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India, a agriculture based economy where two-third of its population depends on

agricultural commodities, surprisingly has an under developed commodity market.
Unlike the physical market, futures markets trades in commodity are largely used as risk
management (hedging) mechanism on either physical commodity itself or open positions
in commodity stock.

1.1 Meaning of commodity

A commodity may be defined as an article, a product or material that is bought and sold.
It can be classified as every kind of movable property, except Actionable Claims, Money
& Securities. Commodities actually offer immense potential to become a separate asset
class for market-savvy investors, arbitrageurs and speculators. Retail investors, who
claim to understand the equity markets, may find commodities an unfathomable market.
But commodities are easy to understand as far as fundamentals of demand and supply are
concerned. Retail investors should understand the risks and advantages of trading in
commodities futures before taking a leap.

1.2 Commodity market

Commodity market is an important constituent of the financial markets of any country. It

is the market where a wide range of products, viz., precious metals, base metals, crude
oil, energy and soft commodities like palm oil, coffee etc. are traded. It is important to
develop a vibrant, active and liquid commodity market. This would help investors hedge
their commodity risk, take speculative positions in commodities and exploit arbitrage
opportunities in the market.

Bombay Cotton Trade Association Ltd., set up in 1875, was the first organized futures
market. Bombay Cotton Exchange Ltd. was established in 1893 following the widespread
discontent amongst leading cotton mill owners and merchants over functioning of
Bombay Cotton Trade Association. The Futures trading in oilseeds started in 1900 with
the establishment of the Gujarati Vyapari Mandali, which carried on futures trading in
groundnut, castor seed and cotton. Futures' trading in wheat was existent at several places
in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. But the most notable futures exchange for wheat was
chamber of commerce at Hapur set up in 1913. Futures trading in bullion began in
Mumbai in 1920. Calcutta Hessian Exchange Ltd. was established in 1919 for futures
trading in raw jute and jute goods. But organized futures trading in raw jute began only in
1927 with the establishment of East Indian Jute Association Ltd. These two associations
amalgamated in 1945 to form the East India Jute & Hessian Ltd. to conduct organized
trading in both Raw Jute and Jute goods. Forward Contracts (Regulation) Act was
enacted in 1952 and the Forwards Markets Commission (FMC) was established in 1953
under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution. In due course, several
other exchanges were created in the country to trade in diverse commodities.

Structure of Commodity Market

1.3 Different types of commodities traded

World-over one will find that a market exits for almost all the commodities known to us.
These commodities can be broadly classified into the following:

Precious Metals: Gold, Silver, Platinum etc

Other Metals: Nickel, Aluminum, Copper etc
Agro-Based Commodities: Wheat, Corn, Cotton, Oils, Oilseeds.
Soft Commodities: Coffee, Cocoa, Sugar etc
Live-Stock: Live Cattle, Pork Bellies etc
Energy: Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Gasoline etc

Different segments in Commodities market

The commodities market exits in two distinct forms namely the Over the Counter
(OTC) market and the Exchange based market. Also, as in equities, there exists the
spot and the derivatives segment. The spot markets are essentially over the counter
markets and the participation is restricted to people who are involved with that
commodity say the farmer, processor, wholesaler etc. Derivative trading takes place
through exchange-based markets with standardized contracts, settlements etc.

Leading commodity markets of world

Some of the leading exchanges of the world are New York Mercantile Exchange
(NYMEX), the London Metal Exchange (LME) and the Chicago Board of Trade

Leading commodity markets of India

The government has now allowed national commodity exchanges, similar to the BSE &
NSE, to come up and let them deal in commodity derivatives in an electronic trading
environment. These exchanges are expected to offer a nation-wide anonymous, order
driven, screen based trading system for trading. The Forward Markets Commission
(FMC) will regulate these exchanges.

Consequently four commodity exchanges have been approved to commence business in

this regard. They are:

Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) located at Mumbai.

National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange Ltd (NCDEX) located at Mumbai.
National Board of Trade (NBOT) located at Indore.
National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE) located at Ahmedabad.

1.4 Statement of the Problem

Volatile markets are characterized by wide spread fluctuations and heavy trading undertaken in
short span of time. Volatility estimation is important for several reasons and for different people
in the market. Pricing of underlying commodity is supposed to be dependent on volatility of
commodity market. Thus, investors always find various ways to protect themselves from the
volatility on the commodity price inflation.
Based on the volatility of spot price in commodity market future contracts are determined by the
traders for hedging.
A commodity can be bought either in commodity market or physical market. In commodity
market it is based on the spot price determined. Where as in physical market price determined
due to demand factors and supply factors of the commodity and Government intervention.

 The relationship between spot price determined in commodity market and the price in
physical market.
 Commodity market’s spot price is more volatile or physical market price is more volatile.
1.5 Need and Importance of study
In India agriculture has traditionally been an area with heavy government intervention.
Government intervenes by trying to maintain buffer stocks, they try to fix prices, and they have
import-export restrictions and a host of other interventions.
Spot trading is any transaction where delivery either takes place immediately, or with a
minimum lag between the trade and delivery due to technical constraints. Spot trading normally
involves visual inspection of the commodity or a sample of the commodity, and is carried out in
markets such as wholesale markets. Commodity markets, on the other hand, require the existence
of agreed standards so that trades can be made without visual inspection.
This study focuses on knowing whether commodity market is more volatile or physical market.
The price in physical market is determined through various factors and measures.where as spot
price in commodity market is
Spot Prices
NCDEX will announce / disseminate spot prices for Wheat relating to the designated
delivery center and specified grade/ quality parameters determined through the process
of polling a set of market participants representing different segments of the value chain
such as traders, importers / exporters, processors etc.
The polled prices shall be input to a normalizing algorithm (like ‘bootstrapping’
technique) to arrive at a representative, unbiased and clean ‘benchmark’ spot price for
Wheat. The security of data and randomness of polling process will ensure transparency
and correctness of prices. The Exchange has absolute right to modify the process of
determination of spot prices at any time without notice

 So this study tries to determine about the spot price which is determined from various
physical market does represent any relationship.
 As the Spot price in commodity market is determined from various physical markets
through “bootstrapping“technique there has to be a positive correlation.
1.6 Objectives of the study
 The basic objective of this study is to analyze spot price volatility in commodity
market and Mandi price volatility in physical market.
 To understand the relationship between spot price volatility in the commodity
market and compare it with the physical market price volatility.
Commodity market
There was a significant upsurge in prices of some of the agri-commodities from the middle of
2006 to the first quarter of 2007, though the contribution of agricultural commodities,
particularly ‘food grains’, in WPI inflation was small due to relatively low weight. This spurt in
prices of essential commodities and increasing inflation was, according to one school of thought,
caused by the excess speculation in commodity futures trade and had become an issue of concern
for the government as well as people. In response to the public outcry against futures markets
and their perceived role in causing inflationary trends in the prices of essential commodities, on
January 23, 2007, the FMC de-listed two commodities - urad and tur, both pulses from trading
on futures exchanges out of concern about rising food prices which was perceived as caused by
speculation in the futures markets. Later, on February 27, 2007, FMC limited the trading in
wheat and rice futures to squaring off until the expiration of running contracts, for similar
reasons. Essential commodities impact of commodity futures on spot price volatility, to
understand the problems in physical delivery procedure and farmers and traders views on
commodity futures trading.
The world production of wheat figures over 680 million tons (2009-10 figures)
annually. The largest producer of wheat in the world is the European Union followed by China,
India and United States of America. These four producers contribute to around 60% of the total
production. The consumption of wheat in the world is a huge 650 million tons (2009-10 figures)
but is successfully kept satisfied with an equally high production figures.

India produces around 75-80 million tons of wheat every year. India also stands at the top in the
world in terms of area covered in production of wheat. Uttar Pradesh is the leading producer
state in India followed by Punjab and Haryana. Wheat occupies a major share of 35% production
in the total production of crops cultivated and 65% of total cropped area in the country. This
share in production and area covered of the crop has increased since independence and is also
constantly rising. The yield of wheat in kilograms per hectare has also risen significantly from
522 kg/ha in 1950/51 to 1620kg/ha in 1998/99.

Indian wheat is generally medium hard bread wheat. It is a staple food of this country. The
demand-supply flows with in the country are largely interfered by the government of the country
so as to make sure that the grain supplies be stable and prices do not get affected.
The ban was lifted after the wheat prices in the country became stable by 2009, as also
because various studies revealed that futures markets could not be held responsible for creating
inflationary pressures in the economy (Sharma 2009). Interestingly, the ban on futures trading in
rice has not yet been lifted, despite the fact that futures trading in wheat and rice were banned on
the same day when the Union Budget for 2007-08 was presented. The reason given is that rice,
as a commodity, might not succeed in the futures market in attracting either trading volume or
open interests, so as to enable the futures platform to perform the functions of price discovery
and price risk management.
Wheat price risks include
. Increase in purchase cost vis-à-vis commitment on sales price
. Decrease in sales price at the time of harvest / arrival pressure
. Change in value of inventory
. Counterparty party risk translating into commodity price risk

National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX) is an online multi commodity
exchange  promoted by ICICI Bank Limited (ICICI Bank), Life Insurance Corporation of India
(LIC), National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) and National Stock
Exchange of India Limited (NSE). NCDEX is the only commodity exchange in the country
promoted by national level institutions.  It is likely to provide a world-class commodity exchange
platform for market participants to trade in a wide spectrum of commodity derivatives driven by
best global practices, professionalism and transparency. NCDEX is located in Mumbai and offers
facilities to its members in about 91 cities throughout India
The primary function of NCDEX is to provide a electronic online trading platform where the
wheat growers, traders, arthiyas, commission agents, exporters, millers, bread manufacturers will
act on his or her wheat knowledge can make bids and asks.
Spot Price Dissemination

The exchange will be disseminating the spot prices for Wheat three times a day from the
locations given below to its trader workstation, its website and to various data vendors like

Priority center - Delhi

Non-priority centers Kanpur, Khanna,
Karnal, Kota and Indore.

The exchange will be polling/calling up randomly 25 market participants from a panel of 40

market participants and ask them for the prices twice daily. Then after collecting the raw prices,
the exchange will carry out a process called bootstrapping. NCDEX has outsourced the spot
price polling to CMIE (Center for Monitoring of Indian Economy).

Volatility - A statistical measure of a market or a security's price movements over time and is
calculated by using standard deviation. Associated with high volatility is a high degree of risk.

In the spot market, prices can be affected by current supply and demand, which tends to make
the prices more volatile. Another factor that affects spot market prices is whether the
commodity is perishable or non-perishable. A non-perishable commodity such as gold or silver
will sell at a price which reflects future price movements.
3.1 Type of Research

The type of research design for the study :- Descriptive

In this case, the focus is on to compare and analyse the spot price of commodity with physical
market’s modal price. The term descriptive research refers to the type of research question,
design, and data analysis that will be applied to a given topic. Descriptive statistics tell what is,
while inferential statistics try to determine cause and effect. Descriptive studies report summary
data such as measures of central tendency including the mean, median, mode, deviance from the
mean, variation, percentage, and correlation between variables.

3.2 Sample size

Wheat trading was banned in commodity market on march 2007.Wheat trading was resumed
back on 21st may 2009 after a gap of 2 years. The sample size is selected from Jan 2010 to Dec
2010. Wheats Spot price is obtained from WWW.NCDEX.COM and wheats physical market
price is obtained from WWW.AGMARKNET.NIC.IN

3.3 Sample Description

As stated earlier, the daily Spot price data have been obtained from the NCDEX website
( for the period from Jan 2010, to Dec 2010. For all wheat contracts at
NCDEX, the delivery centre is Delhi. On the other hand, the physical market data for the
corresponding period have been obtained from the website of Directorate of Marketing and
Information, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India ( The physical
market considered in this case is the Narela Mandi in Delhi. The reasons for the selection of
Narela Mandi in Delhi, for this analysis, is more than one. First, the only delivery centre for the
NCDEX wheat futures contract is Delhi. The reason for this might be that Delhi is a major centre
for wheat trading, with the adjoining states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana being the
largest wheat producing states of the country. Second, Narela Mandi has the highest trading
volume in Delhi, and its price is often considered as an “indicator price” in India. The variety of
wheat considered is the Mexican variety, which is the basis variety in NCDEX contract,
considering the quality characteristics. The Mexican variety is produced more ubiquitously in
For the purpose of comparison of spot price and mandi price similar dates have been taken into
consideration. The modal price is determined in case of Mandi price as modal price reflects the
most frequently quoted price, and normalizes the range.

Date Time Price

3.4 Collection of Data
1-Feb-10 16:15:00 1379.15
Spot Price of Wheat collected from
2-Feb-10 15:19:00 1387.3
Date Time Price NCDEX website for
2-Jan-10 12:41:00 1406.15 3-Feb-10 15:16:00 1378.05
period of
4-Jan-10 15:26:00 1426.25
5-Jan-10 15:22:00 1419.8 January to 4-Feb-10 15:19:00 1379.8
6-Jan-10 15:31:00 1389.2
7-Jan-10 15:24:00 1387.5 December 2010 5-Feb-10 15:27:00 1372.5
8-Jan-10 15:26:00 1387.5 Spot price for month
6-Feb-10 12:14:00 1376.45
9-Jan-10 12:24:00 1403.55
11-Jan- of Jan Spot
8-Feb-10 15:16:00 1374.85
10 15:15:00 1411.35
price for month of Feb
10 15:20:00 1425 9-Feb-10 15:48:00 1375.4
10 15:31:00 1436.45 10-Feb-10 15:14:00 1361.55
10 15:24:00 1454.7 11-Feb-10 15:26:00 1359.05
10 15:19:00 1428.25 13-Feb-10 12:16:00 1362.9
10 12:13:00 1421.9 15-Feb-10 15:17:00 1357.5
10 12:15:00 1392.5 16-Feb-10 15:15:00 1358.35
10 15:20:00 1389.75 17-Feb-10 15:21:00 1357.5
10 16:03:00 1383.55 18-Feb-10 15:23:00 1362.5
10 15:24:00 1376.5 19-Feb-10 15:20:00 1364.4
10 15:19:00 1372.5 20-Feb-10 12:17:00 1367.7
10 12:12:00 1372.2 22-Feb-10 15:28:00 1370.8
10 15:40:00 1362.5 23-Feb-10 15:16:00 1364
10 15:28:00 1358.75 24-Feb-10 15:22:00 1361.95
10 15:18:00 1360.95 25-Feb-10 15:29:00 1356.25
10 15:31:00 1363.2 26-Feb-10 15:29:00 1349.9
10 12:20:00 1364.9 27-Feb-10 12:23:00 1329.75
Date Time Price Date Time Price
2-Mar-10 15:26:00 1315 1-Apr-10 15:13:00 1150
3-Mar-10 15:42:00 1280.85 3-Apr-10 12:29:00 1150
4-Mar-10 15:22:00 1268.6 5-Apr-10 15:02:00 1117
5-Mar-10 15:14:00 1265.7 6-Apr-10 15:07:00 1095
6-Mar-10 12:13:00 1272.7 7-Apr-10 15:01:00 1098.35
8-Mar-10 15:20:00 1253.5 Spot price for
8-Apr-10 15:33:00 1113.35
9-Mar-10 15:18:00 1231.7 month of Mar 9-Apr-10 15:41:00 1105.65 Spot
10-Mar- 10-Apr-
10 15:32:00 1228.45 price for month of 10 12:10:00 1107.85 Apr
11-Mar- 12-Apr-
10 15:27:00 1229.5 10 15:20:00 1110
12-Mar- 13-Apr-
10 15:23:00 1225.85 10 15:32:00 1113.4
13-Mar- 15-Apr-
10 12:18:00 1239.85 10 15:38:00 1102.9
15-Mar- 16-Apr-
10 15:29:00 1240.55 10 15:16:00 1102.5
16-Mar- 17-Apr-
10 15:21:00 1244 10 12:18:00 1100.4
17-Mar- 19-Apr-
10 15:24:00 1247.5 10 15:16:00 1109.4
18-Mar- 20-Apr-
10 15:30:00 1247.5 10 16:14:00 1112.5
19-Mar- 21-Apr-
10 15:52:00 1243.65 10 15:20:00 1111.3
20-Mar- 22-Apr-
10 12:20:00 1246.25 10 15:16:00 1111.65
22-Mar- 23-Apr-
10 15:24:00 1240.85 10 15:23:00 1117.5
23-Mar- 24-Apr-
10 15:20:00 1227.5 10 12:19:00 1121.5
24-Mar- 26-Apr-
10 15:15:00 1218.05 10 15:17:00 1128.5
25-Mar- 27-Apr-
10 15:26:00 1217.5 10 15:16:00 1126.45
26-Mar- 28-Apr-
10 15:25:00 1205.65 10 15:19:00 1126.35
27-Mar- 29-Apr-
10 11:58:00 1201.55 10 15:21:00 1125
29-Mar- 30-Apr-
10 15:17:00 1186.4 10 15:13:00 1126.15
10 16:24:00 1147.5
10 15:19:00 1145
Date Time Price Date Time Price
3-May-10 15:18:00 1130.9 1-Jun-10 15:10:00 1232.5
4-May-10 15:15:00 1131.65 2-Jun-10 15:02:00 1237.15
5-May-10 15:18:00 1131.25 3-Jun-10 15:12:00 1244
6-May-10 15:27:00 1130.5 4-Jun-10 15:15:00 1243.65
7-May-10 15:15:00 1127.6 5-Jun-10 12:14:00 1240
8-May-10 12:05:00 1126.25 7-Jun-10 15:16:00 1242.5
10-May- 8-Jun-10 15:01:00 1245
10 15:26:00 1121.15
9-Jun-10 15:02:00 1248.65
Spot price for month 10-Jun-10 15:02:00 1252.45
10 15:18:00 1122.2
12-May- 11-Jun-10 15:17:00 1261.15
of May 12-Jun-10 12:03:00 1265
10 15:25:00 1126.3
13-May- Spot price for month 14-Jun-10 15:03:00 1256.2
10 15:16:00 1135.65 15-Jun-10 15:39:00 1255.35
14-May- of Jun 16-Jun-10 15:35:00 1251.9
10 15:00:00 1145.4 17-Jun-10 15:33:00 1250
15-May- 18-Jun-10 16:17:00 1246.45
10 12:40:00 1145 19-Jun-10 12:38:00 1244.9
17-May- 21-Jun-10 15:35:00 1246.75
10 16:26:00 1162.65
22-Jun-10 15:33:00 1246.75
10 15:14:00 1180.05 23-Jun-10 15:42:00 1242.45
19-May- 24-Jun-10 15:44:00 1238.45
10 15:28:00 1183.5 25-Jun-10 15:35:00 1238.25
20-May- 26-Jun-10 12:32:00 1236.25
10 16:01:00 1180 28-Jun-10 15:16:00 1221.8
21-May- 29-Jun-10 15:13:00 1207.5
10 15:19:00 1188.75 30-Jun-10 15:16:00 1212.5
10 12:02:00 1195
10 15:14:00 1200
10 15:27:00 1191.35
10 15:14:00 1193.7
10 16:17:00 1210.9
10 13:06:00 1232.5
10 15:05:00 1233.95
Date Time Price
1-Jul-10 15:25:00 1230 Date Time Price
2-Jul-10 15:18:00 1231.25 2-Aug-10 15:36:00 1230.7
3-Jul-10 12:19:00 1231.25 3-Aug-10 15:39:00 1228.1
5-Jul-10 15:13:00 1231.65 4-Aug-10 15:16:00 1230.7
6-Jul-10 15:18:00 1233.85 5-Aug-10 15:11:00 1231.1
7-Jul-10 15:15:00 1236.9 6-Aug-10 15:50:00 1233.15
8-Jul-10 15:06:00 1229.25 7-Aug-10 12:21:00 1234.15
9-Jul-10 15:05:00 1230 9-Aug-10 15:22:00 1232.5
10-Jul- 10-Aug-
10 12:10:00 1232.4 10 15:12:00 1231.15
12-Jul- 11-Aug-
10 15:19:00 1226.5 10 15:16:00 1232.4
13-Jul- 12-Aug-
10 15:02:00 1227.3 10 15:18:00 1232.85
14-Jul- 13-Aug-
10 15:16:00 1230 10 15:10:00 1235
15-Jul- 14-Aug-
10 15:15:00 1227.5 10 12:10:00 1235.35
16-Jul- Spot price for 16-Aug-
10 15:12:00 1230.4 10 15:16:00 1233.9
17-Jul- month of Jul 17-Aug- Spot
10 12:11:00 1231.6 10 15:18:00 1232.5
price for month of Aug
19-Jul- 18-Aug-
10 15:16:00 1230 10 15:18:00 1234.25
20-Jul- 19-Aug-
10 16:18:00 1235 10 15:19:00 1232.5
21-Jul- 20-Aug-
10 15:16:00 1236.75 10 15:50:00 1235.05
22-Jul- 21-Aug-
10 15:17:00 1235.35 10 12:16:00 1235.7
23-Jul- 23-Aug-
10 15:15:00 1235.75 10 15:11:00 1236.15
24-Jul- 24-Aug-
10 12:06:00 1230.65 10 15:20:00 1237.85
26-Jul- 25-Aug-
10 15:01:00 1233.4 10 15:16:00 1235
27-Jul- 26-Aug-
10 15:15:00 1231.8 10 15:12:00 1235
28-Jul- 27-Aug-
10 15:15:00 1231.3 10 15:14:00 1235.1
29-Jul- 28-Aug-
10 15:19:00 1230 10 12:13:00 1233.5
30-Jul- 30-Aug-
10 15:21:00 1230 10 15:16:00 1230.45
31-Jul- 31-Aug-
10 12:20:00 1228.25 10 15:11:00 1229.35
1-Sep-10 15:16:00 1225.75

2-Sep-10 15:30:00 1224

3-Sep-10 16:06:00 1213.7

4-Sep-10 12:12:00 1212.5

6-Sep-10 15:02:00 1227.1

7-Sep-10 15:01:00 1228.75

8-Sep-10 15:01:00 1219.4

9-Sep-10 15:01:00 1223.15

13-Sep-10 15:01:00 1230.6

14-Sep-10 15:01:00 1226.75

15-Sep-10 16:01:00 1229.5

Spot price for month
1-Oct-10 15:16:00 1246.15
16-Sep-10 15:01:00 1227.5 of Sep 4-Oct-10 15:02:00 1245.1
5-Oct-10 15:16:00 1245.45
17-Sep-10 15:02:00 1232.5 Spot price for month
6-Oct-10 15:34:00 1245
of Oct 7-Oct-10 15:02:00 1247.5
18-Sep-10 12:02:00 1237.85
8-Oct-10 15:13:00 1251.05
20-Sep-10 16:18:00 1244.25 9-Oct-10 12:37:00 1251.95
11-Oct-10 15:33:00 1261.25
21-Sep-10 15:00:00 1249 12-Oct-10 15:23:00 1261.2
13-Oct-10 15:34:00 1264.05
22-Sep-10 15:03:00 1251.25 15-Oct-10 15:22:00 1271.45
16-Oct-10 12:13:00 1272.5
23-Sep-10 15:00:00 1251.05 18-Oct-10 15:32:00 1278.4
19-Oct-10 15:16:00 1280.65
24-Sep-10 15:02:00 1250 20-Oct-10 15:57:00 1273
21-Oct-10 15:26:00 1273.1
25-Sep-10 12:11:00 1249.5
22-Oct-10 15:06:00 1267.2
23-Oct-10 12:21:00 1265.65
27-Sep-10 15:00:00 1238.6
25-Oct-10 15:48:00 1262.5
28-Sep-10 15:01:00 1241.5 26-Oct-10 15:17:00 1266
27-Oct-10 15:25:00 1265.7
29-Sep-10 15:19:00 1241.55 28-Oct-10 15:12:00 1266
29-Oct-10 15:10:00 1262.5
30-Sep-10 15:00:00 1243.4 30-Oct-10 12:23:00 1261.75
1-Dec-10 15:32:00 1296.35
2-Dec-10 15:24:00 1295.25
3-Dec-10 15:30:00 1292.5
1-Nov-10 15:05:00 1248 4-Dec-10 12:22:00 1291.5
2-Nov-10 15:15:00 1247.5 6-Dec-10 15:28:00 1287.5
3-Nov-10 15:01:00 1247.5 7-Dec-10 15:21:00 1288.75
4-Nov-10 15:23:00 1258.6 8-Dec-10 15:23:00 1292.5
8-Nov-10 15:35:00 1264.1 9-Dec-10 15:25:00 1296.75
9-Nov-10 15:24:00 1266.7 10-Dec-10 15:34:00 1296.8
10-Nov-10 15:24:00 1268.75 Spot price for 11-Dec-10 12:36:00 1300.65
11-Nov-10 15:28:00 1272.5 month of Nov 13-Dec-10 15:35:00 1302.5
12-Nov-10 15:25:00 1277.5 14-Dec-10 15:35:00 1300.9
13-Nov-10 12:25:00 1273.65 Spot price for 15-Dec-10 15:36:00 1301.6
15-Nov-10 15:26:00 1292.35 month of Dec 16-Dec-10 15:28:00 1306
16-Nov-10 15:23:00 1294.75 17-Dec-10 15:36:00 1312.1
18-Nov-10 15:22:00 1296.85 18-Dec-10 12:29:00 1311.05
19-Nov-10 16:40:00 1297.5 20-Dec-10 15:41:00 1311.15
20-Nov-10 12:17:00 1300.85 21-Dec-10 15:29:00 1311.5
22-Nov-10 15:19:00 1297.5 22-Dec-10 15:32:00 1311.9
23-Nov-10 15:43:00 1290.9 23-Dec-10 15:30:00 1311
24-Nov-10 15:22:00 1290.05 24-Dec-10 15:30:00 1310.25
25-Nov-10 15:42:00 1292.15 27-Dec-10 16:04:00 1312.5
26-Nov-10 15:26:00 1296.35 28-Dec-10 15:26:00 1312.5
27-Nov-10 12:25:00 1296.4 29-Dec-10 15:30:00 1316.25
29-Nov-10 15:26:00 1297.3 30-Dec-10 15:23:00 1313
30-Nov-10 15:19:00 1296.55 31-Dec-10 15:31:00 1313.5
Modal price of wheat collected from for Narela Mandi
from January to December 2010

 Date Wise Prices for Specified Commodity on  January, 2010

Commodity :  Wheat, State : NCT of Delhi

NR : Not Reported
Arrivals Minimum Maximum Modal
Arrival Date (Tonnes Variety Price(Rs./Quin Price(Rs./Quintal Price(Rs./Quintal
) tal) ) )
Narela 1/1/2010 59.6 Mexican 1302 1412 1380
  2/1/2010 65 Mexican 1275 1408 1388
  3/1/2010 37.5 Mexican 1325 1416 1402
  4/1/2010 11.8 Mexican 1390 1418 1410
  5/1/2010 32.5 Mexican 1381 1447 1410
  7/1/2010 81.1 Mexican 1330 1448 1365
  8/1/2010 31.1 Mexican 1351 1450 1385
  9/1/2010 47.5 Mexican 1340 1480 1380
  10/1/2010 48.1 Mexican 1421 1451 1435
  11/1/2010 50.2 Mexican 1341 1425 1382
  12/1/2010 33.1 Mexican 1351 1460 1435
  14/01/2010 17.6 Mexican 1425 1455 1431
  15/01/2010 52.5 Mexican 1200 1505 1425
  16/01/2010 72.7 Mexican 1395 1480 1420
  17/01/2010 47.5 Mexican 1340 1480 1380
  18/01/2010 38.5 Mexican 1300 1425 1412
  19/01/2010 50.3 Mexican 1396 1453 1410
  21/01/2010 22.6 Mexican 1345 1450 1400
  22/01/2010 31.1 Mexican 1341 1441 1378
  23/01/2010 27.4 Mexican 1281 1401 1394
  24/01/2010 34.4 Mexican 1300 1461 1345
  25/01/2010 41.1 Mexican 1248 1452 1386
  28/01/2010 29 Mexican 1201 1400 1335
  29/01/2010 50.5 Mexican 1300 1400 1330
  30/01/2010 47.9 Mexican 1293 1448 1330
  31/01/2010 81.7 Mexican 1262 1431 1431

Date Wise Prices for Specified Commodity on  February, 2010

Commodity :  Wheat, State : NCT of Delhi
NR : Not Reported
Arrivals Minimum Maximum Modal
Marke Arrival
(Tonne Variety Price(Rs./Quint Price(Rs./Quintal Price(Rs./Quintal
t Date
s) al) ) )

Narela 1/2/2010 50.6 Mexican 1311 1416 1335

  2/2/2010 54.8 Mexican 1201 1388 1351
  4/2/2010 36.9 Mexican 1290 1435 1350
  5/2/2010 72.4 Mexican 1231 1461 1361
  6/2/2010 177.5 Deshi 2018 2118 2118
      Mexican 1271 1591 1360
  7/2/2010 72 Mexican 1300 1440 1360
  8/2/2010 55.8 Mexican 1290 1390 1341
  9/2/2010 10.1 Mexican 1305 1351 1325
  11/2/2010 29.6 Mexican 1269 1400 1321
  12/2/2010 52 Mexican 1315 1419 1325
  13/02/2010 35 Mexican 1295 1451 1324
  14/02/2010 91.9 Mexican 1288 1431 1333
  15/02/2010 37.8 Mexican 1230 1381 1320
  16/02/2010 9.5 Mexican 1125 1386 1340
  18/02/2010 90.3 Deshi 1600 1600 1600
      Mexican 1305 1374 1323
  19/02/2010 90.6 Mexican 1289 1345 1328
  20/02/2010 68.3 Mexican 1249 1386 1337
  21/02/2010 115.9 Mexican 1305 1375 1328
  22/02/2010 133.9 Mexican 1280 1375 1318
  23/02/2010 37.2 Mexican 1276 1444 1320
  25/02/2010 66 Mexican 1131 1379 1314
  26/02/2010 38 Mexican 1271 1369 1290
  27/02/2010 32.8 Mexican 1268 1315 1292
  28/02/2010 247.4 Mexican 1265 1266 1266
Date Wise Prices for Specified Commodity on  March, 2010
Commodity :  Wheat, State : NCT of Delhi
NR : Not Reported

Arrivals Minimum Maximum Modal

Market Arrival Date (Tonnes Variety Price(Rs./Q Price(Rs./Quint Price(Rs./Quintal
) uintal) al) )

Narela 2/3/2010 37.8 Deshi 2130 2130 2130

    37.8 Mexican 1191 1324 1275
  4/3/2010 37.8 Mexican 1201 1386 1224
  5/3/2010 37.8 Mexican 1150 1265 1222
  6/3/2010 37.8 Mexican 1128 1354 1218
  7/3/2010 37.8 Mexican 1026 1300 1228
  8/3/2010 37.8 Mexican 1131 1280 1200
  9/3/2010 37.8 Mexican 1100 1252 1169
  11/3/2010 37.8 Mexican 1071 1230 1190
  12/3/2010 37.8 Mexican 1086 1291 1195
  13/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1011 1275 1190
  14/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1100 1262 1200
  15/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1075 1259 1205
  16/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1130 1278 1200
  18/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1136 1265 1210
  19/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1047 1300 1235
  20/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1190 1240 1212
  21/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1152 1334 1215
  22/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1168 1271 1231
  23/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1171 1240 1215
  25/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1099 1236 1200
  26/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1033 1303 1210
  27/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1042 1251 1201
  28/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1171 1292 1200
  29/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1037 1250 1165
  30/03/2010 37.8 Mexican 1080 1236 1200
Date Wise Prices for Specified Commodity on April, 2010
Commodity :  Wheat, State : NCT of Delhi
NR : Not Reported
Arrivals Minimum Maximum Modal
Market Arrival Date (Tonnes Variety Price(Rs./Qui Price(Rs./Qui Price(Rs./Qui
) ntal) ntal) ntal)
Narela 1/4/2010 149.5 Mexican 1026 1221 1095
  2/4/2010 195 Mexican 1030 1218 1176
  3/4/2010 141 Mexican 1021 1142 1095
  4/4/2010 168.5 Mexican 1070 1209 1090
  5/4/2010 291.5 Mexican 1011 1180 1100
  6/4/2010 728.5 Mexican 1045 1112 1100
  8/4/2010 1560.5 Mexican 990 1182 1100
  9/4/2010 1393 Mexican 1000 1190 1100
  10/4/2010 344 Mexican 991 1160 1103
  11/4/2010 463.7 Deshi 1700 1950 1950
      Mexican 900 1130 1102
  12/4/2010 2270 Mexican 1051 1131 1100
  13/04/2010 556 Deshi 1600 2000 2000
      Mexican 972 1135 1101
  15/04/2010 1183.5 Mexican 1070 1250 1101
  16/04/2010 1060.8 Deshi 1700 1700 1700
      Mexican 1040 1168 1100
  17/04/2010 1355.9 Deshi 1591 1825 1825
      Mexican 1015 1162 1100
  18/04/2010 1281 Deshi 1650 1650 1650
      Mexican 1040 1181 1100
  19/04/2010 1264 Deshi 1650 1650 1650
      Mexican 1045 1216 1100
  20/04/2010 1532 Deshi 1600 1825 1825
      Mexican 1050 1200 1100
  22/04/2010 1641.9 Deshi 1701 1800 1800
      Mexican 1050 1162 1111
  23/04/2010 1052.7 Deshi 1500 1500 1500
      Mexican 1061 1300 1116
  24/04/2010 823.2 Deshi 1670 1845 1845
      Mexican 1072 1401 1121
  25/04/2010 818.5 Deshi 1900 1900 1900
      Mexican 1050 1421 1140
  26/04/2010 1082.5 Mexican 1065 1376 1141
  27/04/2010 1185 Mexican 1000 1375 1135
  29/04/2010 1196.5 Mexican 1010 1268 1120
  30/04/2010 1062 Mexican 1050 1280 1115

Date Wise Prices for Specified Commodity on  May, 2010

Commodity :  Wheat, State : NCT of Delhi

NR : Not Reported

Minimum Maximum Modal

Market Arrival Date Variety Price(Rs./Quin Price(Rs./Quint Price(Rs./Quint
tal) al) al)

 Narela 1/5/2010 980.5 Mexican 1005 1235 1135

  2/5/2010 948.5 Mexican 1000 1325 1130
  3/5/2010 1240.5 Mexican 1000 1232 1131
  4/5/2010 1161.5 Deshi 1600 1600 1600
      Mexican 1085 1362 1135
  6/5/2010 1572.9 Mexican 1040 1232 1135
  7/5/2010 1045.6 Mexican 1035 1191 1135
  8/5/2010 869 Mexican 1000 1232 1140
  9/5/2010 969.5 Deshi 1400 1400 1400
      Mexican 1031 1400 1131
  10/5/2010 1280.1 Mexican 1085 1253 1135
  11/5/2010 575.3 Mexican 1040 1319 1125
  13/05/2010 1382.7 Mexican 1010 1215 1125
  14/05/2010 687.4 Mexican 1091 1275 1135
  15/05/2010 671.1 Mexican 1070 1190 1145
  16/05/2010 554.4 Mexican 1080 1224 1145
  17/05/2010 469 Mexican 1111 1212 1145
  18/05/2010 580.5 Mexican 1122 1265 1170
  20/05/2010 788.5 Mexican 1138 1220 1165
  21/05/2010 469.3 Mexican 1111 1235 1170
  22/05/2010 691.7 Mexican 1050 1293 1180
  23/05/2010 612 Mexican 1090 1311 1190
  24/05/2010 614.5 Mexican 1135 1245 1195
  25/05/2010 551.5 Mexican 1110 1210 1187
  27/05/2010 459 Mexican 1085 1295 1180
  28/05/2010 702.4 Mexican 1130 1291 1191
  29/05/2010 473.5 Deshi 1773 1823 1823
      Mexican 1155 1280 1210
  30/05/2010 422.5 Mexican 1125 1301 1220
  31/05/2010 573.4 Mexican 1085 1350 1215

Date Wise Prices for Specified Commodity on  June, 2010
Commodity :  Wheat, State : NCT of Delhi
NR : Not Reported
Minimum Maximum Modal
Marke als
Arrival Date Variety Price(Rs./Quint Price(Rs./Quintal Price(Rs./Quint
t (Tonn
al) ) al)
Narela 1/6/2010 451.3 Mexican 1075 1250 1220
  3/6/2010 531.9 Mexican 1115 1340 1218
  4/6/2010 314 Mexican 1115 1292 1220
  5/6/2010 419.4 Mexican 1110 1269 1230
  6/6/2010 398.5 Mexican 1050 1274 1225
  7/6/2010 331.9 Mexican 1140 1255 1215
  8/6/2010 548.9 Mexican 1191 1239 1230
  10/6/2010 685.9 Mexican 1091 1342 1230
  11/6/2010 561.9 Mexican 1190 1293 1240
  12/6/2010 86 Mexican 1170 1321 1240
  13/06/2010 384.9 Mexican 1177 1277 1248
  14/06/2010 432 Mexican 1075 1295 1245
  15/06/2010 464.1 Mexican 1175 1307 1255
  17/06/2010 834.7 Mexican 1151 1302 1245
  18/06/2010 543.3 Mexican 1000 1274 1240
  19/06/2010 580 Mexican 1170 1350 1246
  20/06/2010 718.7 Mexican 1065 1255 1240
  21/06/2010 458.3 Mexican 1140 1248 1245
  22/06/2010 404.2 Mexican 1170 1292 1245
  24/06/2010 859.3 Mexican 1100 1292 1240
  25/06/2010 448.6 Mexican 1100 1240 1231
  26/06/2010 519.1 Mexican 1140 1268 1237
  27/06/2010 337.9 Deshi 1845 1895 1895
      Mexican 1130 1245 1230
  28/06/2010 259 Mexican 1145 1245 1225
  29/06/2010 181.5 Mexican 1110 1261 1218

Date Wise Prices for Specified Commodity on  July, 2010
Commodity :  Wheat, State : NCT of Delhi

NR : Not Reported
Minimum Maximum Modal
Market Arrival Date Variety Price(Rs./Q Price(Rs./Quintal Price(Rs./Quintal
uintal) ) )
Narela 1/7/2010 352.1 Mexican 1121 1240 1214
  2/7/2010 379 Mexican 1160 1227 1215
  3/7/2010 561.5 Mexican 1125 1245 1170
  4/7/2010 33 Mexican 1140 1216 1200
  6/7/2010 104.5 Mexican 1190 1241 1217
  8/7/2010 68 Mexican 1170 1221 1200
  9/7/2010 146.2 Mexican 1125 1270 1170
  10/7/2010 84 Mexican 1125 1281 1170
  11/7/2010 109.5 Mexican 1110 1270 1200
  12/7/2010 163 Mexican 1140 1236 1170
  13/07/2010 135.5 Mexican 1050 1215 1190
  15/07/2010 282.2 Mexican 1065 1264 1215
  16/07/2010 352 Mexican 1150 1245 1170
  17/07/2010 113 Mexican 1065 1250 1215
  18/07/2010 224.6 Mexican 1142 1235 1215
  19/07/2010 46.8 Mexican 1141 1332 1205
  20/07/2010 26 Mexican 1155 1230 1155
  22/07/2010 102 Mexican 1075 1201 1175
  23/07/2010 66 Mexican 1135 1210 1180
  24/07/2010 179.4 Mexican 1111 1224 1190
  25/07/2010 81 Mexican 1165 1270 1190
  26/07/2010 91 Mexican 1140 1238 1188
  27/07/2010 45 Mexican 1065 1194 1065
  30/07/2010 131.5 Mexican 1080 1250 1192
  31/07/2010 64.5 Mexican 1065 1226 1168
Date Wise Prices for Specified Commodity on  August, 2010
Commodity :  Wheat, State : NCT of Delhi
NR : Not Reported
Minimum Maximum Modal
Market Arrival Date Variety Price(Rs./Qui Price(Rs./Qui Price(Rs./Quin
ntal) ntal) tal)
Narela 1/8/2010 75 Mexican 1100 1201 1185
  2/8/2010 38 Mexican 1101 1209 1203
  3/8/2010 116.5 Mexican 1100 1218 1195
  5/8/2010 103 Mexican 1075 1205 1190
  6/8/2010 60 Mexican 1105 1216 1185
  7/8/2010 49 Mexican 1121 1239 1200
  8/8/2010 53 Mexican 1165 1258 1200
  9/8/2010 113 Mexican 1122 1242 1200
  10/8/2010 96.5 Mexican 1070 1231 1200
  12/8/2010 5 Mexican 1100 1100 1100
  13/08/2010 84.5 Mexican 1100 1210 1200
  14/08/2010 65.5 Mexican 1065 1200 1190
  16/08/2010 101 Mexican 1100 1230 1180
  17/08/2010 66.5 Mexican 1100 1250 1190
  19/08/2010 37.5 Mexican 1170 1217 1205
  20/08/2010 4.5 Mexican 985 1180 1150
  21/08/2010 21 Mexican 1121 1210 1180
  22/08/2010 29.5 Mexican 1200 1295 1210
  23/08/2010 16.4 Mexican 1190 1190 1190
  24/08/2010 9 Mexican 1195 1195 1195
  26/08/2010 76 Mexican 1073 1219 1200
  27/08/2010 137 Mexican 1075 1251 1200
  28/08/2010 123 Mexican 1092 1255 1219
  29/08/2010 283 Mexican 1075 1235 1218
  30/08/2010 161 Mexican 1061 1256 1221
  31/08/2010 142 Mexican 1050 1235 1215
Date Wise Prices for Specified Commodity on  September, 2010
Commodity :  Wheat, State : NCT of Delhi

NR : Not Reported
Minimum Maximum Modal
Marke s
Arrival Date Variety Price(Rs./Q Price(Rs./Quintal Price(Rs./Quintal
t (Tonn
uintal) ) )
Narela 2/9/2010 50 Mexican 1140 1211 1200
  3/9/2010 60 Mexican 1017 1215 1190
  4/9/2010 140 Mexican 1145 1220 1200
  5/9/2010 83 Mexican 1130 1222 1200
  6/9/2010 78 Mexican 1165 1236 1221
  7/9/2010 138.5 Mexican 1061 1230 1190
  9/9/2010 28 Mexican 1110 1241 1199
  10/9/2010 NR Mexican 1115 1235 1200
  11/9/2010 48 Mexican 1185 1228 1210
  12/9/2010 35.5 Mexican 1180 1325 1195
  13/09/2010 43.5 Mexican 1160 1230 1210
  14/09/2010 52 Mexican 1150 1250 1221
  16/09/2010 201.5 Mexican 1070 1261 1235
  17/09/2010 253.5 Mexican 1150 1280 1225
  18/09/2010 170.5 Mexican 1143 1236 1225
  19/09/2010 42.5 Mexican 1150 1212 1211
  20/09/2010 69 Deshi 1550 1550 1550
      Mexican 1200 1221 1220
  21/09/2010 63 Mexican 1056 1262 1221
  23/09/2010 48 Mexican 1125 1241 1220
  24/09/2010 143.5 Mexican 1070 1259 1220
  25/09/2010 200 Mexican 1130 1271 1220
  26/09/2010 222.5 Mexican 1085 1266 1215
  27/09/2010 204.5 Mexican 1126 1248 1235
  28/09/2010 223.5 Mexican 1161 1238 1218
  30/09/2010 120.3 Mexican 1125 1275 1210
Date Wise Prices for Specified Commodity on  October, 2010
Commodity :  Wheat, State : NCT of Delhi
NR : Not Reported
Minimum Maximum Modal
Market Arrival Date Variety Price(Rs./Quin Price(Rs./Quin Price(Rs./Quin
tal) tal) tal)
Narela 1/10/2010 100.2 Mexican 1121 1268 1240
  4/10/2010 276.5 Mexican 1084 1330 1230
  5/10/2010 218.3 Mexican 1100 1311 1239
  7/10/2010 199.5 Mexican 1106 1300 1240
  8/10/2010 234.1 Mexican 1132 1315 1240
  9/10/2010 103 Mexican 1160 1265 1235
  10/10/2010 138.8 Mexican 1100 1257 1252
  11/10/2010 115.6 Mexican 1170 1267 1250
  12/10/2010 134.6 Mexican 1031 1338 1250
  15/10/2010 291.9 Mexican 1200 1295 1264
  16/10/2010 173.8 Mexican 1155 1290 1260
  17/10/2010 145.4 Mexican 1140 1270 1258
  18/10/2010 131 Mexican 1061 1304 1260
  19/10/2010 124.6 Mexican 1101 1291 1265
  21/10/2010 186.6 Mexican 1125 1351 1268
  22/10/2010 203.6 Mexican 1060 1271 1250
  23/10/2010 140.9 Mexican 1180 1262 1251
  25/10/2010 224.9 Mexican 1100 1270 1200
  26/10/2010 178.4 Mexican 1110 1270 1258
  28/10/2010 141.5 Mexican 1099 1260 1240
  29/10/2010 117.2 Mexican 1100 1300 1250
  30/10/2010 103.7 Mexican 1180 1305 1225
  31/10/2010 112.5 Mexican 1128 1300 1245
Date Wise Prices for Specified Commodity on  November, 2010
Commodity :  Wheat, State : NCT of Delhi
NR : Not Reported
Minimum Maximum Modal
Market Arrival Date Variety Price(Rs./Qui Price(Rs./Qui Price(Rs./Qui
ntal) ntal) ntal)
Narela 1/11/2010 116.8 Mexican 1100 1361 1225
  2/11/2010 87.1 Mexican 1162 1260 1246
  4/11/2010 130.4 Mexican 1100 1269 1240
  5/11/2010 NR Mexican 1180 1280 1234
  6/11/2010 41.7 Mexican 1150 1280 1253
  7/11/2010 92.3 Mexican 1100 1301 1250
  8/11/2010 81.2 Mexican 1116 1310 1262
  9/11/2010 86.2 Mexican 1131 1290 1250
  11/11/2010 137.1 Mexican 1151 1290 1260
  12/11/2010 117.5 Mexican 1140 1290 1270
  13/11/2010 115.6 Mexican 1220 1294 1284
  14/11/2010 184.9 Mexican 1110 1311 1275
  15/11/2010 147.9 Mexican 1125 1425 1275
  16/11/2010 111.6 Mexican 1230 1381 1281
  18/11/2010 121.1 Mexican 1160 1352 1294
  19/11/2010 130.3 Mexican 1111 1335 1304
  20/11/2010 156.7 Mexican 1162 1341 1300
  21/11/2010 225.1 Mexican 1150 1400 1300
  22/11/2010 166.1 Mexican 1101 1461 1296
  23/11/2010 114.6 Mexican 1151 1340 1293
  25/11/2010 95.1 Mexican 1115 1326 1290
  26/11/2010 147.9 Mexican 1175 1400 1300
  27/11/2010 120 Mexican 1150 1331 1294
  28/11/2010 222.4 Mexican 1171 1331 1290
  29/11/2010 104.7 Mexican 1101 1317 1290
  30/11/2010 186.9 Mexican 1152 1332 1285

Date Wise Prices for Specified Commodity on  December, 2010
Commodity :  Wheat, State : NCT of Delhi
NR : Not Reported
Arrivals Minimum Maximum Modal
Arrival Date (Tonnes Variety Price(Rs./Qui Price(Rs./Quintal Price(Rs./Quintal
) ntal) ) )
Narela 2/12/2010 252.7 Mexican 1100 1371 1280
  3/12/2010 166.2 Mexican 1110 1308 1270
  4/12/2010 146.5 Deshi 1950 1950 1950
      Mexican 1180 1326 1250
  5/12/2010 202.4 Mexican 1145 1291 1240
  6/12/2010 101.3 Mexican 1100 1275 1245
  7/12/2010 106.4 Mexican 1150 1301 1245
  9/12/2010 97.1 Mexican 1161 1289 1240
  10/12/2010 90.3 Mexican 1183 1277 1260
  11/12/2010 98.9 Mexican 1160 1290 1245
  12/12/2010 158.9 Deshi 2015 2115 2115
      Mexican 1150 1292 1280
  13/12/2010 126 Mexican 1131 1351 1280
  14/12/2010 82.2 Mexican 1151 1300 1280
  16/12/2010 93.3 Mexican 1225 1291 1284
  17/12/2010 97.2 Mexican 1191 1297 1290
  18/12/2010 161.4 Mexican 1201 1330 1290
  19/12/2010 173.5 Mexican 1200 1301 1290
  20/12/2010 171.5 Mexican 1200 1400 1290
  21/12/2010 82.8 Mexican 1131 1295 1290
  23/12/2010 130.3 Mexican 1220 1359 1290
  24/12/2010 103.9 Mexican 1260 1318 1292
  25/12/2010 131.4 Mexican 1200 1301 1293
  26/12/2010 120.4 Mexican 1250 1300 1293
  27/12/2010 81.3 Mexican 1260 1322 1290
  28/12/2010 94.3 Mexican 1262 1300 1290
  30/12/2010 53.9 Mexican 1170 1281 1280
  31/12/2010 54.9 Mexican 1215 1297 1295

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