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“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

Application for Amendment in Environmental


“Hotel Complex & Convention


Asset No. 13, Hospitality District,
DIAL IGI Airport, Delhi


M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre(Delhi) Private
Asset No. 13, Hospitality District, DIAL IGI Airport, Delhi

Environmental Consultant


(NABET Registered wide list of accredited consultants organizations/ Rev 43/ 11th
July, 2016 at S.No-88)
NN Mall, Sector-3, Rohini, New-Delhi-85
Phone: 011-47528467; 011-47021086
Fax: - 011-47528434
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

I. Basic Information

S.No. Item Details

1. Name of the project/s Hotel Complex & Convention Centre
2. S. No. in the schedule 8 (b)
Proposed capacity/ area/length/ Total plot area – 31163.13 Sq m
tonnage to be handled/ command Builtup Area- 212732.72
area/ lease area/ number of wells
to be drilled
Amendment in Environmental Clearance
The project has already been granted
4. New/ Expansion/ Modernization Environmental Clearance vide F.No.
dated 11-11-2010
Plot Area (as per EC granted) – 31163.13 sq m
5. Existing Capacity/ Area etc.
Built-up Area (as per EC granted) –212732.72 sqm
6. Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ ‘B’
Does it attract the general
7. Not Applicable
condition? If yes, please specify.
Does it attract the specific
8. Not Applicable
condition? If yes, please specify.
Asset No 13, Hospitality District, DIAL IGI Airport,
Plot/ Survey/ Khasra No. Asset No 13
9. Village -
Tehsil -
District Hospitality
State Delhi
New Delhi Railway Station 14.08 Km NE
Palam Railway Station 4.83 Km NW
Nearest railway station/ airport IGI Airport Metro Station 3.46 Km NW
along with distance in kms. Indira Gandhi
International Airport 0.32 Km SW
Safdarjung Airport 9.22 Km NE
Nearest Town, city, District
11. Headquarters along with distance Project Site is in Delhi.
in kms.
Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad,
12. Municipal Corporation of Delhi
Municipal Corporation, Local body
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

(complete postal addresses with

telephone nos. to be given)
M/s Aerocity hotel and global Centre (Delhi) Pvt.
13. Name of the applicant

Asset No 13, Hospitality District, DIAL IGI Airport,

14. Registered Address

Asset No 13, Hospitality District, DIAL IGI Airport,

15. Address for correspondence:

Name Dimple Mahna

Designation (Owner/Partner/CEO) AVP ( Regulatory )
A-75;Top Floor; Sector -8 A ; Dwarka ;New Delhi-

Pin Code 110075

Telephone No. 09873779639
Fax no.
Details of Alternative Sites
examined, if any. Location of these No alternative site has been examined. It is
sites should be shown on a amendment in Environmental clearance of project.
17. Interlinked Projects No it is not an interlinked project
Whether separate application of
18. interlinked project has been Not Applicable
19. If yes, date of submission Not Applicable
20. If no, reason Not Applicable
Whether the proposal involves
approval/clearance under: if yes,
details of the same and their status
to be given.
(a) The Forest (Conservation) Act, Not Applicable
(b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, Not Applicable
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

(c) The C.R.Z. Notification, 1991? Not Applicable

Whether there is any Government
22. Order/ Policy relevant/ relating to Not Applicable
the site?

23. Forest land involved (hectares) No

Whether there is any litigation

pending against the project and/ or
land in which the project is propose
to be set up? No
(a) Name of the Court Not applicable
(b) Case No. Not applicable
(c) Orders/ directions of the Not applicable
Court, if any and its
relevance with the
proposed project.

II. Activity
1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions,
which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes
in water bodies, etc.)

S.No. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate

confirmation No quantities /rates, wherever possible) with
source of information data
1.1 Permanent or temporary No The Project has already been granted
change in land use, land cover environmental clearance vide F.No.
or topography including 92/DPCC/SEIAA-SEAC/10/1444-1448
increase in intensity of land use dated 11-11-2010.
(with respect to local land use
The Excavation has been started for zone
one out of three zones on the vacant land
and proposed proposal is for amendment in
Environmental clearance. Hence no Change
on land use has been done.
Earlier the vacant land use was changed to
Hotel building.
1.2 Clearance of existing land, No The project is for amendment in
vegetation and buildings? environmental clearance for which
construction has already started so no need
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

of clearance of existing land vegetation and


1.3 Creation of new land uses? No No creation of new land uses. It is

amendment in Environmental Clearance of
the same project.
1.4 Pre-construction investigations Yes Pre-construction Geo-technical investigation
e.g. bore houses, soil testing? has been carried out.
1.5 Construction works? Yes As per Building Sanction Plan.

1.6 Demolition works? No No demolition is required.

1.7 Temporary sites used for No Workers during construction phase were
construction works or housing of hired from nearby areas and same shall be
construction workers? done during construction after getting
amendment in Environmental Clearance and
hence there no housing provisions made.
Only temporary shelters will be provided.
1.8 Above ground buildings, Yes Above ground, the building shall be elevated
structures or earthworks up to maximum height of 15 m and
including linear structures, cut excavation is being required for construction
and fill or excavations of foundation and basement of 6 level whose
quantity of soil excavated will be approx.
567000 cubic metre.
1.9 Underground works including No Not Applicable.
mining or tunnelling?
1.10 Reclamation works? No No reclamation work required.
1.11 Dredging? No Not applicable
1.12 Offshore structures? No Not applicable
1.13 Production and manufacturing No It is a construction project therefore no
processes? production or manufacturing processes shall
be carried out.
1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or Yes During Construction Phase:
 Separate raw material yard will be made
within the project site.
 Cement is being separately stored under
cover in bales.
 Sand is being stacked nearby under
tarpaulin cover.
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

 Bricks and steel were laid in open, same

shall be done during proposed

During Operation Phase:

As the project is a Hotel complex and
Convention Centre, the raw material storage
will be done within the project site.
1.15 Facilities for treatment or Yes During Construction phase:
disposal of solid waste or liquid For further construction, Total 150 labourers
effluents? shall be working during the construction
phase and hence the solid waste generation
will be 23 kg/day which disposed off at
municipal solid waste site.

Excavated soil will be used for levelling and

back filling. Top soil will be preserved and
shall be reused for landscaping to the extent
possible. Total 7 KLD of waste water shall be
generated which will discharge to septic tank
via soak pit.

During Operation Phase:

Approx. 3105 Kg/day of solid waste shall be
generated from the complex.
The total waste water generated from Hotel
complex and convention centre shall be 258
KLD which will be treated in STP of 310 KLD.
Details of Water Management & Solid Waste
Management are given in Environmental
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

1.16 Facilities for long term housing No During Construction phase:

of operational workers? The workers during construction phase were
hired from nearby areas and hence no
provision of long term housing had been
made. Only temporary shelters were
provided. For further construction same shall
be followed.
During Operation Phase:
As this is a Hotel complex and Convention
Centre, staff will be needed in the hotel
shops, offices and restaurant. Other staff like
maintenance staff will be from the nearby
areas. Separate housing may not be
1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic No No new road, rail or sea traffic is proposed.
during construction or Existing transportation facilities will be used
operation? during construction or operation phase.

1.18 New road, rail, air, waterborne No No new road, rail, or sea traffic is proposed.
or other transport infrastructure The transportation measures already
including new or altered routes existing near site are as follows:
and stations, ports, airports Nearest Airport:
etc.? Indira Gandhi
International Airport 0.32 Km SW
Safdarjung Airport 9.22 Km NE
Nearest Railway Station:
New Delhi Railway Station 14.08 Km NE
Palam Railway Station 4.83 Km NW
IGI Airport Metro Station 3.46 Km NW
Palam Railway Station 4.83 Km NW
Shahbad Mohammadpur
Rly. Station 4.99 Km NW

Nearest National Highway:

NH-8 0.44 Km SE
NH-2 13.25 Km NE
NH-24 14.40 Km NE
NH-236 6.92 Km SE
NH-10 13.92 Km N
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

1.19 Closure or diversion of existing No No closure or diversion of existing transport

transport routes or infrastructure routes or infrastructure leading to changes in
leading to changes in traffic traffic movements will be made.
1.20 New or diverted transmission No No such closure or diversion of transmission
lines or pipelines? lines is required.

1.21 Impoundment, damming, No No impoundment, damming, culverting,

culverting, realignment or other realignment or other changes to the
changes to the hydrology of hydrology of surface water courses is
watercourses or aquifers? required.
1.22 Stream crossings? No No stream crossing. Topographical map is
enclosed as Enclosure 3.

1.23 Abstraction or transfers of water No Water will be supplied by DIAL (It is

from ground or surface waters? estimated that 374 KLD of water requirement
will be there in the proposed project.)
1.24 Changes in water bodies or the No There will be no change in water bodies or
land surface affecting drainage the land surface effective drainage or run-
or run-off? off.

1.25 Transport of personnel or Yes During Construction phase:

materials for construction,
Materials during construction phase will
operation or decommissioning?
transport by truck, trolley etc.
During Operation Phase:
Car, two-wheeler, etc. will be used.

1.26 Long-term dismantling or No Not Applicable

decommissioning or restoration
1.27 Ongoing activity during No Not Applicable
decommissioning which could
have an impact on the
1.28 Influx of people to an area in No During Construction phase:
either temporarily or Temporary influx of people in the form of
permanently? labours is envisaged. Approx. 150 no. of local
labours shall be employed.
During Operation Phase:
As this is a Hotel complex and Convention
Centre, 6600 guests, 900 no. of staff &
visitors is envisaged.
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

1.29 Introduction of alien species? No Not Applicable

1.30 Loss of native species or No There shall be no effect on any native

genetic diversity? species.

1.31 Any other actions? No Not Applicable

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land,
water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or
in short supply):
S.No. Information/checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate
confirmation No quantities /rates, wherever possible) with
source of information data
2.1 Land especially Yes Existing Plot area- 31163.13 sq m
undeveloped or agricultural
The land was allotted for the development of
land (ha)
Hotel complex only.
The Construction has been done as per earlier
environmental clearance. Now, further
construction will be done on existing land only.
There will be no addition of land use.
2.2 Water (expected source & Yes Source
Copy & Quantity
of land During Construction
papers is enclosed as Enclosure-
competing users) unit: KLD 5.phase:
Water during construction phase shall be
taken from tanker water supplier with supply
treated water from STP of nearby area.
Source & Quantity During Operation
The ultimate source of water will be through
Delhi International Airport Pvt. Ltd. Total
water requirement of the project will be 374
KLD out of which 166 KLD will be fresh water.
Rest of the 208 KLD water requirement will be
fulfilled by treated water. Detailed water
Management & water Balance are given in
Environmental management plan.
2.3 Minerals (MT) No Not applicable
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

2.4 Construction material – Yes The major materials required for construction
stone, aggregates, sand / of the project are steel, tiles, glass, cement,
soil (expected source – agate, bricks, flooring tiles / stones, sanitary
MT) and hardware items, electrical fittings, etc.

2.5 Forests and timber (source Yes Plywood for doors & windows shall be used
– MT) which shall be procured from local market.
2.6 Energy including electricity Yes Source of Electricity – Delhi International
and fuels (source, Airport Pvt. Ltd.
competing users) Unit: fuel Total Electrical Load (After Amendment)-
(MT), energy (MW) 6000 KW
D.G. sets for power back up- 3 X 2000 KVA
2.7 Any other natural No Not applicable
resources (use appropriate
standard units)

3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could

be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or
perceived risks to human health.

S. No. Information/Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
3.1 Use of substances or Yes This is a Hotel Complex & convention
materials, which are Centre and no storage of hazardous
hazardous (as per MSIHC chemicals (as per MSIHC rules) is being
done, apart from used oil. Suitable
rules) to human health or the
management practice is being adopted for
environment (flora, fauna, the same. It is storing in HDPE drums and
and water supplies) kept in covered rooms under lock and key
and sold to authorize vendors only.
Specialized care is being taken to prevent
leaks and spills.
High Speed Diesel (low sulphur variety) is
being used for D.G. Sets however; the
quantity stored is below the threshold limit
specified by the MSIHC rules.
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

3.2 Changes in occurrence of No Suitable drainage and waste management

disease or affect disease measures will be adopted in both the
vectors (e.g. insect or water construction and operational phase which
borne diseases) will restrict stagnation of water or
accumulation of water. This will effectively
restrict the reproduction and growth of
disease vectors.
3.3 Affect the welfare of people Yes During Construction phase:
e.g. by changing living
conditions? Employment opportunities provided due to
the project has led to better quality of life &
have also set a standard for future
developments in the area. Moreover,
during construction phase about 150 no. of
local labors will be employed.

During Operation Phase:

As it is a Hotel Centre and Convention
Centre, there shall be several services
required which will generate direct &
indirect employment to 400 people of
nearby area.
3.4 Vulnerable groups of people No No vulnerable group of people will be
who could be affected by the affected by the project.
project e.g. hospital patients,
children, the elderly etc.,
3.5 Any other causes No None

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or

S.No. Information/Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible) with
source of information data
4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine No Not applicable
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

4.2 Municipal waste (domestic Yes During Construction phase:

and or commercial wastes) Solid waste during construction phase shall
be 23 kg/day which will be disposed off at
municipal solid waste site.

During Operation Phase:

Approx. 3105 Kg/day of solid waste shall be
generated from the complex during
operational phase.
Detailed Solid Waste Management is given
Environmental Management Plan.
4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per Yes During Construction phase:
Hazardous Waste Used oil whenever generated from the DG
Management Rules) sets is being kept in leak proof containers in
an isolated area and will be sent to approved
During Operation Phase:
42 Lt/month used oil generated from diesel
generators will be carefully stored in HDPE
drums in isolated covered facility. The used
oil will be sold to vendors authorized by
Central Pollution Control Board for the
treatment of the same.
Suitable care will be taken so that spills /
leaks of used oil from storage could be
4.4 Other industrial process No Not Applicable
4.5 Surplus product No Not applicable

4.6 Sewage sludge or other Yes About 27 Kg/day of dried sludge will be
sludge from effluent generated from STP within complex during
treatment operation phase and this sludge will be
passed through filter press where it will be
dewatered/ dried to form a cake and then will
be used as manure in green areas. The
unused sludge shall be given to farmers or
4.7 Construction or demolition Yes Construction waste is being used for flooring
wastes & Back filling in roads etc.
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

4.8 Redundant machinery or No Not applicable

4.9 Contaminated soils or other No Not applicable

4.10 Agricultural wastes No Not applicable

4.11 Other solid wastes No During Construction phase:
No E-waste is being generated.
During Operation Phase: 2 Kg/month E-
waste shall be generated. It shall be given to
approved recycler of SPCB.
Battery waste shall be generated from
inverters & UPS which shall be disposed off
as per the Batteries (Management &
Handling) Rules, 2001.

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (Kg/hr)

S.No. Information/Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible) with
source of information data

5.1 Emissions from Yes During Construction phase:

combustion of fossil fuels DG sets of capacity 62.5 KVA shall be installed
from stationary or mobile acoustically enclosed with adequate stack
sources height.

During Operation Phase:

The only source of emission from combustion
of fuel will be DG set of 3x 2000 KVA. Hence,
to avoid the emissions, stack height of 3 m
above roof level for the D.G. Set shall be
provided. The DG set will be provided with wet

5.2 Emissions from production No Not applicable

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

5.3 Emissions from materials Yes Dust will generate during construction, from the
handling including storage movement of transport vehicles & other
or transport construction activities. The effect is restricted to
construction phase only.
Water sprinklers are being used for dust
Material shall be stored under Tarpaulin cover.

5.4 Emissions from Yes Dust & emissions are generated during
construction activities construction activities which is being reduced
including plant and by sprinkling of water in a specific time interval
equipment & timely maintenance schedule for machinery.
Also the machines are being shut down during
idle period.
5.5 Dust or odours from Yes During loading & unloading of construction
handling of materials material dust is likely to be generated during
including construction construction phase. Water was being sprinkled
materials, sewage and and tarpaulin cover was provided over stored
waste raw material to reduce dust emission, same
shall be maintained during proposed
Mobile Toilets during construction phase shall
be provided & waste water will be disposed off
in septic tank followed by soak pits.
5.6 Emissions from No Not applicable.
incineration of waste.
5.7 Emissions from burning of No Open burning of biomass/ other material will be
waste in open air (e.g. prohibited.
slash materials,
construction debris).
5.8 Emissions from any other No None
6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat:

S.No. Information/Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible) with
source of information data with source
of information data
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

6.1 From operation of equipment No During Construction phase:

e.g. engines,ventilation plant, DG set of capacity 62.5 KVA shall be
crushers installed acoustically enclosed. The
equipment such as mixer machines,
bulldozers, cranes, compactors &
excavators were being used which were of
highest standard of reputed make and
adhere to international standards. Hence
an insignificant impact due to construction
machinery was envisaged and same shall
be followed in construction phase.

Apart from this, the construction activities

are restricted to daytime only and timely
maintenance of machinery is ensured.

During Operation Phase:

Source of noise in the operational phase will
be D.G. Set of capacity 3 x 2000 KVA. The
D.G. Set shall be acoustically enclosed &
shall be installed with anti-vibration pads
and will be used during Power failure only.
They may generate noise level maximum
upto 75 dB (A).
6.2 From industrial or similar No Not applicable
6.3 From construction or demolition Yes Due to the various activities there are short-
term noise impacts in the immediate vicinity
of the project site. These are restricted to
day time only. It has been estimated that
during the construction period the average
noise level is 80-100 dB (A) during peak
construction hours. However, embankment
has been done to further prevent the noise
6.4 From blasting or piling No No blasting or piling will be done.
6.5 From construction or Yes Some amount of noise (70 – 75 dB (A)) will
operational traffic be generated from vehicular movement in
the construction and operational phase.
Plantation around the boundary wall shall
be done to reduce noise from traffic.
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

6.6 From lighting or cooling No Not Applicable

6.7 From any other sources No None

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or
into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea:

S. No. Information/Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible) with
source of information data
7.1 From handling, storage, use or No The hazardous waste generated will be
spillage of hazardous materials Used oil and E-waste only. Used Oil will be
stored in HDPE drums and kept in covered
rooms under lock and key and will be sold
to authorized vendors only. E-waste shall be
stored separately and given to approved
recycler by CPCB. Special care will be
taken to prevent leakages and spills.
7.2 From discharge of sewage or No During operational phase 310 KLD STP will
other effluents to water or the be installed for treating the 258 KLD waste
land (expected mode and place water & 208 KLD of treated water shall be
of discharge) reused in flushing, gardening, cooling &
misc. purpose.
7.3 By deposition of pollutants No No major fresh water bodies are located in
emitted to air into the land or downward direction hence no risk of
into water contamination of water from release of
7.4 From any other sources No Not applicable
7.5 Is there a risk of long term build- No Not applicable
up of pollutants in the
environment from these
8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect
human health or the environment.

S. No. Information/Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate

confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible) with
source of information data
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

8.1 From explosions, spillages, No During Construction Phase:

fires etc. from storage, All appropriate measures are being taken to
handling, use or production avoid accidents.
of hazardous substances During Operational Phase:
Proper Disaster management & firefighting
system will be installed at site.
8.2 From any other causes No During Construction Phase:
All the labours were provided with suitable
personal protective equipment (PPE) as
required under the health & safety norms.
Training and awareness about the safety
norms had been provided to all supervisors
and labours involved in construction activity.
Same shall be done during further
8.3 Could the project be affected No The area under study falls in Seismic zone-
by natural disasters causing IV, according to the Indian Standard Seismic
environmental damage (e.g. Zoning Map. Suitable seismic coefficients in
floods, earthquakes, horizontal and vertical directions
landslides, cloudburst etc.)? respectively, will be adopted while designing
the structure.
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could

lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or
planned activities in the locality.

S. No. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate

confirmation No quantities/rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
9.1 Lead to development of supporting
facilities, ancillary development or No
development stimulated by the
project which could have impact on
the environment e.g.:
 Supporting infrastructure
(roads, power supply,
Yes STP will be installed for the treatment of
waste or waste water
treatment, etc.) wastewater.
 Housing development No Not Applicable
 Extractive industries No Not Applicable
 Supply industries No Not Applicable
 Other No Not Applicable
9.2 Lead to after-use of the site, which No Proper care shall be taken to avoid any
could have an impact on the disturbances
9.3 Set a precedent for later Yes Infrastructure development of area. Socio
developments Economic condition will be improved.
9.4 Have cumulative effects due to No No impact
proximity to other existing or
planned projects with similar
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

III. Environmental Sensitivity

Areas Name/ Aerial distance (within 15 km.)

from Proposed project location
S. Identity

1 Areas protected under Rashtrapati Bhawan 10.51 Km NE

international conventions,
Parliament House 11.36 Km NE
national or local legislation for
their ecological, landscape, India Gate 12.70 Km NE
cultural or other related value
Qutub Minar 6.89 Km SE
National Zoological Park 13.56 Km NE

2 Areas which are important or Water Bodies

sensitive for ecological reasons - Yamuna River 14.64 Km NE
Wetlands, watercourses or other Sanjay Lake 9.19 Km NE
Shamshi Talab 6.74 Km SE
water bodies, coastal zone,
Old Fort Lake 13.55 Km NE
biospheres, mountains, forests Neela Hauz 5.37 Km SE
Najafgarh Drain 12.15 Km N
Hauz Khas Tank 6.85 Km E
Bangla Sahib Sarover 12.07 Km NE
Ghitorni Lake 6.45 Km SE

Central Ridge Reserve 10.04 Km NE
Pusa Hill Forest 10.09 Km NE
Southern Ridge Forest 9.85 Km NE
Rajokri Protected Forest 3.32 Km SE
3 Areas used by protected, Asola Wild Life 14.73 Km SE
important or sensitive species of Sanctuary
flora or fauna for breeding,
nesting, foraging, resting, over
wintering, migration

4 Inland, coastal, marine or None None

underground waters.

5 State, National boundaries Haryana Boundary 5.14 Km SW

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

6 Routes or facilities used by the Nearest Road:

public for access to recreation or NH-8 0.44 Km SE
other tourist, pilgrim areas NH-2 13.25 Km NE
NH-24 14.40 Km NE
NH-236 6.92 Km SE
NH-10 13.92 Km N

Nearest Railway
New Delhi Railway 14.08 Km NE
Palam Railway Station 4.83 Km NW
Shahbad Mohammadpur 4.99 Km NW
Rly. Station
IGI Airpoet Metro Station 3.46 Km NW
Shivaji Bridge Railway 13.81 Km NE

Indira Gandhi
International Airport 0.32 Km SW
Safdarjung Airport
9.22 Km NE

7 Defense installations National Defense 10.96 Km NE

Defence Store 11.04 Km NE

Air Force Station 14.27 Km SE

8 Densely populated or built-up Dwarka 8.77 Km NW

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

9 Areas occupied by sensitive Hospital:

man-made land uses (hospitals, Airport Health 0.77 Km SW
schools Organization
Indian Spinal Injuries 2.76 Km SE
, places of worship, community Centre
facilities) Sacred Heart Hospital 2.24 Km SW
Artemis Hospital 5.98 Km NW
Holy Angels Hospital 4.38 Km NE

Post Office:
Ghitorni Post Office 6.16 Km SE
Lodhi Road Head Post 10.56 Km NE
Naraina Industrial Estate 9.37 Km NE
Post Office
Kalkaji Head Post Office 13.39 Km E

Place of Worship:
Sankat Mochan 0.92 Km NE
Hanuman Mandir
Brahma Kumaris 0.59 Km SE
Rajyoga Center
Masjid Chishtiya 7.05 Km NW
Gufa Wala Mandir 6.57 Km NW
Ayyappa Temple 6.98 Km NW

Delhi Public School, 5.91 Km NE
St. Paul School 7.69 Km E
The British School 7.85 Km NE
Salwan Junior School 8.59 Km NE

Bank of Tokyo 0.23 Km NE
Mitsubishi UFJ
Indian Bank of Overseas 0.47 Km SE

SBI AAI Rangpuri 1.02 Km SW
Kotak Mhindra Bank 0.01 KM SW
10 Areas containing important, high None None
quality or scarce resources
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Aerocity Hotel & Global Centre (Delhi) Pvt. Ltd.

(Ground water resources,

surface resources, forestry,
agriculture, fisheries, tourism,

11 Areas already subjected to None None

pollution or environmental
damage. (Those where existing
legal environmental standards
are exceeded)

12 Areas susceptible to natural The project area falls in seismic

hazard which could cause the zone –IV.
project to present environmental
(Earthquakes, subsidence,
landslides, erosion, flooding or
extreme or adverse climatic
“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.


(Project proponents are required to provide full information and wherever necessary attach
explanatory notes with the Form and submit along with proposed environmental management
plan & monitoring programme)

(Attach panoramic view of the project site and the vicinity)

1.1 Will the existing land use get The proposed project site is proposed at Asset no.
significantly altered from the project 13, Hospitality District, DIAL, IGI Airport, Delhi
that is not consistent with the
The construction was started as per earlier
surroundings? (Proposed land use
Environmental Clearance granted vide F no.
must conform to the approved
92/DPCC/SEIAA-SEAC/10/1444-1448 dated 11th Nov
Master Plan / Development Plan of
2010“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre”.
the area. Change of land use if any
and the statutory approval from the No land use change is anticipated.
competent authority be submitted).

Attach Maps of

(i) Site location The site location shown on Google Map is enclosed as
(ii) Surrounding features of the Map showing vicinity around the site is enclosed as
proposed site (within 500 meters) Enclosure-
(iii) The site (indicating levels &
contours) to appropriate scales. If not Contour is enclosed as Enclosure- 7.
available attach only conceptual
1.2 List out all the major project
requirements in terms of the
Land area, Total Plot area = 31163.13 sq m

Built up area 212732.72 sq m

Water consumption 374 KLD
Power requirement 6000 KW
Connectivity Expressway Highway NH-8 – 0.44 Km SE
Community facilities Hotel, Convention Centre, Retail, Banquet, Country
Club and Swimming Pool.

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 25

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.

Parking needs etc. Parking Requirement – 1623 ECS

Parking Provisions – 2168 ECS
1.3 What are the likely impacts of the The entire project influenced area was developed as
proposed activity on the existing per the provision of Master Pan, thus no induced
facilities adjacent to the proposed development is foreseen due to the proposed project.
site? Also the proposed development was carried out as per
(Such as open spaces, community the defined building by-laws; hence no impact is
facilities, details of the existing envisaged due to proposed development. Same shall
landuse, and disturbance to the local be followed during further construction
ecology). Construction phase as well as operation Phase of the
project, will generate direct and indirect employment
opportunities for a large section of society. The
employment will have positive impact thereby
increasing the quality of life.
1.4 Will there be any significant land No such significant land disturbance will result.
disturbance resulting in erosion, However, care will be taken so that no erosion,
subsidence & instability? subsidence & instability takes place.
(Details of soil type, slope analysis, Slope Analysis:
vulnerability to subsidence, The project area possesses fairly plain terrain.
seismicity etc. may be given). Erosion / Subsidence:
Proper greening & paving of area will not cause any
soil erosion problem and subsidence.
The area under study falls in Seismic zone-IV
according to the Indian Standard Seismic Map.
Suitable seismic coefficients in horizontal and vertical
directions respectively, will be adopted while designing
the structure.
1.5 Will the proposal involve alteration of The proposed project activities will not cause any
natural drainage systems? alteration of natural drainage system.
(Give details on a contour map
showing the natural drainage near
the proposed project site)
1.6 What are the quantities of earthwork During construction phase, 567000 cu m. of soil is
involved in the construction activity excavated in order to provide of basement
cutting, filling, reclamation etc. foundation. This excavated soil has been properly
(Give details of the quantities of stacked within site under tarpaulin cover and is being
earthwork involved, transport of fill reused for back filling purposes. The top soil is
materials from outside the site etc.) preserved for landscaping purpose only. Hence, no
adverse impacts on the land environment are

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 26

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.

1.7 Give details regarding water supply, Water Supply: During Construction stage, water
waste handling etc. during the will be sourced through nearby STP through tanker
construction period. supplier.
Waste Generation / Handling:
Spillage of oil from the machinery or cement residual
from concrete mixer plants would be properly collected
and reused in construction site.
For construction labour, proper sanitary facilities &
wash areas were being constructed such as mobile
toilets and good hygienic conditions will be maintained
in further construction phase also.
1.8 Will the low lying areas & wetlands No low lying and wetlands area are present in and
get altered? around the project site.
(Provide details of how low lying and
wetlands are getting modified from
the proposed activity)
1.9 Whether construction debris & waste The construction debris generated from the
during construction cause health construction project is common in nature and will not
hazard? (Give quantities of various cause any health hazard to associate and nearby
types of wastes generated during population. The construction debris will be used for
construction including the land leveling / backfilling and landscaping according to
construction labour and the means of its composition. Steel scrap will be given to recycler.
disposal) Waste concrete will be reused as aggregate in
construction process.
Approx. 150 labours is being engaged during the
construction period. Proper sanitary facilities are
provided to construction labourers. Wash areas are
constructed and good hygienic conditions is

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 27

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.


2.1 Give the total quantity of water The total quantity of water requirement shall be 374
requirement for the proposed KLD which will be provide by Delhi International Airport
project with the breakup of Pvt Limited
requirements for various uses. Water Balance Diagram is given in Environmental
How will the water requirement Management Plan.
met? Water Storage during operation:
State the sources & quantities and Storage will be provided for one-day requirement after
furnish a water balance statement. ascertaining the one-day average water requirement.
In order to ascertain the quantity of water consumed,
the supply will be through the water meter installed in
the supply line. The water main will be led into
Firefighting storage tanks and from these
compartments; the water will be allowed to overflow
into raw water tanks.

2.2 What is the capacity (dependable Daily water demand for the Hotel Complex &
flow or yield) of the proposed convention centre has been calculated to be around
source of water? 374 KL / Day. Water demand will be met from Delhi
International Airport Pvt. Limited.
2.3 What is the quality of water In case supply is not made or the supply made is
required, in case, the supply is not inadequate then the water shall be arranged through
from a municipal source? (Provide Tankers. In that case the water quality at the project
physical, chemical, biological site will be of standard as prescribed by the appropriate
characteristics with class of water authority.
2.4 How much of the water Total treated water of 208 KLD shall be generated from
requirement can be met from the the S.T.P and shall be reused in flushing, gardening,
recycling of treated wastewater? HVAC cooling & misc. purposes within the project
(Give the details of quantities, premises. Approx. 55.6 % of total water requirement
sources and usage) will be met by recycled water.
2.5 Will there be diversion of water There will not be any substantial effect on water
from other users? demand of this region as the development will be done
(Please assess the impacts of the as per the development plan of the area.
project on other existing uses and
quantities of consumption)

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 28

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.

2.6 What is the incremental pollution The total waste water generation from the complex will
load from wastewater generated be 258 KLD which will be treated in in-house S.T.P of
from the proposed activity? capacity 310 KLD. 208 KLD of the treated water will be
reused for flushing, gardening, HVAC cooling & misc.
(Give details of the quantities and purposes. Excess water shall be discharge to sewer.
composition of wastewater
generated from the proposed
2.7 Give details of the water The rain water from terraces and other open area will
requirements met from water be collected in Rain Water Storage Tank (2 no.) of 250
harvesting? Furnish details of the Cum Capacity. The details of Rain Water Storage is
facilities created. given in Environmental Management plan.
2.8 What would be the impact of the After construction of complex; the rain water will be
land use changes occurring due to properly channelized to rain water collection tanks
the proposed project on the runoff through storm water drain within the complex excess
characteristics (quantitative as rain water will be discharged in to the existing storm
well as qualitative) of the area in water drainage of the area.
the post construction phase on a
long-term basis?
Would it aggravate the problems of No, it will not aggravate the problem of flooding or water
flooding or water logging in any logging in any way, rather will reduce the same.
2.9 What are the impacts of the There will be no ground water extraction, however
proposal on the ground water? ground water recharging is proposed through rain
(Will there be tapping of ground water harvesting, so, there will be positive impact on
water; give the details of ground ground water levels.
water table, recharging capacity,
and approvals obtained from
competent authority, if any)
2.10 What precautions/measures are During the construction phase, runoff from the
taken to prevent the run-off from construction site is not allowed into the roadside. It shall
construction activities polluting be collected in a tank & after pre-treatment it is being
land & aquifers? reused for sprinkling, curing, tyre washing etc, rest will
(Give details of quantities and the be discharge in existing storm water drain of the area.
measures taken to avoid the
adverse impacts)

2.11 How is the storm water from within Adequate measures shall be taken to channelize such
storm water and the same shall be collected in rain
the site managed?
water storage tanks.
(State the provisions made to
avoid flooding of the area, details

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 29

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.

of the drainage facilities provided

along with a site layout indication
contour levels)
2.12 Will the deployment of construction Mobile toilets have been proposed for laborers during
labourers particularly in the peak construction period. The waste will be disposed off to
period lead to unsanitary septic tank via soak pit.
conditions around the project site
(Justify with proper explanation)
2.13 What on-site facilities are provided Waste water during construction phase from labors will
for the collection, treatment & safe be discharged into septic tank followed by soak pit.
disposal of sewage?
(Give details of the quantities of
wastewater generation, treatment During operation phase 258 KLD of waste water will be
capacities with technology & treated in S.T.P. of 310 KLD capacity based on FAB
facilities for recycling and disposal) technology. 80.6 % of treated water will be reused.
2.14 Give details of dual plumbing Dual Plumbing line will be provided in the complex for
system if treated waste used is reuse of treated water.
used for flushing of toilets or any
other use.


3.1 Is there any threat of the project to The ecology of the study area is not very rich in diversity
or high in endemism, nearby area is already developed.
the biodiversity?
Planted species are dominated in buffer zone. Core
(Give a description of the local zone is devoid of vegetation.
ecosystem with its unique The major mammalian fauna of the project-influenced
features, if any) area involves common languor, Rhesus macaques
(Macaqua mulata), mongoose (Herpestris edwardii) etc.
Avifauna is primarily represented by common crow
(Corvus splendens), House sparrow (Passer
domesticus), blue rock pigeon (Columba livia), Rose
ring paraqeet (Pitecula cramerii), spotted doves
(Streptopilia chinensis) and finches. Common peacock
(Pavo cristatus), are known to be present in within 10
km study area. Small reptiles, primarily squamates like
lizards, chameleons, poisonous & non-poisonous
snakes are also found in the study area.
No endangered or endemic species (as notified in IUCN
Red Data Book) are located within the study area. No
migratory birds breed in the study area. No Tiger reserve

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 30

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.

/ turtle breeding place is located within 15 km radius of

the study area.
3.2 Will the construction involve The proposed project site is an open land, which has
extensive clearing or modification been earmarked for development of Hotel Complex
of vegetation? hence there is no extensive clearing or modification of
(Provide a detailed account of the vegetation.
trees & vegetation affected by the
3.3 What are the measures proposed There will not be any kind of impact of this project on site
to be taken to minimize the likely features.
impacts on important site features The Shelter belt for the proposed project has been
(Give details of proposal for tree planned to provide a clean, healthy and beautiful green
plantation, landscaping, creation environment for the people to live in within the proposed
of water bodies etc along with a project site.
layout plan to an appropriate To minimize the impact, Green area will be provided of
scale) 8102.49 sqm.


4.1 Is there likely to be any displacement of Core Zone: The proposed site is under construction
fauna- both terrestrial and aquatic or & no fauna is found, so in existing conditions this place
creation of barriers for their movement? is not the habitat for local fauna. There will not be any
Provide the details. type of displacement or any other effect on the local
fauna due to proposed project activities.
Buffer Zone: There are No wild life sanctuaries within
10 km radius of the project site.
4.2 Any direct or indirect impacts on the As there is no distinct plantation at site, as trees planted
avifauna of the area? Provide details. are very young, no avifauna seen at site, however,
proper landscaping has been planned to provide a
clean, healthy and beautiful green environment for the
Common native variety of trees and ornamental
flowering species are planted and more will be planted
in the green space which will attract avifauna & hence
will have direct positive impact on the local avifauna &
this will provide shelter to local birds.
4.3 Prescribe measures such as corridors, Proper measures shall be taken to protect fauna
fish ladders etc. to mitigate adverse in the area.
impacts on fauna.

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 31

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.


5.1 Will the project increase atmospheric The traffic will increase due to operation of complex.
concentration of gases & result in Increased traffic generation of vehicles due to project
heat islands? will not cause significant increase in atmospheric
concentration of gases and do not result in heat island
(Give details of background air formation.
quality levels with predicted values Tree plantation in the complex will be provided such that
based on dispersion models taking the impact of air pollution shall be minimized.
into account the increased traffic Wet scrubber will be provided to control particulate
generation as a result of the emission.
proposed constructions) D.G. Set of capacity 3 x 2000 KVA will be installed in the
complex which will be operated during power cut only.
5.2 What are the impacts on generation No dust, odour will be generated at site. Smoke will be
of dust, smoke, odorous fumes or generated from the operation of DG sets. Proper stack
other hazardous gases? Give details height and emission standards will be maintained as per
in relation to all the meteorological CPCB guidelines.
5.3 Will the proposal create shortage of The optimum parking provision is proposed in the
parking space for vehicles? Furnish basement & surface. Hence there will be no shortage of
details of the present level of parking space for vehicles. Total parking provision of
transport infrastructure and complex will be 2168 ECS.
measures proposed for improvement
including the traffic management at
the entry & exit to the project site.
5.4 Provide details of the movement Maximum capacity of parking shall be provided in
patterns with internal roads, bicycle basement and a proper route shall be provided for the
tracks, pedestrian pathways, traffic movement as well as pedestrian movement.
footpaths etc., with areas under each
5.5 Will there be significant increase in For further construction, noise barriers will be installed
traffic noise & vibrations? Give to reduce traffic noise & vibrations and during operation
details of the sources and the green belt developed within the complex which mitigate
measures proposed for mitigation of the traffic noise. Proper care is being taken during
the above. design so that there is not any increase in traffic noise
by providing adequate traffic movement, hence no
conjunction will cause.
The foundation will be made very hard and paved with
rubber flooring to minimize the vibration, also all other
measures has been adopted during designing that there
will not be any causes of vibrations during the traffic

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 32

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.

density. No honking zone within the complex is being

5.6 What will be the impact of DG sets & There would be slight impact of D.G. Sets on noise
other equipment on noise levels & levels, vibration and in ambient air quality around the
vibration in & ambient air quality project site.
around the project site? Provide 1. All the D.G. Sets of the proposed project would be
details. bought acoustically enclosed in a room on basement.
2. Stack height as per C.P.C.B. norms to reduce the
impacts on air quality around the project site will be
3. The noise from D.G. Sets will meet the desired
standard as per CPCB guidelines. Low Sulphur fuel will
be used to run these D.G. Sets.
4. Vibration pads will be used in DG sets to minimize the
vibration effect.


6.1 Will the proposed constructions in After the construction of complex is complete, it will
any way result in the obstruction of a increase the beauty of the area by having well-ordered
view, scenic amenity or landscapes? buildings & proper landscaping.
Are these considerations taken into
Yes, all considerations have been taken by the
account by the proponents?
6.2 Will there be any adverse impacts The development in the entire project influenced area is
from new constructions on the as per the provision of Planning Department; hence no
existing structures? What are the adverse impacts are anticipated from new constructions
considerations taken into account?
on the existing structures in this area.
However, the proposed project will improve the lookout
of area.
6.3 Whether there are any local There are no typical urban form & urban design
considerations of urban form & urban influencing the design criteria.
design influencing the design
criteria? They may be explicitly spelt
Are there any anthropological or No there is no anthropological or archaeological site or
archaeological sites or artifacts artefacts near the site.
State if any other significant features All significant features have been considered.
in the vicinity of the proposed site
have been considered.

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 33

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.


7.1 Will the proposal result in any The operation of the project shall provide value addition
changes to the demographic to the existing infrastructure. The proposed project will
structure of local population? Provide
provide job facilities to for a no. of persons in it During
the details. construction phase about 150 -200 Nos. of skilled,
unskilled and professional work force including
temporary and permanent employees will be required
per day. This workforce will be hired locally in order to
generate the employment to the local people.
7.2 Give details of the existing social School:
infrastructure around the proposed Delhi Public 5.91 Km NE
project. School, R.K.Puram
St. Paul School 7.69 Km E
The British School 7.85 Km NE
Salwan Junior 8.59 Km NE

Bank of Tokyo
Mitsubishi UFJ 0.23 Km NE
Indian Bank of
Overseas 0.47 Km SE
7.3 Will the project cause adverse effects The proposed complex will be constructed with in the
on local communities, disturbance to designed site as per defined building by laws of
sacred sites or other cultural values? government authority. There is no sacred or cultural
What are the safeguards proposed? heritage site with in vicinity of proposed project; hence
no adverse impacts are envisaged.


8.1 May involve the use of building The major materials required for construction of the
materials with high-embodied project are steel, cement, bricks, flooring tiles/ stones,
energy. sanitary and hardware items, electrical fittings, etc.
Are the construction materials
Energy efficient building material shall be used.
produced with energy efficient
(Give details of energy conservation
measures in the selection of building
materials and their energy efficiency
8.2 Transport and handling of materials Mitigate Measures for Air Pollution During construction
during construction may result in stage:
pollution, noise & public nuisance. All the loose material either stacked or transported shall
What measures are taken to
be provided with suitable covering such as tarpaulin,
minimize the impacts?
etc. Water sprinkling shall be done at the location where

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 34

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.

dust generation is anticipated. To minimize the

occupational health hazard, proper personal protective
gears i.e. mask shall be provided to the workers who are
engaged in dust generation activity.
Wet scrubber will be provided to control particulate
Mitigate Measures for Noise Pollution during
Construction stage:
Isolation of noise generation sources and temporal
differentiation of noise generating activities will ensure
minimum noise at receiver’s end. To prevent any
occupational hazard, ear muff / ear plug shall be given
to the workers working around or operating plant and
machinery emitting high noise levels. Use of such plant
or machinery shall not be allowed during night hours.
Careful planting of machinery operation and scheduling
of operations shall be done to minimize such impact.
8.3 Are recycled materials used in roads The debris of construction material shall be used in
and structures? backfilling, roads etc.
State the extent of savings achieved?
8.4 Give details of the methods of The solid waste will be disposed off as per Municipal
collection, segregation & disposal of Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000.
the garbage generated during the Details are given in Environment Report.
operation phases of the project.


9.1 Give details of the power Power Requirement – 6000 KW

requirements, source of supply, Source of Power: DIAL
backup source etc. Back-up Source:
What is the energy consumption Power back up is proposed by using D.G. Sets of 3 x 2000
assumed per square foot of built-up
How have you tried to minimize During power failure D.G. Sets will start automatically.
energy consumption? Fuel consumption for DG Sets calculated to be 14
ltr/month (when in operation) of Low Sulphur Diesel. As
per the latest C.P.C.B. norms, D.G. Sets have to be
installed in acoustic enclosure and silencer.

Energy Conservation Measures & Management Plan:

 In the operational phase, appropriate energy

conservation measures & management plan will be
adopted in order to minimize the consumptions of

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 35

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.

non-renewable fuel. The following measures are

suggested to be adopted.
 Compact fluorescent lamps will be used in place of
incandescent halogen lamps in all common areas and
basement parking.
 The water supply pumping system shall be provided
with variable speed drive to conserve energy at part
 Lighting and switching shall be designed by keeping
in mind day light integration.
 Solar energy will be used in street lighting, solar water
heater and solar landscape lighting.

The DG/G.G. Sets shall be automatically controlled to optimize

the usage based on the actual load requirement at any given
9.2 What type of and capacity of power DG Sets: 3 x 2000 KVA Fuel: Ultra Low sulphur diesel.
back-up do you plan to provide?
9.3 What are the characteristics of the Double Reflective glass will be used.
glass you plan to use?
Provide specifications of its
characteristics related to both short
wave and long wave radiation?
9.4 What passive solar architectural Building design and envelope shall be optimized through
features are being used in the selection of appropriate wall and roof construction and
building? through adoption of solar measures.
Illustrate the applications made in the
proposed project.
9.5 Does the layout of streets & buildings Yes, the layout of buildings have been designed to
maximize the potential for solar
energy devices? maximize the potential for use of solar lighting per day
Have you considered the use of devices.
street lighting, emergency lighting
and solar hot water systems for use
in the building? Substantiate with Yes, solar lights shall be used.
9.6. Is shading effectively used to reduce Solar Measures shall be adopted to provide shading
cooling/heating loads? What devices for windows and roof which would effectively
principles have been used to reduce heating up of building envelope. Louvers and
maximize the shading of Walls on the
sunshades will be used around windows in order to
East and the West and the Roof?
How much energy saving has been protect from direct sunlight.
effected? Roofs will be painted with reflective aluminum based
paints with solar reflectance ranging from 0.3-0.6. This will
result in less absorption of sunlight causing 40 % back
reflection and less heating of building structure during
summer season. This will effectively reduce the heat load
of the building envelope.

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 36

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.

9.7 Do the structures use energy- Suitable energy optimization will be adopted during the
efficient space conditioning, lighting calculation of energy load of the proposed project. The
and mechanical systems? Provide space heating load will be minimized using solar structure
technical details.
and suitable building envelop material. Uses of
incandescent lamp and halogen lamps have been
avoided and energy efficient CFL light shall be used for all
common area and other areas.

Provide details of the transformers The diesel generator sets shall be automatically controlled
and motor efficiencies, lighting to optimize their usage based on the actual load
intensity and air-conditioning load requirements at any time. Space conditioning will be
assumptions? provided as per norms of National Building Code – Part 8;
Building Services Section 3–Mechanical Ventilation.
Lighting intensity will be done as per the National Building
Code Guidelines.
Are you using CFC and HCFC free
CFC and HCFC free chillers will be provided.
chillers? Provide specifications
9.8 What are the likely effects of the No significant effect is envisaged on the surrounding
building activity in altering the micro- environment of project. Increased traffic generation and
climates? use of diesel generators sets( only during power failure )
Provide a self-assessment on the
in the project will not cause significant increase in
likely impacts of the proposed
construction on creation of heat atmospheric concentration of gases and will not result in
island & inversion effects? heat island formation.
9.9 What are the thermal characteristics S. No BUILDING MATERIAL ‘R’ Values ‘U’ Values
of the building envelope? (a) roof; (b) PROPOSED (in Sq m. Deg (in Watts/ Sq m.
WITH U & R VALUES C/ Watts ) Deg C)
external walls; and (c) fenestration?
1. Wall 2.28 0.44
Give details of the material used and Brick & ACC Blocks wall
the U-values or the R values of the (230 mm thick), both side
thick sand cement plaster
individual components. (12-18mm) with

2. Roof 2.04 0.49

200 mm RCC slab with
mud phuska & clay tiles
with 75 mm insulation.

3. Double Reflective Glass 0.30 3.3

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 37

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.

9.10 What precautions & safety measures The basic system of Fire Fighting shall be designed as per
are proposed against fire hazards? the provisions of the National Building Code 2005
Furnish details of emergency plans.
Water shall be drawn from fire reserve tanks by
electrically driven jockey pumps, fire pumps. A standby
diesel engine driven pump for fire hydrant pump shall also
be provided. All pumps shall have separate suction line
from the fire suction header and delivery shall be
connected to the system. Diesel engine driven fire pump
shall be of the same capacity and shall back up the
electrically operated fire hydrant, as per fire regulations.
This will be operated in case of total electrical power or
electrical pump failure. Independent jockey pumps (for
hydrant line) shall operate intermittently in order to take
care of hydraulic losses in the system and shall maintain
the minimum pressure respectively in wet risers.
Fire department connections, capable of directly feeding
the ring mains or static fire reserve tanks, shall also be
provided near the main entrance. It shall also be provided
on the external wall of the property near the main
Internal standpipe fire hydrant system shall be provided
with landing valve, hose reel, first aid hose reels, complete
with instantaneous pattern short gunmetal pipe.
The hose cabinet to accommodate the Hose Pipes,
Branch Pipe, Nozzle and Hydrant Outlets shall be
fabricated from 2 mm thick or 14 mm gauge aluminium
sheet. Internal Hydrants shall accommodate the Hose
Reel equipment.
The hose cabinet shall be painted red and stove
Hand held extinguishers shall be located so that the
maximum travel distance is not more than 23 meters and
would generally be located in or adjacent to the fire hose
reel cabinet.
Fire Safety:

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 38

“Hotel Complex & Convention Centre” M/s Heaven Star Reality Pvt. Ltd.

The building materials shall be of appropriate fire

resistance standards. Further, design shall include
provisions for the following:
 The electrical systems shall be provided with
automatic circuit breakers activated by the rise of
current as well as activated by over current.
 Fire detection system.
 Fire alarm system at appropriate places.
 Means of escape
 Access for fireman
 Emergency Lighting:
 The emergency lights operated on battery power
should be provided at appropriate locations such as
corridors, common area, staircase, exit and entrance
doors, parking etc.
9.11 If you are using glass as wall material Yes, we are using glass in our structure.
provides details and specifications S. No BUILDING MATERIAL ‘R’ Values ‘U’ Values
including emissive and thermal PROPOSED (in Sq m. Deg (in Watts/ Sq m.
WITH U & R VALUES C/ Watts ) Deg C)
1. Double Reflective 0.30 3.3

9.12 What is the rate of air infiltration into All the window and door will be airtight quality, hence we
the building? don’t foresee any air infiltration
Provide details of how you are
mitigating the effects of infiltration.
9.13 To what extent the non-conventional Solar energy will be used to meet some electric requirement. It
energy technologies are utilized in is proposed to install solar Heater to generate hot water and
the overall energy consumption? link it to the main hot water system for augmenting the hot water
Provide details of the renewable supply to various areas.
energy technologies used.

10.1 The Environment Management Plan Environment Management Plan is given in Environment
would consist of all mitigation Report attached as ENCLOSURE -2
measures for each item wise activity
to be undertaken during the
construction, operation and the entire
life cycle to minimize adverse
environmental impacts as a result of
the activities of the project. It would
also delineate the environmental
monitoring plan for compliance of
various environmental regulations. It
will state the steps to be taken in case
of emergency such as accidents at
the site including fire.

Prepared by: -M/s Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 39

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