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Intelligence and Secret Service Definition of Terms

News of the world

2 Methods Of Collecting Information

1. Overt/Open – overt info. Are obtained from open and easily available sources like
magazines, reports and files.
2. Covert/Close

3 Defined Objectives Of Police Intelligence

1. To assist the commander in the success of the team

2. Discover and Identify criminal activities
3. To assist in the apprehension of criminals

3 Types Of Channels In Special Communication Systems

1. Regular
2. Secondary
3. Emergency

4 Phases/Steps of Informant Recruitment

1. Selection
2. Investigation
3. Approach
4. Testing

Area of Interest – subject of information gathering (person,place,things or an activity)

Briefs – the form in which the finished product of intelligence is presented to the commander in
the police department.

Bugging – the placement of a hidden microphone in a particular room to obtain information.

Burned – the agent was identified and known.

CIA – established in 1946.

Ciples – are fundamental guides to action, broad statement of truth from which others are

Classification/Types Of Police Intelligence

1. Strategic Intelligence
2. Counter Intelligence
3. Line Intelligence

Coding – is the process of putting the codes and ciphers to plain text message.

Collate – to bring together and compare the truthfulness of the information.

Collection – to accumulate knowledge on a subject or area of interest.

Cooperative Members of the Community - a rich source of information on criminals, criminal

activities and even subversive groups.

Criminal Syndicate – it is a stable business with violence applied and directed at unwelcome

Criminal World – the social organization of criminals having its own social classes.

Cryptoanalysis – is the process of putting the plain text message to codes and cipher.

Cryptograph – the art and science of making, devising, inventing, or protecting codes and cipher.

Counter Intelligence – type of intelligence activity which deals with defending the organization
againsts it criminal activities.

Counter Intelligence Security Measures

1. Physical Security – a system of barrier placed between the potential intruder and the
material to be protected.
2. Personnel Security – includes all security measures designed to prevent unsuitable
individuals of doubtful loyalty from gaining access to classified matter,securing facilities
and to prevent the appointment, employment, or retention as employees of such
3. Operational Security – measures taken in conducting operations or action in a secure and
efficient manner.
4. Security Survey/Inspection – conducted in order to assist the chief of office in
determining the security measures required to protect key installation from possible
sabotage, espionage, subversion and unauthorized disclosure of or access to classified
defense information or materials.
5. Community Security – is the protection resulting from all measures designed to deny
unauthorized person information of value which may be derived from the possession
and study of communications or to mislead unauthorized persons and the interpretation
of the result of such study.

Counter Surveillance – if a surveillance team is watched by the supervisor or a designated

unknown individual to know if the team is doing its job as planned or is being watched by
companions of the subject.

Covert Operation – if the information is obtained without the knowledge of the person against
whom the information or document may be used or if the method or procurement is done not
in an open manner.

Detection of Criminal – the primary purpose of police counter intelligence.

Decipher – to reconvert the cipher into plain text message.

Documentary Security Classifications

1. Top Secret
2. Secret
3. Confidential
4. Restricted

Encipher – conversion of plain text message to ciphers.

Evaluation – it is the critical appraisal of information as a basis for its subsequent interpretation
which includes determining the pertinence of information and the reliability of the source.
                   - to judge the information as to its truthfulness or   importance.

Financial Gain – the most common reason why an informer is giving information.

Frederick The Great – father of organized military espionage.

Information – are knowledge, data, news, opinion or the like transmitted from one person to

Integrate – to make the entire or all the information the subject matter.

Interpret – to explain the meaning or to expand the information from the unknown to known.

Intelligence – product resulting from the collecting information concerning an actual and
potential situation and condition relating to foreign activities and to foreign or enemy held

- product resulting from collection, evaluation, analysis, integration, and interpretation of

available information concerning area of interest.
Interpretation – determining the significance of the information with respect to what is already
known and it draws conclusions as to the probable meaning of the evaluated information.

Kinds Of Surveillance

1. Surveillance of place
2. Tailing or shadowing
3. Undercover investigation or Roping

Line Intelligence – types of intelligence which is of immediate nature and necessary for more
effective police planning and operation.

Method of Casing

1. Personal Reconnaissance – the most effective

2. Map Reading
3. Research Work
4. Operational Data Research

Military Intelligence – it is an evaluated and interpreted information concerning an actual or

possible enemy or theater of operations including weather and terrain together with the
conclusions drawn therefrom.

Need To Know Principle – in intelligence dissemination, even a ranking law enforcer who has no
business on the classified information is not furnished the report.

OB File – identification, location, and knowing the intents of criminal syndicates, notorious
characters and even people with subversive desires must be made available for use.

Order Of Battle – an intelligence document describing the identity, strength, command structure
and disposition of the enemy/criminals.

Organized crime – it is the combination of two or more persons for the purpose of establishing
criminal activity.

Overt Operation – if the information or document are procured openly with out regard as to
whether the subject of the investigation becomes knowledgeable of the purpose for which it is
being gathered.

Parker – internal affairs is my defense and intelligence is my offensive arm.

Police Counter Intelligence – it is the detection, prevention, or neutralization of any activity

inimical to the harmony and best interest of the police organization.
Police Intelligence – an evaluated and interpreted information concerning organized crime and
other major police problems.

Reconnaissance – to gather specific or detailed information at a particular time and place.

Roping – undercover assignment, form of investigation in which the investigator assume a

different and unofficial identity/cover story in order to obtain information.

Safe House – a clandestine place where the intelligence agent and his superior meet.

Schulmoister – Napoleon's secret military agent.

Security Inspection – conducted in order to determine degree of compliance with established

security policies and procedures.

Stool Pidgeon – an individual who sells information to different groups of law enforcers.

Strategic Intelligence – intelligence which is primarily long range in nature with little or no
immediate practical value.

Sun Tzu – he was the writer of the book “Art of War”.

Surveillance – to gather general information over a wide area and takes a longer time frame.

Tactical Interrogation – a process or method to obtain information from a captured enemy.

Walshingham – protector of queen Elizabeth.

Wilhelm Von Stieber – a CIA intelligence officer who spied for soviet union from 1985 – 1994, he
had perpetrated the costliest breach of security in the agency's history.

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