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Work culture is the crucial glue that holds a company together against a tidal wave of

pressures and issues regarding work. Culture becomes vital for an organization as it

establishes a firm in terms of direction, values, and direction. A great work culture attracts

people who want to work or do business with an organization. Besides, culture is something

that can b used to keep a check on the attrition rate. It can urge employees to be more

productive and remain positive at work.

The matrix, ’Two Dimensions, Four Cultures’ classifies the work culture based on sociability

and solidarity.But after going through the readings, the in-class activity and the discussions

which followed in the class,I would say none of these cultures can be considered as the best

one. In fact each of the structures is appropriate for different and diverse industries.

As I worked in the development team in a financial firm, I would classify the firm as

mercenary. Some of the characteristics that I noticed in the organization which led to calling

the organization mercenary are mentioned below:

 Mostly the communications are work-oriented and goal-directed.

 People are more concerned about individual interests and opinions.

 People respond cohesively and quickly to an opportunity and threat in the


 Priorities and preferences are decided by the higher management and thereafter

enforced to the lower clutter of the organization.

 There is a clear daylight between work-life and social life.Besides,people prefer

working rather than socializing.

 Executives rarely fraternize outside the boundaries of the organization.In case the plan

to d,it is just during corporate functions.

 Poor performances are criticised and not well received.

But,I would also like to focus on the advantages and disadvantages.


 As the organization is work focussed,the work there is highly productive.

 Since there are fewer friendships within the organization,there is a sense of

competitiveness, and people are not reluctant to compete.


 Since employees are work-oriented at an individual level,chasing targets,they are not

very much comfortable to cooperate,share information or share or exchange ideas.

 If the goals differ then cooperation is less likely.

The driving force for innovation in an organization generally is the Research and

Development (R&D) department. Coming to an ambidextrous organization,it is permissible

to focus on innovation and R&D in order to be competitive and sustain in the market. The

larger organizations should adopt both exploration and exploitation strategies. An

ambidextrous structure helps the organization to perform more effectively and improve the

efficiency of the organization. However,on the flip side,the structure doesn’t seem to have

that much impact with smaller firms as that of larger firms

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