth located on an island, Ponce de León led an
expedition to the coast of what is now Florida in 1513. Thinking it was the island he sought,
he sailed back to colonize the region. While Coronado was looking for the fabled Seven Cities
of Gold which they never found. This journey took him into new areas not yet previously
explored by Europeans.

III. Explains the shared culture of the first Americans.

The first Americans shared similar ways of living. They hunt and they gather things to
survive. They are all wondering and looking for food and shelter all over Asia. They create
artifacts. Each native nation had its own name. They shared a common bond, their respect
for nature. Their shelter is called wigwams that built out of trees and bark from the forest.

IV. Compares the way of living and locations of the two woodlands. Write 2 similarities and 2
The two woodlands are both doing hunting and farming to live. They also have their own
languages that divided them in different tribes. Northeast woodland surrounded the Great
Lakes while Southeast woodland live around the Gulf of Mexico. Northeast woodland has
Algonquian language while southeast woodland has Muskogean family.

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