Present Continuous Tense1

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Ada seorang anak perempuan bernama Chiya. Ia berkunjung ke

rumah kakek-nenek. Chiya senang memasak dengan neneknya. Bahkan
nenek adalah guru memasak bagi Chiya. Ah, enak ya punya nenek pinter

Kali ini Chiya mau bikin sup ayam. Chiya belajar gimana caranya
bikin sup ayam lezat. Chiya bantu memotong bawang, cabai, wortel, kentang
dan sayur lainnya. Ia juga menulis resep sup ayam tersebut.

Setelah makan bersama kakek nenek, Chiya mendengarkan cerita

kakek. Kalau neneknya pinter masak, Kakek Chiya ini pinter banget
bercerita. Banyak kisah dan petualangan seru dimiliki kakek, baik itu tentang
kehidupan, cerita lucu, tentang budaya, dan banyak lagi.


Si penulis surat ini adalah Peter. Peter mengirim surat lewat internet
alias email. Peter bersurat kepada teman perempuannya, Laura, yang sedang
merantau di luar pulau. Peter bercerita tentang hal yang sedang ia lakukan

Keluarga Peter lagi sibuk mempersiapkan pesta ulang tahun Nenek

Peter ke-70. Mereka berencana mengadakan pesta besar di taman rumah.
Menurut surat dari Peter, pesta ini bakalan dihadiri oleh 40 orang. Walaupun
sedang sibuk, Peter menyempatkan menulis email buat Laura.


Chiya is helping to cut some onions, chilies, carrots, potatoes and other
vegetables. She is also writing her grandmother’s recipe. She plans to make
chicken soup at home next Monday. She is making the chicken soup for her
mother. Next Monday is her mother’s birthday.

An hour later, Chiya and grandparents have finished eating chicken

soup. Now, Chiya is listening to her grandfather’s story. Chiya also loves
listening to her grandpa’s story.

Her gandpa has many stories about life, joke, culture and many more.
Now, Chiya with grandmother are listening to one story of The Arabian
Nights (1001 nights). They’re enjoying their time together.

Surat Untuk Sahabat

Hi Laura!

How are you doing now? Here, all family is well. Though I am really
busy right now, I’m still writing for you. What a good friend, right? Ha ha!

We are all getting ready for my grandmother’s seventieth birthday.

There is a big family party this evening in the garden, with about 40 people.
Some of my aunts, uncles and their children are here because today we’re
preparing for the party. My dad is putting up lights in the garden at the
moment. My uncles are organizing tables and chairs. My mother is cooking in
the kitchen and my aunts are helping her.

My cousins are here too. However, they aren’t helping much. They’re
playing computer games right now. Are you wondering what I am doing
now? Why am I not helping them? Actually, I am helping to prepare music.
Now, I am downloading some old songs. Then I remember that you know
much more about music than me. Do you have any suggestion about the best
music for my grandmother’s birthday party?

If you’re online, please write an email soon. I am waiting for your reply.


1. My Grandparent have finished eating chicken soup now (+)

My Grandparent have not finished eating chicken soup now (-)

Are my Grandparent have not finished eating chicken soup now ? (?)

2. Alya is writing her grandmother’s recipe (+)

Alya is not writing her grandmother’s recipe (-)

Is Alya writing her grandmother’s recipe? (?)

3. Chiya and grandmother are listening to one story of the Arabian

nights (+)

Chiya and grandmother are not listening to one story of the Arabian
nights (-)

Are Chiya and grandmother listening to one story of the Arabian

nights? (?)

4. Chiya is listening to her grandfather’s story (+)

Chiya is not listening to her grandfather’s story (-)

Is Chiya listening to her grandfather’s story? (?)

5. She is making the chicken soup for her mother(+)

She is not making the chicken soup for her mother(-)

Is she making the chicken soup for her mother? (?)

6. They are enjoying their time together (+)

They are not enjoying their time together (-)

Are they enjoying their time together? (?)

7. My Dad is putting up. (+)

My Dad is not putting up. (-)

Is My Dad i putting up ? (?)

8. My mother is cooking in the kitchen (+)

My mother is not cooking in the kitchen (-)

Is My mother cooking in the kitchen? (?)

9. They are playing computer games right now (+)

They are not playing computer games right now (-)

Are They playing computer games right now? (?)

10. I am helping to prepare music (+)

I am not helping to prepare music (-)

Are you helping to prepare music? (?)

Fried Rice

Today is Saturday, Sien Lan is at home. She is reading an adventure
study book. Siew Lan is hungru. She ask her mother to cook. She is eating a
plate of fried rice.

The fried rice is delicious, she hopes that tomorrow she will et fried
rice again.

Lisa Likes Singing

Lisa likes singing very much. She always sing Malay and English
song. She has a good voice, Lisa’s teacher asks her to take her to take part in a
singing competition in June. So, the often practisec her singing . She listen to
the songs on the radio . She hopes that one day she can with the first

Camping Holiday

Hi, my name is Luna Ariesta. School holidays are about to come. I

usually spend my holidays with my family. But this time will be different. I
am going to join one adventure holiday in Bali with my cousins and other
teenagers. Here are the arrangements.

It’s a camping holiday for two weeks in Bali. I am leaving on Sunday,

July 30. Then, I am going home on Sunday, August 13. On the first day, we
are putting on backpacks then hiking to Mount Batur. It is the second highest
point of Bali with 1.717 meters above sea level. We’re setting up our tents at
1.500 meters. Then we’re enjoying stunning sunset at peak of the mount.

Next day, we are going down and enjoying beautiful view with
amazing sunrise. Finally, we’re visiting Batur Natural Hot Spring to relax and
recharge our mind at the natural hot spring.

Then, the organizers are providing other adventure activities like paint
battles, flying fox, trekking through forest and being close to nature. On other

days, we’re meeting a Balinese family. We’re helping them to plant fruit and
vegetables. They say the locals are kind and friendly.

Kata Verb-ing

1. Lisa is likes singing very much (+)

Lisa is not likes singing very much (-)
Is Lisa likes singing very much? (?)

2. Siew Lan is reading an adventure story book (+)

Siew Lan is reading an adventure story book (-)
Is Siew Lan reading an adventure story book? (?)

3. She is eating a plate of fried rice (+)

She is not eating a plate of fried rice (-)
Is She eating a plate of fried rice? (?)

4. I am going to join one adventure holiday in Bali with my cousin (+)

I am not going to join one adventure holiday in Bali with my cousin (-)
Are you going to join one adventure holiday in Bali with my cousin (?)

5. I am leaving on Sunday, July 30 (+)

I am not leaving on Sunday, July 30 (-)
Are you leaving on Sunday, July 30? (?)

6. We are enjoying stunning Sunset at peak of the mount (+)

We are not enjoying stunning Sunset at peak of the mount (-)
Are we enjoying stunning Sunset at peak of the mount? (?)

7. We are going down (+)
We are not going down (-)
Are we going down? (?)

8. We are enjoying beautifull view with amazing sunrise (+)

We are not enjoying beautifull view with amazing sunrise (-)
Are we enjoying beautifull view with amazing sunrise? (?)

9. We are visiting Batur natural hot spring to relax (+)

We are not visiting Batur natural hot spring to relax (-)
Are we visiting Batur natural hot spring to relax? (?)

10. The organizes are providing other adventure activities (+)

The organizes are not providing other adventure activities (-)
Are the organizes are providing other adventure activities? (?)

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