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-"In 1964, Anglia TV filmed a documentary at an allegea haunted 16th Century manor house, Morley Old Hall, in Norfolk. Anthony Cornell demonstrated how a ghosthunter worked. After a night's investigation, he was interviewed in a room where the ghost was said to have appeared. He concluded that there was little evidence of a haunting. Five people contacted the TV company to say they had seen a “hooded monk" between Cornell and the interviewer, Michael Robson. Although Robson could see nothing when he re-ran the film, he decided to broadcast it again, asking viewers to write in if they saw anything strange. Twenty- seven wrote in, fifteen saying they saw a monk or priest - one a hooded skull..." from GHOSTS ed. Peter Brookesmith "Uri Geller's demonstration of his amazing powers (on the Dimbleby Talk-In, BBC, Friday 23 Nov 1973) produced other effects which were even more incredible than he had achieved himself. For it turned out that in hundreds of homes throughout Great Britain cutlery had been bent and timepieces, long defunct, restarted..." from SUPERMINDS by John Taylor GHOST WATCH A Thriller TV Series in Five Parts by Stephen Volk TV reporter TILDA CALLIEU has her tongue firmly in her cheek when she makes a documentary on a so-called haunted house slap-bang in an inner city estate. She even has a seedy young ghosthunter, SIMON HAGGERTY, on hand to spice up the proceedings. Unfortunately, the ghost doesn't make an appearance. Or so she thinks Because, when the programme is transmitted, phone calls begin to come through, chillingly, from viewers who have seen something in the background to her interview - a ark, unearthly presence. Though she can see nothing on the film, the programme is re-broadcast. This time, calls flood in, and the cynical Tilda is forced to face something baffling and other-wordly that threatens to turn her cosy existence frighteningly upside-down Her obsession with the haunting, fuelled by a string of increasingly weird events surrounding the location persuades the Powers That Be to allow her to take it back before the cameras - this time, in an unparalleled Pparapsychological experiment, live, on primetime TV, nationwide. But on the final, terrifying night of her "Ghost Watch", she and her 12 million viewers come into direct contact with the source of astonishing evil, dredging up frightening entities from the past - including her own.. GHOST WATCH is a chilling speculative fiction in which the communicative powers of television become caught up in the real world of the paranormal. GHOST WATCH is an atmosphere story, with the plain intention to plunge the viewer into a bizarre and scary world just around the corner from our own. GHOST WATCH introduces two modern, chalk-anc-cheese characters, TILDA CALLIEU and SIMON HAGGERTY. Young psychical investigators from wildly different backgrounds, but as up-to-date as the latest rock videos. It sets them a mystery full of shadowy psychological terror. It'll hook anyone with a taste for the weird. +++And scare them to hell.

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