2014 - Mathematics and Statistics

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MODULE NAME Mathematics and Statistics

DATE 20-May-14

TIME 14:30

TIME ALLOWED 2 Hours 30 Minutes

©2013 University College London TURN OVER
COMP2003 - Mathematics & Statistics

2 hours and 30 minutes.

Calculators and Statistical Tables are permitted.

Answer all questions in section A and all questions in section B.

The sections carry equal weight:

54 marks in total for section A, 54 marks in total for section B.

Section A - Mathematics

Attempt all questions.

1. a) Give an equation for the line through (-3, -5) and (2, -1)
[2 Marks]

b) For what x is (3x-4)2 /(3x+l)2 > 1 ?

[4 Marks]

2. a) If the degrees of polynomials P and Q are m and n, what is the degree of

[2 Marks]

[4 Marks]

3. a) Differentiate Sin(~J
[2 Marks]

b) Sketch - - over the domain [-10,10] and range [-20,20]
[4 Marks]


- 1­
4. a) Express logs 8 using naturallogaritluns.
[2 Marks]

b) What is the area of a regular hexagon of unit side length?

[4 Marks]

5. a) Evaluate J"Xr dx
[2 Marks]

b) Whatkminimizes J(x+k)4 dx?
[4 Marks]

6. a) Give a quadratic approximation to eX cosx in the neighbourhood of x = 1f

[2 Marks]

b) Evaluate 1+2/2+3/2 2 +4/2 3 + ...

[4 Marks]

7. a) Compute axay (x+ i)e~
[2 Marks]

( 2+ 2)
b) Where is the magnitude of the gradient of e- x Y maximized?
[4 Marks]

8. a) What is ml~}
[2 Marks]

b) If ii, V, ware vectors such that ii· v :;t 0, ii . w:;t 0, v.w:;t 0, what can be said
about the dimensionality of the vector space to which they belong?
[4 Marks]


9. a) What is (1+2i)+(1-i)(3-3i)?
[2 Marks]

b) Give all the roots of z3 +1 = 0

[4 Marks]



Section B - Statistics

Attempt all questions. All three questions in this section are each worth 18 marks in total.

You '(nay 'USl th'_ followmg Jonnalae if n:.qun-ed:

• An F:r:ponmtially distributed random variable Xu'ith mWTl E(X) = 1/ A has pT'Obability
drnsity junction

f('J;) = At -A£ fOT X > 0,

and r:utnulutive distribution funcLwn

1'(T) ".., 1 - (\r for x> O.

• A Pozs:Wll di8t,.ibuted mndom uanabLe Y w-ith mwn p, has

11. Patients arrivp at a waJk-in denta.! clinic a.ccording to a Poisson Process of rate 8 per hour.

(a) Find the probability that durin~ a tirat' period of 20 minutes, exactly 1 patients arrivp.
[3 marks]
(b) Let 7' be the tirnp (in hours) between the a.rrival of the first patient and that of the
second patient. ";ame the distribution of T a.nd state its mean. [2 marks]

Each patient req uires one of two possi blp t.\" pes of t["f~atment (independently of all other
patients and of th(' arrival process): with probability 0.6 he or she only needs a quick check­
up, whereas with probability 0.4 dental surgery is rpquin-~d.

(c) Find approximately the probability that a.mongst the first .50 patients, more than 25 will
require dental surgpry. [5 marks]

Suppose that the clinic is run by a sing I!' dentist, and that the time she takes to do a quick
check-up is Exponentially distributed with a. mean of !'i minutes, whereas the time she needs
to perform d('ntal surgery is Exponentially distributed with a mpan of 13 minutes. Suppose
that you arrive at the clinic just as the dentist caJJs in the pati('nt befor(' you and starts
treating him, so you take a ::ipat in the waiting room and await your turn.

(d) Calcula.te the probability that the d('ntist will ta.ke longer than 10 minutes treating the
patient before you. [4 marks]
(e) It turns out that after you have waited for 10 minutes, the patient before you is still
being treated. Given this information, what is the probability that he is undergoing
dental surgery rather tha.n a quick check-up? [4 marks]


12. Robin Hood attempts to gain access to a bank vault which is protected by a ,'i-digit access
code. He enters a randomly chosen sequence of 5 digits (where each chosen digit is equally
likely to be any integer froln 0 to 9, independently of all other digits).

(a) Find the probability that Robin enters the correct access code. [2 marks]
(b) Find the probaL>ility that he gets the first or the second digit right (or both). [2 marks]
(c) Find the probability that he gC'ts exactly two of the five digits right. [3 marks]
(d) Given that he got exactly two of the five digits right, what is the probability that the
three middle digits a]'(~ wrong? [3 marks]
(e) Suppose that Robin carri!'s on entering randomly chosen sequences of five digits, but
fails to remember which sequences he has already tried, so that successive attempts are
independent. Let X be the number of attempts until he enters the correct access code.
Namr the distribution of X and find P(X < 100). [3 marks]
(f) How many different 5-digit access codes can be formed in which the five digits 0,2,1,6,b
each occur exa..ctly once? [2 marks]
(g) How many different 5-digit access codes can be ['armed using only thr digits 2,1,6,8, in
which each of these digits orcur at least once? [3 marks]

13. (a) An airline's load calculations use the assurn ptions that the weight of a pClssenger's hand
luggage is 6 kg on average, with a standard deviation of 3 kg, and that thr weights
of different pa.ssengers' hann luggage are independent. Based on these assumptions,
calculate a,pproximately the probability that the combined weight of the hand luggage
of 150 passengers exceeds 1000 kg. [4 marks]
(b) Following a substantial increase in the price the airline charges for luggage other than
hand luggage, it is suspected that pass('n~trs may now be making fullpr usp of their
(free) hand luggage allowance, so that the figures quoted in part (a) may no longer be
appropriate. An initia.l investigation consists of weighing an independent random sample
of 12 passengers' hand luggage. The following data are obtained (weights in kg, rounded
to 1 dp):

,3.3, !:J.O, 6.1, 7.6, 10.2, 6.0, 8.!:), 10.5, 7.2, 3.!:J, R.O, !:J.1

(i) Find the median and the upper and lower quartiles of these r[Clta. [3 marks]
(ii) Calculate the sample mean and the sample variance. [3 marks]
(iii) Perform an Cl ppropriate statistical hy pothesis test to assess, at a significance level
of 5%, wh(~ther these dat.a provide significant evidence that thc' mean weight of
passengers' hand luggage is now lmyPT than 6 kg. State any assumptions that you
ma,ke and formulate your conclusion clearly. [8 marks]


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